565 research outputs found

    Das Taillen-HĂŒft-VerhĂ€ltnis und die weibliche AttraktivitĂ€t

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    Aus evolutionspsychologischer Sicht gilt das Taillen-HĂŒft-VerhĂ€ltnis (engl. waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)) nach Singh (1993a) als der primĂ€re Indikator fĂŒr die weibliche AttraktivitĂ€t, der kulturunabhĂ€ngig und ĂŒber die Zeit hinweg stabil ist. Ein WHR von 0.7 gilt dabei als besonders attraktiv. Im Zeitraum von fast 20 Jahren fand eine kontroverse Diskussion zu den Annahmen von Singh (1993a) statt, ĂŒber die in der vorliegenden Arbeit in Form eines systematischen Reviews und erstmals mit Hilfe meta-analytischer Verfahren ein Überblick gegeben werden soll. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde aus einem Studienkorpus von insgesamt 1786 Publikationen 110 Studien einer detaillierten Kodierung unterzogen, so dass insgesamt 75 Studien fĂŒr eine meta-analytische Betrachtung verwendet wurden. FĂŒr die Ermittlung von Gesamteffekten wurden drei Meta-Analysen durchgefĂŒhrt. In einer ersten Meta-Analyse auf Basis von HĂ€ufigkeitsauswertungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass durchschnittlich 45% (p(orginal) = .446, k = 21) der Personen eine PrĂ€ferenz fĂŒr ein WHR von 0.7 zeigten. In einer zweiten Meta-Analyse konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein WHR von 0.7 gegenĂŒber anderen WHR-Werten deutlich attraktiver eingeschĂ€tzt wurde (d = 0.700, k = 42). Dabei konnte eine Evidenz fĂŒr einen effektverzerrenden Publikationsbias gefunden werden. In einer dritten Meta-Analyse konnte ein signifikanter negativer Zusammenhang zwischen dem WHR und der weiblichen AttraktivitĂ€t berechnet werden (r = -.288, k = 55). Bei der Untersuchung von moderierenden Einflussfaktoren konnte bezĂŒglich der Art der Stimuli und des kulturellen Hintergrunds der verwendeten Stichproben ein signifikanter Einfluss auf den Effekt zwischen WHR und AttraktivitĂ€t gefunden werden. Es zeigte sich außerdem, dass die Effekte in AbhĂ€ngigkeit der Gewichtsklassen der Stimuli stark variierten. Allgemein zeigte sich, dass das WHR bei den AttraktivitĂ€tseinschĂ€tzungen eine wichtige Rolle ĂŒbernimmt. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass ein WHR von 0.7 im Vergleich zu anderen WHR-Werten als attraktiver eingeschĂ€tzt wird. Es konnte jedoch nicht bestĂ€tigt werden, dass es sich um einen kulturunabhĂ€ngigen und dem Körpergewicht ĂŒbergeordneten Indikator, also um einen primĂ€ren Indikator der weiblichen AttraktivitĂ€t, handelt.In 1993, evolutionary psychologist Singh stated that waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is considered the primary indicator of female attractiveness which remains stable over time and does not vary across cultures. A woman with a WHR of 0.7 is regarded as being most attractive (Singh, 1993a). These statements have been the issue of a controversial debate since then. The present study summarizes the findings of this controversy in order to give a systematic review and to clarify the importance of WHR in female attractiveness by using for the first time meta-analytical methods. Altogether 75 publications with 120 samples were included in the meta-analyses. Three meta-analyses were conducted to estimate the overall effect. In the first meta-analysis it was shown that on average 45% (p(orginal) = .446, k = 21) of the study participants preferred a WHR of 0.7. The second meta-analysis indicated that a WHR of 0.7 was considered significantly more attractive than other WHRs, showing a significant effect (d = 0.700, k = 42) middle in size. In this meta-analysis evidence of publication bias was identified as a confounding factor. In the third meta-analysis a significant negative correlation between WHR and female attractiveness was discovered, yielding a significant effect (r = -.288, k = 55) middle in size. Tests for identifying important moderators of the effects were conducted, showing that the kind of stimuli and the cultural background had a significant influence on the effect of WHR on female attractiveness. Several meta-analyses showed that the effects varied systematically depending on the weight groups of the stimuli. In summary, the results show that the WHR is important for judging female physical attractiveness. A WHR of 0.7 is seen as more attractive compared to other WHRs. However, contrary to Singh’s statements, the effect of WHR on female attractiveness varies across cultures. Furthermore, there is no evidence for WHR being the most important indicator of female physical attractiveness

    AtmosphÀrische StickstoffeintrÀge in Hochmoore Nordwestdeutschlands und Möglichkeiten ihrer Reduzierung: Eine Fallstudie aus einer landwirtschaftlich intensiv genutzten Region

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    Der im deutsch-niederlĂ€ndischen Grenzgebiet liegende 'Internationale Naturpark Bourtanger Moor/Bargerveen' zeichnet sich durch zahlreiche noch verbliebene Moore aus, deren Lage inmitten einer landwirtschaftlich intensiv genutzten Region aufgrund der erhöhten Stickstoff (N)-Deposition aus der AtmosphĂ€re eine zusĂ€tzliche Belastung fĂŒr die durch Torfabbau und Wassermangel z.T. bereits stark degradierten Moorgebiete bildet. Aus den sehr unterschiedlichen NutzungsansprĂŒchen in dieser Region ergeben sich unvermeidliche Konflikte zwischen Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz, die in dieser Studie aufgegriffen wurden. Gemessene Jahresmittelwerte der Ammoniak (NH3)-Konzentrationen auf den HochmoorflĂ€chen von 3,9 bis 5,6 ÎŒg m-3 lagen auf dem Niveau landwirtschaftlich intensiv genutzter RĂ€ume. Eine effektive abschirmende Wirkung haben die an und in den Mooren vorkommenden Gehölzreihen mit einer Minderungswirkung von 14-18 %. Mit insgesamt sechs weitgehend unabhĂ€ngigen Verfahren wurden N-Depositionen von 21 bis 25 kg ha-1 a-1 ermittelt. Damit sind die Critical Loads, welche fĂŒr die untersuchten Hochmoortypen bei etwa 5 bis 10 kg ha-1 a-1 liegen, deutlich ĂŒberschritten. Die innerhalb des Untersuchungsgebietes freigesetzten NH3-Emissionen tragen zu einem Anteil von 23 % zur Stickstoffbelastung bei, etwa 7 % stammen aus deutschen und 1 % aus niederlĂ€ndischen StĂ€llen. Mit 13 % wird der grĂ¶ĂŸte Beitrag durch die Ausbringung von WirtschaftsdĂŒngern (GĂŒlle) und GĂ€rsubstraten von deutschen landwirtschaftlichen FlĂ€chen freigesetzt. Deutlich geringer ist der niederlĂ€ndische Anteil von 1,6 %. Dies ist sowohl auf den verstĂ€rkten Einsatz emissionsmindernder Ausbringungstechniken als auch auf den deutlich niedrigeren FlĂ€chenanteil im Untersuchungsgebiet zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren. 77 % der N-Depositionen gelangen ĂŒber den Ferntransport in die Moore des Untersuchungsgebietes. Auch die N-Deposition ĂŒber Ferntransport stammte ĂŒberwiegend aus NH3-Emissionen der Landwirtschaft. In einem Szenario wurde unter BerĂŒcksichtigung aller technischen Möglichkeiten (teilweise zurzeit nur in den Niederlanden gebrĂ€uchlicher Verfahren) zur Abluftreinigung und GĂŒlleausbringung eine maximale Minderung der NH3-Emissionen im Untersuchungsgebiet von 64 % berechnet. Das grĂ¶ĂŸte Minderungspotenzial von ca. 2 kg ha-1 a-1 Depositionsminderung besitzt die Ausbringung von WirtschaftsdĂŒngern mittels Injektionsverfahren. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass regionale NH3-Minderungskonzepte alleine nicht ausreichend sind, um die untersuchten Moorgebiete vor schĂ€dlichen StickstoffeintrĂ€gen zu schĂŒtzen. Regionale Emissionsminderungskonzepte sollten daher in umfassende nationale und internationale Strategien zur Minderung der NH3-Emissionen aus der Landwirtschaft eingebunden werden.The 'International Nature Park Bourtanger Moor/Bargerveen' located at the German-Dutch border region is characterized by numerous remaining raised bogs within an intensively managed agricultural landscape and is thereby subjected to elevated nitrogen (N) deposition from the atmosphere. This situation leads to unavoidable conflicts of interest between agriculture and nature conservation, which are being investigated in this study. Measured annual means of ammonia (NH3) concentrations at the study sites were between 3.9 and 5.6 ÎŒg m-3, thus on the same level as values for arable sites. Grove lines form an effective protection against NH3 dispersion with a mitigation potential of 14-18 %. N deposition was determined by six independent methods and was found to be in a range from 21 to 25 kg ha-1 yr-1. These results show that bog-specific critical loads of 5 to 10 kg ha-1 yr-1 were clearly exceeded. NH3 emissions from the study area contribute 23 % to the overall nitrogen load that is locally deposited. 7 % and 1 % originate from German and Dutch stables, respectively. While the highest share of 13 % is released through the application of farm fertilizer (slurry) and fermented substrate from German arable land, only 1.6 % is emitted from Dutch sites mainly due to more efficient low-emission techniques and the smaller Dutch part of the study site compared to the German part. 77 % of the overall N deposition into the peatlands of the study area originates from non-local - but nevertheless agricultural - sources with the nitrogen being transported over long distances. A maximum reduction of NH3 emissions within the study area under consideration of all technical capabilities for waste air quality control and slurry application (some of them currently only used in the Netherlands) were found to be 64 %. Deposition can be reduced by ca. 2 kg ha-1 yr-1 through injection of fertilizer into the soil. The results show that regional NH3 mitigation concepts are not sufficient to protect the studied peatland sites against harmful excess nitrogen loads. Thus, regional concepts should be integrated into comprehensive national and international strategies to achieve an effective reduction of NH3 emissions from agricultural activities

    Labeling of DOTA-conjugated HPMA-based polymers with trivalent metallic radionuclides for molecular imaging

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    Background In this work, the in vitro and in vivo stabilities and the pharmacology of HPMA-made homopolymers were studied by means of radiometal-labeled derivatives. Aiming to identify the fewer amount and the optimal DOTA-linker structure that provides quantitative labeling yields, diverse DOTA-linker systems were conjugated in different amounts to HPMA homopolymers to coordinate trivalent radiometals Me(III)* = gallium-68, scandium-44, and lutetium-177. Results Short linkers and as low as 1.6% DOTA were enough to obtain labeling yields > 90%. Alkoxy linkers generally exhibited lower labeling yields than alkane analogues despite of similar chain length and DOTA incorporation rate. High stability of the radiolabel in all examined solutions was observed for all conjugates. Labeling with scandium-44 allowed for in vivo PET imaging and ex vivo measurements of organ distribution for up to 24 h. Conclusions This study confirms the principle applicability of DOTA-HPMA conjugates for labeling with different trivalent metallic radionuclides allowing for diagnosis and therapy

    From genome to toxicity: a combinatory approach highlights the complexity of enterotoxin production in Bacillus cereus

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    In recent years Bacillus cereus has gained increasing importance as a food poisoning pathogen. It is the eponymous member of the Bacillus cereus sensu lato group that consists of eight closely related species showing impressive diversity of their pathogenicity. The high variability of cytotoxicity and the complex regulatory network of enterotoxin expression have complicated efforts to predict the toxic potential of new Bacillus cereus isolates. In this study, comprehensive analyses of enterotoxin gene sequences, transcription, toxin secretion and cytotoxicity were performed. For the first time, these parameters were compared in a whole set of Bacillus cereus strains representing isolates of different origin (food or food poisoning outbreaks) and of different toxic potential (enteropathogenic and apathogenic) to elucidate potential starting points of strain-specific differential toxicity. While toxin gene sequences were highly conserved and did not allow for differentiation between high and low toxicity strains, comparison of nheB and hblD enterotoxin gene transcription and Nhe and Hbl protein titers revealed not only strain-specific differences but also incongruence between toxin gene transcripts and toxin protein levels. With one exception all strains showed comparable capability of protein secretion and so far, no secretion patterns specific for high and low toxicity strains were identified. These results indicate that enterotoxin expression is more complex than expected, possibly involving the orchestrated interplay of different transcriptional regulator proteins, as well as posttranscriptional and posttranslational regulatory mechanisms plus additional influences of environmental conditions

    Selective arterialization of a cardiac vein in a model of cardiac microangiopathy and macroangiopathy in sheep

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    ObjectiveSome patients with significant arteriosclerosis of the heart are not amenable to revascularization of a coronary artery because they have a combination of microangiopathy and significant macroangiopathy. We investigated the benefit of arterialization of a cardiac vein under these circumstances in an acute animal model.MethodsIn the hearts of 8 sheep, microspheres were injected into the left coronary artery; 60 minutes later, a stenosis of the left anterior descending artery was performed. After 45 minutes, retrograde venous revascularization was performed by sewing the left internal thoracic artery to the concomitant vein of the left anterior descending artery in a beating-heart technique. For flow reversal, the vein was ligated proximally to the anastomosis. The efficiency of the bypass graft was evaluated by coronary angiography and flow measurement. Cardiac output, electrocardiography, and mean arterial blood pressure were assessed in each phase of the experiment.ResultsThe ischemic state of the myocardium was confirmed by a significant decrease of cardiac output, stroke volume, and mean arterial blood pressure, and a significant elevation of the ST segment in the electrocardiography. After retrograde venous revascularization was established, cardiac output and stroke volume increased and ST elevations decreased. The grafts showed adequate flow (26.15 ± 2.08 mL/min), and reversed blood flow in the grafted vein was proved by coronary angiography.ConclusionRetrograde venous revascularization is possible and improves cardiac function in a state of acute ischemia caused by a combination of microangiopathy and macroangiopathy

    Reasons, Years and Frequency of Yoga Practice: Effect on Emotion Response Reactivity

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    Yoga practice, even in the short term, is supposed to enhance wellbeing and counteract psychopathology through modification of emotion reactivity. Yoga teaches that emotional responses may be less pronounced with longer and more frequent practice, and potentially when people perform yoga for mental rather than physical reasons. We tested 36 yoga practitioners of varying experience (between 6 months and 11 years of practice). We assessed participants’ self-reported emotional experience and peripheral physiological reactions (heart rate, skin conductance, respiration) when seeing positive and negative pictures. Results were analyzed as a function of the years of, frequency of, and reasons for yoga practice. We found a heart rate increase with the degree participants performed yoga for mental reasons. In addition, years of yoga practice were significantly associated with reduced abdominal respiratory rate when facing negative pictures, speaking in favor of reduced arousal with yoga experience. Finally, regarding frequency of practice, a higher frequency in the last month was linked to less negative and positive experiences as well as a reduced abdominal respiratory amplitude when viewing positive pictures. Altogether, these results demonstrate that intense short-term yoga practice might relate to a (i) decrease in the intensity of self-reported emotional experiences and (ii) deepened respiration. Short-term effects might be shaped by what participants expect as practice benefits. However, several years of practice might be needed to decrease respiratory arousal in the face of negative situations, which likely is a manifestation of an evolution in the emotion regulation process
