522 research outputs found

    Implications of the non-universal Z boson in FCNC mediated rare decays

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    We analyze the effect of the non-universal ZZ boson in the rare decays Bsl+lB_s \to l^+ l^- , Bsl+lγB_s \to l^+ l^- \gamma and ZbsˉZ \to b \bar s decays. These decays involve the FCNC mediated bs b \to s transitions, and are found to be very small in the standard model. The smallness of these decays in the standard model makes them sensitive probe for new physics. We find an enhancement of at least an order in these branching ratios because of the non-universal ZbsZbs coupling.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, minor changes in the text, references added, to appear in PR

    Interplay of magnetism and band topology in Eu1x_{1-x}Cax_xMg2_2Bi2_2 (x=0, 0.5) from first principles study

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    Recent discovery of the time reversal symmetry breaking magnetic Weyl semimetals has created a huge surge of activities in the field of quantum topological materials. In this work, we have studied systematically the ground state magnetic order, electronic structure and the interplay between the magnetic order and band topology in one such materials, EuMg2_2Bi2_2 (EMB) and its Ca doped variant using first principles method within the framework of density functional theory (DFT). The detailed investigation unravels the existence of different topological phases in this single material which can be tuned by an external probe such as magnetic field or chemical substitution. Our DFT calculations including Coulomb correlation (U) and spin-orbit (SO) interaction within GGA+U+SO approximation confirms that the magnetic ground state of EMB is A-type Antiferromagnetic (A-AFM) with Eu magnetic moments aligned along the crystallographic aa or bb direction. Although the ground state of EMB is A-AFM, the Ferromagnetic (FM) state lies very close in energy. We observe a single pair of Weyl points connecting valence and conduction band very close to the Fermi level (FL) along Γ\Gamma-A direction in the FM state of EuMg2_2Bi2_2 with Eu moments aligned along crystallographic cc direction. On doping 50\% Ca at Eu sites, we observe single pair of Weyl points moving closer to the FL which is highly desirable for application purposes. Further we observe that the separation between the Weyl points in the pair decreases in doped compound compared to that in the parent compound which has direct consequence on anomalous Hall conductivity (AHC). Our first principles calculation of AHC shows high peak values exactly at these Weyl points and the peak height decreases when we dope the system with Ca. Therefore, Ca doping can be a good external handle to tune AHC in this system.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Effect of FCNC mediated Z boson on lepton flavor violating decays

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    We study the three body lepton flavor violating (LFV) decays μee+e\mu^- \to e^- e^+ e^-, τlilj+lj\tau^- \to l_i^- l_j^+ l_j^- and the semileptonic decay τμϕ\tau \to \mu \phi in the flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) mediated ZZ boson model. We also calculate the branching ratios for LFV leptonic B decays, Bd,sμeB_{d,s} \to \mu e, Bd,sτeB_{d,s} \to \tau e, Bd,sτμB_{d,s} \to \tau \mu and the conversion of muon to electron in Ti nucleus. The new physics parameter space is constrained by using the experimental limits on μee+e\mu^- \to e^- e^+ e^- and τμμ+μ\tau^- \to \mu^- \mu^+ \mu^-. We find that the branching ratios for τeee\tau \to eee and τμϕ\tau \to \mu \phi processes could be as large as O(108)\sim {\cal O}(10^{-8}) and BrBd,sτμ,τe)O(1010){\rm Br}B_{d,s} \to \tau \mu, \tau e) \sim {\cal O}(10^{-10}). For other LFV B decays the branching ratios are found to be too small to be observed in the near future.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected, one more section added, version to appear in EPJ

    Slow Magnetic Relaxation and Electron Delocalization in an S = 9/2 Iron(II/III) Complex with Two Crystallographically Inequivalent Iron Sites

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    The magnetic, electronic, and Mössbauer spectral properties of Fe 2L(µ-OAc)2ClO4, 1, where L is the dianion of the tetraimino-diphenolate macrocyclic ligand, H2L, indicate that 1 is a class III mixed valence iron(II/III) complex with an electron that is fully delocalized between two crystallographically inequivalent iron sites to yield a [Fe2]V cationic configuration with a St 9/2 ground state. Fits of the dc magnetic susceptibility between 2 and 300K and of the isofield variable-temperature magnetization of 1 yield an isotropic magnetic exchange parameter, J, of -32(2) cm-1 for an electron transfer parameter, B, of 950 cm-1, a zero-field uniaxial D9/2 parameter of -0.9(1) cm-1, and g 1.95(5). In agreement with the presence of uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, ac susceptibility measurements reveal that 1 is a single-molecule magnet at low temperature with a single molecule magnetic effective relaxation barrier, Ueff, of 9.8 cm-1. At 5.25 K the Mössbauer spectra of 1 exhibit two spectral components, assigned to the two crystallographically inequivalent iron sites with a static effective hyperfine field; as the temperature increases from 7 to 310 K, the spectra exhibit increasingly rapid relaxation of the hyperfine field on the iron-57 Larmor precession time of 5 x 10-8 s. A fit of the temperature dependence of the average effective hyperfine field yields |D9/2| 0.9 cm-1. An Arrhenius plot of the logarithm of the relaxation frequency between 5 and 85 K yields a relaxation barrier of 17 cm-1

    Constraints on the nonuniversal Z^\prime couplings from B\to\pi K, \pi K^{\ast} and \rho K Decays

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    Motivated by the large difference between the direct CP asymmetries ACP(Bπ0K)A_{CP}(B^-\to \pi^0 K^-) and ACP(Bˉ0π+K)A_{CP}(\bar{B}^{0}\to \pi^{+} K^{-}), we combine the up-to-date experimental information on BπKB\to\pi K, πK\pi K^{\ast} and ρK\rho K decays to pursue possible solutions with the nonuniversal ZZ^{\prime} model. Detailed analyses of the relative impacts of different types of couplings are presented in four specific cases. Numerically, we find that the new coupling parameters, ξLL\xi^{LL} and ξLR\xi^{LR} with a common nontrivial new weak phase ϕL86\phi_L\sim-86^{\circ}, which are relevant to the ZZ^{\prime} contributions to the electroweak penguin sector C9\triangle C_9 and C7\triangle C_7, are crucial to the observed "πK\pi K puzzle". Furthermore, they are found to be definitely unequal and opposite in sign. We also find that ACP(Bρ0K)A_{CP}(B^-\to \rho^0 K^-) can put a strong constraint on the new ZZ^{\prime} couplings, which implies the ZZ^{\prime} contributions to the coefficient of QCD penguins operator O3O_3 involving the parameter ζLL\zeta^{LL} required.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures. References and a note adde

    Can there be any new physics in b -> d penguins

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    We analyze the possibility of observing new physics effects in the bdb \to d penguin amplitudes. For this purpose, we consider the decay mode BK0Kˉ0B \to K^0 \bar K^0 , which has only bdb \to d penguin contributions. Using the QCD factorization approach, we find very tiny CP violating effects in the standard model for this process. Furthermore, we show that the minimal supersymmetric standard model with LRLR mass insertion and R-parity violating supersymmetric model can provide substantial CP violation effects. Observation of sizable CP violation in this mode would be a clear signal of new physics.Comment: Published versio

    Double-Lepton Polarization Asymmetries and Branching Ratio in B \rar K_{0}^{*}(1430) l^+ l^- transition from Universal Extra Dimension Model

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    We investigate the B \rar K_{0}^{*}(1430) l^+ l^- transition in the Applequist-Cheng-Dobrescu model in the presence of a universal extra dimension. In particular, we calculate double lepton polarization asymmetries and branching ratio related to this channel and compare the obtained results with the predictions of the standard model. Our analysis of the considered observables in terms of radius RR of the compactified extra-dimension as the new parameter of the model show a considerable discrepancy between the predictions of two models in low 1R\frac{1}{R} values.Comment: 12 Pages, 15 Figures and 1 Tabl

    Goldstone Bosons in Effective Theories with Spontaneously Broken Flavour Symmetry

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    The Flavour Symmetry of the Standard Model (SM) gauge sector is broken by the fermion Yukawa couplings. Promoting the Yukawa matrices to scalar spurion fields, one can break the flavour symmetry spontaneously by giving appropriate vacuum expectation values (VEVs) to the spurion fields, and one encounters Goldstone modes for every broken flavour symmetry generator. In this paper, we point out various aspects related to the possible dynamical interpretation of the Goldstone bosons: (i) In an effective-theory framework with local flavour symmetry, the Goldstone fields represent the longitudinal modes for massive gauge bosons. The spectrum of the latter follows the sequence of flavour-symmetry breaking related to the hierarchies in Yukawa couplings and flavour mixing angles. (ii) Gauge anomalies can be consistently treated by adding higher-dimensional operators. (iii) Leaving the U(1) factors of the flavour symmetry group as global symmetries, the respective Goldstone modes behave as axions which can be used to resolve the strong CP problem by a modified Peccei-Quinn mechanism. (iv) The dynamical picture of flavour symmetry breaking implies new sources of flavour-changing neutral currents, which arise from integrating out heavy scalar spurion fields and heavy gauge bosons. The coefficients of the effective operators follow the minimal-flavour violation principle.Comment: 27 pages, abstract and introduction extended, more detailed discussion of heavy gauge boson spectrum and auxiliary heavy fermions, outline restructured. Matches version to be published in JHE

    Unparticles-Higgs Interplay

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    We show that scalar unparticles coupled to the Standard Model Higgs at the renormalizable level can have a dramatic impact in the breaking of the electroweak symmetry already at tree level. In particular one can get the proper electroweak scale without the need of a Higgs mass term in the Lagrangian. By studying the mixed unparticle-Higgs propagator and spectral function we also show how unparticles can shift the Higgs mass away from its Standard Model value, \lambda v^2, and influence other Higgs boson properties. Conversely, we study in some detail how electroweak symmetry breaking affects the unparticle sector by breaking its conformal symmetry and generating a mass gap. We also show that, for Higgs masses above that gap, unparticles can increase quite significantly the Higgs width.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, typos correcte