15,995 research outputs found

    Ultrafast Intramolecular Charge Transfer of Formyl Perylene Observed Using Femtosecond Transient Absorption Spectroscopy

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    The excited-state photophysics of formylperylene (FPe) have been investigated in a series of nonpolar, polar aprotic, and polar protic solvents. A variety of experimental and theoretical methods were employed including femtosecond transient absorption (fs-TA) spectroscopy with 130 fs temporal resolution. We report that the ultrafast intramolecular charge transfer from the perylene unit to the formyl (CHO) group can be facilitated drastically by hydrogen-bonding interactions between the carbonyl group oxygen of FPe and hydrogen-donating solvents in the electronically excited state. The excited-state absorption of FPe in methanol (MeOH) is close to the reported perylene radical cation produced by bimolecular quenching by an electron acceptor. This is a strong indication for a substantial charge transfer in the S1 state in protic solvents. The larger increase of the dipole moment change in the protic solvents than that in aprotic ones strongly supports this observation. Relaxation mechanisms including vibrational cooling and solvation coupled to the charge-transfer state are also discussed

    Soliton-radiation trapping in gas-filled photonic crystal fibers

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    We propose an optical trapping technique in which a fundamental soliton traps an ultrashort small amplitude radiation in a symmetric hollow-core photonic crystal fiber filled with a noble gas, preventing its dispersion. The system is Raman- and plasma-free. Trapping is due to the cross phase modulation effect between the two pulses. The trapped radiation inside the soliton-induced potential will oscillate periodically due to the shock effect, similar to the motion of a mechanical pendulum. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.04380

    Soliton dynamics in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers

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    Gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers offer unprecedented opportunities to observe novel nonlinear phenomena. The various properties of gases that can be used to fill these fibers give additional degrees of freedom for investigating nonlinear pulse propagation in a wide range of different media. In this review, we will consider some of the the new nonlinear interactions that have been discovered in recent years, in particular those which are based on soliton dynamics

    Trapped Bose-Einstein condensates in the presence of a current nonlinearity

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    We investigate the effect of a current nonlinearity on the evolution of a trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensate. We have implemented techniques from the field of nonlinear optics to provide new insights into the irregular dynamics associated with chiral superfluids. We have found that the current nonlinearity can be treated as a Kerr-like nonlinearity modulated by a spatiotemporal function that can lead to a number of processes such as broadening and compression of the wave function. In the long time scale limit, the wave function is drastically deformed and delocalised compared to its initial state. However, localised modes which oscillate with the period of the inverse trap frequency can still be observed.Comment: A short note on the links between nonlinear gauge potentials and nonlinear optics. Comments are welcom

    Slimness of graphs

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    Slimness of a graph measures the local deviation of its metric from a tree metric. In a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), a geodesic triangle (x,y,z)\bigtriangleup(x,y,z) with x,y,zVx, y, z\in V is the union P(x,y)P(x,z)P(y,z)P(x,y) \cup P(x,z) \cup P(y,z) of three shortest paths connecting these vertices. A geodesic triangle (x,y,z)\bigtriangleup(x,y,z) is called δ\delta-slim if for any vertex uVu\in V on any side P(x,y)P(x,y) the distance from uu to P(x,z)P(y,z)P(x,z) \cup P(y,z) is at most δ\delta, i.e. each path is contained in the union of the δ\delta-neighborhoods of two others. A graph GG is called δ\delta-slim, if all geodesic triangles in GG are δ\delta-slim. The smallest value δ\delta for which GG is δ\delta-slim is called the slimness of GG. In this paper, using the layering partition technique, we obtain sharp bounds on slimness of such families of graphs as (1) graphs with cluster-diameter Δ(G)\Delta(G) of a layering partition of GG, (2) graphs with tree-length λ\lambda, (3) graphs with tree-breadth ρ\rho, (4) kk-chordal graphs, AT-free graphs and HHD-free graphs. Additionally, we show that the slimness of every 4-chordal graph is at most 2 and characterize those 4-chordal graphs for which the slimness of every of its induced subgraph is at most 1

    Assessment of Newspaper Circulation and Readership in Northern Ghana

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    There is a widespread concern that the print newspaper industry across the world and in Ghana particularly faces an uncertain future and a long-term decline in readership and circulation due to the prevalence of internet mediated News websites, making print newspapers obsolete in their present format. This paper is an assessment of the circulation and readership of printed newspapers in the northern regional capital, Tamale. It investigates preferred News sources among newsreaders and examines consumption pattern of newspapers in the metropolis. It discussed the challenges the print media industry faces in the wake of News websites’ proliferation in the Ghanaian media landscape. The paper is based on exploratory research design. It sampled four leading print newspapers in Ghana (Daily Graphic, Daily Guide, Ghanaian Times and Business and Financial Times) as reference points for data collection. Four newspaper vendors who vend these newspapers in the metropolis were sampled through simple random sampling. The paper finds a sharp decline in circulation and readership of printed newspaper in the metropolis in favour of internet powered News websites. The paper concludes that although newsreaders prefer sourcing News online, they still find the traditional printed media as the most credible and reliable sources for News. The paper recommends that the traditional print media take advantage of the reach of internet powered platforms to create online presence and ensure that they innovate to get newsreaders subscribe to their brands since print newspaper readership is gradually declining in the metropolis

    Sidelobe Control in Collaborative Beamforming via Node Selection

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    Collaborative beamforming (CB) is a power efficient method for data communications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) which aims at increasing the transmission range in the network by radiating the power from a cluster of sensor nodes in the directions of the intended base station(s) or access point(s) (BSs/APs). The CB average beampattern expresses a deterministic behavior and can be used for characterizing/controling the transmission at intended direction(s), since the mainlobe of the CB beampattern is independent on the particular random node locations. However, the CB for a cluster formed by a limited number of collaborative nodes results in a sample beampattern with sidelobes that severely depend on the particular node locations. High level sidelobes can cause unacceptable interference when they occur at directions of unintended BSs/APs. Therefore, sidelobe control in CB has a potential to increase the network capacity and wireless channel availability by decreasing the interference. Traditional sidelobe control techniques are proposed for centralized antenna arrays and, therefore, are not suitable for WSNs. In this paper, we show that distributed, scalable, and low-complexity sidelobe control techniques suitable for CB in WSNs can be developed based on node selection technique which make use of the randomness of the node locations. A node selection algorithm with low-rate feedback is developed to search over different node combinations. The performance of the proposed algorithm is analyzed in terms of the average number of trials required to select the collaborative nodes and the resulting interference. Our simulation results approve the theoretical analysis and show that the interference is significantly reduced when node selection is used with CB.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, submitted to the IEEE Trans. Signal Processin