28 research outputs found

    abstract - chalesh 94

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    The Relationship between Organizational Health and Perception of Organizational politics in Educational Hospitals of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences

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    Background & Objectives: Creating a healthy environment that is based on organizational justice leads to a healthy organization and can be used to promote complex organizations such as hospitals. The main purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between organizational health and perception of organizational politics in educational hospitals of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was performed on 371 staff members of educational hospitals in Qazvin/ Iran selected through simple stratified sampling method. Organizational Health Questionnaire adapted from Parsons Pattern and Kachmr and Carlson’s (1997) Perceptions of Organizational Politics Scale were used for data collecting. Data analysis was done through SPSS20 and using Chi-square, independent t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multivariate regression analysis. Results: In the studied hospitals, organizational health from the perspective of employees was in high and very high levels in 76.8% of cases and organizational politics was high in 8.9% cases. There was a significant inverse relationship between organizational politics and organizational health; that is, reduction of organizational politics was significantly associated with organizational health increase (P=0.069). Conclusion: It is necessary to pay special attention to health and organizational politics in hospitals and to create an environment with more efficient organizational relationships among staff. It is also recommended to define and determine the levels of organization clearly and to take the necessary measures to improve the organizational climate. Key¬words: Perceptions of Organizational Politics, Organizational Health, Educational Hospital, Staff Citation: Jafarzadeh D, Mohebbifar R, Shishechi R, Bahreini R. The Relationship between Organizational Health and Perception of Organizational politics in Educational Hospitals of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. Journal of Health Based Research 2017; 3(2): 151-161

    Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of Human Error in Diagnostic Therapy Persenol Kosar Hospital of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences in 2016

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    Background and Aim: Nowadays, human error in the medical field is considered one of the most important and sensitive issues in this field and is considered as a serious problem, which may lead to unreasonable risks and incidents for patients. Therefore, it is very important to use methods to identify and reduce them. The purpose of this study was to identify and evaluate human errors in diagnostic and therapeutic persenol of Qazvin Kosar Hospital by SHERPA method. Materials & Methods: This cross sectional -practical study was performed by using SHERPA method in 1395. The community and research sample consisted of all tasks of diagnostic and therapeutic occupations of Kowsar Medical Center. From the research community in the field of medicine, 32 nursing duties and 3 duties of obstetrician and in the field of gynecologist, 2 diagnostic tasks were assigned to radiology specialist and 2 were assigned to radiology expert. Using the HTA (Hierarchical Task Analysis), subtasks of all tasks were determined and finally, the information gathered in the worksheet of the SHERPA was completed and analyzed by using Excel software. Findings: 311 errors were detected among the tasks identified in this study, that were 178 (57%) were Action errors, 66 (21%) Checking errors, 18 (6%) Retrieval errors, 41 (13%), communication errors and 8 (3%) Selection errors. from the aspect of the level of risk of error, the maximum number of error was acceptable errors with required to revision (42%), and the least of those was unacceptable errors ( 7%). Discussion and Conclusion: According to the results of this study, hospital officials should pay particular attention to the Action and communication errors of sensitive occupations in the hospital. In this regard, by developing a coherent program to establish national accreditation standards in the field of error management, a step is needed to identify and control the factors predisposing to human error in the hospital. Key Words: Error Identification, Risk Assessment, Human Error, SHERPA Metho

    Influencing Factors on Patients’ Length of Stay in an Emergency Department of a Training Hospital

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    Background & Objectives: Patients’ length of stay in emergency departments is one of the key criterion which has been focused by hospital managers recently. This study aimed to assess the influencing factors on patients’ length of stay in an emergency department of a training hospital affiliated by Alborz Medical University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This was a descriptive-analytical study with a cross-sectional design in 2017. Study population consisted of all inpatients in a six month time period from the beginning of the study year. Through the use of Cochrane sample size calculation formula 555 numbers of samples were selected which their related data were obtained from the review of patients’ medical records. To test study hypotheses data were entered to a SPSS version 20 and analyzed through descriptive statistical analysis method, Pearson correlation test, t-test, and ANOVA. Results: Mean of patients’ length of stay was 11.31 hours. Evidence showed that this mean time was correlated with some of the factors including internal or external medical counseling, the necessity to have a medical laboratory test, a medical imaging test or the time interval between triage and the first physician’s visit. Conclusion: Modifying hospital processes and performance procedures in an emergency department with an aim to improve service quality and effective interactions among different hospital units can play a helpful role in solving existing problems. Key¬words: Length of Stay, Emergency Department, Training Hospital, Inpatients Citation: Bagheri Z, Rafiei S, Mohebbifar R. Influencing Factors on Patients’ Length of Stay in an Emergency Department of a Training Hospital. Journal of Health Based Research 2019; 4(4): 371-81. [In Persian

    Profile of side Effects in Patients Receiving Blood Transfusion from the Perspective of Management Unit

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    Background: In spite of being vital to save the patients' life, blood transition may be dangerous and even fatal, too the aim of this study was to investigate the side effects (complications) of blood transfusion in the educational hospitals of Qazvin.Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive cross sectional and practical study that was carried out in 2010. In this study, all the patients of four  health training centers in Qazvin, that have had blood transfusion and complications, were considered as a part of the statistical community. The instrument for data collection was checklist which was filled through an interview with blood bank manager and some other responsible individuals and scrutinizing files of patients who had blood injection among the blood products consumption, request for the packed cells was the most and for fresh frozen plasma was the least.Results: 75% of these people had only one blood injection and the maximum injection volume was 100cc which was done mostly in the evening. Most of the transfusion history belonged to 21-30 year olds in our statistical community. 56% of all Patients that had transfusion, possessed background of some disease such as heart problems (21.9%). More than half of them (2.56%) had a chill feeling complication transfusion and there was a significant relationship between the blood transfusion volume and itching complication.Conclusion: Existence of a continuous association between blood transfusion organization and hospitals is indispensable. Therefore, it seems that Hemovigilance system or computer connected network to send reports, between hospital centers and blood transfusion organization of Iran, can be an appropriate solution