17 research outputs found

    The Development Of A Device Selection Model For Wireless Computing Devices In High Consequence Emergency Management

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    Color sequential transmissive and reflective projection displays using a vertical field switching (VFS) polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal (BPLC) are proposed. The VFS-BPLC exhibits submillisecond response time which is useful for suppressing color breakup, hysteresis-free for accurate grayscale control, high optical efficiency, and low operation voltage

    A Prospective Observational Study on Risk Factors and Prescribing Patterns of Drugs used in Stroke Patients at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital.

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    Objectives: The main aim of the study is to identify the different risk factors, prescribing patterns of medication and rationality of the prescription by observing the management of stroke patients carefully. Methodology: A prospective and observational study was carried out for a period of 6 months in an in-patient department of a tertiary care hospital. Patients above 18 years of age, patients of either sex and patients who previously had stroke were included. Children below 18 years, pregnant women, AIDS patients, patients unable to respond to verbal questions with no caretakers and patients with head injury were excluded. Results: A total of 100 prescriptions were analyzed during the 6 months study period. This was found to be higher in males (79) and females (21). The higher risk with notable occurrence in the age group of 60-79 years (43%). Out of these study populations, (68%) experienced Ischemic stroke and (32%) experienced Hemorrhagic stroke. The major risk factors were Hypertension (62%), alcoholics (41%). Smoking (33%) and Diabetes (24%). Among the 100 prescriptions, Atorvastatin was highly prescribed (96) followed by Pantoprazole (92), Mannitol (64). Out of 100 prescriptions, (67) were rational and (33%) were irrational. Conclusion: The prescribing patterns of drug should be based on specificity and severity of stroke in order to facilitate rational use of drugs providing optimal care. Early management of hypertension and diabetes may reduce risk of stroke. Cessation of smoking and alcohol place a key role in prevention of stroke. Keywords: Ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, hypertension, diabetes

    Nonlocal and multiple-point fractional boundary value problem in the frame of a generalized Hilfer derivative

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    Abstract The aim of this manuscript is to handle the nonlocal boundary value problem for a specific kind of nonlinear fractional differential equations involving a ξ-Hilfer derivative. The used fractional operator is generated by the kernel of the kind k ( ϑ , s ) = ξ ( ϑ ) − ξ ( s ) k(ϑ,s)=ξ(ϑ)−ξ(s)k(\vartheta,s)=\xi (\vartheta )-\xi (s) and the operator of differentiation D ξ = ( 1 ξ ′ ( ϑ ) d d ϑ ) Dξ=(1ξ′(ϑ)ddϑ){ D}_{\xi } = ( \frac{1}{\xi ^{\prime }(\vartheta )}\frac{d}{d\vartheta } ) . The existence and uniqueness of solutions are established for the considered system. Our perspective relies on the properties of the generalized Hilfer derivative and the implementation of Krasnoselskii’s fixed point approach and Banach’s contraction principle with respect to the Bielecki norm to obtain the uniqueness of solution on a bounded domain in a Banach space. Besides, we discuss the Ulam–Hyers stability criteria for the main fractional system. Finally, some examples are given to illustrate the viability of the main theories

    A new solution of the nonlinear fractional logistic differential equations utilizing efficient techniques

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    The formulation of models and solutions for various physical problems are the primary goals of scientific achievements in engineering and physics. Our paper focuses on using the Caputo fractional derivative operator to solve nonlinear fractional logistic differential equations. In order to solve general nonlinear fractional differential equations, we first introduce a novel numerical methodology termed the Homotopy perturbation transform method. The perturbation approach and the Yang transform method are combined to create the suggested strategy. Second, we introduce a new hybrid method that uses the time-fractional Caputo derivative to approximate and analytically solve nonlinear fractional logistic differential equations. This method combines the Yang transform with the decomposition method. To validate the analysis, we offer three numerical cases of nonlinear fractional logistic differential equations employing the Caputo fractional derivative operator. The resulting solutions exhibit rapid convergence and are presented in series form. In order to verify the efficacy and relevance of the suggested methodologies, the investigated issues were assessed through the implementation of different fractional orders. We examine and show that, under the specified initial conditions, the solution approaches under evaluation are accurate and effective. Graphs in two and three dimensions show the results that were obtained. Numerical simulations are presented to confirm the efficacy of the strategies. The numerical results show that an accurate, reliable, and efficient approximation can be obtained with a minimal number of terms. The results obtained demonstrate that the new analytical solution method is easy to apply and very successful in solving difficult fractional problems that occur in relevant engineering and scientific domains

    Mathematical Modeling and Forecasting of COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia under Fractal-Fractional Derivative in Caputo Sense with Power-Law

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    This manuscript is devoted to investigating a fractional-order mathematical model of COVID-19. The corresponding derivative is taken in Caputo sense with power-law of fractional order μ and fractal dimension χ. We give some detailed analysis on the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the proposed problem. Furthermore, some results regarding basic reproduction number and stability are given. For the proposed theoretical analysis, we use fixed point theory while for numerical analysis fractional Adams–Bashforth iterative techniques are utilized. Using our numerical scheme is verified by using some real values of the parameters to plot the approximate solution to the considered model. Graphical presentations corresponding to different values of fractional order and fractal dimensions are given. Moreover, we provide some information regarding the real data of Saudi Arabia from 1 March 2020 till 22 April 2021, then calculated the fatality rates by utilizing the SPSS, Eviews and Expert Modeler procedure. We also built forecasts of infection for the period 23 April 2021 to 30 May 2021, with 95% confidence

    Clinical Implications of Glyoxalase1 Gene Polymorphism and Elevated Levels of the Reactive Metabolite Methylglyoxal in the Susceptibility of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Patients from Asir and Tabuk Regions of Saudi Arabia

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    Diabetes mellitus constitutes a big challenge to the global health care system due to its socioeconomic impacts and very serious complications. The incidence and the prevalence rate are increased in the Gulf region including the KSA. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is caused by diverse risk factors including obesity, unhealthy dietary habits, physical inactivity, smoking and genetic factors. The molecular genetic studies have helped in the detection of many single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) with different diseases including cancers, cardiovascular diseases and T2DM. The glyoxalase 1 (GLO1) is a detoxifying enzyme and catalyzes the elimination of the cytotoxic product methylglyoxal (MG) by converting it to D-lactate, which is not toxic to tissues. MG accumulation is associated with the pathogenesis of different diseases including T2DM. In this study, we have investigated the association of the glyoxalase 1 SNPs (rs2736654) rs4746 C>A and rs1130534 T>A with T2DM using the amplification refractory mutation system PCR. We also measured the concentration of MG by ELISA in T2DM patients and matched heathy controls. Results show that the CA genotype of the GLO rs4647 A>C was associated with T2DM with OR = 2.57, p-value 0.0008 and the C allele was also associated with increased risk to T2DM with OR = 2.24, p-value = 0.0001. It was also observed that AT genotype of the rs1130534 was associated with decreased susceptibility to T2DM with OR = 0.3, p-value = 0.02. The A allele of rs1130534 was also associated with reduced risk to T2DM with PR = 0.27 = 0.006. In addition, our ELISA results demonstrate significantly increased MG concentrations in serum of the T2DM patients. We conclude that the GLO1 SNP may be associated with decreased enzyme activity and a resultant susceptibility to T2DM. Further well-designed studies in different and large patient populations are recommended to verify these findings

    Differential Association of Selected Adipocytokines, Adiponectin, Leptin, Resistin, Visfatin and Chemerin, with the Pathogenesis and Progression of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in the Asir Region of Saudi Arabia: A Case Control Study

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    Background: Sedentary lifestyles, urbanization and improvements in socio-economic status have had serious effects on the burden of diabetes across the world. Diabetes is one of the 10 leading causes of death globally, and individuals with diabetes have a 2–3-fold increased risk of all-cause mortality. Adipose tissue is increasingly understood as a highly active endocrine gland that secretes many biologically active substances, including adipocytokines. However, the exact and discrete pathophysiological links between obesity and T2DM are not yet fully elucidated. Methods: In the current study, we present the association of five diverse adipocytokines, adiponectin, leptin, resistin, visfatin and chemerin, with T2DM in 87 patients (46 males and 41 females) with type 2 diabetes mellitus and 85 healthy controls (44 males and 41 females) from the Asir region of Saudi Arabia. The patients were divided into four groups: normal BMI, overweight, obese and severely obese. The baseline biochemical characteristics, including HbA1c and anthropometric lipid indices, such as BMI and waist–hip ratio, were determined by standard procedures, whereas the selected adipokine levels were assayed by ELISA. Results: The results showed significantly decreased levels of adiponectin in the T2DM patients compared to the control group, and the decrease was more pronounced in obese and severely obese T2DM patients. Serum leptin levels were significantly higher in the females compared to the males in the controls as well as all the four groups of T2DM patients. In the male T2DM patients, a progressive increase was observed in the leptin levels as the BMI increased, although these only reached significantly altered levels in the obese and severely obese patients. The serum leptin levels were significantly higher in the severely obese female patients compared to the controls, patients with normal BMI, and overweight patients. The leptin/adiponectin ratio was significantly higher in the obese and severely obese patients compared to the controls, patients with normal BMI, and overweight patients in both genders. The serum resistin levels did not show any significant differences between the males and females in thr controls or in the T2DM groups, irrespective of the BMI status of the T2DM patients. The visfatin levels did not reveal any significant gender-based differences, but significantly higher levels of visfatin were observed in the T2DM patients, irrespective of their level of obesity, although the higher values were observed in the obese and highly obese patients. Similarly, the serum chemerin levels in the controls, as well as in T2DM patients, did not show any significant gender-based differences. However, in the T2DM patients, the chemerin levels showed a progressive increase, with the increase in BMI reaching highly significant levels in the obese and severely obese patients, respectively. Conclusion: In summary, it is concluded that significantly altered concentrations of four adipokines, adiponectin, leptin, visfatin and chemerin, were found in the T2DM patient group compared to the controls, with more pronounced alterations observed in the obese and highly obese patients. Thus, it can be surmised that these four adipokines play a profound role in the onset, progression and associated complications of T2DM. In view of the relatively small sample size in our study, future prospective studies are needed on a large sample size to explore the in-depth relationship between adipokines and T2DM