129 research outputs found

    Painful Thyroid Palpation

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    A 37-years-old woman, complaining of fever, malaise, myalgia, sore throat and dysphagia lasting for 15 days, had been taking antibiotics and paracetamol for 7 days, without symptoms' improvement. The clinical examination revealed hyperaemic oropharynx and enlarged, painful thyroid. Further exams showed increased analytic inflammatory serum parameters as well as thyrotoxicosis. The thyroid gland had heterogeneous echostructure, with markedly hypoechoic areas and significant capsular oedema as well as decreased radionuclide uptake in the scintigraphy. Both symptoms and imaging improved with paracetamol and ibuprofen. Thyroid gland function normalized in two months. The patient remains in follow-up. This case reports the clinical features of subacute or De Quervain's thyroiditis. The differential medical approach to the patient with painful thyroid palpation is discussed. The diagnosis is essentially clinic, highlighting the importance of a rigorous physical exam. These patients' follow-up is required, considering the clinical and analytic progression

    Draft Genome Sequence of the Antitrypanosomally Active Sponge-Associated Bacterium Actinokineospora sp. Strain EG49

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    The marine sponge-associated bacterium Actinokineospora sp. strain EG49 produces the antitrypanosomal angucycline-like compound actinosporin A. The draft genome of Actinokineospora sp. EG49 has a size of 7.5 megabases and a GC content of 72.8% and contains 6,629 protein-coding sequences (CDS). antiSMASH predicted 996 genes residing in 36 secondary metabolite gene clusters

    Fitossociologia e desempenho de espécies arbóreas em um sistema agroflorestal sob bases agroecológicas em Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    bitstream/item/69050/1/056-salomao-fitossociologia.pdfPublicado também no Cadernos de Agroecologia, v. 7, n.2, 2012

    The HMA-LMA dichotomy revisited: an electronmicroscopical survey of 56 sponge species

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    The dichotomy between high microbial abundance (HMA) and low microbial abundance (LMA) sponges has been long recognized. In the present study, 56 sponge species from three geographic regions (greater Caribbean, Mediterranean, Red Sea) were investigated by transmission electron microscopy for the presence of microorganisms in the mesohyl matrix. Additionally, bacterial enumeration by DAPI-counting was performed on a subset of samples. Of the 56 species investigated, 28 were identified as belonging to the HMA and 28 to the LMA category. The sponge orders Agelasida and Verongida consisted exclusively of HMA species, and the Poecilosclerida were composed only of LMA sponges. Other taxa contained both types of microbial associations (e.g., marine Haplosclerida, Homoscleromorpha, Dictyoceratida), and a clear phylogenetic pattern could not be identified. For a few sponge species, an intermediate microbial load was determined, and the microscopy data did not suffice to reliably determine HMA or LMA status. To experimentally determine the HMA or LMA status of a sponge species, we therefore recommend a combination of transmission electron microscopy and 16S rRNA gene sequence data. This study significantly expands previous reports on microbial abundances in sponge tissues and contributes to a better understanding of the HMA-LMA dichotomy in sponge-microbe symbioses

    Avaliação de cultivares de mandioca em ambientes de Tabuleiros e Agreste inseridos nos Estados da Bahia e Sergipe: safra 2010/2011.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi averiguar o desempenho de vinte e nove cultivares de mandioca, quanto às variáveis altura da planta, rendimentos da parte aérea, de raízes tuberosas e de amido e teores de matéria seca e de amido nos municípios de Cruz das Almas/BA e Umbaúba/SE, inseridos em áreas de Tabuleiros Costeiros desses estados e, São Domingos/SE, localizado no Agreste sergipano, para fins de recomendação. Foram plantados dois ensaios na safra 2010-2011, utilizando-se o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso com três repetições dos 29 tratamentos. Esses ensaios foram colhidos aos 12 e 15 meses após o plantio. Detectaram-se, nas análises de variância conjuntas, diferenças entre as cultivares e os ambientes e inconsistência no comportamento das cultivares perante as condições ambientais, para todas variáveis estudadas. As cultivares de mandioca BRS Caipira, Irará, Clone 9783/13, BRS Tapioqueira, Preta do Sul, Poti Branca, Mucuri, Sergipe e Lagoão apresentaram bom desempenho agronômico, justificando suas recomendações para exploração comercial visando a produção de amido em áreas dos Tabuleiros Costeiros e Agreste dos Estados da Bahia e Sergipe, por associarem produtividades elevadas de raízes tuberosas a elevados rendimentos de amido, permitindo a maximização do produto final por unidade de área cultivadabitstream/item/118386/1/Avaliacao-de-cultivares-de-mandioca-BP-85.pd

    Desempenho de cultivares de mandioca no Nordeste brasileiro na safra 2009/2010.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi averiguar o comportamento de cultivares de mandioca em diferentes épocas de colheita e ambientes de produção visando atender as necessidades dos produtores de mandioca do Nordeste brasileiro., Os ensaios foram realizados no ano agrícola de 2009/2010, nos estados da Bahia, Sergipe, Pernambuco e Rio Grande do Norte. O delineamento experimental adotado nos experimentos foi o de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, nos quais 16 cultivares de mandioca foram avaliadas. Os resultados permitem inferir que as cultivares BRS Caipira, BRS Tapioqueira, BRS Poti Branca, Irará, Kiriris e o Clone 9783/13 consubstanciam-se em alternativas promissoras para a mandiocultura regional, por apresentarem altas produtividades tanto de raízes tuberosas, quanto de amido e biomassa da parte aérea.bitstream/item/118385/1/Desempenho-de-Cultivares-BP-84.pd

    Hologenome analysis of two marine sponges with different microbiomes

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    Background: Sponges (Porifera) harbor distinct microbial consortia within their mesohyl interior. We herein analysed the hologenomes of Stylissa carteri and Xestospongia testudinaria, which notably differ in their microbiome content. Results: Our analysis revealed that S. carteri has an expanded repertoire of immunological domains, specifically Scavenger Receptor Cysteine-Rich (SRCR) like domains, compared to X. testudinaria. On the microbial side, metatranscriptome analyses revealed an overrepresentation of potential symbiosis-related domains in X. testudinaria. Conclusions: Our findings provide genomic insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying host-symbiont coevolution and may serve as a roadmap for future hologenome analyses