168 research outputs found

    Effect of variety and planting density on growth and yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in northern Sudan

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       An experiment was conducted for two seasons (2009/10 and 2010/11) at Hudeiba Research Station Farm to study the effects of variety and planting density on growth and yield of irrigated chickpea. Two chickpea varieties, namely, Hawata (semi- erect) and FLIP-98- 55C (erect) were sown in mid November in each season at five planting densities, viz: 17, 22, 33, 44 and 66 plants/m2 (1.7 x 105, 2.2 x 105, 3.3 x 105, 4.4 x 105 and 6.6 x 105 plants/ha). The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The results showed that Hawata was significantly earlier in number of days to 50 % flowering than FLIP- 98- 55C by 17 and 11 days, whereas, FLIP- 98- 55C was 17 cm and 20 cm taller with respect to the first season and 19 cm and 20 cm with respect to the second season than variety Hawata. ٌHawata highly significantly (P≤0.001) out-yielded FLIP-98- 55C by 53 % and 110 % in the first and second seasons, respectively, due to larger number of seeds and higher yield per plant than FLIP-98-55C, however, FLIP- 98- 55C gave higher 100- seed weight in both seasons than Hawata. On the other hand, planting density of 33 plants/m2 significantly (P < 0.05) resulted in the highest seed yield of chickpea on both seasons. In conclusion, the highest seed yields were obtained by the two varieties at 33 plants/m2.         يعتبر محصول الحمص من المحاصيل البقولية الأساسية وغذاء هام للإنسان والحيوان في السودان. عليه تم إجراء تجربة خلال موسمي 2009\10 –\2010\11 في محطة بحوث الحديبة التي تقع في شمال السودان في المناخ  شبه الصحراوي. وذلك بغرض دراسة تأثير الصنف والكثافة النباتية في نمو وإنتاج الحمص المروي. استخدم الصنف حواته (شبه قائم) والصنف (فلب–FLIP-89 55C ) قائم (مستجلب من المركز الدولي لبحوث المناطق الجافة  (ICARDA) وزرع الصنفين باستخدام خمسة معاملات من الكثافة النباتية (17، 22، 33،  44 و66 نبات/ متر2) والتي تعادل (170000، 220000،0، 330000، 440000 و660000 نبات/هكتار). أُستخدم تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة بثلاث مكررات. أوضحت النتائج تأثير عالي المعنوية للصنف ومعنوي للكثافة النباتية والتفاعل بين الصنف والكثافة في كلا الموسمين. الصنف حواتة مبكر في الإزهار بحوالي 17 و11 يوم في الموسم الأول والثاني علي التوالي بينما الصنف فلب تميز بالطول ب 17 و20 سم عن حواتة و10 و20 سم ارتفاع القرن الأول من سطح التربة عن حواتة. ومن ناحية أخري كان تأثير الكثافة النباتية ثابت ولكنه معنوي في 50% من عدد أيام الأزهار وطول النبات في الموسم الثاني فقط. أعطى الصنف حواته عدد أعلي من البذور للنبات في الموسمين وإنتاجية النبات الواحد في الموسم الثاني فقط عن الصنف فلب والذي تفوق عليه في وزن المائة حبة في كلا الموسمين. أوضحت النتائج أن عدد الحبوب بالنبات وإنتاجية النبات الواحد نقصت بزيادة الكثافة النباتية. كما أوضحت النتائج تفوق الصنف حواتة (3807 و3315 كجم/هكتار) عن الصنف فلب بسبة 53 و110 % في الموسم الأول والثاني علي التوالي، بينما زيادة الكثافة النباتية من 17 نبات إلي 33 نبات في المتر المربع أدي لزيادة معنوية في إنتاج بذور الحمص في كلا الموسمين (3429 و3050 كجم/هكتار). بلغت الإنتاجية أعلي قيمة لها في الكثافة النباتية 33 نبات في المتر المربع في كلا الموسمين وبذا نوصي بزراعة الحمص علي مسافة  60 و 10 سم في السراب والحفر علي التوالي أي ما يعادل 25 كجم بذور/ فدان. &nbsp

    Influence of Swimming Deprivation on Behavior, Performance and some Blood Parameters of Muscovy Ducks

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    This experiment was done to determine the effect of swimming deprivation on drinking behaviour, feather pecking behavior, feed consumption, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, live body weight, slaughter weight, carcass weight and dressing percentage, serum corticosterone, triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine (T4) of Muscovy ducks. Two groups were used; the first one is the control group fed on basal diet with free access to swimming pond, and the second fed on basal diet without access to swimming pond. The previous parameters were recorded daily or weekly during the experiment or after slaughtering for collecting blood parameters. The results explained that, there was an insignificant decrease in drinking behavior and significant increase in feather pecking. However, there was an insignificant decrease in feed consumption, live body weight, feed conversion, weight gain, dressing percentage, liver weight and serum corticosterone level. There was an insignificant decrease in T3 and T4 level and significant increase in feather pecking behaviour. It could be concluded that, swimming deprivation at the end of the fattening period of ducks had an adverse effect on some duck behaviors but it have no significant effect on improvement of performance parameters and carcass characters

    Force feeding as a Stress Factor on Muscovy Ducks

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    The experiment was done to determine the effects of force feeding on drinking, panting behaviors, feed consumption, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, live body weight, slaughter weight, carcass weight and dressing percentage, serum corticosterone, triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine (T4) of Muscovy ducks. Two groups were used; the first one was the control group, which fed on basal diet only and the second group was force fed by grabbing the neck, and a metal or plastic tube 8 to 12 inches long was inserted down the esophagus. Ducklings were forced to ingest a greater amount of food than what they would eat voluntarily. The previous parameters were recorded daily or weekly during the experiment or after slaughtering. Blood samples for separation of serum were collected after slaughtering. The results explained that, there was an insignificant increase in drinking behavior. However, there was a significant increase in feed consumption, live body weight, feed conversion, weight gain, dressing percentage, panting behavior, liver weight and serum corticosterone level while there was a significant decrease in T3 and T4 level. It could be concluded that, force feeding at the end of the fattening period of ducks had adverse effect on some duck behaviors and some blood parameters but led to improvement in performance parameters and carcass characters

    1,2,4-Triazine Chemistry Part I: Orientation of cyclization reactions of functionalized 1,2,4-triazine derivatives

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    Orientation of heterocyclization reactions of functionalized 1,2,4-triazines were studied by effect of substituents in 1,2,4-triazine moieties, type of the solvent used in the reaction and the temperature effect. Also, it was found that cyclization process depended mainly on the chemoselective and regioselectivity states of the parent substrate as well as preferring cite of ring closure

    Serial changes in the serum levels of leptin, homocysteine, galectin-3, total phospholipids and hexosamines among patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting

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    AbstractBackgroundCoronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common cardiovascular disorder in adults. This study was performed to elucidate the role of active leptin, homocysteine, galectin-3, total phospholipids, total, bound, free hexosamines, free-to-bound hexosamines ratio in the pathogenesis of chronic myocardial ischemia and studying the effect of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) on their serum levels.MethodsA prospective case control study was carried out on 100 ischemic heart disease male patients undergoing elective CABG and 25 healthy males. Serum levels of total phospholipids, total and free hexosamines, were estimated using spectrophotometric methods, while, serum levels of active leptin, homocysteine and galectin-3 were estimated using ELISA assay kit.ResultsSignificant higher serum active leptin, homocysteine, galectin-3, free hexosamines and free to bound hexosamines ratio levels preoperatively when compared with the control group (p < 0.01 for all) with significant lowering of their serum levels following CABG (p < 0.01 for all) except for active leptin. Significant lower serum total phospholipids, total and bound hexosamines levels preoperatively when compared with the control group (p < 0.01 for all) with significant elevations in their serum levels following CABG (p < 0.01 for all).ConclusionsHigh active leptin, homocysteine, galectin-3, free and free to bound hexosamines ratio and low total phospholipids, total and bound hexosamines play an important role in the pathogenesis of myocardial ischemia. The serum levels of homocysteine, galectin-3, hexosamines and total phospholipids, but not active leptin are significantly lowered following CABG

    Completeness and Readability of Health Information in Hospitals Records – North Kordofan State-Sudan 2015

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    Documentation of patients` information in the hospital registry is crucial for efficient quality of care. The objective was to assess the completeness and readability of patients` information in the inpatients files of internal medicine and pediatric departments. A descriptive audit study carried out in four hospitals in North Kordofan State. A total of 549 and 555 inpatients` files were reviewed from the internal medicine and pediatric departments respectively. A structured review checklist was used for the audit.  Data was managed by SPSS version 20. Comprehensiveness proportions were calculated manually. Chi square test at 95% CL was used for comparison. Complete and readable full names of patients were shown in 6.2% and 34.2% of internal medicine and pediatric files respectively. Patients` full contact address was complete and readable in 11.3% and 4.5% respectively. Only 0.5% of pediatric files had recorded age. Completeness of basic information in inpatients` files was significantly different in favor to the internal medicine department, P- value=0.01. Documentation of clinical assessment items was complete in internal medicine files (65.6%) and pediatric files (62.5%). Pediatric files had complete readable vaccination history (55.7%), complete readable perinatal, natal and postnatal history (40%) and complete readable milestones history(29.9%). The summary discharge pages had comprehensiveness scores, 13% and 18.7% in internal medicine and pediatric files respectively, P-value 0.01. Date of discharge was adequately complete in 74.1% and 77.5% of the internal medicine and pediatric files respectively. Information in hospital inpatients` files was not complete.Two thirds of inpatients` files were complete and readable for clinical assessment items. The childhood developmental history was under-documented. The summary discharge pages were not completely documented except the date of discharge.  A reform plan and computerization of the data base is recommended.

    Life cycle cost analysis of a sustainable solar water distillation technique

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    This paper presents a detailed estimation of the fabrication cost, water production cost (WC), and cost payback period (CPP) using annualized life cycle costing for a tubular solar still (TSS). The operation and maintenance cost (OM) and the number of sunny days in a year (d) have a significant effect on the WC. The WC is raised from 3.1 to 4.4¥/L, if the OM increases from 5 to 18% of the capital cost, respectively. The WC is dropped by 35% (in average) when the d increases from 230 to 350 days. In addition, the CPP is greatly affected by the water selling prices and d. The CPP is dropped from 68 to 45 days due to the increase of d from 230 to 350 days (in average), respectively. The fabrication cost of the TSS (5)andtheWC(5) and the WC (31/m3) are affordable and much lower than the single-sloped passive solar still. Finally, it is revealed that the solar radiation is the most influential parameter on the productivity of TSS and a linear proportional relationship is found between them

    Longitudinal changes in peri-papillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in patients with unilateral branch retinal vein occlusion

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    Background: Associations between retinal venous occlusion (RVO), elevated intraocular pressure, and glaucoma have been reported. Further investigations into structural alterations in the fellow eyes of individuals with unilateral RVO have revealed that the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer is thinner than in healthy eyes, suggesting that there may be systemic risk factors common to both RVO and glaucoma. We aimed to evaluate changes in peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (pRNFLT) among individuals with unilateral branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO). Methods: This prospective observational study recruited 30 individuals (60 eyes) with newly diagnosed unilateral BRVO and macular edema, and a control group of 30 healthy individuals (30 eyes) with no abnormalities on fundus examination or concurrent systemic comorbidities. After baseline measurements, the participants were reassessed at 6, 12, and 24 months by measuring global and sectoral pRNFLT using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. Results: The mean age and sex distributions were comparable between the patient and control groups (both P &gt; 0.05). When compared to fellow eyes, global and sectoral pRNFLT in eyes with BRVO were significantly higher at baseline (all P &lt; 0.05). Over time, pRNFLT decreased dramatically, and by the conclusion of the two-year follow-up, there was a significant reduction from baseline in the affected eyes (all P &lt; 0.05). Likewise, affected eyes experienced a significant improvement in best-corrected distance visual acuity and central macular thickness over the two-year follow-up (both P Less than or equal to 0.001). Comparing the global and all-sector pRNFLT of fellow eyes in the patient group with those of normal eyes in the control group, there were no significant differences at any visit, except in the temporal sector, which revealed a significant reduction in pRNFLT at 24 months in the fellow eyes of patients with unilateral BRVO (P = 0.02).&nbsp;&nbsp; Conclusions: Patients with unilateral BRVO experienced a significant reduction in pRNFLT in the affected eyes and, to a lesser extent, in the fellow eyes, compared with that of the control arm, suggesting that they are prone to retinal nerve fiber layer damage. The reduction in pRNFLT in the normal fellow eyes of patients with BRVO may be attributed to age or concurrent systemic comorbidities. Further studies with long follow-up periods are required to shed light on the etiology of functional and structural changes in both the retinal nerve fiber layer and ganglion cell complex in the normal and affected eyes of patients with unilateral BRVO