10,143 research outputs found

    Fundamental constants and tests of theory in Rydberg states of one-electron ions

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    The nature of the theory of circular Rydberg states of hydrogenlike ions allows highly-accurate predictions to be made for energy levels. In particular, uncertainties arising from the problematic nuclear size correction which beset low angular-momentum states are negligibly small for the high angular-momentum states. The largest remaining source of uncertainty can be addressed with the help of quantum electrodynamics (QED) calculations, including a new nonperturbative result reported here. More stringent tests of theory and an improved determination of the Rydberg constant may be possible if predictions can be compared with precision frequency measurements in this regime. The diversity of information can be increased by utilizing a variety of combinations of ions and Ryberg states to determine fundamental constants and test theory.Comment: 10 pages; LaTe

    Coordinate-space approach to the bound-electron self-energy: Self-Energy screening calculation

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    The self-energy screening correction is evaluated in a model in which the effect of the screening electron is represented as a first-order perturbation of the self energy by an effective potential. The effective potential is the Coulomb potential of the spherically averaged charge density of the screening electron. We evaluate the energy shift due to a 1s1/21s_{1/2}, 2s1/22s_{1/2}, 2p1/22p_{1/2}, or 2p3/22p_{3/2} electron screening a 1s1/21s_{1/2}, 2s1/22s_{1/2}, 2p1/22p_{1/2}, or 2p3/22p_{3/2} electron, for nuclear charge Z in the range 5≤Z≤925 \le Z\le 92. A detailed comparison with other calculations is made.Comment: 54 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    QED self-energy contribution to highly-excited atomic states

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    We present numerical values for the self-energy shifts predicted by QED (Quantum Electrodynamics) for hydrogenlike ions (nuclear charge 60≤Z≤11060 \le Z \le 110) with an electron in an n=3n=3, 4 or 5 level with high angular momentum (5/2≤j≤9/25/2\le j \le 9/2). Applications include predictions of precision transition energies and studies of the outer-shell structure of atoms and ions.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Two-Loop Bethe Logarithms

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    We calculate the two-loop Bethe logarithm correction to atomic energy levels in hydrogen-like systems. The two-loop Bethe logarithm is a low-energy quantum electrodynamic (QED) effect involving multiple summations over virtual excited atomic states. Although much smaller in absolute magnitude than the well-known one-loop Bethe logarithm, the two-loop analog is quite significant when compared to the current experimental accuracy of the 1S-2S transition: it contributes -8.19 and -0.84 kHz for the 1S and the 2S state, respectively. The two-loop Bethe logarithm has been the largest unknown correction to the hydrogen Lamb shift to date. Together with the ongoing measurement of the proton charge radius at the Paul Scherrer Institute its calculation will bring theoretical and experimental accuracy for the Lamb shift in atomic hydrogen to the level of 10^(-7).Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    Lamb Shift of 3P and 4P states and the determination of α\alpha

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    The fine structure interval of P states in hydrogenlike systems can be determined theoretically with high precision, because the energy levels of P states are only slightly influenced by the structure of the nucleus. Therefore a measurement of the fine structure may serve as an excellent test of QED in bound systems or alternatively as a means of determining the fine structure constant α\alpha with very high precision. In this paper an improved analytic calculation of higher-order binding corrections to the one-loop self energy of 3P and 4P states in hydrogen-like systems with low nuclear charge number ZZ is presented. A comparison of the analytic results to the extrapolated numerical data for high ZZ ions serves as an independent test of the analytic evaluation. New theoretical values for the Lamb shift of the P states and for the fine structure splittings are given.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX, 4 tables, 4 figure

    Black-Body Radiation Correction to the Polarizability of Helium

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    The correction to the polarizability of helium due to black-body radiation is calculated near room temperature. A precise theoretical determination of the black-body radiation correction to the polarizability of helium is essential for dielectric gas thermometry and for the determination of the Boltzmann constant. We find that the correction, for not too high temperature, is roughly proportional to a modified hyperpolarizability (two-color hyperpolarizability), which is different from the ordinary hyperpolarizability of helium. Our explicit calculations provide a definite numerical result for the effect and indicate that the effect of black-body radiation can be excluded as a limiting factor for dielectric gas thermometry using helium or argon.Comment: 8 pages; RevTe

    Low-Energy Direct Capture in the 16O(alpha,gamma)20Ne Reaction

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    The cross section of the 16O(a,g)20Ne capture reaction is analyzed at low energies where the direct capture mechanism is dominant. For temperatures below T9 = 0.2 the resulting astrophysical reaction rate is about a factor of two higher than in a recent compilation whereas the energy dependence of the astrophysical S-factor and the branching ratios to the 20Ne bound states are very similar to previous calculations. The validity of the widely used detailed balance theorem for the inverse 20Ne(g,a)16O photodisintegration rate is confirmed for the special case of high-lying first excited states.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, Phys. Rev. C, accepted for publicatio

    Quantifying Tensions between CMB and Distance Datasets in Models with Free Curvature or Lensing Amplitude

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    Recent measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) by the Planck Collaboration have produced arguably the most powerful observational evidence in support of the standard model of cosmology, i.e. the spatially flat Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm. In this work, we perform model selection tests to examine whether the base CMB temperature and large scale polarization anisotropy data from Planck 2015 (P15) prefer any of eight commonly used one-parameter model extensions with respect to flat Λ\LambdaCDM. We find a clear preference for models with free curvature, ΩK\Omega_\mathrm{K}, or free amplitude of the CMB lensing potential, ALA_\mathrm{L}. We also further develop statistical tools to measure tension between datasets. We use a Gaussianization scheme to compute tensions directly from the posterior samples using an entropy-based method, the surprise, as well as a calibrated evidence ratio presented here for the first time. We then proceed to investigate the consistency between the base P15~CMB data and six other CMB and distance datasets. In flat Λ\LambdaCDM we find a 4.8σ4.8\sigma tension between the base P15~CMB data and a distance ladder measurement, whereas the former are consistent with the other datasets. In the curved Λ\LambdaCDM model we find significant tensions in most of the cases, arising from the well-known low power of the low-ℓ\ell multipoles of the CMB data. In the flat Λ\LambdaCDM +AL+A_\mathrm{L} model, however, all datasets are consistent with the base P15~CMB observations except for the CMB lensing measurement, which remains in significant tension. This tension is driven by the increased power of the CMB lensing potential derived from the base P15~CMB constraints in both models, pointing at either potentially unresolved systematic effects or the need for new physics beyond the standard flat Λ\LambdaCDM model.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 6 table
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