11 research outputs found

    A Confession of Female Smokers in Medan about Their Smoking Habit (Cigarette and Chewing Tobacco): A Preliminary Study

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    Indonesia is the country with the highest number of smokers in ASEAN, with 65.19 million people. Equivalent is 34% of the total population of Indonesia in 2016. As 2545 women smoke, they smoke in various types, such as cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and vape (SDKI, 2018). Smoking prevalence among women is lower than that for men in most countries, but the rate is increasing rapidly from 4.2 percent to 6.7 percent in 2010-2013 (Riskesdas,2013).This research used qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were held with 47 individuals from Medan city. A purposive sample was used who self-identified as female smokers in the past 30-days. Most of the participants who volunteered to take part in the study were over 25 years old. Tobacco users are divided into two focal categories which are cigarette smokers and chewing tobacco addicts, 31 reported as cigarette smokers, and 16 were reported having a chewing tobacco habit. Researches categorized cigarette users or smokers as CU and chewing tobacco users as CTU. The analysis of transcripts from the interviews revealed five main themes: 1) Personal problem lead to smoking (CU) 2) School friends’ influences initiate the habit (CU) 3)  Family tradition originate the chewing tobacco habit (CTU) 4) Prevent egoistic status from the tribe (CTU) and 5) Intent and struggle to quit but unsuccessful for CU but not CTU. Acclimatizing health promotion awareness and activities shall be concentrate on such as oral health, quit smoking and chewing tobacco program as well as motivational improvement approach to quit the smokin

    The Effect of Coping on Family Health in Dealing with COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The emergence of the COVID 19 pandemic is perceived as an unprecedented pressure. If the pandemic is prolonged, it will be able to reduce family health. This study provides an analysis of the effect of coping on family health in dealing with COVID 19. Researchers use the family health theory approach to answer the research objectives. Using a sampling quota, an online survey of 90 respondents throughout Indonesia. The results showed that 15% of family health is determined by the family's coping during the face of the COVID 19 pandemic. It is necessary to apply various coping strategies to support optimal family health.  Keywords: COVID 19, coping, family health, pressure. &nbsp

    Hospitalized Muslim Trauma Patients Ibadah Disability Scale (HM[T]-IDS)

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    The HM[T]-IDS is an assessment tool developed to be used as a standard, objective evaluation scale to determine disability levels of Muslim trauma patients in performing religious physical cleansing and prayer during hospitalization and improve the deliverance of assistance they need. It is constructed based on the patients' and physicians' perspectives on the difficulties in performing religious duties. The use of this assessment tool is to assist physicians and hospital staff in scrutinizing the types of assistance required by the patients. The patients will be assessed based on five major disabilities/ difficulties, which include: A. Pain, B. Mobility, C. Extremity Involvement, D. Bandage/ Cast Application, and E. Toileting. These disabilities/ difficulties are organized in a form of a scoring sheet that utilizes a Linkert scale based on the severity of the disabilities/ difficulties. It was designed in two languages: English and Malay. The total score a patient can be given ranged between 5 and 25. From the total score obtained, the patients are categorized into four categories based on the assistance required by them: Category I (score of 5-8) - patients require least or no assistance, Category II (score of 9-14) - patients require assistance in the form of equipment or aids without the support of an assistant, Category III (score of 15-20) - patients require assistance in the form of equipment or aids with the support of an assistant, and Category IV (score of 21-25) - patients require full support from an assistant as well as supporting equipment. It is hoped that the new assessment tool can provide a new practical measure to evaluate disability among Muslim patients in performing their religious duties. It will provide a balance approach in trauma care

    Quality of life of cervical cancer patients

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    ABSTRACT Cervical cancer is known as the highest cause of death after breast cancer. It is gynecological cancer contributing to the top cause of death in women. Sexual and reproductive issues can reduce the quality of life of women with cervical cancer. WHO defines the quality of life as an individual's perception in the cultural context and value system in which the individual experiences and is related to their goals, expectations, standards, and affairs. It gives the concept of an individual's physical health, psychological conditions, one's beliefs, social relationships, and one's involvement with something meaningful in their environment. This article will explain the definition, symptoms, and staging of cervical cancer, the definition of the quality of life, the meaning of excellence for the cervical cancer patient, and the facts that affect the quality of life.  Keywords           : quality of life, cervical cancer, reproductive organ cancerCorrespondence  : [email protected]

    Reliability and Validity of the Malay Version of Mindful Organizing Scale Amongst Nursing Staff

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    Aim: This study tested the reliability and validity of the 9-item Mindful organizing scale and safety performance scale in the sample of private hospital nurses in different states of Malaysia. Methods: Mindful Organizing scale and safety behavior scale were translated into Bahasa Malaya. To accomplish this task, the survey was conducted of 475 registered nursing staff in different states of Malaysia in 2020 through a self-administered questionnaire. For convergent and discriminant validity of our research variables, we used the Structural equation modeling (SEM) technique with the help of SPSS AMOS 21. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), reliability analysis, and analysis of aggregation through intra-class correlation coefficients indices were also carried out. Results: Our results testified the unidimensional structure of the mindful organizing scale as well as for safety performance both indicators, and exhibited satisfactory internal consistency for both mindful organizing and safety performance. Also, the aggregation of scores to the team level was well under the prescribed limit. Conclusions: We are confident to establish that the Malay version of the mindful organizing and safety performance scales has shown to be a reliable and valid measure that can measure collective mindfulness and safety behavior amongst nursing staff. Our translated version can be used in other high-reliability organizations (HROs) in this cultural context and other industries that also want to achieve reliability in their operational performance

    Medication Adherence Analysis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients

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    Adherence has an important role in therapy management in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. This research is to identify and analyze factors related to medication adherence. The design used in this study was a descriptive-analytic design with a cross-sectional approach. The population is type 2 Diabetes Mellitus sufferers of Prolanis Group in Primary Health Care Facilities in the Ponorogo Regency. A sample of 180 respondents was taken by purposive sampling technique. Variable X includes age, gender, education, occupation, income, and length of suffering. Variable Y was medication compliance with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients. Data collection used a Morisky Medication Adherence (MMAS-8) questionnaire and was analyzed using the Chi-Square test with a significant level of α <0.05. From the results of the study, it was found that the factors of age, sex, education, employment, income and duration of suffering had a significant relationship with medication adherence for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is expected that health services develop family and community-based service management. Researchers are further advised to develop programs to improve medication adherence