92 research outputs found

    Identification of Persons in the Video from Quadcopter

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    Cieľom tejto práce je vytvoriť aplikáciu, ktorá bude schopná rozpoznávať ľudí podľa tváre na základe vytvorenej databázy zo záznamov z drona. Databáza pozostáva z fotografií osôb, ktoré sa majú na videu identifikovať. Výstupom aplikácie je video, v ktorom sú hľadané osoby označené ich menom. Pri riešení práce bolo porovnaných niekoľko existujúcich metód, založených na neurónových sieťach, ktoré riešia detekciu tváre a rozpoznávanie tvárí. Vo finálnom riešení bol použitý detektor MTCNN spolu s extraktorom vektorov príznakov na základe ArcFace. Vytvorená multiplatformová aplikácia umožňuje rozpoznať osoby v záznamoch z drona aj pri šírke tváre menšej ako 20 pixelov. Celková funkčnosť aplikácie bola otestovaná na vlastnej dátovej sade pozostávajúcej zo záznamov z drona.The aim of this thesis is to make an application capable of recognizing people's faces based on a user-created database in drone footage. The database is made of pictures of people that should be identified in the footage. The output of this application is a video where the demanded people are labeled with their names. Some face detection and recognition state of the art solutions based on neural networks are compared in this work. The final solution consists of the MTCNN detector and a face embedding extractor based on ArcFace. The created multiplatform application allows to recognize people in drone footage even with face width of less than 20 pixels. The final solution was tested on a private dataset comprised of drone footage.

    Reordering of Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    Reordering of the chiral perturbation series, proposed recently by Becher and Leutwyler in the framework of SU(2) baryonic ChPT, is applied to the SU(3) case. This results in improved convergence of the chiral expansion of static properties of the lowest lying baryon octet, which in most cases is quite impressive. Finite renormalization of coupling constants and the role it plays in the interpretation of effective field theories is discussed. Some future tests of the viability of the scheme are proposed too.Comment: 9 pages, one reference adde

    Effect of flame weed control on various weed species at various developmental stages

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    ArticlePhysical methods of weed control as solarization, mulching, use of electricity, steam and flame are now an alternative in the organically grown crop. Flame weeder already has a wide range of practical use , particularly in the cultivation of vegetables in alternative form without any chemical treatment. Compared to chemical spraying, the use of flame weeder is more expensive, but we can compensate the costs by the added value of bioproducts. The issue of costs affects the wider use of the method in practice, but it may be offset by increased e fficiency of weed control. The correct parameters of flame weeder, such as burner angle, burner height, the gas pressure, speed of weeder as well as the growth stage of the weed, weed species, climate conditions etc., can increase the effectiveness of weed control. Field and laboratory tests carried out in Canada and Slovakia were aimed at verifying the influence of parameters on the effectiveness of flame weed control

    Looking back at Dušan Kerestúr´s half-century

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    Volatile combustible release in biofuels

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    ArticlePlant biomass consists of varied materials. Biomass is used for different purposes, but it is most frequently burnt in modern combustion devices for heat production. The quality of solid biofuels depends on the total content of combustibles while the volatile combustible content affects the combustion process. The aim of the paper is to determine the exact content of the biofuel components by the means of the gravimetric method – namely volatile combustible, ash and moisture content – and to evaluate the process of volatile combustible release as a function of temperature during the experiment. The device Nabertherm L9/11/SW/P330 type with accessory was used to carry out the experiments. Various biofuel samples were examined, namely wood (9 kinds), wood cuttings and wood chips (2 kinds), pellets (4 kinds), sawdust (1 kind), compared to less traditional fuels (DDGS and RME – 2 kinds) and wood coal (1 kind). The tables and graphs present the experimental results, which allow evaluation of the components content in different biofuels and provide characteristics of the process of volatile combustible release in analysed fuels. Spruce wood without bark showed the highest content of combustible (99.89%). Sawdust of fruit trees contains the highest proportion of volatile combustible (93.978%) and releases the combustible at the highest rate (15.25 mg h-1)

    Advanced Utilization of CISCO Technology

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    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o vysokorychlostním komunikačním systému CISCO, který se nachází v laboratoři SC5.35. V práci jsou navrženy celkem 3 laboratorní úlohy. První laboratorní úloha je zaměřená na kvalitu služeb v síti MPLS s ohledem na službu VoIP, druhá je zaměřená na vhodné zabezpečení této sítě a ve třetí úloze je zprovozněná možnost komunikace mezi telefonními sítěmi přes síť MPLS. Každá úloha obsahuje teoretický rozbor dané problematiky, postup pro vypracování , postup pro vyučujícího a ukázku vzorového vypracování.This bachelor thesis deals with a high- speed communication system CISCO, which is situated in the laboratory SC5.35. Three laboratory exercises are created in this thesis. The first laboratory exercise is concerning the quality of service in MPLS network with respect to VoIP service, the second one is dealing with the appropriate security of this network and there is the communication between the telephone networks through the MPLS network put into service in the third exercise. Every exercise contains the theoretical analysis of the themes, the procedure for elaboration, the procedure for the tutor and the demonstration of the model elaboration.

    Design of Switch Used in Modern Communication Networks

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    Tato diplomová práce pojednává o přepínacích prvcích v moderní komunikační síti. V práci je popsána architektura přepínačů se zaměřením na kvalitu služeb a pomocí simulačního programu MATLAB-SIMULINK jsou navrženy a simulovány dva modely přepínače. První model je založen na klasickém přepínání a druhý je řízen neuronovou sítí. Na základě těchto modelů je v práci vytvořena laboratorní úloha vhodná pro výuku v oblasti komunikačních sítí.This diploma thesis deals with switching components of modern communication networks. A switch architecture focused on the quality of service is described in this paper and there are two switch models designed and simulated in the simulating program MATLAB-SIMULINK. The first model is based on classic switching and the other one is controlled by neural network. A laboratory exercise suitable for communication networks education is created in this paper on the basis of designed models.


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    Unconventional ways of growing plants, when we return to non-chemical methods of controlling weeds, require new weed control methods. One of the few physical methods, which found wider application in practice, is a flame weeder with heat burners based on the use of gas (LPG). However, the process of practical use of this flame weeder has a number of factors that positively or negatively affect the effectiveness of weed control. A precise setting of flame weeders is influenced, for example by weed species, weed growth stage, weather, type of crop grown, but also heat transmission and heat absorption by plant. Many variables that enter into the process must be eliminated for their negative impacts on achieving the best results in fighting against weeds. In this paper, we have focused on naming these parameters, on field trials that confirm the justification of the precise setting of parameters, and recommendations for practice to achieve a higher efficiency of thermal weed control

    Two-pion exchange NN potential from Lorentz-invariant χ\chiEFT

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    We outline the progress made in the past five years by the S\~ao Paulo group in the development of a two-pion exchange nucleon-nucleon potential within a Lorentz-invariant framework of (baryon) chiral perturbation theory.Comment: 5 pages, Talk given at the 18th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, August 21-26 2006, Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazi

    On the absence of fifth-order contributions to the nucleon mass in heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory

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    (New version with some expanded discussion; figures and minor typos corrected.) We have calculated the contribution proportional to the fifth power of the pion mass in the chiral expansion of the nucleon mass in two flavour HBCPT. Only one irreducible two-loop integral enters, and this vanishes. All other corrections in the heavy-baryon limit can be absorbed in the physical pion-nucleon coupling constant which enters in the third order term, and so there are no contributions at fifth order. Including finite nucleon mass corrections, the only contribution agrees with the expansion of the relativistic one-loop graph in powers of the ration of the pion and nucleon masses, and is only 0.3% of the third order term. This is an encouraging result for the convergence of two-flavour heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory.Comment: 4 pages RevTex, 4 eps figure