143 research outputs found

    Validated force-based modeling of pedestrian dynamics

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    This dissertation investigates force-based modeling of pedestrian dynamics. Having the quantitative validation of mathematical models in focus principle questions will be addressed throughout this work: Is it manageable to describe pedestrian dynamics solely with the equations of motion derived from the Newtonian dynamics? On the road to giving answers to this question we investigate the consequences and side-effects of completing a force-based model with additional rules and imposing restrictions on the state variables. Another important issue is the representation of modeled pedestrians. Does the geometrical shape of a two dimensional projection of the human body matter when modeling pedestrian movement? If yes which form is most suitable? This point is investigated in the second part while introducing a new force-based model. Moreover, we highlight a frequently underestimated aspect in force-based modeling which is to what extent the steering of pedestrians influences their dynamics? In the third part we introduce four possible strategies to define the desired direction of each pedestrian when moving in a facility. Finally, the effects of the aforementioned approaches are discussed by means of numerical tests in different geometries with one set of model parameters. Furthermore, the validation of the developed model is questioned by comparing simulation results with empirical data

    Quantitative Description of Pedestrian Dynamics with a Force based Model

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    This paper introduces a space-continuous force-based model for simulating pedestrian dynamics. The main interest of this work is the quantitative description of pedestrian movement through a bottleneck. Measurements of flow and density will be presented and compared with empirical data. The results of the proposed model show a good agreement with empirical data. Furthermore, we emphasize the importance of volume exclusion in force-based models.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, 2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies (WI-IAT 2009), 15-18 September 2009, in Milano, Italy, 200

    Influence of the number of predecessors in interaction within acceleration-based flow models

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    In this paper, the stability of the uniform solutions is analysed for microscopic flow models in interaction with K1K\ge1 predecessors. We calculate general conditions for the linear stability on the ring geometry and explore the results with particular pedestrian and car-following models based on relaxation processes. The uniform solutions are stable if the relaxation times are sufficiently small. The analysis is focused on the relevance of the number of predecessors in the dynamics. Unexpected non-monotonic relations between KK and the stability are presented.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    Quantitative Verification of a Force-based Model for Pedestrian Dynamics

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    This paper introduces a spatially continuous force-based model for simulating pedestrian dynamics. The main intention of this work is the quantitative description of pedestrian movement through bottlenecks and in corridors. Measurements of flow and density at bottlenecks will be presented and compared with empirical data. Furthermore the fundamental diagram for the movement in a corridor is reproduced. The results of the proposed model show a good agreement with empirical data.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of Traffic and Granular Flow (TGF) 200

    Investigation of Voronoi diagram based Direction Choices Using Uni- and Bi-directional Trajectory Data

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    In a crowd, individuals make different motion choices such as "moving to destination", "following another pedestrian", and "making a detour". For the sake of convenience, the three direction choices are respectively called destination direction, following direction and detour direction in this paper. Here, it is found that the featured direction choices could be inspired by the shape characteristics of Voronoi diagram. To be specific, in the Voronoi cell of a pedestrian, the direction to a Voronoi node is regarded as a potential "detour" direction, and the direction perpendicular to a Voronoi link is regarded as a potential "following" direction. A pedestrian generally owns several alternative Voronoi nodes and Voronoi links in a Voronoi cell, and the optimal detour and following direction are determined by considering related factors such as deviation. Plus the destination direction which is directly pointing to the destination, the three basic direction choices are defined in a Voronoi cell. In order to evaluate the Voronoi diagram based basic directions, the empirical trajectory data in both uni- and bi-directional flow experiments are extracted. A time series method considering the step frequency is used to reduce the original trajectories' swaying phenomena which might disturb the recognition of actual forward direction. The deviations between the empirical velocity direction and the basic directions are investigated, and each velocity direction is classified into a basic direction or regarded as an inexplicable direction according to the deviations. The analysis results show that each basic direction could be a potential direction choice for a pedestrian. The combination of the three basic directions could cover most empirical velocity direction choices in both uni- and bi-directional flow experiments.Comment: 10pages, 12 figure

    Single-file pedestrian dynamics: a review of agent-following models

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    Single-file dynamics has been studied intensively, both experimentally and theoretically. It shows interesting collective effects, such as stop-and-go waves, which are validation cornerstones for any agent-based modeling approach of traffic systems. Many models have been proposed, e.g. in the form of car-following models for vehicular traffic. These approaches can be adapted for pedestrian streams. In this study, we delve deeper into these models, with particular attention on their interconnections. We do this by scrutinizing the influence of different parameters, including relaxation times, anticipation time, and reaction time. Specifically, we analyze the inherent fundamental problems with force-based models, a classical approach in pedestrian dynamics. Furthermore, we categorize car-following models into stimulus-response and optimal velocity models, highlighting their historical and conceptual differences. These classes can further be subdivided considering the conceptual definitions of the models, e.g. first-order vs. second-order models, or stochastic vs. deterministic models with and without noise. Our analysis shows how car-following models originally developed for vehicular traffic can provide new insights into pedestrian behavior. The focus on single-file motion, which is similar to single-lane vehicular traffic, allows for a detailed examination of the relevant interactions between pedestrians.Comment: 35 pages, 10 Figures; chapter accepted for publication in Crowd Dynamics (vol. 4

    Quantitative Verification of a Force-based Model for Pedestrian Dynamics

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    This paper introduces a spatially continuous force-based model for simulating pedestrian dynamics. The main intention of this work is the quantitative description of pedestrian movement through bottlenecks and in corridors. Measurements of flow and density at bottlenecks will be presented and compared with empirical data. Furthermore the fundamental diagram for the movement in a corridor is reproduced. The results of the proposed model show a good agreement with empirical data

    Steady State of Pedestrian Flow in Bottleneck Experiments

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    Experiments with pedestrians could depend strongly on initial conditions. Comparisons of the results of such experiments require to distinguish carefully between transient state and steady state. In this work, a feasible algorithm - Cumulative Sum Control Chart - is proposed and improved to automatically detect steady states from density and speed time series of bottleneck experiments. The threshold of the detection parameter in the algorithm is calibrated using an autoregressive model. Comparing the detected steady states with previous manually selected ones, the modified algorithm gives more reproducible results. For the applications, three groups of bottleneck experiments are analysed and the steady states are detected. The study about pedestrian flow shows that the difference between the flows in all states and in steady state mainly depends on the ratio of pedestrian number to bottleneck width. When the ratio is higher than a critical value (approximately 115 persons/m), the flow in all states is almost identical with the flow in steady state. Thus we have more possibilities to compare the flows from different experiments, especially when the detection of steady states is difficult.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure