115 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze the effect of compensation on performance mediated by job satisfaction for Grab Bike drivers in Malang City, with a research sample of 96 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used the accidental sampling method, the data collection used the questionnaire method. While the data analysis method used is the path analysis method (path analysis). The results showed that there was a significant effect of compensation on performance. There is a significant effect of compensation on job satisfaction. There is a significant effect between job satisfaction on performance and it is proven that job satisfaction mediates the effect of compensation on performance. The researcher's suggestion from the results of this study is that it is expected that the management will make policies to increase incentives to increase job satisfaction and performance.Keyword: Job satisfaction, compensation, performance, Grab bik

    Nested presuppositions: A manipulative type of informative presupposition

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    This paper introduces the new pragmatic concept of Nested Presuppositions (NestPs) and develops a relevance- theoretic account that explains its cognitive dynamics and manipulative mechanisms. The first section lays necessary theoretical foundations, by defining pragmatic presupposition, compiling a taxonomy of the types of presupposition and their triggers, identifying and critiquing research gaps in eight of the most relevant studies and drawing the conclusion that none of the existing definitions or accounts of pragmatic presupposition can adequately capture the manipulative characteristics and mechanisms of the instances of informative presupposition at issue. In section two, I shall introduce the concept of NestPs as the filler of those gaps, grounding it in Textual Rhetoric and Relevance Theory and highlighting its defining characteristic of information structures, i.e. how the message is segmented and its degrees of prominence and suppression are assigned in order to achieve strategic goals. I further problematize the relationship between NestPs, on the one hand, and informativeness and manipulation, on the other, in light of Gricean and Relevance-Theoretic linguistics, establishing that NestPs are inherently manipulative. I finally expound the manipulative dynamics of NestPs, in terms of the information processing mechanisms they employ, by capitalizing on the concepts of Ostensive Stimulus, Cognitive Principle of Relevance, Principle of Optimal Relevance and Comprehension Procedure, and suggesting the two new mechanisms of Cognitive Underpassing and Structure-Content Cognitive Conflict

    Does Leisure Involvement Impact on Service Performance? Empirical Finding from the Indonesian Culinary Industry

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    Many studies have examined the frontline service staff performance of various industries but rarely found to be associated with leisure involvement in the culinary industry. This study discusses the relationship between leisure involvement and service performance with mediation of variables subjective to well-being and job satisfaction. The research model used is PLS or partial least squares modelling, by taking samples from the frontline staff of culinary industry which amounts to 313 samples in Bandung City, Indonesia. The results of this study show that there is a significant relationship between leisure involvement and service performance, as well as with the mediator. In conclusion, an employee who is often involved in leisure activities is likely to be happy and will result in his good performance in serving customers.  This is also influenced by his satisfaction in work, although the results are not too significant. The implication is that the management and businessmen need to pay greater attention to the welfare of employees should they wish to improve the service performance of their restaurants. This report is structured to meet one of the conditions for completing education

    ESASCF: Expertise Extraction, Generalization and Reply Framework for an Optimized Automation of Network Security Compliance

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    The Cyber threats exposure has created worldwide pressure on organizations to comply with cyber security standards and policies for protecting their digital assets. Vulnerability assessment (VA) and Penetration Testing (PT) are widely adopted Security Compliance (SC) methods to identify security gaps and anticipate security breaches. In the computer networks context and despite the use of autonomous tools and systems, security compliance remains highly repetitive and resources consuming. In this paper, we proposed a novel method to tackle the ever-growing problem of efficiency and effectiveness in network infrastructures security auditing by formally introducing, designing, and developing an Expert-System Automated Security Compliance Framework (ESASCF) that enables industrial and open-source VA and PT tools and systems to extract, process, store and re-use the expertise in a human-expert way to allow direct application in similar scenarios or during the periodic re-testing. The implemented model was then integrated within the ESASCF and tested on different size networks and proved efficient in terms of time-efficiency and testing effectiveness allowing ESASCF to take over autonomously the SC in Re-testing and offloading Expert by automating repeated segments SC and thus enabling Experts to prioritize important tasks in Ad-Hoc compliance tests. The obtained results validate the performance enhancement notably by cutting the time required for an expert to 50% in the context of typical corporate networks first SC and 20% in re-testing, representing a significant cost-cutting. In addition, the framework allows a long-term impact illustrated in the knowledge extraction, generalization, and re-utilization, which enables better SC confidence independent of the human expert skills, coverage, and wrong decisions resulting in impactful false negatives

    The role of Islamic media in confrontation of Covid-19 from the viewpoint of the students of Ajloun University of Jordan

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    Krisis Corona telah menunjukkan bahawa media mempunyai kuasa untuk mempengaruhi pendapat umum. Media Islam memikul peranan penting dan utama yang memerlukan kehadiran kualitatif dalam menghadapi wabak Corona yang merupakan krisis terbesar dunia. Media adalah kuasa yang mampu mempengaruhi dan mengubah tingkah laku individu dan mengurangkan kesan krisis. Ini mengesahkan keperluan untuk bergantung kepada media Islam, memandangkan minat baharu dalam peranannya dalam menghadapi krisis dan mengehadkan penyebarannya. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan media Islam dalam menghadapi Corona dari sudut pandangan pelajar Universiti Ajloun Jordan. Kaedah analisis deskriptif melalui kajian kuantitatif digunakan bagi mendedahkan fakta semasa berkaitan krisis Corona. Data dikumpul melalui soal selidik yang direka oleh pengkaji untuk mencapai matlamat penyelidikan. Komuniti penyelidikan ini terdiri daripada pelajar Universiti Jordan Ajloun untuk tahun akademik 2021-2022 daripada pelbagai bidang pengkhususan. Seramai 500 orang responden yang terlibat merangkumi pelajar lelaki dan perempuan. Analisis statistik dilakukan seperti min aritmetik, frekuensi, peratusan, analisis ujian varians. Hasil kajian mendapati peranan struktur adalah lebih berkesan berbanding dengan peranan pelindung, pencegahan dan kuratif. Keputusan kajian turut menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan secara statistik memihak kepada wanita dalam peranan media Islam dalam menghadapi Corona, dan tidak ada perbezaan yang dikaitkan dengan bidang pengkhususan pelajar

    The Risks of Financial Derivatives and Alternatives from the Viewpoint of Islamic Economics

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    Purpose: This study aims to introduce financial derivatives and their tools and the risks they cause, with an indication of their relationship to financial crises, which contributes to drawing the broad outlines of the Islamic alternative and determines the reality of the failure of the global financial system in managing risks through traditional financial derivatives.   Theoretical framework: Introduce financial derivatives and their tools and the risks they cause, with an indication of their relationship to financial crises, and alternatives from the point of view of Islamic economics.   Methodology: The study was based on a qualitative research method, as it collected information from books, reports, magazines, newspapers, and websites.   Findings: The financial derivatives increased risks and led us into crises. while Islamic Sharia provides an alternative to risk management, which focuses on avoiding fake sales and creating ethical and clean financial markets.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Financial markets, financial derivatives markets, financial institutions, banks, and insurance companies are considered. And small customers, the most important beneficiaries of these ideas.   Originality/value: This research is the original work of the authors and differs from other previous studies in that it proves the existence of a disciplined Islamic alternative within the foundations and standards of Islamic economics and shows its feasibility for successful practical application, particularly in the face of financial crises, addressing them during their occurrence and preventing them before they occur

    The Role of Financial Inclusion in the Stability of Islamic Banks

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research is studying the role of financial inclusion on financial stability in the Islamic banks, Highlighting the role of Islamic law in promoting financial and banking inclusion.   Theoretical framework: Introduce financial inclusion and definition of financial inclusion, statement of financial stability, and the role of financial inclusion in the stability of Islamic banks, in which the concept of financial inclusion and its dimensions was reviewed.   Methodology: The study was based on a qualitative research method, as it collected information from books, reports, journals, newspapers, and websites. The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach to study and analyze the various aspects of financial inclusion, its dimensions in Islamic banks, and its relationship in financial stability.   Findings: The relationship between financial stability and financial inclusion in Islamic banks is a direct relationship and financial stability cannot be reached without achieving financial inclusion and vice versa. The financial sectors must develop two sectors in parallel to achieve the desired economic development.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Central banks, Islamic banks (clients /staff), financial institutions, and small clients are the main beneficiaries of these ideas.   Originality/value: This study contributes to determining the role of financial inclusion in financial stability, using Islamic banks, which is to determine the effect of applying financial inclusion on the financial investment of Islamic banks. The research is based on a lack of studies on research variables
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