7,424 research outputs found

    Library And Information Services For The Legislature

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    The paper examines the relevance of information in a society and its connectivity to the emergence of library and information centres. The essence of legislative libraries and information centres particularly their roles in meeting the information needs of the legislators were highlighted. It concludes by advocating for the legislative libraries and information centres to automate their systems, digitize their collection and interconnect with the Internet so that they can provide online services to their clients. It added that the legislators have to be ICT compliant so that they can utilize the services of their libraries and information centres to the fullest capacity. The Information Manager Vol. 6 (1&2) 2006: pp. 13-1

    The basement and tectonism of the river Jama’are floodplain: deduction from DC resistivity data

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    The analysis of DC resistivity data of part of the River Jama’are Floodplain, Northeastern Nigeria was carried out with a view to mapping the basement and the subsurface structures. One hundred and six Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) stations located at the corners of a 225 x 225m square grid network were occupied. The interelectrode spacing (AB/2) was varied from 1-225m. Results identified four subsurface geologic layers; topsoil, alluvial sand, Chad Formation/weathered column and basement bedrock as undulating and basal unit at different depths. Four major parallel basement depressions suspected to be regional faults striking approximately NW-SE were delineated. This trend correlated with the general trend of the regional structures in the Chad Basin. The isopach maps of the topsoil and alluvial sand mirrored a more recent NE-SW trend that correlated with the Tibesti-Cameroon trough. However, this recent induced tectonics was adjudged significant to hydrogeology in the area.KEYWORDS: Resistivity, floodplain, basement, sounding, tectonics, hydrogeolog

    On-Farm Water Management Game With Heuristic Capabilities

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    A modern computer-based simulation tool (WaterMan) in the form of a game for on-farm water management was developed for application in training events for farmers, students, and irrigators. The WaterMan game utilizes an interactive framework, thereby allowing the user to develop scenarios and test alternatives in a convenient, risk-free environment. It includes a comprehensive soil water and salt balance calculation algorithm. It also employs heuristic capabilities for modeling all of the important aspects of on-farm water management, and to provide reasonable scores and advice to the trainees. Random events (both favorable and unfavorable) and different strategic decisions are included in the game for more realism and to provide an appropriate level of challenge according to player performance. Thus, the ability to anticipate the player skill level, and to reply with random events appropriate to the anticipated level, is provided by the heuristic capabilities used in the software. These heuristic features were developed based on a combination of two artificial intelligence approaches: (1) a pattern recognition approach; and (2) reinforcement learning based on a Markov Decision Processes approach, specifically, the Q-learning method. These two approaches were combined in a new way to account for the difference in the effect of actions taken by the player and action taken by the system on the game world. The reward function for the Q-learning method was modified to reflect the anticipated type of the WaterMan game as what is referred to as a partially competitive and partially cooperative game. Twenty-two different persons classified under three major categories (1) practicing farmers; (2) persons without an irrigation background; and (3) persons with an irrigation background, were observed while playing the game, and each of them filled out a questionnaire about the game. The technical module of the game was validated in two ways: through conducting mass balance calculations for soil water content and salt content over a period of simulation time, and through comparing the WaterMan technical module output data in calculating the irrigation requirements and the use of irrigation scheduling recommendations with those obtained from the same set of input data to the FAO CropWat 8 software. The testing results and the technical validation outcomes demonstrate the high performance of the WaterMan game as a heuristic training tool for on-farm water management

    Fuzzy-PID controller on ANFIS, NN-NARX and NN-NAR system identification models for cylinder vortex induced vibration

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    In this paper, Fuzzy-PID controller on nonlinear system identification models for cylinder due to vortex induced vibration (VIV) has been presented well. Nonlinear system identification models generated after extracting the input-output data from previous paper. The nonlinear model consisted into three methods: Neural Network (NN-NARX) based on the Nonlinear Auto-Regressive with External (Exogenous) Input, Neural Network (NN-NAR) based on the Nonlinear Auto-Regressive and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). The work has been divided into two main parts: generating the system identification models to predict the system dynamic behavior and using Fuzzy-PID controller to suppress the cylinder vibration arising from the vortices. For system identification models, the best representation for NAR and NARX models has been chosen depend on two variables which are Number of hidden neurons (NE) and number of delay (ND) then using mean Square Error (MSE) to find the best model. Whereas, calculating the lowest MSE when the ND equal to 2 and the value of NE ranging 1-11 then fixing NE which is giving the lowest MSE and calculating it when the ND ranging 1-11. While, for ANFIS model the process consisted of find the lowest MSE at particular number of membership function (MF) with two inputs and generalized bell shape as a type of MF. For the second part, Fuzzy-PID used to attenuate the effect of vortices on the cylinder on the best representation for all methods. However, the consequences presented that the lowest MSE of NAR model equal 2.8452Ă—10-9 when the NE = 6 and ND = 4. While the best model of the NARX method recorded MSE = 1.2714Ă—10-9 at NE and ND equal to 8 and 2 respectively. Also, the lowest MES for ANFIS model recorded 2.5635Ă—10-13 when the MF equal to 2 for input and output. From another hand, Fuzzy-PID controller has been succeeded to reduce the vortex induced vibration on cylinder for all models but particularly on ANFIS model

    Cultural contingency on the antecedents of the complexity of management accounting systems: Evidence from a meta-analysis of individual data

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    The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that there is a cultural contingency on the antecedents of the complexity of management accounting systems. After briefly reviewing the theoretical debate on this hypothesis, we present our results which provide support for cultural contingency on these antecedents. However, the data studied could be criticized. Thus, further research will be needed to explore this cultural contingency.Cultural contingency ; complexity of management accounting systems ; meta-analysis of individual data ; small and medium sized enterprise

    Photoshop (CS6) Intelligent Tutoring System

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    In this paper, we designed and developed an intelligent tutoring system for teaching Photoshop. We designed the lessons, examples, and questions in a way to teach and evaluate student understanding of the material. Through the feedback provided by this tool, you can assess the student's understanding of the material, where there is a minimum overshoot questions stages, and if the student does not pass the level of questions he is asked to return the lesson and read it again. Eventually this administration is a special teacher for the students and can continue with him until he fully understands the lesson without weariness or boredom, regardless of the level of student

    Arbitration and Technical Expertise in Tourism Investment Disputes, Practical Study on: The Privacy of Arbitration in Tourism Investment Disputes and the Necessary Controls to Attract Tourism Investment

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    This study concluded arbitration processes in tourism investment disputes, to contribute to the importance of the role of arbitration in tourism investment disputes, so it defined a specific definition for tourism investment contracts, so that it can be dealt with through a stable and unambiguous formulating vision, which can be an obstacle to the important role of arbitration in tourism investment disputesAnd so it focused on enactment a legal system for arbitration in the disputes of tourism investment agreements, so that it will be in the process of dealing with all matters of arbitration in such disputes in a way that guarantees the protection of the rights of the investor and the host country.And this study came to approve arbitration centers shall prepare guiding models, which include the general rules to be followed during the formulating of tourism investment agreements and the related arbitration agreements to settle disputes that may arise. Keywords: tourism investment, disputes, arbitration, legal system, tourism investment agreements, arbitration agreement

    Information And Communication Technology Literacy Among Academics In Ahmadu Bello University Zaria

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    The study was carried out to assess the Information and Communication Technology Literacy among Academics in A.B.U., Zaria. Two research questions were raised and answered and 2 hypothesis were also formulated and tested at α 0.05. The research questions sought to find the available ICT gadget and fluency of the academics with the ICT. A survey research design was employed for the study. Proportionate stratified random sampling was used to select a sample size of 30% (523) from a population of 1,744. ICT Literacy scale – developed by academy horizon in education in USA was adopted as data collection instruments. Data collected from the research questions were analyzed using frequency count and charts, while null hypothesis 1 and 2 were tested using ANOVA and PPMC respectively. The research discovered that computer system, CD-Rom, flash drives, printers, scanners and mobile phone were most available ICT facilities in ABU Zaria. It was also discovered that there is no significant relationship between ICT literacy and Academic qualifications. The research conclude that ICT literacy is necessary in the scheme of things in the 21st century. It was finally recommended provision of state of the arts ICT facilities in all faculties and staff offices in the university
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