123 research outputs found

    Maximum likelihood estimation of locus-specific mutation rates in Y-chromosome short tandem repeats

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    Motivation: Y-chromosome short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) are widely used for population studies, forensic purposes and, potentially, the study of disease, therefore knowledge of their mutation rate is valuable. Here we show a novel method for estimation of site-specific Y-STR mutation rates from partial phylogenetic information, via the maximum likelihood framework

    Toxoplasma gondii IgG Serointensity Is Positively Associated With Frailty

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    Background: Persistent inflammation related to aging (inflammaging) is exacerbated by chronic infections and contributes to frailty in older adults. We hypothesized associations between Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), a common parasite causing an oligosymptomatic unremitting infection, and frailty, and secondarily between T. gondii and previously reported markers of immune activation in frailty.Methods: We analyzed available demographic, social, and clinical data in Spanish and Portuguese older adults [N = 601; age: mean (SD) 77.3 (8.0); 61% women]. Plasma T. gondii immunoglobulin G (IgG) serointensity was measured with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The Fried criteria were used to define frailty status. Validated translations of Mini-Mental State Examination, Geriatric Depression Scale, and the Charlson Comorbidity Index were used to evaluate confounders. Previously analyzed biomarkers that were significantly associated with frailty in both prior reports and the current study, and also related to T. gondii serointensity, were further accounted for in multivariable logistic models with frailty as outcome.Results: In T. gondii-seropositives, there was a significant positive association between T. gondii IgG serointensity and frailty, accounting for age (p = .0002), and resisting adjustment for multiple successive confounders. Among biomarkers linked with frailty, kynurenine/tryptophan and soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor II were positively associated with T. gondii serointensity in seropositives (p < .05). Associations with other biomarkers were not significant.Conclusions: This first reported association between T. gondii and frailty is limited by a cross-sectional design and warrants replication. While certain biomarkers of inflammaging were associated with both T. gondii IgG serointensity and frailty, they did not fully mediate the T. gondii-frailty association.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation: MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033(grant PID2020-113788RB-I00); Xunta de Galicia (grant ED431B 2022/16); Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (grant BEAGAL18/00142 to V.V.); and Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, cofinanced by the European Social Fund (grant RYC-2015-18394 to L.L.-L.). Additionally supported, in part, by the University of Maryland School of Medicine Center for Research on Aging in Baltimore, Maryland; a Clinical Science Research & Development Service Merit Award, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, District of Columbia (grant 1 I01 CX001310-01 to T.T.P.); a R01 grant from the National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland (grant NIA R01 AG018859 to E.J.K.); and by the Military and Veteran Microbiome: Consortium for Research and Education in Aurora, Colorado (L.A.B., A.J.H., C.A.L., T.T.P.). The opinions expressed in the article belong to the authors and cannot be construed as official positions or opinions of the funders, including the U.S. Veterans Affairs Administration and the National Institutes of Health. Data collected and used for the analyses reported in this article are not available because the initial consent did not include this sharing and because other primary analyses have not been completed. Funding for open access charge: Universidade da Coruna/CISUG

    Genomic Runs of Homozygosity Record Population History and Consanguinity

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    The human genome is characterised by many runs of homozygous genotypes, where identical haplotypes were inherited from each parent. The length of each run is determined partly by the number of generations since the common ancestor: offspring of cousin marriages have long runs of homozygosity (ROH), while the numerous shorter tracts relate to shared ancestry tens and hundreds of generations ago. Human populations have experienced a wide range of demographic histories and hold diverse cultural attitudes to consanguinity. In a global population dataset, genome-wide analysis of long and shorter ROH allows categorisation of the mainly indigenous populations sampled here into four major groups in which the majority of the population are inferred to have: (a) recent parental relatedness (south and west Asians); (b) shared parental ancestry arising hundreds to thousands of years ago through long term isolation and restricted effective population size (N(e)), but little recent inbreeding (Oceanians); (c) both ancient and recent parental relatedness (Native Americans); and (d) only the background level of shared ancestry relating to continental N(e) (predominantly urban Europeans and East Asians; lowest of all in sub-Saharan African agriculturalists), and the occasional cryptically inbred individual. Moreover, individuals can be positioned along axes representing this demographic historic space. Long runs of homozygosity are therefore a globally widespread and under-appreciated characteristic of our genomes, which record past consanguinity and population isolation and provide a distinctive record of the demographic history of an individual's ancestors. Individual ROH measures will also allow quantification of the disease risk arising from polygenic recessive effects

    Argininosuccinate synthetase activity in cultured human lymphocytes

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    The activity of argininosuccinate synthetase (E.C., a urea cycle enzyme, was measured in cultured human lymphocytes using a new radioactive assay. Control cells had a maximum specific activity of 15.7±8.7 nmoles per hour per milligram of protein and an apparent K m for citrulline of 2 × 10 −4 m , whereas cells derived from a patient with citrullinemia had no detectable activity. A nutritional variant, selected out of the citrullinemic lymphocyte population by ability to grow in citrulline, had a maximum specific activity of 10.7±3.8 nmoles/hr/mg and an apparent K m for citrulline of 2 × 10 −2 m . These measurements confirm the observation that citrullinemia is associated with a defect in argininosuccinate synthetase activity and provide further evidence that citrullinemia is expressed in cultured lymphocytes. The emergence of a nutritional variant with a partial defect in argininosuccinate synthetase enzyme suggests that this citrullinemic patient has a heterogeneous population of cells, some totally defective and others only partially defective in argininosuccinate synthetase. The new activity assay is described in detail.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44125/1/10528_2004_Article_BF00484469.pd