62 research outputs found

    Fuzzy set conjoint model in describing students’ perceptions on computer algebra system learning environment

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    There are many ways of analysing effectiveness of learning especially in computer learning environment. However, not much attention has been given to analyse it from fuzzy theory perspective. Due to the fuzziness in perception toward learning, this paper presents an application of fuzzy set conjoint model in analyzing students’ perceptions on learning algebra and role of teacher in the presence of a computer algebra system (CAS). The study involves a survey which consists of eleven attributes in which six attributes were about learning algebra and another five attributes about role of teacher in a CAS learning environment. Data were collected from one hundred and sixty four students at a secondary school in Terengganu, Malaysia. Scores of perceptions were transformed into degree of similarity and level of agreement for attributes using fuzzy set conjoint model. It is found that attributes about learning indicate the highest degree of similarity at 0.77 with the level of ‘disagree’ while attributes about role of teacher measured at 0.81 degree of similarity with the level of ‘strongly agree’. These measurements implicate the successful of fuzzy approach to evaluate perceptions toward learning algebra in CAS environment. Keywords: fuzzy sets, conjoint model, perceptions, computer algebra system

    Equilibrium linguistic computation method for fuzzy group decision making

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    This paper proposes an equilibrium computation method using linguistic variables based on the conflicting bifuzzy sets. The linguistic terms were defined and associated with the triangular fuzzy number as well as the labeling system in the early stages. Then, the negation operator was introduced and the bifuzzy approaches were employed to derive the aggregation equilibrium linguistic judgement for evaluation process

    An overview of municipal solid wastes generation in Malaysia

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    Increasing population and tremendous urbanisation growth and other factors influence directly the municipal solid waste (MSW) generation in Malaysia. The huge quantity of MSW generation, particularly in Peninsular Malaysia, has increased from 16,200 tonnes per day in 2001 to 19,100 tonnes per day in 2005 or an average of 0.8 kg/capita/day. The amount increases yearly and seems to grow in parallel with the urban areas in many Asian countries which are estimated to produce approximately 8 million tonnes per day. Thus, this paper briefly discusses the scenario of MSW generation in Malaysia. It focuses on the trends of MSW generation, the composition of MSW, the contributing factors as well as the management problems occurring in Malaysia presently. In addition, some updated statistical figures related to the MSW and management aspects are provided to clarify the present situation and the government’s future planning. Recent development indicates that the Malaysian government has taken forward to deal with such problems in MSW management across the municipalities through closed dumping sites, upgrading existing conventional landfills to sanitary status, constructing new transfer stations and giving serious priority for an alternative disposal system in the near future. Moreover, the establishing a new national solid waste and public cleansing management corporation and enacted a new specific regulations for solid waste and public cleansing management which approved on September 2007 is also seen as a proactive step towards achieving the sustainability of MSW management as a long term solution

    Perbandingan keputusan multi-atribut berasaskan beberapa teori set (Comparison of multi attributes decisions based on several set theories)

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    Dalam makalah ini dibincangkan analisis perbandingan keputusan multi-atribut yang diperoleh hasil daripada pendekatan penilaian menggunakan teori set ketara, set kabur, set kabur berintuisi dan set dwikabur konflik. Perbincangan tertumpu kepada analisis yang melibatkan penilaian secara dedua dalam teori set biasa, penilaian secara [0,1] dalam set kabur, penilaian secara ‘darjah keahlian’ dan ‘darjah bukan keahlian’ serta syarat 0 ≤ μA(x) + γA(x) ≤ 1 dalam set kabur berintuisi, dan penilaian secara ‘timbal balas’ (i.i., positif dan negatif) dalam set dwikabur konflik. Bagi tujuan ini, keempat-empat teori set dibincangkan secara ringkas dari aspek takrif, kesamaan dan perbezaan serta cara pendekatan yang digunakan untuk mendapat indeks hampiran relatif. Aplikasi pengiraan berangka secara bandingan menggunakan TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) turut diberikan untuk semua pendekatan teori di atas. Keputusan pengiraan menunjukkan, perbezaan yang ketara pada nilai indeks hampiran relatif selain susunan keutamaan alternatif yang berbeza antara set ketara dengan teori set yang lain. Dapatan juga menunjukkan susunan keutamaan alternatif untuk tiga teori set kecuali set ketara adalah sama dan konsisten. Keputusan sebegini sekaligus memberi peluang dan ruang yang luas kepada penyelidik untuk mengkaji secara lebih mendalam pada masa hadapan. This paper discusses the comparison analyses for multi-attributes decision derived from crisp set, fuzzy set, intuitionistic fuzzy set and conflicting bifuzzy set. It focuses on the different evaluation approach using the binary system in crisp sets, the membership degree in [0,1] for fuzzy sets, the membership and non-membership degrees with condition 0 ≤ μA(x) + γA(x) ≤ 1 in intuitionistic fuzzy sets, and ‘equilibrium evaluation approach’ (i.e., positive and negative aspects) in conflicting bifuzzy sets. To meet these objectives, all the set theories are briefly discussed specifically the definitions, equalities, the differences as well as the different evaluation approaches to obtain the relative approximation index. A numerical example using Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is also presented to clarify each of the above set theories. From the calculation results, it shows the significant differences of relative approximation index for each theory and different rating between the crisp set and other set theories. It is also found that all the set theories have recorded the same rating and consistent, except crisp sets. Thus, this situation offers wider opportunities to investigate more deeply and holistically for future research

    Evaluation of Sustainable Development Indicators With Fuzzy TOPSIS Based on Subjective and Objective Weights

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    ABSTRACT: Sustainable development aims at improving and maintaining the well-being of people and the ecology. However, this paper focuses only on the ecological aspects. The selection of the proper ecological protection determinant plays a very important role in improving the environment of Malaysia. This paper will propose a method from Wang and Lee (2009), and Yong (2006) which applies a fuzzy TOPSIS method -- based on subjective and objective weights – to make the required selection. Four alternatives will be tested which are: prevent pollution (A1), conservation (A2), well-manage (A3), and public awareness (A4). Along with these, four criteria need to be considered: water quality factor (C1), land integrity factor (C2), air quality factor (C3), and biodiversity factor (C4). Finally, a numerical example of ecological protection determinant selection is used to illustrate the proposed method.  ABSTRAK: Pembangunan lestari bermatlamat memperbaiki dan mengekalkan kesejahteraan rakyat serta ekologi. Walau bagaimanapun, kertas kajian ini hanya memberi tumpuan kepada aspek-aspek ekologi. Pemilihan penentu perlindungan serta keselamatan bagi aspek ekologi memainkan peranan yang amat penting dalam meningkatkan kualiti alam sekitar di Malaysia. Kertas kajian ini telah menggunakan kaedah Wang dan Lee (2009) dan Yong (2006) yang mengaplikasikan kaedah TOPSIS kabur berdasarkan pemberat subjektif dan objektif. Terdapat empat alternatif yang akan diuji iaitu: pencegahan pencemaran (A1), pemuliharaan (A2), pengurusan yang baik (A3), kesedaran orang awam (A4). Selain itu, terdapat empat kriteria yang perlu dipertimbangkan: faktor kualiti air (C1), faktor kualiti tanah (C2), faktor kualiti udara (C3), faktor kepelbagaian biologi (C4). Kesimpulannya, contoh pengiraan untuk memperoleh penentu pemilihan perlindungan ekologi telah digunakan bagi menunjukkan kaedah yang dicadangkan. KEYWORDS: sustainable development; ecological factors; subjective and objective weight; fuzzy TOPSI

    Significance of nasal septum angulation and its association with rhinosinusitis symptom scores

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the association of angulation of nasal septum with the severity of rhinosinusitis as measured by symptom score and Visual Analog Score (VAS). Method: The study was performed as a cross sectional study conducted at two different centres in Malaysia. Ninety-eight patients who were diagnosed with rhinosinusitis and fulfilled the selection criteria were assessed as for the symptom score and VAS and the measurement of angulation of nasal septum was performed through a coronal view of CT paranasal sinuses in bone window setting at osteomeatal complex level. Results: The result obtained from one-way ANOVA test revealed a significant association between category of severity of septal angulation and the symptom score of rhinosinusitis (p=0.025). In addition, the result obtained from one-way ANOVA test also revealed a significant association between category of severity of septal angulation and the VAS of rhinosinusitis (p<0.05). Conclusion: Severity of nasal septum angulation may be significantly associated with severity of rhinosinusitis based on symptom score and VAS. These findings could be used in tailored m

    Pemilihan sistem pelupusan sisa pepejal perbandaran menggunakan model dwikabur konflik (Selecting municipal solid waste disposal system using a conflicting bifuzzy model)

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    Kajian ini memfokuskan penggunaan model kabur baru untuk pemilihan sistem pelupusan sisa pepejal perbandaran (SPP) yang dewasa ini dilihat semakin menghambat terutamanya negeri-negeri di bahagian tengah Semenanjung Malaysia. Rekod menunjukkan negeri Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur (WPKL) mencatatkan penghasilan SPP tertinggi melebihi 2.32 juta tan setahun pada tahun 2005. Lazimnya, proses untuk menentukan sistem pelupusan yang sesuai melibatkan pengenalpastian matlamat dan kriteria berdasarkan pilihan yang ada. Ia juga bersifat pertimbangan multi-kriteria yang melibatkan banyak pihak berkepentingan dalam membuat keputusan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, model multi-kriteria dwikabur konflik diusulkan menggunakan konsep penegasan linguistik (i.i., dilasi dan konsentrasi) dalam proses hierarki analitik (AHP). Model ini diubahsuai menggunakan teori set baru yang diberi nama ‘set dwikabur konflik’. Kajian kes di negeri Selangor dan WPKL dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya untuk menunjukkan kesesuaian model yang diusulkan. Berdasarkan pengiraan yang ditunjukkan, model yang diusulkan dapat menilai kesemua kriteria secara lebih menyeluruh disebabkan sifat ‘timbal balas’ yang dimilikinya. Di samping itu, ia mampu menangani masalah yang bersifat berketaktentuan secara berkesan disebabkan pembuat keputusan boleh menilai secara linguistik sepenuhnya sekaligus memudahkan mereka membuat keputusan dengan lebih cekap dan berkesan. This research focuses on the application of a new fuzzy model for selecting municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal systems which recently has been big burden, particularly in central Peninsular Malaysia. The state of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Federal Territoring (KLFT) for instance, recorded the highest MSW generation which estimated more than 2.32 million tonnes per year in 2005. Generally, the process to identify the most suitable disposal system involves various criteria and the options. It also involves the multi-criteria consideration from multiple stakeholders in decision process. In view of this problem, the conflicting bifuzzy multi-criteria model was proposed in an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method using linguistic hedges concepts (i.e., dilation and concentration). This approach was adopted by using the new set theory, namely ‘conflicting bifuzzy set’. A case study in the state of Selangor and KLFT was utilised to demonstrate the applicable of the proposed model. Based on the calculations, the model offers a comprehensive evaluation in order to have on equilibrium characteristics in every single evaluation processes. Besides that, it also deals efficiently with the uncertainty in initial information through fully linguistic approach thus can assist the decision makers to make a better decision in an effective manner

    Preliminary study to predict moisture content of jackfruit skin using shortwave near infrared spectroscopy

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    Moisture content of a jackfruit is one of the main attributes used by farmers to determine the maturity level of the fruit. The objective of this preliminary research was to explore the potential application of low-cost shortwave near infrared (VSWNIR) spectroscopy to non-destructively predict moisture content of jackfruit from their outer skin. A total of 870 skin portions collected from twenty-nine jackfruit samples were used in this study. After the spectral measurement, the skin portions were dried in the oven in order to measure their moisture content (%, wet basis, w.b.). Partial least square (PLS) method was used to develop both calibration and prediction models for calibrating the spectral data with the moisture content. This study found that the value of coefficient of determination (R2) and root means square error of calibration (RMSEC)were 0.65 and 2.17, respectively. For the prediction model, the value of R2and root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) were 0.64 and 2.81, respectively. These results indicated the VSWNIR spectrometer is a promising technology for non-destructively predicting moisture content of jackfruits

    Profil pelajar yang lemah dalam pencapaian akademik: Satu kajian awal

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    Tahap pencapaian akademik pelajar di kalangan pelajar-pelajar institusi pengajian tinggi menimbulkan kebimbangan pelbagai pihak. Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian ini telah dijalankan bagi mengenalpasti profil para pelajar lemah dalam pencapaian akedemik di sebuah universiti tempatan di Malaysaia.Antara ciri-ciri pelajar yang dikaji ialah jantina pelajar, kelayakan masuk, pencapaian akademik setiap semester dan program pengajian yang ditawarkan semasa kemasukan ke institusi tersebut. Data sekunder digunakan dalam kajian ini yang melibatkan seramai 128 orang pelajar. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa pelajar berkelulusan Matrikulasi dan STPM merupakan pelajar yang menyumbang peratusan tertinggi dalam pencapaian akademik yang lemah. Kemerosotan pencapaian akademik dikenalpasti seawal semester pertama pengajian pelajar dan tahap kemerosotan prestasi akademik ini didominasi oleh- pelajar lelaki. Kemerosotan akademik pelajar perlu diberi perhatian oleh semua pihak yang terlibat bagi memastikan jalan penyelesaian kepada masaiah ini dapat dikenalpasti dan seterusnya dapat dilahanakan dengan jayanya