71 research outputs found

    Pembangunan belia positif melalui proses pementoran dalam program kepemimpinan belia di Malaysia

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    Penyerlahan potensi dan keupayaan belia bagi membina kesediaan mereka untuk memimpin dapat menyumbang secara langsung kepada pembangunan belia positif (PYD). Walau bagaimanapun, pembangunan kepemimpinan belia memerlukan pembelajaran terbimbing dan model pemimpin yang boleh diikuti. Justeru, kaedah pementoran berpotensi dalam menyediakan medium pembelajaran tersebut. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini dijalankan untuk meneroka proses pementoran ke arah PYD menerusi empat persoalan utama: (1) Apakah proses pementoran yang dilaksanakan dalam program pembangunan kepemimpinan? (2) Apakah yang protégé pelajari dalam proses pementoran? (3) Bagaimana protégé belajar dalam proses pementoran? dan (4) Apakah elemen PYD yang terbentuk dalam kalangan protégé hasil daripada pementoran yang dilaksanakan? Kajian ini dijalankan menggunakan kaedah penyelidikan kualitatif berunsurkan kajian kes dan menggunakan Program Perdana Leader Fellowship (PLF) dan Program Felo Perdana (PFP) sebagai konteks bagi pengumpulan data kajian. Sejumlah 13 orang informan telah terlibat dalam kajian ini yang terdiri daripada protégé, mentor, pihak penganjur dan penyedia latihan. Data dikumpulkan menerusi temu bual semi berstruktur mendalam yang disokong dengan maklumat berkaitan daripada perbincangan kumpulan berfokus, pemerhatian turut serta, analisis dokumen dan nota lapangan. Data seterusnya dianalisis dan diberikan kod, kategori dan sub tema bagi membangunkan tema utama untuk menjawab setiap persoalan kajian. Kajian mendapati pementoran pembangunan kepemimpinan belia memerlukan mentor dan protégé yang dipadankan dengan tepat dan masing-masing komited terhadap pencapaian matlamat pementoran. Pembelajaran pementoran berjaya dilaksanakan melalui pendedahan kepada situasi kepemimpinan sebenar dan penyediaan hubungan yang berterusan antara protégé dengan mentor walaupun setelah pementoran berakhir. Semasa pementoran berlangsung, pembelajaran protégé dapat dipecahkan kepada tiga aspek utama iaitu pembangunan kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor. Pembangunan kognitif merangkumi pembinaan pengetahuan menerusi capaian informasi semasa menggunakan kaedah yang pelbagai dan penyelidikan maklumat dalam membentuk kematangan berfikir. Nilai integriti dan kesukarelawanan yang disemai membantu dalam pembentukan afektif protégé sebagai pemimpin. Pada masa yang sama, pembangunan psikomotor telah mengukuhkan kemahiran kepemimpinan protégés‟ menerusi pengurusan organisasi dan politik, kepemimpinan strategik dan pembinaan jaringan. Pembelajaran protégé didapati berlaku menerusi pengalaman, pemerhatian, interaksi secara langsung antara protégé dan mentor serta penglibatan protégé secara aktif di dalam Communities of Practice (COP). Dapatan empirikal mendapati pementoran kepemimpinan telah berjaya membina kompetensi, keyakinan, karakter, pengikatan dan perasaan penyayang protégé yang merangkumi keseluruhan elemen „5C‟ dalam PYD. Kajian ini dapat membantu pelbagai pihak yang berkepentingan khususnya Kementerian Belia dan Sukan Malaysia, sektor awam dan swasta, badan bukan kerajaan dan masyarakat dalam merencana program pembangunan kepemimpinan belia yang lebih sistematik dan strategik. Implikasi daripada kajian ini dapat membantu pembinaan bakat baharu dalam kepemimpinan dan meningkatkan kesediaan belia untuk memimpin secara lebih berkesan seperti yang digariskan dalam Dasar Belia Malaysia 2015

    Kepemimpinan belia dalam jaringan sosial: potensi pementoran kepada pembangunan belia positif

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    Kesinambungan kepemimpinan bergantung kepada sejauhmana usaha pembangunan kepemimpinan disediakan kepada golongan belia. Kemahiran kepemimpinan belia perlu dibangunkan melalui latihan profesional misalnya melalui kaedah pementoran yang akhirnya menentukan pencapaian kepada pembanguan belia positif (PYD). Selain daripda peningkatan keupayaan kognitif, kecenderungan positif dan sikap, PYD turut menekan kepentingan hubungan sosial. Oleh yang demikian, kertas ini membincangkan bagaimana pementoran telah menghubungkan belia kepada jaringan sosial. Secara khusus, kajian ini mendalami bagaimana pementoran menentukan belia memperolehi akses kepada aset ekologi melalui jaringan sosial. Dengan menggunakan metodologi kajian kes kualitatif, dapatan kajian mendapati pementoran telah membangunkan jaringan sosial belia dengan membentuk kepimpinan tanpa partisan dan memimpin perubahan sosial. Kesimpulannya, pementoran berpotensi dalam menyediakan peluang kepada belia untuk meningkatkan aset ekologi menerusi akses yang dimiliki mentor. Hubungan di antara pementoran dan pembangunan kepemimpinan belia dilihat telah menyumbang secara langsung kepada peningkatan PYD

    Understanding Participation in Community Education and Development

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    The term "participation” is of relatively gaining popularity in many fields, even though the phenomenon it refers to has been highlighted decades ago. The concept provided a useful awareness on community education and development programs and empowerment. Community participation has become a focus of various agencies and organizations.  Many are beginning to recognize community participation as a key to improve the social wellbeing and quality of life, especially to the underprivilege groups. This brief and general article presents introduction to community education and development, definitions of participation and the most referred typologies of participation

    The relationship between job stress, job performance and job motivation among police officers at the federal territory police headquarters

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    Job performance is an important aspect of employees which ensures the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. Job performance is influenced by job stress, while job stress affects job motivation. Hence, this paper is intended to identify the relationship between these three variables among Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) officers at the Federal Territory Police Headquarters. This is a quantitative study for which data has been collected from 341 police officers through a survey. Data was analyzed statistically using PLS-SEM. Findings showed that there was a significant, negative relationship between job performance and job stress; and between job stress and job motivation

    Online service quality of m-commerce: effect on user satisfaction

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    In an era of 4th industrial revolution, online service quality of m-commerce is used as an essential innovator strategy to accomplish public and private organizations’ strategies and goals. This latest development reflects the importance of this research. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the correlation between online service quality of m-commerce and user satisfaction. Survey questionnaires were used to collect data from Grabcar’s users in Malaysia. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to determine the quality of research instrument and test the research hypotheses. The results of linear regression analysis proved that user satisfaction is an important outcome of the online service quality of mcommerce. This result can be used as essential recommendations by practitioners to understand diverse perspectives of online service quality of m-commerce and formulate online service quality operations based on user demands to maintain and enhance the organizational competitiveness and performance in times of global competition and economic instability

    Utilizing local food product at rural destination

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    Local food is considered as a symbol of culture destination and its people. Consuming local food is one of the memorial activities by tourists during the holiday seasons apart from fulfilling the basic needs and demands in rural destination. By participating in local food activities, it gives the opportunity to identify closely different culture and identity of a rural destination. Local food in rural destination does not only satisfy hunger, but also provides a major component of intangible heritage and becomes increasingly important attraction for tourists. Current research has found that local food at the rural destination helps to promote destination awareness, form destination identity, create tourist activity, and contribute to tourist satisfaction and experience. Thus, local food can be used as a tool to develop economies in rural destination. In tourism aspects, rural destinations tend to sell common attributes such as nature, historical sites, landscape, and cultural heritage. Integrating local food in rural destination may help to strengthen a tourist destination identity and competitiveness. Therefore, this conceptual paper provides the understanding of utilizing local food product for rural destination development domestically and globally

    Character development and youth leadership mentoring

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    One approach that promotes Positive Youth Development (PYD) among youth is being involved in leadership activities. Focusing on the mentoring process in a leadership development program serves as the foundation for cultivating these positive aspects for the young generation. The purpose of this study is to explore the character development process in promoting developmental assets through youth leadership mentoring. The study was conducted using qualitative research informed by the case study paradigm that involved 13 informants through in-depth interview, participant observation and document analysis as data collections. Empirical findings from the study show that mentoring process such as the display of prudent characteristics, integrity development and preferred leadership style among youth leaders lead to character development. In conclusion, the data indicated that mentoring clearly had the potential to constitute the process of character building among youth. This youth leadership mentoring process contributes to the development of their capabilities in leadership and enhances the implementation of effective youth leadership mentoring processes

    Exploring the roles of local food in developing Lenggong Valley as a rural food tourism destination

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    Integrating the relationship between food and tourism destination has been an important issue in the current tourism scenario. More tourism leaders globally are recognizing the important role local food can play in strengthening a rural destination’s tourism product. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the role of local food in developing Lenggong Valley as a rural food tourism destination. This study is applying a qualitative method using in-depth interview and participant observation. The finding identified four steps in developing rural food tourism destination; i) identifying local food components, ii) examining the capabilities of local food as tourism product; iii) evaluating local food as tourism product; and iv) selecting suitable marketing strategy to promote food tourism. This study contributes to expanding research on food tourism in constructing the rural food tourism framework. The information in this study leading to new ways of thinking about local food, by integrating local food and tourism resources to enhance rural destination attraction, since local food at rural destination attract little research in the field of tourism management

    Potensi pembangunan keusahawanan sosial dalam kalangan belia di Malaysia

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    Aktiviti keusahawanan sosial merupakan bidang yang mengalami peningkatan serta diiktiraf di dunia dan juga di Malaysia. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat sedikit maklumat mengenai latar belakang pengalaman kerjaya usahawan sosial dalam kalangan belia di Malaysia. Tujuan kertas kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk meneroka latar belakang pengalaman kerjaya usahawan sosial dalam kalangan belia di Malaysia. Penerokaan empirikal daripada kajian ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada pembangunan belia di Malaysia terutamanya dalam aspek aktiviti keusahawanan sosial. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, iaitu pengumpulan data dengan kaedah temu bual separa berstruktur. Dapatan dari hasil kajian ini, terdapat empat tema yang dapat dipecahkan antaranya rangkaian, pengumpulan maklumat, pengetahuan tentang aktiviti keusahawanan sosial dan pengalaman bekerja

    The effect of staff satisfaction in developing employee work performance and their retention moderating role of knowledge sharing (an empirical study of a Business School in Bangladesh)

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    Employees are a substantial part of the set-up of any organisation. They play a key role as the workforce provides expertise in developing value and are one of the basic resources needed in every production process. This study includes IBAIS University which making a policy to achieve a long term vision to be a “world-class institution” by 2025. It focuses on the condition of the Bangladeshi higher education industry, which from the early nineties has been competing with local public and foreign universities to provide educational services to society. As a result, it is of significant importance to maintain employee satisfaction with their commitment and involvement in supporting the effort to sustain long-term targeted achievement. This research purpose is to analyse the effect of employee satisfaction moderated by knowledge sharing towards employee work performances and retention. The participants of this study are all employees of the institution, with the data gathering techniques applied including questionnaires and multiple regression analytical methods with moderating variables. The results of this study show that employee satisfaction has a significant effect towards employee work performance and retention. On the other hand, knowledge sharing doesn’t appear to have a significant effect on employee work performance or retention