35 research outputs found


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    Pendidikan Agama Islam sangat penting untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang cerdas, damai, terbuka,  demokratis dan berakhlak. Apabila hasil Pendidikan Agama Islam ingin ditingkatkan, maka harus melakukan perubahan dan penyempurnaan, termasuk penyempurnaan kurikulum. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Depdikbud), merencanakan perubahan kurikulum mulai tahun ajaran 2013/2014, seperti yang  telah dilakukan oleh Kemendikbud dengan mengubah kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan (KTSP) menjadi Kurikulum 2013. Penerapan kurikulum 2013 akan mengedepankan pelajaran moral dan akhlak. Mata pelajaran agama, yang semula hanya dua jam per minggu, ditambah menjadi tiga jam per minggu. Di dalamnya termasuk penambahan pelajaran     budi pekerti. Berbagai komponen yang terdapat dalam pendidikan ini sering berjalan apa adanya, alami dan tradisional, karena dilakukan tanpa perencanaan konsep yang matang, akibat dari keadaan demikian, mutu pendidikan Islam sering kurang menggembirakan. Untuk merealisasikan permasalahan tersebut maka dibutuhkanya manajemen, apalagi setelah adanya penggabungan mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti dalam Kurikulum 2013

    Terapi doh dalam meningkatkan kemahiran mengenal dan menulis huruf murid tahun satu sekolah rendah di pedalaman

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    Kajian berbentuk kualitatif ini merupakan kajian tindakan yang bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana aktiviti terapi menggunakan doh dapat membantu dalam penguasaan mengenal dan menulis huruf dalam kalangan murid tahun satu. Kajian tindakan ini dijalankan terhadap empat orang murid tahun satu di Sekolah Kebangsaan Nanga Nansang, Song yang dijadikan sampel dalam kajian ini. Dalam kajian ini juga pengkaji menggunakan instrumen melalui pemerhatian dan temubual. Alat kajian terdiri daripada ujian diagnostik (awal dan akhir), analisis dokumen, nota lapangan dan senarai semak. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan peningkatan pencapaian peserta kajian selepas intervensi berdasarkan peningkatan keputusan ujian awal dan akhir selepas beberapa dua kali pusingan intervensi. Hasil pemerhatian pengkaji yang dicatat pada nota lapangan dan dirakam menggunakan rakaman video juga menunjukkan peserta kajian berminat dan melibatkan sepanjang intervensi dijalankan. Pengkaji juga merekod video sebagai bukti kepada penglibatan dan tindak balas peserta kajian sepanjang kajian dijalankan melalui pengajaran dan pembelajaran mengenal dan menulis huruf mengunakan doh. Selain itu, dapatan kajian turut menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara terapi membentuk huruf dengan menggunakan doh dengan penguasaan kemahiran mengenal menulis huruf di mana setelah mengenal huruf, murid secara tidak langsung dapat menulis huruf tersebut dengan baik

    The relationship between dietary carbohydrate level and the levels of blood glucose and amylase in lemon fin barb hybrid

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    A feeding trial was conducted to determine the effects of dietary carbohydrate level on the blood glucose and amylase of lemon fin barb hybrid fingerlings. Triplicate groups of fish (1.1 ± 0.5 g) were fed twice a day until apparent satiation with five isonitrogenous (30% protein) and isolipidic (4%) test diets containing increasing level of carbohydrate (20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 %). At the end of the experiment, fish survival, growth, feed efficiency, and blood glucose and amylase were measured. No mortality was observed in this study. The highest growth and blood amylase, and best feed efficiency were achieved at 35% dietary carbohydrate level while blood glucose continued to rise with the increase in the dietary carbohydrate level. This study indicated that blood amylase could be used as a tool to determine the optimal dietary carbohydrate level of a tropical carp and lemon fin barb hybrid could optimally utilize a high dietary carbohydrate level of 31.5-33.5%

    Aggregation of Partially Hydrophilic Silica Nanoparticles in Porous Media: Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

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    In this experimental work, the adsorption of partially hydrophilic silica nanoparticles, SiO2 has been investigated to determine the degree of silica nanoparticle aggregation in the porous media. An integrated quantitative and qualitative method was used by flowing silica nanoparticles into Buff Berea cores and glass micromodel. Water wet Buff Berea cores were flooded with 5 pore volumes of 0.05% silica nanoparticles solution followed by 10 pore volumes of brine post flush subjected to 30 and 60°C. The pressure drops increased rapidly at the initial stage of silica nanoparticles injection indicated the adsorption had taken place. Pressure drops reached the maximum value of ~3.1 psi and between 26.6–82.6 psi at 30 and 60°C respectively. Pressure drops gradually declined and stabilized in between ~0.4 and ~0.7 psi after couple of pore volumes of brine post flush, suggesting complete reversible and irreversible adsorption. Micromodel test provide qualitative information where the straining or log-jamming observed in the form of gelled-like suspension when silica nanoparticles in contact with brine. The adsorption is considered reversible when the suspension decreased after post flooded with brine. Silica nanoparticles used in this experimental work shows minimal aggregation that can be beneficial as improved oil recovery agent

    Population structure of the blue swimmer crab Portunus pelagicus in coastal areas of Malaysia inferred from microsatellites

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    Portunus pelagicus, distributed throughout the Indo-West Pacific region, is one of the large and edible species of blue swimmer crabs. Increasing demand for the frozen and canned crabmeat industry worldwide has now relied mainly on P. pelagicus which in turn generates splendid income for the fisherman communities. In the present study, the population genetic structure of P. pelagicus was examined using six pairs of microsatellite loci. A total of 87 crab samples were collected from five different coastal areas of Malaysia. Genomic DNA was extracted from each sample for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and fragment analysis. Four out of six microsatellite primers revealed polymorphic loci in P. pelagicus sampled. The number of alleles per locus in P. pelagicus ranged from 14 to 34. Microsatellites analyses indicated low levels of genetic differentiation among the P. pelagicus populations. The average observed heterozygosity (HO = 0.48) obtained was lower than the standard heterozygosity found in most marine populations (H O = 0.79). The high F IS values (mean F IS = 0.4756) and low F ST values (mean F ST = 0.0413) also suggested the existence of inbreeding among different populations of P. pelagicus. In conclusion, this study was able to shed light on the population structure of P. pelagicus in coastal areas of Malaysia

    Changes in the mouth morpho-histology of hybrid Malaysian mahseer (Barbonymus gonionotus♀× Tor tambroides♂) during the larval development

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    Tor tambroides is a highly sought after food, sport and ornamental fish in Southeast Asia. However its natural population is drastically declining while its aquaculture is still considered small relying mostly of the wild fry as its hatchery bred fry supply is low due to its partial spawning behavior. To reduce the pressure on its fisheries, a new hybrid of Malaysian mahseer was produced by crossbreeding Malaysian red mahseer Tor tambroides male and silver barb Barbonymous gonionotus female through induced breeding for possible introduction into the aquaculture industry. This 23-day study was carried out to observe the morphology, functional capabilities and histological of the mouth development of hybrid Malaysian mahseer larvae. Newly hatched larvae were reared in three 75 L aquaria with the stocking density of 10 larvae per liter. Larval mouth development was observed daily using light and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Histological analysis of the mouth was also carried out. The results showed that the larval mouth was closed at hatching and started to open and move at 3 DAH with an estimated opening of 111.01 ± 5.91 μm Ø and 173.11 ± 10.98 μm Ø at 45° and 90°, respectively. The taste buds started to function as early as 3 DAH and increased its number as fish grew. The exogenous feeding began in conjunction of the mouth opening. The mouth became terminal as early as 6 DAH with the presence of numerous taste buds at the mouth cavity. The mouth gap and total length showed strong polynomial relationship throughout the 23-day larviculture. From the mouth gap size, live foods such as rotifer and microworms seemed to be suitable for the first feeding of the hybrid fish larvae while Artemia nauplii could be given starting from 5 DAH

    Wheelchair lifter

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    Basically, a wheelchair stair lift is a motorized, meaning by carrying a person seated in a wheelchair up and down stairs. A wheelchair lift, also known as a platform lift, or vertical platform lift is a fully powered device designed to raise a wheelchair and its occupant in order to overcome a step or similar vertical barrier (Figure 8.1). Wheelchair lifts can be installed in homes or businesses and are often added to both private and public vehicles in order to meet accessibility requirements laid out by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). These mobility devices are often installed in homes as an alternative to a stair lift, which only transport a passenger and not his/her wheelchair or mobility scooter. It is installed over the stairs in such a way that the stairs can still be used in the usual fashion. There is no need of breaking down or reconstructing the existing building

    Pixel Value Graphical Password Scheme: K-Means as Graphical Password Fault Tolerance

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    Pixel value access control (PVAC) was introduced to deliver a secure and simple graphical password method where it requires users to load their image as their password. PVAC extracts the image to obtain a three-octet 8-bits Red-Green-Blue (RGB) value as its password to authenticate a user. The pixel value must be matched with the record stored in the database or otherwise, the user is failed to authenticate. However, users which prefer to store images on cloud storage would unintentionally alter and as well as the pixel value due to media compression and caused faulty pixels. Thus, the K-Means clustering algorithm is adapted to fix the issue where the faulty pixel value would be recognized as having the same pixel value cluster as the original. However, most of K-Means algorithm works were mainly developed for content-based image retrieval (CBIR) which having opposite characteristics from PVAC. Thus, this study was aimed to investigate the crucial criteria of PVAC and its compatibility with the K-Means algorithm for the problem. The theoretical analysis is used for this study where the suitable characteristics of K-Means are analyze based on PVAC requirements. The compliance analysis might become a referencing work for digital image clustering techniques adaptation on security system such as image filtering, image recognition, and object detection since most of image clustering works was focused on less sensitive image retrieval

    Strategies of controlling vibriosis in fish

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    The growth of the aquaculture industry is becoming more important in the food production sector. Presently, the biggest problem in aquaculture is bacterial diseases that infect the host thus causing outbreaks and economic losses. Vibriosis is a potentially lethal threat in commercial fish farming. Based on previous researches, various infections of the Vibrio genus have been reported hence their virulence is not fully understood. This review aims to provide enlightenment through research findings on Vibriosis-infected fish. Besides, some guidelines regarding control measures of Vibrio in aquaculture, such as the application of immunostimulant, antibiotics, probiotics and quorum sensing molecules, will be also reviewed