18 research outputs found

    English against Englishing: The Case of an Early English Translation of an Oriya Novel

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    Successive translations of a text mirror the shifting translatory practices of a culture. Paradigms for/of translation can be tracked by following the trajectory of these translations. Usually, however, the “translative turn” is read off from the latest in the series of translations inspired by a text. It is the other way round with the translated Oriya novel, Fakir Mohan Senapati’s Chhamana Athaguntha (1902), which is an exception to this developmentalist rule. An early English translation of the novel titled The Stubble under the Cloven Hoof (1967), produced by C.V.N. Das, shows a highly visible and active translator. In this Das uses English to counter the Englishing tendencies that are the inevitable end result of his attempt, as he says, at “rechristening” a vernacular tale. This essay demonstrates this and also explains the related phenomenon of the foregrounding of the task of the translator.Les traductions successives d’un texte reflĂštent le dĂ©veloppement des pratiques traduisantes d’une culture. Les paradigmes de la traduction peuvent ĂȘtre dĂ©duits de la trajectoire de ces traductions. Le plus souvent, c’est la traduction la plus rĂ©cente d’un texte qui permet de constater le « tournant traductionnel ». Le roman oriya qui a suscitĂ© le plus grand nombre de traductions, Chhamana athaguntha de Fakir Mohan Senapati (1902), constitue une exception Ă  cette rĂšgle. Dans ce cas, c’est dans une des premiĂšres traductions anglaises, celle de C.V.N. Das, publiĂ©e en 1967 sous le titre The Stubble under the Cloven Hoof, que le traducteur et son activitĂ© sont rendus visibles. Dans son approche de la traduction, Das se sert de la langue anglaise pour contrer la tendance inĂ©vitable Ă  « angliciser », selon sa volontĂ© de « rebaptiser », comme il le dit, ce rĂ©cit vernaculaire. Cet article prĂ©sente son approche et explique le phĂ©nomĂšne associĂ© de la mise en valeur de la tĂąche du traducteur

    Ethnomedical Plants are used by Tribal Women in the Nuapada District to Treat Menstrual Problems

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    The menstrual cycle refers to the monthly series of changes a woman\u27s body undergoes to prepare for the potential of conception. The monthly release of an egg from one of the ovaries is known as ovulation. The uterus is also getting ready for pregnancy at the same time as hormonal changes. If the egg is not fertilised, the uterus\u27 lining sheds through the vagina following ovulation. It\u27s now menstruation. There may, however, be additional, more serious menstruation problems. There may be additional issues causing the irregular menstrual cycle if there is excessive or insufficient bleeding, complete lack of a period, or any combination of these. These problems need to be handled properly because they seriously affect female health and fertility. The traditional remedies indigenous women employed to relieve their menstrual discomfort were the focus of this investigation. Unrecognized tribes of the Nuapada District of Odisha are widely known for having a thorough understanding of medicinal plants. A survey was conducted in the Nuapada district\u27s tribal territory from January to February 2021 to learn more about the medicinal plants utilised by tribal women to manage menstrual issues. In their trial to treat abnormal menstrual cycles, they used 10 animals from 8 different groups

    Characterization of Fibrous assembly from Lime Peel Extract

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    ABSTRACT. The present research focuses on the development of anti-oxidant and antimicrobial polymeric fibrous material based on lime peel extract which contains many bioactive compounds having medicinal and healthcare properties. The aim of the present research is to generate fibrous assembly from lime peel extract and characterize the newly developed fibrous assembly in terms of chemical group identification, burning behavior, solubility behavior, thermal behavior, moisture absorbency and microscopic behavior. The antibacterial activity is also studied for possible application in the suitable area of medical textiles. The fibrous assembly primarily composed of about lignin, cellulose, hemicelluloses and different polyphenolic compounds such as flavonoid, shows excellent moisture absorbency and antimicrobial property against E. coli and S. aureus strains. The fibrous assembly has potential for applications in the wound dressing and healthcare sector

    Bovine Mastitis: Causes and Phytoremedies

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    Mastitis is a highly frequent chronic ailment with inflammation in the udder of the milking cows. The causative agents are mostly microbes. It is economically prominent contamination of lactating cows resulting in reduced milk production. The disease is diagnosed by chemical, physical and nutritional changes in the milk and pathological changes in the milk glands. Prevention measures for the disease can be taken by proper and timely sanitation of the cowshed through and time again disinfection of the teat, mechanized milking process, etc. The application of bactericidal drugs generates resistant varieties of microbes that cross the allopathic boundary. In this regard, an attempt is taken to focus the plant-based pharmacopoeia. Medicinal plants are traditionally used to cure various diseases as they are comparatively accessible to administer orally in different forms and can be along with fodder. Keeping the above facts in view, the present review deals with different types of mastitis, causative pathogens, detection and diagnosis, and effective plant-based treatment process available to date

    TILLBLIVELSER : En trasslig berÀttelse om design som normkritisk praktik

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    The increasing awareness of norm-critical perspectives (in society, academia and industry) brings with it the need to develop methods to ensure they can be implemented in practice. This thesis discusses how the role of design contributes to and maintains norms, and shows how design as a norm critical practice has great potential to bridge the gap between theory and practice in norm-critical work. This potential lies in using design as a peda-gogic tool that can concretize and make understandable what would otherwise be perceived as complex, unclear or remote. The thesis pays special attention to the role of artefacts in the creation of the stories of the world. The discursive design thing is introduced as a tool to visualize norms and to create discussion. The three-dimensional, physical thing exposes us to a more diverse experience of norms than when we just address them in words or pictures.The empirical work in this thesis stems from five research projects that differ from each other and were carried out under varied conditions. The projects have tackled a range of problems and power relationships. However, together they draw a complex picture of how norms arise, overlap and constantly change over time, place and space – and how design can be used to support or disrupt this process.By revisiting the projects, it becomes clear how the researcher’s position and actions (or non-actions) shape the norm development process. This results in an insight that meaning can not be construc-ted from an outside perspective, but is a constant ”becoming” that occurs in an entanglement of relationships arising between different bodies, both human and non-human. As a norm critical perspective implies paying attention to power relationships, it also assumes a power critical approach to the production of meaning extracted from the norm-critical work, and that we – as researchers and designers – take responsibility for our prevail by highlighting our own bodies and gaze.The thesis therefore proposes the concept of diffraction as an approach to the production of meaning in norm critical design practices. A diffractive approach enables an understanding of how the production of meaning occurs in various coincidences, but also how our own interventions shape the story. It opens up to the realization that parallel narratives are possible and thus becomes a tool to break away from the linear understanding framework and offer an exploration of alternative thought patterns. A diffractive approach to the production of meaning is thus also a tool to pro-mote increased creativity.QC 20170222</p


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    År 2050 vĂ€ntas jorden nĂ„ en befolkningsmĂ€ngd pĂ„ nio miljarder. För att kunna livnĂ€ra den vĂ€xande befolkningen mĂ„ste produktionen av mat öka med 60% fram till dess, vilket stĂ€ller höga krav pĂ„ vĂ€rldens jordbruk. Samtidigt Ă€r vĂ€rldens mark- och vattenresurser begrĂ€nsade och det stĂ€lls allt högre krav pĂ„ hĂ„llbar tillvĂ€xt och miljömedvetenhet. Produktionsökningen av mat mĂ„ste ske utan att jordens resurser sĂ€tts pĂ„ spel, vilket betyder att jordbruket mĂ„ste minska bevattningsmĂ€ngden, minimera anvĂ€ndningen av miljöförstörande tillsatsmedel och bĂ€ttre utnyttja knappa resurser. En lösning Ă€r att ta hjĂ€lp av trĂ„dlösa sensornĂ€tverk i jordbruket. TrĂ„dlösa sensornĂ€tverk handlar om att styckvis placera ett fĂ„tal till flera tusen sensorer över jordbruksfĂ€lten. Sensorerna övervakar och mĂ€ter mark- och miljö egenskaperöver fĂ€ltets olika delar i syfte att hjĂ€lpa en jordbrukare att fatta mer effektiva och underbyggda beslut. Genom att förstĂ„ fĂ€ltets olika variationer kan en jordbrukare vĂ€lja att rikta Ă„tgĂ€rder, som bevattning eller besprutning, pĂ„ specifika delar inom en större skörd istĂ€llet för att behandla hela fĂ€ltet som en enda enhet. Tanken Ă€r att jordbrukare till följd kan behandla sina skördar optimalt och dĂ€rmed ökar produktionen av mat samtidigt som de minskar anvĂ€ndningen av olika tillsatsmedel vilket resulterar i hĂ„llbar tillvĂ€xt. Följande rapport undersöker om och hur trĂ„dlösa sensornĂ€tverk kan öka jordbrukarnas avkastning i skörden och samtidigt optimera anvĂ€ndningen av vatten och tillsatsmedel. Eftersom implementering av trĂ„dlösa sensornĂ€tverk i jordbruket Ă€nnu befinner sig pĂ„ konceptstadiet undersöker rapporten Ă€ven drivkrafter och hinder för implementering. Rapporten identifierar mer effektiv anvĂ€ndning av resurser som bevattning, gödning och skadedjursbekĂ€mpning som de allra tydligaste fördelarna med trĂ„dlösa sensornĂ€tverk. Riktade Ă„tgĂ€rder som minskar resursslöseri antas minska kostnader och samtidigt minska avtrycken pĂ„ miljön. Det finns dĂ€remot flera utmaningar med att erhĂ„lla adekvata mĂ„tt pĂ„ avkastningsökningen till följd av trĂ„dlösa sensornĂ€tverk. En svĂ„righet Ă€r att isolera effekten av trĂ„dlösa sensornĂ€tverk i jordbruket dĂ„ jordbruksmiljön och skörden varierar, till skillnad frĂ„n andra produktionsmiljöer. Rapporten undersöker vidare utmaningar och drivkrafter för implementering av trĂ„dlösa sensornĂ€tverk bĂ„de ur ett tekniskt perspektiv men Ă€ven ur ett anvĂ€ndarperspektiv. De tekniska utmaningarna skiljer sig beroende pĂ„ anvĂ€ndningsomrĂ„de men innefattar bland annat sensorernas robusthet, storlek och energiförbrukning. Drivkrafter, utöver ökad avkastning och resurseffektivisering, som identifierades var bland annat jĂ€mnare och sĂ€krare skörd, tillgĂ„ng till rĂ„dgivning och support samt samhĂ€llets krav pĂ„ miljömedvetenhet. Implementering av trĂ„dlösa sensornĂ€tverk krĂ€ver tvĂ€rvetenskaplig förstĂ„else och broar mellan forskare, ingenjörer och jordbrukare behöver upprĂ€ttas innan trĂ„dlösa sensornĂ€tverk kan implementeras för kommersiellt bruk.By 2050 the world population is estimated to reach nine billion. In order to feed the growing population the food production must increase by 60% until 2050, which puts high pressure on agriculture production. Land and water resources are, at the same time, limited and sustainable growth and environmental awareness is in the limelight. Agriculture must increase the production of food without putting earth’s resources at risk, which means that agriculture must reduce irrigation, minimize the use of polluting additives and make the most of scarce resources. One solution is to use wireless sensor networks in agriculture. By placing a few, up to several thousand, sensors over agricultural fields the sensors can collect information about environmental and physical attributes on a field to improve monitoring and decision-making. By understanding how the field varies, farmers can irrigate or add pesticides on specific parts in a field instead of processing the field as a single unit. The idea is to help farmers to treat their crops optimally and by that increases food production while at the same time reducing the use of various additives, which in the end generates sustainable growth. The following report examines whether and how wireless sensor networks can increase farm yields in the harvest while at the same time optimizing the use of water and additives. Since the implementation of wireless sensor networks in agriculture is still in an initial stage, the report also identifies drivers and barriers for implementation. The report identifies more efficient use of resources such as irrigation, fertilization and pest control as the most obvious benefits of wireless sensor networks. Targeted measures to reduce waste of resources assumed save costs while reducing the footprint on the environment. However, there are several challenges in obtaining adequate measure of the yield increase due to wireless sensor networks. One difficulty is to isolate the effect of wireless sensor networks in agriculture since the environment and harvest varies, unlike other production environments. The report also identifies challenges and drivers for implementing wireless sensor networks, both from a technical perspective but also from a user perspective. The technical challenges differ depending on the application, but include sensor robustness, size and power consumption. Driving forces, beyond increased yields and resource efficiency, include reliable harvest, support access and societal demands on environmental awareness. Implementation of wireless sensor networks requires inter disciplinary understanding. Bridges between scientists, engineers and farmers need to be established before the wireless sensor networks can be implemented for commercial use

    International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining

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    The book presents high quality papers presented at the International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM 2016) organized by School of Computer Engineering, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India during December 10 – 11, 2016. The book disseminates the knowledge about innovative, active research directions in the field of data mining, machine and computational intelligence, along with current issues and applications of related topics. The volume aims to explicate and address the difficulties and challenges that of seamless integration of the two core disciplines of computer science.

    Time-Resolved Resonance Raman Studies on Proton-Induced Electron-Transfer Reaction from Triplet Excited State of 2-Methoxynaphthalene to Decafluorobenzophenone

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    In this paper time-resolved resonance Raman (TR3) spectra of intermediates generated by proton induced electron-transfer reaction between triplet 2-methoxynaphthalene ((ROMe)-R-3) and decafluorobenzophenone (DFBP) are presented The TR3 vibrational spectra and structure of 2-methoxynaphthalene cation radical (ROMe+) have been analyzed by density functional theory (DFT) calculation It is observed that the structure of naphthalene ring of ROMe+ deviates from the structure of cation radical of naphthalen