172 research outputs found
Influence of Earthquake Source Parameters and Damping on Elastic Response Spectra
In this paper the influence of effective duration of strong motion, soil condition, magnitude and shape of accelerogram time history on elastic response spectra have been investigated. A total of 106 Iran’s horizontal acceleration components strong motion records are selected. These accelerograms are categorized in accordance with their earthquake parameters and soil condition of recording station and the influence of different soil conditions are plotted in graphs. The influence of damping ratio on the response spectra is also investigated. Analytical results show that the influence of soil condition is very significant on the shape of response spectra. The influence of effective duration of strong motion has been studied by definition based on energy of accelerogram. It can be seen that an increase in effective duration, causes reduction in the slope of response spectra in long period part and increases the spectral values. The effect of damping on response spectra is presented by special coefficient, which depends on the period of the structure, soil condition and damping ratio
Discovery of potential inhibitor against human Asparagine Endopeptidase
Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition of the central nervous system among old people. AD is characterized by two neuropathological hallmarks: Extracellular senile plaque deposits, composed of amyloid beta (Aβ), and Intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), made of truncated and hyperphosphorylated tau. Previous studies suggest that Asparagine Endopeptidase (AEP), a lysosomal cysteine proteinase, is activated during aging process. It proteolytically degrades tau and abolishes its microtubule assembly function, induces tau aggregation and triggers neurodegeneration.Methods and Results: Therefore, AEP is an attractive target of drug discovery against AD. In this study, we investigated the important pharmacophore feature required for inhibitors of AEP by generating a structure-based pharmacophore model followed by virtual screening and subsequent validation by molecular docking. The computational findings discussed in our study provide initial information of inhibitory effects of ligand, (ZINC3979524), over AEP.
Conclusions: VS of the ZINC database against AEP led to select some good inhibitors for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, this study can be a good starting point for in vitro and in vivo experimental studies and can establish as a novel therapeutic agent against A
Rhazes, pionir koji je pridonio istraživanju u medicinskoj praksi
Medical history explains that Persian physicians used scientific methods based on clinical experiences and observations for treatment from pre-Islamic time (before 637 AD) and centuries later (in the Islamic era). Rhazes was one of the Persian physicians acknowledged as a pharmacist, chemist and prominent scientific writer on various subjects of medicine and philosophy. In this study, we aimed to investigate clinical experiences, as well as the ethical and critical views of Rhazes in medical practice. Rhazes promoted ethics in the medical profession. He expressed critical key points about ancient written texts. He broke ancient physicians’ taboos in medical theories and evaluated them based on his own experiences.
He designed animal and preclinical evaluations for his theories and also performed the first clinical trials with control groups in the history. His critical views about medical sciences as well as his beliefs in experiments resulted in many medical, chemical and pharmaceutical findings. Therefore, in history, he can be considered as the pioneer in using trials and experiments for approving medical methods.Medicinska povijest pokazuje da su se perzijski liječnici služili znanstvenim metodama u liječenju, temeljenim na kliničkim iskustvima i promatranjima još od predislamskog vremena (prije 637. godine) i stoljećima poslije (u islamskom dobu). Rhazes je bio jedan od perzijskih liječnika priznat kao ljekarnik, kemičar i istaknuti znanstveni pisac o različitim temama iz medicine i filozofije. U ovom radu nastojali smo istražiti klinička iskustva, kao i etičke i kritičke stavove Rhazesa u medicinskoj praksi. Rhazes je promovirao etiku u medicinskoj struci. Iznio je kritične ključne točke o antičkim pisanim tekstovima. Srušio je drevne liječničke tabue u medicinskim teorijama i procijenio ih na temelju vlastita iskustva. Provodio je evaluacije za svoje teorije na životinjama i u predklinici te proveo i prva klinička ispitivanja s kontrolnim grupama u povijesti. Njegova kritička stajališta o medicinskim znanostima, kao i vjerovanje u eksperimente rezultirali su mnogim medicinskim, kemijskim i farmaceutskim otkrićima. Stoga se Rhazesa u povijesti može smatrati pionirom u korištenju ispitivanja i eksperimenata za odobravanje medicinskih metoda
Fabrication of electrochemical sensor modified with nano graphene for determination of warfarin in plasma samples
Background and aims: Warfarin is anticoagulant drug and prevents thromboembolism in cases such as pulmonary embolism and blood clot in a leg vein which under high risk of thrombosis. The therapeutic window of warfarin is very narrow. Therefore, it is important to monitoring the level of warfarin in blood patient. Electrochemical sensors are powerful tools in the field of diseases diagnosis and medical care, due to advantages such as high selectivity, high sensitivity and low. The aim of this study was fabrication of an electrochemical sensor base on modification of carbon electrode using graphene nanoparticle for quantification of warfarin in plasma.
Methods: In this study, plasma sample of 8 patients who had consumed warfarin were analyzed. After precipitation of plasma proteins by acetonitrile, the sample was centrifuged and the supernatant was transferred to a test tube. The resulting solution was evaporated by stream of nitrogen gas to complete drying. The dry residue was diluted by distilled water and transferred into the voltammetric cell for evaluation of warfarin oxidation by sensor.
Results: The results show that fabricated nano sensor strongly catalyzes the oxidation current of warfarin. Furthermore there are linear relationship (least squares method) between oxidation current of warfarin and its concentration in plasma.
Conclusion: The sensor as a simple, low-cost and accurate procedure is able to measure warfarin in patients' plasma
The changing profile of cutaneous leishmaniasis agent in a central province of Iran
Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Iran is usually caused by Leishmania major or L. tropica. However, the direct examination or the cultures of biopsies for diagnosis are not very sensitive. The objective of this study was to identify the responsible species obtained from patients suspected of cutaneous leishmaniasis referred to the reference laboratory at Yazd in Iran during 2010-2011 using parasitological and molecular assays. After completing a clinical/epidemiologic data questionnaire for 145 patients with suspected skin lesions, scraping samples were collected. Each specimen was examined using both direct microscopy and molecular assay using polymerase chain reaction-restriction length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Location of the lesions included 47.7% on hands, 30.7% on face, 15.4% on feet, and the remainder on other regions. Out of 145 samples, Leishman body was observed in 52 by direct smear and 73 by PCR assay. Molecular assay indicated 36 cases as L. major, 36 cases as L. tropica and one case as unknown. In conclusion, molecular characterization showed changing profile of Leishmania species in the study area which may have implications on treatment and/or control strategies
Association of Fibroblast Growth Factor (Fgf-21) as a Screening Biomarker for Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplesia
Purpose: To investigate whether or not fibroblast growth factor (FGF-21) can be used as a screening biomarker in chronic progressive external ophthalmoplesia (CPEO) patients.Methods: FGF-21 concentration was measured in the serum of 24 patients with CEPO phenotype and 24 control samples by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and determined the deletion of mitochondrial genome by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR).Results: FGF-21 concentration in 50 % of CPEO patients showed notable differences from that in control subjects. FGF-21 concentration ratio in patient group, 2 disorder control groups (mitochondrial and non-mitochondrial) and normal group, respectively, was 294.87 } 42.10 (p < 0.0001), 761.78} 75.07 (p < 0.0001), 124.26 } 12.27 (p = 0.1203), 69.27 } 10.09 (p = 0.2195). A statistically significant inverse correlation between FGF-21 concentration and age onset was found, with a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the age group . 19 years (mean FGF-21 concentration, 460.36 pg/mL) and for the age group . 51years (mean concentration FGF-21, 57.87 pg/mL. Surprisingly, there was no significant difference between FGF-21 concentration and age in the mid-age group (20 . 50 years) .Conclusion: These findings indicate that FGF-21 concentration significantly increases in CPEO patients like in other mitochondrial disorders and this factor can be used as a biomarker in primary diagnosis of mitochondrial disorders. In this regard, FGF-21 assay is only valid in teenagers and the >50 years age group who show acute symptoms.Keywords: Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplesia, Fibroblast growth factor-21, Mitochondrial disorders, Ophthalmoplesia, Biomarke
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