1,615 research outputs found

    Progressive hair coil strangulation of penis

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    Strangulation of penis by hair strands is a well-known, but uncommon clinical entity. We report two cases occurring in circumcised boys causing progressive painless disfigurement of penis with strands of hair coiled around the penile shafts, strangulating the penis. Primary repair was done in one case and delayed primary repair was done in the other, both with satisfactory results

    Potency of partially purified anthocyanin from leaf extract of Guiera senegalensis against carbon tetrachloride-induced lipoperoxidation in rats

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    Anthocyanin was extracted and partially purified from the ethanolic leaf extract of Guiera senegalensis (GS). The recovered anthocyanin extract was found to have a concentration of 8mg/cm3 and an absorption spectrum with peak at 268nm. In order to assess the preventive action of the anthocyanin against lipoperoxidation, serum malondialdehyde (MDA) was analyzed in rats administered with 1mg/kg of the anthocyanin before induction of lipoperoxidation in the rats using carbon tetrachloride (CC14). Serum MDA was also analyzed in rats administered with 1 and 2 mg/kg of anthocyanin for up to seven (7) days after induction of lipoperoxidation in the rats in order to determine the curative effect of the extract. The results suggest that anthocyanin extracted from GS leaves are more effective in the cure than prevention of lipoperoxidation, and the most effective daily dose of treatment is 1mg/kg for 7 days. Key words: Guiera senegalensis, Anthocyanin, Potency, Lipoperoxidatio

    Coronary anomalies in Sudanese patients: angiographic study and brief review

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    Introduction and objective: Coronary anomalies are not rare [about 1% of the general population] and may be associated with sudden death and ischemia and may cause difficulties in coronary interventions and errors in bypass surgery. The aim of this study is to demonstrate their incidence in the Sudanese patients and give a review on their classifications and clinical relevance. Patients and methods: A retrospective study of 270 patients who had coronary angiography at Ahmed Gasim cardiac center from April, 2004 to August, 2005. Results and conclusion: Our study showed a rather higher rate of coronary anomalies [3%] but the pattern was not greatly different from the figures in the literature. Anomalies of origin were the most common [which may give difficulties in coronary interventions]. Potentially morbid anomaly with either the left anterior descending artery [LAD] or the left main coronary artery [LMCA] originating from the right coronary sinus was seen in 3 patients [1, 1%]. This study demonstrated that coronary anomalies are not rare in our patients and potentially serious anomaly may exist. Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 1(1) 2006: 43-4

    Preliminary investigation of the crossing of bambara nut (Vigna subterranea [L.] Verdc.)

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    Effective crosses among selected parents are crucial for genetic analyses and for the breeding of crop plants. Bambara nut is an indigenous African legume with considerable genetic diversity useful for genetic enhancement of yield and quality traits through breeding. However, the crop has previously received limited research attention. This may be attributed to its extremely small flower size, its flower orientation, the delicate nature of the flower and it’s mating system. The aim of this study was to establish a preliminary crossing protocol for Bambara nut for breeding and genetic studies. Controlled emasculation and pollination were performed using eight selected parents, using a diallel mating scheme under glasshouse conditions. Some successful crosses were achieved and F1 seeds were recovered from the crosses of 211-40-1 x N211-2, N212-8 x 211-40-1 and M09-3 x 211-82-1.Keywords: Bambara nut, emasculation, crossing, pollination, F1 hybridsAhmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeri

    An Analysis To Published Research On Ai’s Potential To Revolutionize The Classroom

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    This literature review investigates the potential use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom, which has become a topic of increased attention due to the rise in popularity of online education. Numerous studies carried out in various educational settings, including computer science, postsecondary education, language learning, and health professions education, are assessed for their methodological integrity and practicality. While the research provides valuable insights for educators and policymakers, it also highlights challenges such as the difficulty of generalization, the significance of continuous data, and the need of ethical issues. The study emphasizes the necessity of inclusive & moral behaviors, ongoing evaluation, and professional development for educators as it relates to the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) and technology into education. The findings shed light on the revolutionary possibilities of AI in the classroom and call for more research, careful consideration of ethical problems, & effective strategy in order to fully exploit the benefits of this technology. This is especially important when considering the nature of education, which is dynamic and continually evolving

    Regionalizing East Mediterranean Gas: Energy Security, Stability, and the U.S. Role

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    View the Executive SummaryThe East Mediterranean has been witnessing an unparalleled natural resource boom since the late-2000s, when Israel, followed by Cyprus, made its first significant offshore hydrocarbon discoveries in many years. These discoveries have since proven to be substantially larger than any other resources previously explored in the East Mediterranean Sea. At the time of this writing, they consist primarily of natural gas, although liquids are expected to be discovered offshore as well, including in the potentially hydrocarbon-rich waters of Lebanon and Syria. A 2010 U.S. Geological Survey suggests the Levant basin—the area including Cyprus and Israel’s offshore zones, and the offshore and some onshore territories of Syria, Lebanon, and the Palestinian territories—could hold as much as 1.7 billion barrels of oil and up to 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, leaving as much as two-thirds of the region’s potential resource base still undiscovered.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1472/thumbnail.jp

    Development of a 3D Printed Coating Shell to Control the Drug Release of Encapsulated Immediate-Release Tablets

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    The use of 3D printing techniques to control drug release has flourished in the past decade, although there is no generic solution that can be applied to the full range of drugs or solid dosage forms. The present study provides a new concept, using the 3D printing technique to print a coating system in the form of shells with various designs to control/modify drug release in immediate-release tablets. A coating system of cellulose acetate in the form of an encapsulating shell was printed through extrusion-based 3D printing technology, where an immediate-release propranolol HCl tablet was placed inside to achieve a sustained drug release profile. The current work investigated the influence of shell composition by using different excipients and also by exploring the impact of shell size on the drug release from the encapsulated tablet. Three-dimensional printed shells with different ratios of rate-controlling polymer (cellulose acetate) and pore-forming agent (D-mannitol) showed the ability to control the amount and the rate of propranolol HCl release from the encapsulated tablet model. The shell-print approach also showed that space/gap available for drug dissolution between the shell wall and the enclosed tablet significantly influenced the release of propranolol HCl. The modified release profile of propranolol HCl achieved through enclosing the tablet in a 3D printed controlled-release shell followed Korsmeyer–Peppas kinetics with non-Fickian diffusion. This approach could be utilized to tailor the release profile of a Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) class I drug tablet (characterized by high solubility and high permeability) to improve patient compliance and promote personalized medicine


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    Objective: Antibiotics are the only drug where use in one patient can impact the effectiveness in another, so antibiotic misuse adversely impacts the patients and society. Improving antibiotic use improves patient outcomes and saves money. Antibiotic resistance has been identified as a major threat by the WHO due to the lack of development of new antibiotics and the increasing infections caused by multidrug resistance pathogens became untreatable. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted for a period of 6 months. Data were collected from prescriptions and inpatient record files at the surgery department of the tertiary care hospital. Patients above age of 18 years of either gender whose prescription containing the antibiotics and patients who are willing to participate in the study were included in the study. Microsoft Excel was used for recording and analyzing the data of recruited subjects. Results: During our study period, we have collected 100 cases as per inclusion criteria, in total collected 100 cases, 52% are male and 48% are female. The mean age and standard deviation of the study population were found to be 46.61±16.12. The most commonly prescribed classification before and after the surgery is cephalosporin’s that is 57%. Results show that in pre-surgery, almost 93% of prescriptions have chosen the drugs as per ASHP guidelines, whereas in post-surgery, 95% of drugs have selected the drug as per ASHP guidelines. Conclusion: Our study has observed that some of the prescriptions are irrationally prescribed so the pharmacist has to take the responsibility to improve the awareness regarding rational prescribing of antibiotics. The national wide monitoring of antibiotics use, national schemes to obtain rational use of antibiotics, reassessing the prescriptions, education to practitioners, and surveys on antibiotics should be implemented
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