25 research outputs found

    Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Instrumen Penghayatan Akidah

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    This article discussed the construct validity and reliability of faith appreciation questionnaire. The instrument was developed based on past literature, expert opinion and research objectives. Expert interview has been done to validate the instrument construct and content while Cronbach’s alpha coefficient has been used to identify the value and level of internal consistency. Result shows the overall value of Cronbach’s alpha for the instrument is 0.868. However, each construct show a different value of reliability such as moderate level in understanding, α = 0.662; very high value of feeling, α = 0.910 and high in practicing, α = 0.830. Based on the result, some improvements on the instrument item need to be done for the next research

    Maqam Sabar dalam Psikoterapi Pemulihan Pedofilia: Kajian Terhadap Qūt al-Qulūb Syeikh Abū Ṭālib Al-Makkī (W. 996 M): Maqām al-Ṣabr in the Paedophilia Rehabilitation Psychotherapy: A Study on Qūt al-Qulūb by Syeikh Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī (D. 996 CE)

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    Sheikh Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī was a scholar of Sufism respected in the Islamic world. His work, Qūt al-Qulūb, is a major source of reference to sages of the past and present. Many Islamic scholars use Maqamāt al-Aḥwāl's theory as a module and rehabilitation guideline for a number of diseases that affect the human soul. Paedophilia, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Disorder (DSM-5) falls into a category of mental disorders, with some experts considering paedophiles as being mentally insane. In this regard, the main objective of this study was to analyse the implementation of maqām al-ṣabr (stage of patience), according to al-Makkī, as a concept of paedophilia rehabilitation psychotherapy. Using qualitative methods, this study found maqām al-ṣabr to be a crucial element in the recovery from paedophilia. Therefore, this article hopes to integrate the elements of patiencee stage with rehabilitation psychotherapy to develop one of the best treatment modules in the rehabilitation of paedophilia in Malaysia.   ABSTRAK: Syeikh Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī merupakan ulama tasawuf yang disegani dunia Islam, malah karyanya Qūt al-Qulūb menjadi sumber utama golongan sufi mutaqaddimīn dan muta’akhkhirīn. Sebahagian besar sarjana Islam menggunakan teori maqamat al-Ahwal sebagai modul dan rehab untuk beberapa penyakit melibatkan kejiwaan manusia. Pedofilia pula menurut Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Disorder (DSM-5) termasuk dalam kategori gangguan mental, malah sebahagian pakar menganggap pedofil sebagai orang gila. Sehubungan dengan itu, objektif utama kajian ini untuk menganalisis implementasi maqam sabar menurut al-Makkī sebagai konsep psikoterapi pemulihan pedofilia. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, kajian ini mendapati maqam sabar antara elemen penting dalam pemulihan pedofilia. Justeru artikel ini diharap dapat menyatupadukan elemen maqam sabar dan psikoterapi pemulihan, sekali gus menjadi satu modul rawatan yang terbaik dalam pemulihan ketagihan seksual golongan pedofilia di Malaysia

    Religious Leader’s Views Living Hadith Practices in Malaysia

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    Living Hadith is a cultural phenomenon practiced by a particular society and based on the hadith of the Prophet pbuh. It is a behavioral pattern resulted by the interaction of Muslims with the hadith. This study examines the extent to which the sunnah is practiced by the Muslim community in Malaysia, in addition to explaining the concept of “practicing the sunnah” in the perspective of Living Hadith as a research genre. In doing so, I interview five respondentsincluding muftis, academics, and religious figures who are active in the community. The findings show that the Muslim community barely knows the text of the hadith. They simply practice the content or what they believe to be the teaching of the prophetic hadith, encapsulating in their custom. Performing this, they have the rooted tendency to live in line with the religious and moral demands of Rasulullah pbuh. However, the community also needs to be ‘taught’ to see this practice as a sort of encouragement to perform good deeds. This practice nevertheless is not at the same obligatory level as the command to perform five daily prayers and Ramadan fasting. In other words, the Malaysian society sees the ‘living hadith’ as merely the practice of sunnah that is thus still related to the Prophet pbuh


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    Purpose of the study: This article intends to review the literature on living hadith issues as a social-cultural phenomenon of Indonesia. Methodology: For this article, Systematic Literature Review (SLR) has been used to discuss the data from documents based on the living hadith issues, such as books, journals, and other related materials which had been reviewed and referred to Hadith as the main source. Main Findings: This article found that living hadith is a religious phenomenon that is turned on by society. The phrase living hadith in Indonesia as a term that refers to the contextual practice of hadiths or sunnah that are spelled out of ijma and ijtihad which agreed upon in a Muslim community. In other words, living hadith is an understanding of the meaning of hadith that applied in everyday practices. Applications of this study: This article can be useful for humanity, especially for Muslims when the term of living hadith takes place in society in the form of practices based on the understanding of the hadith of Prophet Muhammad as a second source of Islamic law. Novelty/Originality of this study: The phrase of Living Hadith is not similar among the Muslim community in Malaysia, so it is a new discovery and should be enlightened

    Pencegahan dadah golongan berisiko menurut pendekatan psikospiritual al-Ghazālī (W. 505 H.): Drug prevention for risk group based on psychospiritual approaches of al-Ghazālī (D. 505 H.)

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    The issue of drug abuse nowadays is very worrying despite various research and approaches taken to address this issue. New and recurring drug addiction numbers every year indicate a crucial need for improvements in existing prevention efforts. Prevention is the best approach in combating drug abuse because of the effectiveness and cost-friendly. In addition, risk groups should be a priority in prevention approach so that drug addiction can be avoided before it occurs. Islamic psychospiritual therapy is a spiritual treatment method based on Islamic practices and divine reference. This treatment focuses on the purification of the soul, the formation of self-actualization, and spiritual enhancement which ultimate objective is seeking the pleasure of Allah Almighty. Spiritual therapy implemented in Islamic psychospiritual can form a stronghold to prevent drug use and addiction among risk groups. Al-Ghazālī was one of the most prominent and influential Islamic scholars and has produced numerous works that have been made references in the world of Islamic studies throughout the world. Thus, using qualitative methods, this article outlines Al-Ghazālī's Islamic psychospiritual module. Risk group prevention is managing the risk factors by equipping the group with protective factors. The findings of this article indicate that Islamic psychospiritual approaches discussed by al-Ghazālī contain protective factors of religious belief, endurance, self-esteem, appreciation, hope, gratitude, self-reliance, the purpose of life, and love. Therefore, addressing the issue of drug addiction based on the Islamic psychospiritual approach is a viable alternative

    Pencegahan dadah dalam kalangan belia berisiko melalui elemen penghayatan akidah: Drug prevention among at-risk youth through element of aqidah comprehension

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    Akidah merupakan kunci hubungan dan keyakinan umat Islam kepada Allah SWT. Perkara pertama yang dilakukan Rasulullah SAW ketika diutuskan sebagai Rasul adalah membetulkan akidah masyarakat yang telah terpesong. Di Malaysia, umat Islam berpegang dengan akidah berdasarkan aliran Ahli Sunnah Waljamaah. Meskipun pembelajaran akidah ini telah diterapkan sejak bangku sekolah lagi, namun cabaran penghayatan akidah belia kini berada di tahap yang membimbangkan. Hal ini mengakibatkan pelbagai krisis dan masalah. Dalam menangani isu belia, permasalahan dadah merupakan isu serius yang sering diberi perhatian. Statisitik pertambahan penagih dadah belia baru dan berulang pada saban tahun amat meresahkan meskipun pelbagai pendekatan telah diambil untuk menyelesaikan isu ini. Terdapat keperluan untuk mengenalpasti elemen penghayatan akidah dalam membina daya tahan belia untuk menangani isu dadah. Hal ini kerana daya tahan yang kuat dilihat sebagai faktor pelindung daripada terjebak dengan najis dadah. Justeru, berdasarkan metode kualitatif kepustakaan, artikel ini membincangkan elemen penghayatan akidah yang dapat membina daya tahan belia lalu membentuk pencegahan dadah yang berkesan. Dapatan artikel ini menunjukkan elemen penghayatan akidah, iaitu kefahaman, perasaan dan amalan mempunyai faktor pelindung kepercayaan, pengharapan, pengawasan, konsep balasan, ketaatan, pengawasan, keredaan, kesyukuran, penghargaan, kecintaan, kecekalan, kepatuhan, pengurusan diri dan ketekunan. Nilai-nilai ini menyumbang kepada daya tahan indvidu. Oleh yang demikian, elemen penghayatan akidah hendaklah diperkasakan dalam strategi pencegahan dan diberi perhatian oleh pihak sewajarnya supaya usaha pencegahan dadah di negara ini dapat diperkasakan

    Risiko Gangguan Seksual di dalam Rumah kepada Remaja: The Risk of Sexual Harassment in House to Teenagers

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    Sexual harassment is a sexually oriented act committed against another person either verbally, non-verbally, physically, or emotionally. Sexual harassment can occur to female teenagers whether they are inside or outside home. This quantitative study used questionnaires that were analysed using SPSS 2.0. The objective of the study is to explore the extent of domestic sexual harassment risk on female teenagers while they are at home. A total of 84 girls from the age of nine to fifteen in Selangor participated in this study where they have received consent from their parents and guardians to participate in this study. This study found that 7.14% of the participants admitted that they like to wear sexy clothes at home and had watched pornographic videos with close family members such as father, brother, uncle, and grandfather. The findings revealed that they had experienced sexual harassment by their family members if they do not maintain the Islamic manners in addition to being excessively exposed to the unlimited information technology facility. The findings also showed that there are unsafe elements towards female teenagers at home if the family well-being mechanism is not properly and well maintained. The implications of this study suggested a development of a mobile application to identify the initial signs of sexual harassment towards female teenagers. ABSTRAK Gangguan seksual merupakan perlakuan berbaur seks yang dilakukan terhadap individu lain sama ada berbentuk lisan, bukan lisan, fizikal atau emosi. Gangguan seksual boleh berlaku kepada remaja perempuan ketika mereka berada di dalam atau di luar rumah. Metodologi kajian menggunakan kaedah tinjauan yang melibatkan kajian kuantitatif dan dianalisis menggunakan perisian statistik SPSS 2.0. Objektif kajian adalah untuk meneroka sejauh mana risiko gangguan seksual berlaku kepada remaja perempuan sewaktu di dalam rumah.  Seramai 84 orang remaja perempuan yang berusia sembilan hingga 15 tahun di negeri Selangor telah mendapat kebenaran daripada ibu bapa dan penjaga masing-masing untuk menjadi peserta kajian. Kajian mendapati seramai 7.14% remaja perempuan mengakui suka berpakaian seksi di rumah dan pernah menonton video pornografi bersama ahli keluarga terdekat seperti bapa, abang, bapa saudara serta datuk. Dapatan juga menunjukkan mereka mengalami gangguan seksual dalam kalangan ahli keluarga sekiranya mereka tidak menjaga adab-adab Islam disamping banyak terdedah dengan kemudahan teknologi maklumat yang tiada batasan. Dapatan juga menunjukkan wujudnya elemen yang tidak selamat kepada anak-anak remaja perempuan yang berada dalam rumah sekiranya mekanisme kesejahteraan keluarga tidak dipelihara dengan baik dan betul. Implikasi kajian ini mencadangkan pembangunan sebuah aplikasi mudah alih bagi mengenalpasti tanda-tanda awal gangguan seksual yang berlaku kepada remaja perempuan

    La pedofilia en perspectiva coránica: un análisis temático

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    Pedophilia is an issue that has not been addressed as much as the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) issues lately, although it has been going on for many years. It can contribute to a negative impact on children and society. This issue has undermined the family institution, community, and religion as it shows that most pedophile offenders who often make headlines are Malay Muslims. The question arises is, is there any discussion in the content of such revelations, or any Quranic verses discussing on this problem through specific methods. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to analyse Quranic verses on pedophilia or sexual abuse of children. By using qualitative method in collecting of Quranic verses and looking at the view of the infidelity regarding on pedophilia. This article found that the Quran is the best source in dealing with issues that faced by Muslims nowadays. Hence, this article as an effort to find solutions of pedophilia issues that affecting the humanities.La pedofilia es un problema que no se ha abordado tanto como los problemas de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgénero y queer o cuestionamiento (LGBTQ) últimamente, aunque ha estado sucediendo durante muchos años. Puede contribuir a un impacto negativo en los niños y la sociedad. Este problema ha socavado la institución familiar, la comunidad y la religión, ya que muestra que la mayoría de los delincuentes pedófilos que a menudo aparecen en los titulares son musulmanes malayos. La pregunta que surge es, ¿hay alguna discusión sobre el contenido de tales revelaciones, o algún versículo coránico que discuta sobre este problema a través de métodos específicos?. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este artículo es analizar versos coránicos sobre pedofilia o abuso sexual de niños. Mediante el uso del método cualitativo en la recopilación de versos coránicos y mirando la visión de la infidelidad con respecto a la pedofilia. Este artículo encontró que el Corán es la mejor fuente para tratar los problemas que enfrentan los musulmanes hoy en día. Por lo tanto, este artículo es un esfuerzo por encontrar soluciones a los problemas de pedofilia que afectan a las humanidades

    Membentuk spiritual individu menurut hadis untuk pencegahan dadah: Moulding individual spirituality in accordance to hadiths for drug prevention

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    Buku Maklumat Dadah 2017 mencatatkan seramai 18,440 orang penagih baru dikesan dan 7,482 penagih berulang. Angka ini membuktikan terdapat keperluan untuk satu kajian dan sumbangan bagi pemerkasaan langkah pencegahan dadah di negara ini. Pencegahan merupakan kaedah terbaik dan efektif dalam mengurangkan kos menangani penyalahgunaan dadah. Program pencegahan yang lemah akan menyebabkan peningkatan kadar penagihan dan seterusnya wujud pelbagai permasalahan sosial dan peningkatan kos dalam rawatan pemulihan. Kajian menunjukkan kerohanian diri yang lemah merupakan punca utama penagihan dan yang memberi kesan paling kuat. Untuk itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan hadis-hadis berkaitan pembentukan spiritual individu sebagai kaedah untuk mencegah diri dari terjebak ke kancah dadah. Kajian menggunakan kaedah analisis secara tematik iaitu dengan mengenal pasti hadis-hadis yang berkaitan. Kajian mendapati elemen spiritual berkaitan mempunyai tujuan hidup, bersyukur, berdikari dan pegangan agama yang utuh memberi peranan dalam mencegah seseorang dari terlibat di dalam dadah