101 research outputs found

    Screening of the Ethnobotanicals against MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines

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    The present study aims to investigate the therapeutic properties of a library of the medicinal plants for their potential anticancer activity against breast cancer cells. The viability of MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 breast cancer cells was determined by MTT and trypan blue exclusion assays. The cellular cytotoxicity and the levels of cytosolic enzyme Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) were measured by assessing µmoles of NADH/well/min. Additionally DNA laddering and FACS analysis was done to further investigate the nature of cell death in these cells. Out of the tested plants, only Abrus precatorius L. extract showed a very significant cytotoxic activity on both cell lines. Trypan-blue assay showed the cell viability was significantly decreased in a dose dependant manner in both cell lines after 48 h of treatment. On the other hand, LDH activities in the cultured media were significantly elevated in both cell lines in a dose dependant manner as compared to the control. A prominent DNA laddering pattern in agarose gel was seen, which is an important hallmark of apoptosis. FACS analysis confirmed the apoptosis by the appearance of Sub G0/G1 peak in treated cells as compared to the control. This analysis will facilitate the use of traditional medicine in cancer treatment

    Exploring the Relationship between Human Resource Management Practices and Organizational Commitment: Empirical Evidence from the Banking Sector in China

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    The purpose of this paper is to measure the impact of human resource management practices individually and as a system on organizational commitment. Data were collected from 304 respondents from banking sector of China. A questionnaire survey for this purpose was conducted in different cities of China. Correlations and multiple regression statistics analysis were used to explore the relationship between the variables involved in the study. The findings of the study provide support for the variables (selection, training, performance appraisal, promotion, performance based rewards, information sharing, job security and human resource management system) and are confirmed by the results of the previous studies. The findings of the current study support the notion that the HR practices relates to organizational commitment, individually and as a system as well. These findings provide important avenues for the banking sector of China and for the debate regarding convergence of the human resource management practices regionally as well as internationally

    An Investigation of the Relationship between Compulsory Citizenship Behaviour and Psychological Withdrawal

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    This study used Lazarus and Folkman’s stress and coping theory to develop and test a model of the way employees’ cope with compulsory citizenship behavior at workplace. The model identifies psychological withdrawal as an emotion focused coping behavior. Factor analysis and linear regression were used to analyze the data collected from 368 clerical staff working in four large universities of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Analysis found that employees who experienced frequent compulsory citizenship behavior used psychological withdrawal to cope with it. This study contributes to the limited research on compulsory citizenship behavior at work. Recommendations for future research and implications are discussed

    An Investigation of the Relationship between Compulsory Citizenship Behaviour and Psychological Withdrawal

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    This study used Lazarus and Folkman’s stress and coping theory to develop and test a model of the way employees’ cope with compulsory citizenship behavior at workplace. The model identifies psychological withdrawal as an emotion focused coping behavior. Factor analysis and linear regression were used to analyze the data collected from 368 clerical staff working in four large universities of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Analysis found that employees who experienced frequent compulsory citizenship behavior used psychological withdrawal to cope with it. This study contributes to the limited research on compulsory citizenship behavior at work. Recommendations for future research and implications are discussed

    Role of Personality and Social Factors towards Purchase of Luxury Clothing in Online Settings: Moderating Role of Vanity

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    In this convenient world & era of online markets; consumer seeks easiest way to evaluate brands. Social factors and brand personality are vital attributes of luxury purchase intentions in traditional/physical market place. However, in digital world brand personality and social factors are quite different due to market dynamics. This study also explored moderating role of vanity on social factor because it impacts luxury brands online purchase intention. By adopting questionnaire research technique based on qualitative method 300 questionnaires were distributed among university students that work part-time in industry that don’t have time to evaluate brands with a response rate of 84.66%. Data were gathered through convenient sampling which is sub type of Non-probability sampling technique and analyzed by descriptive & influential statistics on SPSS & Process macro. Resulted showed that social and personality factor positively effects online purchase intention of luxury brand among university students. The moderating role of vanity (physical) was significantly influencing social factors & purchase intentions. This will guide marketers to design better strategies, differentiating segmentation decisions & ultimately capturing niche market.

    The role of instrumental guanxi in the relation between entrepreneurs’ social competence and firms’ financial performance: A comparative study

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    Even though many studies have examined the role of instrumental guanxi in the formation and development of entrepreneurship, how instrumental guanxi and social competence support entrepreneurs in enhancing firm financial performance (FFP) has not been investigated. Thus, this study investigates the relationship between entrepreneurs’ social competence and FFP in the textile industry of China and Pakistan to examine how instrumental guanxi mediates the said relationship. In Studies 1 and 2, 251 Chinese and 270 Pakistani entrepreneurs, respectively, were randomly selected. The partial least square structural equation modelling approach was employed to evaluate the data. In Study 1, social perception, impression management, and expressiveness have a positive and significant impact on FFP. Moreover, instrumental guanxi partially mediates the impact of all dimensions of social competence except social perception. In Study 2, impression management, persuasiveness, and expressiveness have a positive and significant impact on FFP, and instrumental guanxi partially mediates the impact of social adaptability on FFP. Given the competitive advantage theory, both groups of entrepreneurs can mutually support and enhance their social competence as well as FFP

    Predicting Revisit Intention of Commuters: A Case Study of Private Bus Company in Pakistan

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    Present research tends to explore the impact of service quality and relationship switching cost on revisiting intention. This scrutiny is quantitative in nature that has explored new dimensions of service quality designed public transportation industry. Specifically, revisit intention is taken as main contributor in this study based on commuter satisfaction. In Pakistan, intercity bus service has become competitive market after improvement in road structure and economic globalization. This study considered Daewoo Express Bus Service (Pakistan). Data was collected from 167 commuters that travel through private bus services. All proposed hypotheses were supported. Thus, study unraveled several managerial implications such as private bus services should increase service quality by providing them choices about internal environment of buses. Moreover, it’s not a wise decision by removing services to reduce expenses/cost to earn profits. This led intentions for commuters to switch as Daewoo is an educated professional’s choice of traveling, therefore new tools of commuter retentions are required to maintain their brand meaning

    Atitude do consumidor e intenção de compra em relação a produtos têxteis orgânicos

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    Social mobilization towards various environmental problems changed the consumer’s attitudes and induced purchase decisions towards Organic Textile products. The main purpose of the current study was to understand consumer attitudes towards the purchase intentions of green textile products in developing countries like Pakistan. The model was developed by using the theory of planned behaviour and further attempt to extend the TPB by adding additional constructs (environmental concern, personal norms, health consciousness, and consumer knowledge). Data were collected through emails and self-administered survey questionnaire. Smart PLS 3 was used for data analysis. The findings of the study reveal that Health Consciousness, consumer knowledge, environmental concern and personal norms had a positive relationship with consumer attitude. But Subjective Norms had insignificant impact on consumer attitude. On the other hand Consumer attitude mediates the effect of different factors (IV) on purchase intention (DV). Ultimately, positive consumer attitude resulted in to purchase intention of textile organic products. The findings of the current study provide important practical and theoretical implications for buyer’s behaviors towards green textile products.La movilización social para los diferentes problemas cambió el consumidor de las actitudes y las necesidades de compra de la demanda hacia los productos textiles textiles. El principal propósito del estudio actual fue el de consumir las actitudes relativas a la compra de intenciones de productos del verde productos en países de transición similares. El modelo se desarrolló utilizando la teoría de comportamiento de comportamiento y se ha intentado que se extienda el TPB por agregar construcciones adicionales (aspectos relativos a la seguridad, el comportamiento de las personas, el conocimiento de la conciencia, y el consumidor). Los datos fueron recabados por correo electrónico y auto-encuesta cuestionario. Smart PLS 3 se utilizó para el análisis de datos. Los resultados del estudio revelan que el bienestar de la salud, el consumidor de los consumidores, la atención de la salud y la personalidad de los miembros de la familia. But Subjective Norms había insignificante impacto en la industria de consumo. En la otra mano de atención al consumidor actúa el efecto de diferentes factores (IV) en la demanda (DV). Ultimately, la respuesta positiva de la actitud de la conducta en la compra de los productos de los productos del producto. Los resultados del presente estudio proporcionan un importante sentido práctico y las razones para los comportamientos de los consumidores para los productos del verde.A mobilização social para vários problemas ambientais mudou as atitudes do consumidor e induziu decisões de compra em relação aos produtos têxteis orgânicos. O principal objetivo do presente estudo foi entender as atitudes do consumidor em relação às intenções de compra de produtos têxteis verdes em países em desenvolvimento como o Paquistão. O modelo foi desenvolvido usando a teoria do comportamento planejado e mais uma tentativa de estender o TPB, adicionando construtos adicionais (preocupação ambiental, normas pessoais, consciência de saúde e conhecimento do consumidor). Os dados foram coletados por meio de e-mails e questionário de pesquisa autoaplicável. O Smart PLS 3 foi usado para análise de dados. Os achados do estudo revelam que a Consciência em Saúde, a consciência do consumidor, a preocupação ambiental e as normas pessoais tiveram uma relação positiva com a atitude do consumidor. Mas as Normas Subjetivas tiveram um impacto insignificante na atitude do consumidor. Por outro lado, a atitude do consumidor medeia o efeito de diferentes fatores (IV) na intenção de compra (DV). Em última análise, a atitude positiva do consumidor resultou na intenção de compra de produtos orgânicos têxteis. As conclusões do presente estudo fornecem importantes implicações práticas e teóricas para o comportamento do comprador em relação a produtos têxteis verdes

    Pakistani Physicians: Exploring the Paradox of Public Service Motivation and User Orientation

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    The desire to support single beneficiary of public services (user orientation) has divergence with desire to support society at large, both motivations compete in same dimensional space. Extra ordinary usage of broad spectrum antibiotics creates negative externalities for society as large because excessive use of antibiotics creates resistance among bacteria that become hard and expensive to cure. There exists large gap to comprehend difference between discrete choices of both motivations of public service. The antibiotics prescriptions behavior of Pakistani general physicians (Doctors) has been analyzed in this study to investigate the association between Public Service Motivation and user orientation with this behavior. 250 Pakistani general practitioners were chosen in both private and public sector to investigate the PSM relationship with user orientation. The findings indicate that there is different association between Public Service Motivation and user orientation regarding prescription behavior of the general physicians (Doctors). This entails that it is necessary to investigate this behavior difference to know whether the public service provider is fascinated towards helping single beneficiary or be concerned more about society

    Towards providing reliable job completion time predictions using PCS

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    In this paper we build a case for providing job completion time predictions to cloud users, similar to the delivery date of a package or arrival time of a booked ride. Our analysis reveals that providing predictability can come at the expense of performance and fairness. Existing cloud scheduling systems optimize for extreme points in the trade-off space, making them either extremely unpredictable or impractical. To address this challenge, we present PCS, a new scheduling framework that aims to provide predictability while balancing other traditional objectives. The key idea behind PCS is to use Weighted-Fair-Queueing (WFQ) and find a suitable configuration of different WFQ parameters (e.g., class weights) that meets specific goals for predictability. It uses a simulation-aided search strategy, to efficiently discover WFQ configurations that lie on the Pareto front of the trade-off space between these objectives. We implement and evaluate PCS in the context of DNN job scheduling on GPUs. Our evaluation, on a small scale GPU testbed and larger-scale simulations, shows that PCS can provide accurate completion time estimates while marginally compromising on performance and fairness