538 research outputs found

    Knowledge Transfers between Canadian Business Enterprises and Universities: Does Distance Matter?

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    This study examines whether the transfer of knowledge flows from universities to enterprises in Canada is hampered by the geographical distance that separates them. The transfer of knowledge flows are measured by the amount of R&D payments from business enterprises to universities that are directly reported in Statistics Canada's survey on Research and Development in Canadian Industry. We use data from the 1997 to 2001 surveys. After controlling for unobserved individual heterogeneity, selection bias as well as for other covariates that could affect the extent of industry-university R&D transactions such as absorptive capacity, foreign control, belonging to the same province, past experience with a given university and other firm and university characteristics, it is found that a 10% increase in distance decreases the proportion of total R&D paid to a university by 1.4 percent for enterprises that do not report any codified transfer of knowledge flow, and by half as much for enterprises that report codified knowledge flows.knowledge transfer, university-industry relationships, codified knowledge, tacit knowledge, spatial proximity

    R&D, Production Structure, and Productivity Growth in the U.S., Japaneseand German Manufacturing Sectors

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    The paper analyzes the production structure and the demand for inputs in three major industrialized countries, the U.S., Japan and Germany. A dynamic factor demand model with two variable inputs (labor and energy)and two quasi-fixed inputs (capital and R&D) is derived directly from an intertemporal cost-minimization problem formulated in discrete time. Adjustment costs are explicitly specified. The model is estimated for the manufacturing sector of the three countries using annual data from 1965 to 1977. Particular attention is given to the role of R&D. For all countries the rate of return on R&D is found to be higher than that on capital. Their respective magnitudes are similar across countries.We find considerable differences in factor demand schedules; we also find that for all countries the speed of adjustment for capital is higher than that of R&D. Adjustment costs are of importance in the demand equations for capital and R&D, but play a minor role in the decomposition of total factor productivity growth.

    Innovativity: a comparison across seven European countries

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    Nous proposons, dans cette étude, un cadre d'analyse, ou « comptabilité de l'innovation », semblable à celui très généralement utilisé pour la « comptabilité de la croissance », ainsi qu'une mesure de la « productivité des facteurs d'innovation » ou « innovativité » comparable à celle de la productivité totale des facteurs. Nous appliquons ce cadre d'analyse à la comparaison de l'innovation pour sept pays européens - l'Allemagne, la Belgique, le Danemark, l'Irlande, l'Italie, la Norvège et les Pays-Bas -, à partir des données d'entreprises « micro agrégées » de la première enquête communautaire sur l'innovation (CIS1) portant sur l'année 1992. Sur la base d'un modèle Tobit généralisé et en mesurant l'innovation par la part du chiffre d'affaires des entreprises en produits innovants (nouveaux ou améliorés sur les trois années 1990-1992), nous estimons la propension à innover et l'intensité de l'innovation (conditionnellement ou non au fait d'innover) pour les industries manufacturières de haute et basse technologie des sept pays. Bien que disposant de variables explicatives peu nombreuses, nous rendons compte ainsi de différences déjà très significatives d'intensité d'innovation entre pays. Les différences d'innovativité entre pays restent néanmoins très fortes.This paper proposes a framework to account for innovation similar to the usual accounting framework in production analysis and a measure of "innovativity" comparable to that of total factor productivity. This innovation accounting framework is illustrated using micro-aggregated firm data from the first Community Innovation Surveys (CIS1) for seven European countries: Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Italy for the year 1992. Based on the estimation of a generalized Tobit model and measuring innovation as the share of total sales due to improved or new products, it compares the propensity to innovate, and the innovation intensity conditional and unconditional on being innovative, across the seven countries and low- and high-tech manufacturing sectors. Even with relatively few explanatory variables our innovation framework already accounts for sizeable differences in country innovation intensity. It also shows that differences in innovativity across countries can be nonetheless very large

    Innovation performance and embeddedness in networks: evidence from the Ethiopian footwear cluster

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    Healthcare expenditure prediction with neighbourhood variables:A random forest model

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    We investigated the additional predictive value of an individual’s neighbourhood (quality and location), and of changes therein on his/her healthcare costs. To this end, we combined several Dutch nationwide data sources from 2003 to 2014, and selected inhabitants who moved in 2010. We used random forest models to predict the area under the curve of the regular healthcare costs of individuals in the years 2011–2014. In our analyses, the quality of the neighbourhood before the move appeared to be quite important in predicting healthcare costs (i.e. importance rank 11 out of 126 socio-demographic and neighbourhood variables; rank 73 out of 261 in the full model with prior expenditure and medication). The predictive performance of the models was evaluated in terms of R2 (or proportion of explained variance) and MAE (mean absolute (prediction) error). The model containing only socio-demographic information improved marginally when neighbourhood was added (R2 +0.8%, MAE −€5). The full model remained the same for the study population (R2 = 48.8%, MAE of €1556) and for subpopulations. These results indicate that only in prediction models in which prior expenditure and utilization cannot or ought not to be used neighbourhood might be an interesting source of information to improve predictive performance

    Изменение микроструктуры пружинного Сr-Ni сплава после старения

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    Установлено, что старение закаленного сплава 47ХНМ при температуре 500 °С в течение 5...10 ч не приводит к распаду пересыщенного твердого раствора, при повышении температуры старения до 600 °С начинают проявляться признаки распада в частицах ?-фазы гомогенного типа. Показано, что после старения при 700 °С закаленных образцов интенсивно развивается прерывистый распад с выделением некогерентной ?-фазы на основе хрома, причем объемная доля его возрастает с увеличением времени старения, достигая максимальных значений за 5...10 ч старения

    What drives productivity in Tanzanian manufacturing firms: technology or institutions?

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    Is inter-firm labor mobility a channel of knowledge spillovers? Evidence from a linked employer-employee panel

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