43 research outputs found

    Prestasi pengurusan ruang: Hospital Kerajaan di Johor, Malaysia (2006-2015)

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    The increase in the number of patients admitted to the ward is one of the difficulties faced by most hospitals. Therefore, this study aims to determine the performance in the space management of government hospitals. It involves the identification of existing hospital room management patterns. Further, this study has determined the methods used to address the problem of space and bed shortage. This qualitative study uses document analysis methods, which integrate recent and past performance in meeting the needs of hospital space and beds. Admission rates, use of government hospital beds, and methods for addressing increased patient admissions for 2006 to 2015 were thematically analyzed using content analysis. This study was conducted for all government hospitals in the state of Johor. The findings of this study can be used to solve the problem of hospital space as well as further research

    Model pelaksanaan pemanfaatan ruang akademik bagi universiti awam di Malaysia

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    Space utilization is the solution to accommodate the needs for academic space in universities. This is contrary to public universities in Malaysia, whose level of implementation of space utilization is low. The problems in the implementation of space utilization are due to finance, knowledge, awareness, lack of academic research and relevant policies and guidelines. Thus, this study focuses on two questions, namely, what are the components that need to be taken into account in the implementation of space utilization and how to implement the utilization of space in a variety of forms of management of public universities. For that, a space utilization model for academic space was developed through a mix of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The necessary components were determined through literature review, interviews, focus group discussions and questionnaire survey. Contents analysis was used to analyze the literatures, interviews and focus group discussions inputs. Meanwhile, the test of reliability using Cronbach’s alpha and mean analysis were applied on the questionnaires, and with the adaptation of data flow diagrams, the model was then developed. The members of the Council of Directors of Development from Malaysian Public Higher Education Institutions, academics and experts, representatives from the professional accreditation body, representatives from federal and local government agencies, industry practitioners, and research students have contributed to the model development. The developed model consists of three main components with five work processes for the implementation of academic space utilization. These components are the alternatives of the implementation of space utilization survey, databases and interpretations, considerations and remedies for the achieved space utilization rate. For each of these components, there are lower level components. These components are functioning through the process of identification of the needs for space utilization survey, formulation of the implementation alternatives for space utilization survey, evaluation of the survey input and the verification of survey findings for further actions. Thus, this model can accommodate the shortfalls in academic referral on the implementation of academic space utilization

    Managing paddy agricultural irrigation system: a review on challenges and strategies

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    Ensuring enough food supply to meet demand is one of the challenges that the country needs to address. This food security issue is explored in this review article by looking at the challenges and strategies for ensuring a sustainable agricultural irrigation system for paddy farming, with a focus on Indonesia. The review identified five main challenges and four strategies for the management of agricultural irrigation paddy systems. The aim of the discussion in this paper is to help manage irrigation facilities. It is expected to contribute to the sustainability of paddy agriculture for those involved in the management of agricultural water management. Further studies on community participation factors and performance measurement indicators are proposed

    Nutritional status of school children receiving Supplementary Feeding Program in Peninsular Malaysia

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    A total of 2541 school children comprising of 1265 students who were given the School Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP) and 1276 who were not given SFP (non-SFP) aged between 7-12 years, from Central and Southern regions of Peninsular Malaysia were involved in the study. Anthropometric measurements (weight, height and triceps skinfold) and their 24-hour dietary record were assessed. Results showed that SFP subjects had a lower mean body weight (26.9 ± 7.7 kg), height (130.7 ± 10.0 em) and triceps skinfold (TSF) thickness (9.8 ± 3.8 mm) than non-SFP subjects with mean body weight29.3 ± 9.2 kg, height 132.9 ± 10.4 cm and TSF thickness 10.8 ± 4.6 mm. Chinese subjects had the highest mean body weight (28.7 ± 7.9 kg), height (132.9 ± 10.3 em) and TSF thickness (l0.3 ± 3.7 mm) amongst the SFP subjects, as well as amongst non-SFP subjects with mean body weight 31.1 ± 9.3 kg, height 135.4 ± 10.3 em and TSF thickness 11.5 ±4.9 mm. This study also showed the persistence of underweight, stunting and wasting amongst these primary school children. The prevalence of underweight amongst SFP and non-SFP subjects were 14.6% and 10.0% respectively. The prevalence of stunting was 12.6% for SFP and 7.4% for non-SFP, while wasting was found in 11.1% for SFP and 9.5% for non-SFP. The prevalence of overweight amongst SFP and non-SFP subjects were 1.3% and 4.5% respectively. Overall, only intake of protein, vitamin A and vitamin C met the RDI in all subjects for both SFP and non-SFP. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that there is a need for the Food Supplementation Program to be continuously implemented in primary schools to ensure that they will get enough food to sustain their energy

    Factors affecting the space utilisation rate of Malaysian public universities

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    This paper shares the factors that affect space utilization rate in the Malaysian public higher education institutions. The factors, which gathered through a qualitative study involving academics and practitioners are, people, place and process. This helps the Malaysian public universities to understand what they can afford to put forward in order to achieve higher space utilization. Besides, academics and practitioners are encouraged to explore how space utilization can be embraced as a tool in managing space, especially for public higher education institutionsina developing countryy such as Malaysi

    Approach towards an ideal envelope shape design for energy efficiency and low carbon emission

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    The building envelope shape is the most salient design characteristic and has a significant influence on energy consumption during the post-occupancy service life and carbon emission. However, during the conceptual design phase, envelope shape finding is defined without considering the energy performance during post-occupancy service life and sustainable characteristics (i.e. low carbon emission). In addition, there is no suitable method for designers to make such calculations. To bridge the post-occupancy service life in efficiency, this research developed an ideal envelope shape finding approach to facilitate the conceptual design phase. The steady-state principle has been used to predict the thermal flow and energy impact on the aspect ratio of various shapes, and compactness. Integrated dynamic simulation and particle swarm optimization method were used to identify the optimal and sub-optimal combinations of envelope shapes for energy consumption and carbon emission. The findings of this research provide a benchmark of energy consumption characteristics of envelope shape and a cut-off range for low carbon emission envelope design. This is one of the simplified design approach facelift the conventional design process to predict post-occupancy energy performances and carbon emission impact

    Factors affecting participation in a community-based program: Padang city-west Sumatra's experience

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    Improving the quality of life of a community or an individual is an important aspect for society. This can be achieved in a number of ways that involve the participation of a number of parties. One way is through a community-based sanitation program (SANIMAS). However, community participation is another challenge that we should consider in order to ensure the success of promoting participation in a community-based program as one of the ways to improve the quality of life of society as a whole. The aim of present study is therefore to identify factors influencing community participation in a SANIMAS program. Community participation was measured in the form of frequency and quantitative descriptive distribution on the basis of the Likert scale. Findings discusses a number of internal and external factors related to community participation in the SANIMAS program. It contributes to the current literature review of various internal and external factors that promote the participation of the community in improving their quality of life. This study may be used as a reference for the Government and may be established at other locations for the development of environmental infrastructure in the context of the participation of the urban community

    Measurement of facility management competencies in higher education institution

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    Facility management competency plays an important role in providing conducive facilities for higher education institutions. This study will examine the selection of measurement items for facility management competencies in higher education institution. Variables examined in this study are leadership and management, managing people, understanding business organization, operation and maintenance, managing premises, managing services, managing resources, and managing the working environment. Respondents consisted of 646 individuals who manage the facilities of higher education institutions. Data was analysed by using SPSS version 20 software. Results showed that the stated variables were categorized into five areas of facility management competencies with Eigenvalues above 1.0. The value of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.966 > 0.6 was adequate for inter-correlation, while Bartlett’s Test was significant (Chi Square = 23069.264, p <0.05). Hence, factor analysis was carried out and the results formed five constructs that were able to explain 71.78% of the polytechnic facility management competencies. In terms of reliability, the Cronbach’s Alpha value classification was very high, exceeding 0.7. Accordingly, the findings obtained reveal that the instrument can identify facility management competencies required to manage facilities in the polytechnic

    Evaluation of performance energy collection using five types of solar flat plate collector

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    Solar radiation is emitted from the sun and collected on the surface of the earth by solar collectors. Solar energy can be transformed into useful energy in the structure of thermal power. One of the foremosteconomic always is to reapheat by exploitationsolar Flat Plate Collector (FPC). The solar collector's function is to heat water from the atmosphere. Heated water can be used for domestic and industrial uses, etc. The types of FPCs involved in this study are, for the colour’s FPC (black collector versus white collector), material’s FPC (copper collector versus polypropylene collector) and glazing’s FPC (double glazing collector versus single glazing collector) by using the Energy Solar Trainer. The present work is aimed to predict the performance of FPC tested for three different days with different types of FPC using an application of water heating The sky was almost clear with an ambient temperature in the range 20o C-36.2o C. Readings are collected from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. with the solar radiation intensity, I = 722 W/m2 and flow rate fixed at 2 Lm-1. The result shows that the efficiency of FPCs (colour, material and glazing), the colour’s FPC, and black collector is higher than white collector. While for material’s FPC, copper collector is higher than polypropylene collector. For the glazing’s FPC, double glazing collector is higher than single collector. For the overall FPCs efficiency, double glazing collector is the highest compared to others FPC

    Green and Sustainable Commercial Property Demand in Malaysia and Nigeria

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    Green building is redefining real estate practices and commercial properties are attracting greater attention of the paradigm shift. Nevertheless, in many countries including Malaysia and Nigeria, green building investment is still beset with uncertainties about the anticipated returns and benefits. The aim of this study is to identify the predictive factors and variables that motivate decisions to demand and invest in green commercial properties, and to apply discriminant analysis technique to assess if there are significant differences in perception between the real estate development team in Malaysia and Nigeria based on the identified variables. The result showed a significant discriminant function separating the two countries based on their perception of the variables. The green building motivation attributes favoured Malaysia. The Wilks’ Lambda’s F test and the standardized discriminant function coefficients, indicated that there are significant differences in perception between the real estate development team  in Malaysia and Nigeria as measured by personal and altruistic environmental motivations, corporate conscience responsibility motivations and economic and financial motivations. However, economic and financial motivation variables were found to have showed the most predictive power in accounting for the differences in perception. Keywords: green building, real estate investment, sustainability, motivations, perceptions