14 research outputs found

    Mobile application for dyscalculia children in Malaysia

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    This article reports on results of a study perceived learning constructs in a Social Networking Site (SNS) based on a two-round data collection from undergraduate Computer Science Education (CSE) studies.The first phase involved distribution of questionnaires to a total of 219 undergraduate students ranging from non-engineering (n=80) to engineering (n=139) that resulted in identification of three measured learning constructs: Social Bonding, Social Bridging and Social Intention.In phase two, evaluation of students’ learning transcripts in SNS were performed.Results identify 22 interaction patterns which then are further grouped into four learning dimensions of Participative, Interactive, Social and Cognitive.The findings indicated support for social connectivism, which promotes knowledge being distributed across a network of connections for each group of students

    Mobile application for dyscalculia children in Malaysia

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    This article reports on results of a study perceived learning constructs in a Social Networking Site (SNS) based on a two-round data collection from undergraduate Computer Science Education (CSE) studies.The first phase involved distribution of questionnaires to a total of 219 undergraduate students ranging from non-engineering (n=80) to engineering (n=139) that resulted in identification of three measured learning constructs: Social Bonding, Social Bridging and Social Intention.In phase two, evaluation of students’ learning transcripts in SNS were performed.Results identify 22 interaction patterns which then are further grouped into four learning dimensions of Participative, Interactive, Social and Cognitive.The findings indicated support for social connectivism, which promotes knowledge being distributed across a network of connections for each group of students

    RFID-enabled presence aware system (RPAS)

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    Presence is a person’s availability and willingness for communication at the time responses were sought from him or her. This piece of information is vital to people in need of immediate communication. By knowing one’s presence, the person can explore on meeting opportunities and perform decision making instantaneously. SMS, e-mail, shared calendar or instant messaging (IM) are the common methods to seek presence, but they impose some limitations that do not remedy the situation completely. As such, RFID-enabled Presence Aware System (RPAS) was proposed. The objective of the paper is to design and implement RPAS to enable automatic presence detection using RFID and make presence information sharable via web application. The study was conducted using six-phased structural development method. The user acceptance testing and the formal tests carried out revealed that the system was easy to use and useful. This study implies that automatic presence detection and shareable presence status will contribute to effective time management for personnel that indirectly gain the competitive strength for an organization. Future work includes integrating context-aware computing in RPAS for more intelligent presence detection system

    Creating a knowledge sharing portal to support the teaching of Malaysian indigenous language

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    Bahasa Semai is one of the indigenous languages that exist in Malaysia and is taught in selected Malaysian primary schools.In sustaining the existence of the biggest indigenous ethnics in Malaysia, it is significant to preserve the existence of their language and best supported with the existing computing technology.The purpose of this paper is to report the process of developing a portal for the usage of Bahasa Semai educators that teach the language to the school children.The portal allows educators to upload their teaching materials, access Bahasa Semai dictionary, share teaching experience with other teachers and communicate with the indigenous language coordinator.Interviews and literature reviews were conducted for the preliminary studies in identifying the functionalities of the portal. The portal was developed by following agile methodology and six educators from two primary schools that offer Bahasa Semai in class were interviewed in the user testing phase.As a result, the educators have positive interests in using the portal and believe that the portal will be able to assist them in teaching the language, especially to educators that Bahasa Semai is not their first language. Moreover, the portal will allow knowledge sharing of Bahasa Semai teachings between educators and coordinators, which will assist in sustaining an indigenous language in Malaysia

    Serious Game-Design Model for Malaysia Culture

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    Electronic knowledge sharing in oil and gas sector: A grounded theory approach

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    Employees’ lack of participation in electronic knowledge sharing (EKS) is a subject that has been attracted to both practitioners and academicians in the field of organization and information technology (IT).The organizations employ IT tools for knowledge sharing with the purpose to manage employees’ knowledge especially when they are geographically dispersed.However, the number of employees who participate for electronic knowledge sharing is still inadequate; most organizations still fail while few others are successful. With this circumstance, it is important for organization to get insight and understand to enhance the number of participation to electronic knowledge sharing.Therefore, the paper seeks to explore the concepts or tentative theories of employees’ perceptions and experiences about electronic knowledge sharing to explain the behavior of employees about electronic knowledge sharing.This paper will present the grounded theory (GT) approach to conceptualize the phenomenon of electronic knowledge sharing of oil and gas sector in Malaysia

    Exploring the Educational Effectiveness of Culturally-enhanced Serious Game in Education

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    The main objective of this study is to explore the efficiency of utilizing a culturally - enhanced serious game in education particularly in Information Technology course. To attain this objective, the academic achievement of 61 participants was measured by using quantitative Quasi- Experimental research design approach. Sets of pre- and post-test questions were administered to all participants, where descriptive analysis and hypothesis evaluation were performed to the collected data. The finding revealed that there were significant increase on the mean values of participants who played culturally-enhanced serious game as compared to those who played contemporary serious game (M = 3.00). Therefore, the study suggested that culturally-enhanced serious game has potential to support education particularly in Information Technology course

    Towards the Development of Mobile App Design Model for Dyscalculia Children in Malaysia

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    Learning disabilities (LD) are problem that influence the brain capacity to receive, process, analyse and store information. These processing issues can interfere with learning fundamental abilities, for example, reading (Dyslexia), writing (Dysgraphia) and math (Dyscalculia). Fortunately, in today's world technology, we have numerous option techniques for educating and supporting fundamental skills in reading, writing and math such as mobile learning by using mobile app. However, the research in mobile app design model for Dyscalculia children is still scarce: very few studies have focus on how to design and develop appropriate mobile app for Dyscalculia children from the perspective of mobile app designers and developers. The purpose of this paper is to identify the appropriate components that should be included in the mobile app model. Interview sessions were conducted with Dyscalculia practitioners that involved a teacher, paediatric and an educational psychology. This has resulted in identifying 16 components that can be included in the mobile app design model