262 research outputs found

    Circulation et construction de savoir-faire : questions pour une anthropologie des systèmes alimentaires localisés

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    Comment analyser les processus de transmission / diffusion des savoir-faire ? Comment ces processus participent à la localisation des activités sociales et économiques? Les auteurs commencent dans un premier temps par une approche historique (sur la longue période) de quelques processus de diffusion où savoir-faire et produits ont tour à tour voyagé, été appropriés, modifiés, personnalisés, acculturés. Ils traitent ensuite les expériences et connaissances apportées par les projets AVAL et ALISA pour tirer des leçons du terrain. Ils proposent ensuite un cadre analytique, une "anthropologie appliquée", qui pourrait orienter les actions de chercheurs, techniciens et institutions censés intervenir sur " le temps d'un projet " dans des processus d'innovation localisé


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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceThis case study focus on women involvement into groups of production of shea butter, created for large scale market activity. These groups are presented by various support organizations and advisors as new spaces for collective action providing the opportunity for women to claim their expertise and to access to professional and public recognition. In this short communication, we will ask whether forms of qualification promoted in these groups as new norms and values (professional, economic and legal) give new sources of recognition and equity for women artisans in Burkina Faso

    Nathalie Mondain, Arzouma Eric Bologo (dir.). La recherche en contexte de vulnérabilité. Engagement du chercheur et enjeux éthiques

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    Les questions relatives à l'éthique de la recherche, qui forment la trame de cet ouvrage collectif paru en 2012, émergent tout juste en Afrique alors qu'elles sont bien plus présentes sur d'autres continents (Asie, Europe...) (voir Cefaï, 2009). Car selon J-B. Ouedraogo qui préface cet ouvrage, le chercheur africain est doté d'un statut particulier et d’une grande liberté, qui s’expliquent par l'origine coloniale des sciences sociales africanistes : le chercheur représente à la fois l'autorit..

    Fatores de risco na ocorrência de lesões do ligamento cruzado anterior em atletas femininas: revisão bibliográfica

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaIntrodução: o risco de ocorrência de lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) nas mulheres é de duas a oitos vezes superior do que nos homens, e esta lesão acontece maioritariamente durante situações não-contato. Objetivo: identificar os fatores de risco na ocorrência de lesões do LCA sem contato em atletas femininas. Metodologia: a pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados Pubmed, Web of Science, PEDro e em outras fontes. A análise da qualidade metodológica foi efetuada com os checklists do Crititcal Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) de Casos-controlos e de Coorte. Resultados: foram selecionados 7 artigos, respeitando os critérios de seleção, com 1479 atletas femininas com idade superior a 14 anos, praticantes de diversas modalidades desportivas. Ajustando diferentes variáveis verificou-se que existia uma probabilidade cinco vezes maior de ocorrência de lesões do LCA quando um dos pais apresentasse lesões prévias do LCA, e a existência de um risco menor aquando da presença de deslocamento antero-posterior do joelho, inclinação medial e posterior da cartilagem lateral, aumento da espessura da crista óssea e quando existia um aumento da força da coxa e dos flexores do tronco, assim como um aumento do pé pronado. Quando as variáveis são ajustadas à modalidade desportiva, o aumento de amplitude de flexão e rotação externa da coxa, e a pré-ativação do músculo semitendinoso demonstram ser fatores protetores. Conclusão: existem diferentes fatores de risco assim como fatores protetores na ocorrência de lesões do LCA sem contato em atletas femininas.Background: the risk of occurrence of anterior cruciate ligament injury (ACL) in women is two to eight times higher than in men occurs mostly during non-contact situations. Objective: to identify risk factors in the occurrence of non-contact ACL injuries in female athletes. Methodology: the studies were identified from Pubmed, Web of Science, PEDro and from other sources. Methodological quality analysis was performed with the checklists of the Crititcal Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) Cases-controls and Cohort. Results: 7 articles were selected, respecting the selection criteria, with 1479 female athletes starting from 14 years old, practitioners of various sports. By adjusting different variables, it was verified that there was a five times higher probability of occurrence of ACL lesions when one of the parents presented previous ACL lesions, existence of a lower risk when the presence of antero-posterior knee translation, medial and posterior inclination of the lateral cartilage, increased thickness of the bone crest, increase in the strength of the thigh and trunk flexors, as well as an increase of the pronated foot. When the variables are adjusted to the sport modality, the increase of flexion amplitude and external rotation of the thigh, and the pre-activation of the semitendinosus muscle demonstrate to be protective factors. Conclusion: there are different risk factors as well as protective factors in the occurrence of non-contact ACL injuries in female athletes.N/

    Jean Copans. Georges Balandier. Un anthropologue en première ligne

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    Présenté comme un « essai d’histoire intellectuelle » par son auteur, cet ouvrage est à la fois le récit détaillé d’une trajectoire de vie, l’exégèse d’une œuvre, un manuel pédagogique et même un plaidoyer pour repenser les sciences sociales. L’ouvrage est structuré en sept chapitres précédés d’un prologue qui annonce une approche en « six vies » de G. Balandier, caractérisant l’œuvre en même temps que son auteur. On comprend vite que ces vies se répartissent en deux grands moments, la pério..

    Vincent Géronimi, Irène Bellier, Jean Jacques Gabas, Michel Vernières et Yves Viltard (dir.), Savoirs et politiques de développement. Questions en débat à l’aube du XXIème siècle

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    A la suite d’un premier ouvrage publié par le GEMDEV en 1993, celui-ci s’annonce d’emblée comme une actualisation de l’état des savoirs sur le développement. Orienté donc par l’histoire et de nombreux travaux du GEMDEV, son ambition est, plus précisément, de contribuer au renouvellement des réflexions sur les relations entre savoirs et politiques de développement dans le champ de l’économie. Plus largement, il s’agit pour les auteurs de souligner la variabilité, la complexité mais aussi la sp..

    Ancrage territorial et hybridation des savoir-faire au sein d’un système agroalimentaire localisé. Le cas des fromages corses

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    Les savoir-faire au cœur des Systèmes agroalimentaires localisés servent à souligner l’ancrage des produits agro-alimentaires à un territoire. Ils constituent des ressources complexes dont l’activation fait interagir des composantes techniques, relationnelles et culturelles. Les auteurs qui analysent ici les savoir-faire associés à la production fromagère en Corse, proposent la construction du concept de « savoir-faire collectifs ancrés territorialement » (SFCAT) pour appréhender les savoirs inscrits dans des interactions dont la complexité renvoie autant aux dimensions écologiques des ressources (pâturages, animaux) qu’aux dimensions humaines capables de les activer. L’hypothèse principale est que les savoirs liés à l’élevage et à la fabrication fromagère sont pris dans une tension entre ancrage et globalisation. C’est au cœur de cette tension, entre les savoirs traditionnels spécifiques et des techniques industrielles et commerciales génériques que s’hybrident de nouvelles formes de savoir-faire à associer au processus de patrimonialisation.The know-how in Localised Agri-Food Systems serves for underlining the fact that a product is anchored to its territory. It constitutes a complex resource which, when activated, causes the technical, relational and cultural elements to interact. The authors who analyze here the know-how associated of the production cheese in Corsica, propose the concept of “territorially-anchored collective know-how” (TACKH) to understand the knowledge encapsulated in interactions, the complexity of which results from both “ecological” dimensions of the natural resource (physical environment, pasture, animals) and human dimensions able to activate these resources. The main hypothesis is that the knowledge related to cheese production in Corsica is in tension between anchoring and globalization. It is in the heart of this dynamics, between the specific traditional knowledge and generic industrial and commercial techniques that develop new forms of know-how, that are necessary to associate to the heritage building of the Corsican cheeses

    A “top-down” in silico approach for designing ad hoc bio-based solvents: application to glycerol-derived solvents of nitrocellulose

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    Potentially effective glycerol-based solvents for nitrocellulose have been designed using a top-down in silico procedure that combines Computer Assisted Organic Synthesis (CAOS) and Molecular Design (CAMD). Starting from a bio-based building block – glycerol – a large number of synthetically feasible chemical structures have been designed using the GRASS (GeneratoR of Agro-based Sustainable Solvents) program. GRASS applies well-selected industrial chemical transformations to glycerol together with a limited number of relevant co-reactants. Then, the most promising structures are considered as lead compounds for further modification in silico thanks to the IBSS (InBioSynSolv) program, which generates derivatives with alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkene, cycloalkene or phenyl substituents. Finally, IBSS ranks all the candidates according to the value of their overall performance function to best fit the predefined specifications, i.e. (i) high solubilisation of nitrocellulose, (ii) slow evaporation and non-flammability (iii) low toxicity and environmental impact. This general strategy enables the highlighting of the most relevant solvent candidate derived from any building block for a given application. To validate the approach, 15 commercially available solvents derived from glycerol were confronted with nitrocellulose and led to highlight diacetin as an effective and safe solvent
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