16 research outputs found

    Vision based smart sorting machine

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    In this paper, a research on improved image processing method and a prototype of a vision based sorting machine have been developed to segregate objects based on color, shape and size. In today’s world, image processing is becoming popular technology and it grabs great attentions due to its capabilities of doing various applications in many field. The existing sorting system in industrial environment has to be improved by implementing the image processing method in the system. In some light industries, sorting process will be carried out by manually using human labour. However, this traditional method has brought some disadvantages such as human mistake, slow in work speed, inaccuracy and high cost due to the manpower. A vision based smart sorting machine is proposed to solve the aforementioned problems by segregating the workpieces based on their color, shape and size. It will be operated by a singleboard mini-computer called Raspberry Pi to perform the operation. In the proposed system, Raspberry Pi camera is used to capture the image/stream video of the incoming workpieces through the conveyor. The image/video stream of the incoming workpiece will be captured and implemented with pre- processing that consists of image enhancement to reduce the effect of non-uniform illumination which results from the surrounding llumination. To detect the color of the workpiece, the pre-enhanced image will be decomposed into its respective channels and the dominant color channel will be regarded as the object color. The result will be then matched with the database which is pre- installed in the raspberry storage through features matching method. The results from the features matching will turn on the servo motor and separates the workpieces’ color. For the purpose of shape segregation, the captured image will be first converted into black and white image before it is matched with the database based on certain coverage object properties. While for size segregation, the coverage object pixel area of the pre-processing image is extracted and matched with the databased in the system. Tested results indicate that vision based automatic segregation system improves the accuracy and efficiency of the works and thus the production rate of the industr

    Canopy versus epigeal beetle species differential diversity and feeding ecological characteritics employing light-based trapping methods across different oil palm age stand types

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    Suitability of canopy-height light trap tailored from both primary and secondary tropical forests was compared with the newly modified pit-light trap within the context of oil palm plantation of various age stand types and across different seasons. Beetle species were chosen as the representative of other insects within oil palm plantations as to evaluate the effectiveness of both trapping methods. Results showed that the canopy-height light trap employed over the canopy stratum of the selected oil palm age stands produced unstable and unreliable data, with characteristics of overlapping beetle species communities along significant ordination gradients. Modified pit-light trap, on the other hand, showed clear separations of beetle species community structures between younger-older oil palm age stands along significant ordination gradients, as well as accurate divisions of beetle species ecological feeding groups corresponded to different oil palm age stand types and seasons, and acceptable diversity levels. The modified pit-light trap, employed on the epigeal stratum of selected oil palm plantations, paralleled with most anthropogenic and naturally occurring microhabitats, could reduce the risks of attracting unintended beetle species from unrelated oil palm age stand types, as well as possible surrounding secondary tropical forests. It is proposed that the modified pit-light trap to be applied officially for improved evaluations of insect species’ diversity and ecological attributes within oil palm agro-ecosystems

    Kejuruteraan penggerudian telaga minyak: prinsip dan praktik

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    Teks baru yang dibentangkan di sini menerangkan tentang teknik-teknik penggerudian yang moden dan meliputi semua operasi telaga yang dijangkakan berlaku serta masalah yang selalu dijumpai. Teori dan praktik disepadukan dengan membentangkan contoh-contoh kerja untuk membantu pembaca memahami sepenuhnya penggerudian telaga minyak. Berdasarkan kepada pengalaman ikhtisas dan kemudiannya diadunkan dengan nasihat serta manfaat daripada syarikat pembuatan dan syarikat minyak, Kejuruteraan Penggerudian Telaga Minyak akan menjadi bahan yang sangat bernilai kepada penggerudi, jurutera lapangan, pelatih dan pelajar kejuruteraan petroleum. Selain daripada itu, ia juga sesuai untuk dijadikan bahan rujukan kepada ahli kajibumi dan ahli geofizik yang sama-sama berkecimpung dalam bidang ini. Unit imperial dan metrik digunakan dengan menyeluruh dan teks ini dipenuhi dengan banyak gambar rajah untuk memudahkan rujukan

    Modal Insan Cemerlang- Minda Kelas Pertama: Suatu Perspektif

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    KPM memperkenalkan Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan 2006-2010 yand dibina berasaskan enam teras strategik dengan matlamat spesifik: membina negara bangsa, membangunkan modal insan, memperkasakan sekolah kebangsaan, merapatkan jurang pendidikan, memartabatkan profesion keguruan dan melonjakkan kecemerlangan institusi pendidikan. Buku ini mengupas isi-isi penting berkaitan enam teras tersebut

    Kaedah E-suara dalam peperiksaan murid-murid pendidikan khas

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti keberkesanan kaedah e-suara dalam membantu murid-murid pendidikan khas kategori bermasalah pembelajaran dalam menjawab soalan peperiksaan tanpa melakukan modifikasi dari segi isi kandungan atau kualiti soalan peperiksaan berkenaan. Pentaksiran alternatif yang dilakukan dalam kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan penyampaian soalan berbantukan komputer, iaitu suatu transformasi daripada pentaksiran pendekatan konvensional berbentuk paper-and-pencil. Dalam kajian ini, sebanyak 163 orang murid tingkatan 3 pendidikan khas bermasalah pembelajaran dari seluruh negara diambil sebagai sampel kajian. Sampel ini dibahagikan kepada tiga kumpulan, iaitu (1) kumpulan murid yang menjawab soalan peperiksaan dengan menggunakan kaedah konvensional; (2) kumpulan murid yang menjawab soalan peperiksaan dengan menggunakan kaedah e-suara I, iaitu melihat dan mendengar item soalan melalui komputer tetapi menjawab dengan cara biasa/konvensional; (3) kumpulan murid yang menjawab soalan peperiksaan menggunakan kaedah e-suara II, iaitu membaca dan mendengar item soalan melalui komputer dan menjawabnya dengan bantuan komputer. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap pencapaian subjek kajian (SK) pendidikan khas bermasalah pembelajaran yang menggunakan kaedah e-suara II lebih baik dengan skor min sebanyak 8.35 berbanding dengan dua kaedah penilaian lain. Secara keseluruhan, kajian ini membuktikan bahawa kaedah e-suara dapat membantu murid-murid pendidikan khas bermasalah pembelajaran menjawab soalan peperiksaan dengan lebih yakin berbanding dengan kaedah lain

    Rasch model analysis for Malaysian internet and sexual activities inventory

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    Malaysian Internet and Sexual Activities Inventory (MISAI) was developed to measure individual differences in the tendency to be sexually preoccupied involvement using internet as a medium. We examined the psychometric properties of 23 items MISAI with sample size of 648 using the Rasch rating scales model. The results showed that the items of MISAI spreading covered a broad range of the latent continuum cybersex involvement. All items were functions in the same intended positive direction. Items appeared to unidimensionaly measure the severity of cybersex involvement. Items fit the Rasch model well, with low involvement in cybersex reliably proceeding to higher involvement in a potential progression toward increasing levels of severity of preoccupied involvement. All five responds categories were functioning from never true to always true indicating of the participants’ involvement in cybersex. The items fall within the infit and outfit cut-off values with an exception of one item. There were 55 misfit persons, yet the person and item showed high reliabilities. Scrutinizing the items and persons misfits, explanations are provided for practical use of this instrument and implications for future research direction, this paper are then suggested

    Enhancement of Under-Exposed Image for Object Tracking Algorithm Through Homomorphic Filtering and Mean Histogram Matching

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    Object tracking through video or image becomes more popular in recent years. Indeed, clear and high contrast images are essential to attain good tracking results. The problem arises when the object in an image or video is under-exposed, resulting it to be hardly visible and differentiated from the background. Existing methods are able to solve some of the aforementioned problems, but produce other problems such as over-enhanced effect and color distortion. Thus, the object of interest may become untraceable due to these distortions. This paper proposes an image enhancement method to improve under-exposed images or videos through homomorphic filtering and mean histogram matching, in order to produce more visible and traceable objects. This method integrates homomorphic filtering method and histogram modification technique which consists of histogram matching and dual-histogram stretching. The proposed method is designed to reduce non-uniform illumination while increasing image/video contrast and visibility. The experiment results show that the proposed method outperforms some state-of-the-art methods in terms of visibility and contrast level on some standard benchmark database

    Review on Design for Medical Device

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    Medical devices are one of the uprising star in product development due to high demand among users. Developing safe, effective and usable design is indeed a challenging work which faced by designer nowadays. There are comparative methods in designing medical device to achieve desired outcome. Weather designing a “User-friendly”, “Safe to use” or “Eco-friendly” product requires an exclusive method. This review paper might illuminate some light to the designers and researchers who choose to integrate those aspect in their design work in healthcare sector. A review on current method used on user-friendly approach, ensuring safety, regulations on safety of medical device and suggested standards to ensure safety in less complicated way. Thus, there is no solid method or standard yet to establish on safety for medical device

    Review of CO2 Reduction Technologies using Mineral Carbonation of Iron and Steel Making Slag in Malaysia

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    Climate change, greenhouse gas effect, and global warming is envisioning to turn more awful and more terrible by year. Since the leading cause of global warming is uncontrolled CO2 in atmosphere. The amount of unused steel slag is expected to increment later on, steel industries is one of the mechanical industries that contribute the CO2 emission. That because this businesses deliver carbon in light of powers reductant and substantial volume of steel. The changes of atmosphere these day is truly developing concern and that make steel creator are confronted with test of discovering methods for bringing down CO2 emission. Malaysia is working decidedly in the diminishment of CO2 gas. There are a few techniques in decreasing the amount of CO2 in the air as underlined by the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC), an organization under the United Country however CCS is an extremely encouraging innovation to moderate CO2 emission in air. Mineral carbonation is another technique to store carbon dioxide permanently, long term stability and vast capacity