428 research outputs found

    Potential transformational leadership and public employee performance: a case study of the Egyptian ministry of antiquities

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    There has been a growing interest to understand how the officials of public sector agencies manage their employee performance to provide quality services to the citizens they serve. There is quite limited research that dealt with the obstacles the public sector officials identified as barriers to efficiently manage employee performance. This qualitative study focuses on the role of transformational leadership (TL) and challenges to manage employees\u27 performance at Egyptian ministry of Antiquities. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten of public officials, using an 8-item, open-ended questionnaire. By using primary sources, the study found eight key obstacles that managers listed as deterrents to manage employee performance as the following: lack of financial resources, bureaucratic control mechanisms such as centralization, formalization, red tape, and routinization, low employee motivation, salaries and wages below the market level, employee self-preservation, overstaffing, unqualified staff and ineffective leadership training. The study further reveals that the role of TL was minimal, as leaders identified mostly possess the characteristics of transactional leadership. These findings would possibly help the Egyptian public officials to improve the performance of the management, and thus improve the quality of services to citizens

    Histological –Physiological Study of Thyroid Gland in White Male Rats Processing with Aluminum Chloride and Treated with Oil of Nigella sativa

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    شملت الدراسة تجربتين ، أستخدم 24 جرذا" في التجربة الاولى قسمت الى أربعة مجاميع :أستلمت المجموعة الأولى منها ماء مقطر وعدت مجموعة السيطرة الموجبة في حين جرعت المجاميع الثلاثة الباقية بكلوريد الالمنيوم  بالتراكيز 240,160,80 ملغم/كغم/يوم  لمدة 45 يوما"، اما التجربة الثانية فقد أشتملت على 24 جرذا" أستلمت المجموعة الأولى منها زيت الحبة السوداء (1مل /كغم ) وعدت مجموعة سيطرة سالبة وعوملت الثلاث الباقية منها بنفس التراكيز السابقة من كلوريد الالمنيوم أضافة الى 1 مل /كغم من زيت الحبة السوداء ولمدة 45 يوما" لوحظ انخفاضا" معنويا"(( P<0.05 في معدل مستويات هرمون T3 عند التركيز 240ملغم/كغم فقط كما لوحظ انخفاضا في معدل مستويات هرمون T4  عند التركيزين 240,160 ملغم /كغم وارتفاعا معنويا"(P<0.05) في مستوى هرمون TSH لنفس التركيزين عند المقارنة مع مجموعة السيطرة الموجبة. فيما ادى العلاج بزيت الحبة السوداء الى تحسن مستوى هرمون   T3عند التركيز  240 ملغم /كغم . أما بالنسبة للتغييرات النسجية  للأعضاء المدروسة فقد أظهرت الدراسة وجود تحطم في الخلايا الظهارية المحيطة بالجريبة في الغدة الدرقية وترشح الخلايا الالتهابية في تجويف الجريبات. في حين لوحظ وجود تحسن طفيف في الأنسجة عند المعالجة بزيت الحبة السوداء عند التركيز 240  ملغم /كغم تمثل بظهور فجوات داخل جريبة الغدة الدرقية دلالة تحسن الأفراز كذلك إعادة تكوين للخلايا الظهارية المحيطة بالجريبة ,أظهرت النتائج امكانية استخدام زيت الحبة السوداء لمعالجة الاضرار الناتجة من تسمم الالمنيوم ضمن التركيز  240 ملغم / كغم أذ ظهر تحسن واضح في مستوى هرمون T3 ونسيج الغدة الدرقية لنفس التركيز.The study included two groups,  it has been designed as two experiments , in the first experiment,24 rats have divided into four subgroups  , the first subgroup received the distal water which considering the control group and the  other three subgroups have given a different aluminum chloride concentrations (80, 160, 240 mg/kg/day) for 45 days . In the second experiment 24 rats divided into four subgroups  ,the first one received a 1 ml/kg concentration of  Nigella Sativa oil, which considered as a negative control group while the rest of the subgroups received the same previous concentrations of aluminum chloride in addition to 1ml/ kg concentrations of Nigella sativa oil . The study showed a significant reduction(p<0.05) in the thyroid gland hormones level ( T3)   in the (160 mg/kg) concentration and T4level at (240,160 mg/kg) with a significant  elevation(p<0.05) in TSH in the same concentration when compared with positive control. The treatment with Nigella sativa oil enhance the levels of T3 in the 240 mg/kg. For the histological changes of the studied organs  , these changes represented by a degeneration of epithelial cells that surrounded the  thyroid gland follicle  , infiltration of inflammatory cells in the lumen of the follicle, then when compared with groups treated by oil of Nigella sativa,   there is a little improvement  in some of the tissues which represented by a vacaules in thyroid follicles which it refers to the activity of the gland regeneration of epithelial cells that surrounding the follicle , there's appositive effects of oil of Nigella sativ on the level of T3 and the histology of thyroid gland changes which caused by the toxicity of 240 mg/kg  of aluminum chloride

    Development Program to Estimate the Suitable of Raw Materials to Produce Cement

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    Raw material composition plays an essential role on the lining life of cement rotary kiln.They are obtained from hard rock quarries that represent the first step in the cement manufacturing process. That raw materials are transported to Al- Kufa cement plant then crushed and ground to very fine powder and then blended in the correct proportions.This research aims to study suitable rations of raw materials to produce cement in al Kufa cement plant in Iraq. Through a software program, suitale raw materials ratios for the clinker were estimated, then chemical and physical tests for clinker and cement according to Iraqi Standard Specification were done to recognize the effects on the properties of cement such as the ratios of major and minor oxides, Lime saturations factor (LSF), Silica Modulus (SM) Alumina Modulus (AM), compressive strength, setting time and soundness. Keywords: Portland Cement, Raw material, Cement industry, Rotary kiln and Factors Affective of clinker DOI: 10.7176/CER/11-1-0

    Using Branch and Bound Method to Minimize Bi-Criteria

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    This paper presents a branch and bound algorithm for sequencing a set of n independent jobs on a single machine to minimize sum of total late work and the number of tardy jobs, the type of the problem is NP-hard.Lower bounds were proposed and heuristic method to get an upper bound. Some special cases were proved and some dominancerules were proposed and proved, the problem solved with up to 40 jobs

    Using multidimensional scaling technique in image dimension reduction for satellite image

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    A satellite multispectral sensor provides data in the form of several spectral image of particular area of the earth under observation. The amount of data by multispectral exhibit high-inter band correlation with redundancy of the information. In this research, we suggested using multidimensional scaling technique as a statistical technique to reduce image dimensions for reconstruction of a new image form multispectral image. The results proved the efficiency of this technique in providing high quality low dimension images based on the value of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) that was measured to the new image. At the same time, the ability of this technique to reduce dimensions while preserving the basic characteristics of the image has been confirmed

    Classification of COVID-19 in chest X-ray images using DeTraC deep convolutional neural network

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    Chest X-ray is the first imaging technique that plays an important role in the diagnosis of COVID-19 disease. Due to the high availability of large-scale annotated image datasets, great success has been achieved using convolutional neural networks (CNN s) for image recognition and classification. However, due to the limited availability of annotated medical images, the classification of medical images remains the biggest challenge in medical diagnosis. Thanks to transfer learning, an effective mechanism that can provide a promising solution by transferring knowledge from generic object recognition tasks to domain-specific tasks. In this paper, we validate and a deep CNN, called Decompose, Transfer, and Compose (DeTraC), for the classification of COVID-19 chest X-ray images. DeTraC can deal with any irregularities in the image dataset by investigating its class boundaries using a class decomposition mechanism. The experimental results showed the capability of DeTraC in the detection of COVID-19 cases from a comprehensive image dataset collected from several hospitals around the world. High accuracy of 93.1% (with a sensitivity of 100%) was achieved by DeTraC in the detection of COVID-19 X-ray images from normal, and severe acute respiratory syndrome cases


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    Objective: New ligand ({7-[2-amino-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-acetamido-3,3-dimethyl-6-oxo-2-thia-5-aza bicyclo[3,2,0]heptane-4-carboxylic boric anhydride}) with its Co (II), Ni (II) and Cu (II) complexes. And new mixed ligand copper complex was synthesized. Methods: The ligand was synthesized by the reaction of boric acid with amoxicillin (1:1) and the mixed ligand complex has been synthesized by the reaction of the ligand, 4-aminoantipyrine and Cu (II) ion (1:1:1). Results: All studied compounds were characterized by the spectral method: Fourier transform infrared, ultraviolet-visible, thermal analysis (TG and DTG), flame atomic absorption and nuclear magnetic resonance. Also CHNS, melting point, magnetic susceptibility and molar conductivity. Conclusion: According to the obtained data, all complexes were non electrolyte and the geometry was octahedral for all complexes. All synthesized compounds were tested as antibacterial agents against Escherichia Coli, Pseudomonas auroginosa as Gram-negative bacteria (G-) and Staphylococcus aureus epidermis as Gram-positive bacteria (G+). The results showed that copper complexes were more active in (10-2M) than the other compounds. The medicinal applications (hepatoprotective and kidney in serum of mice, histopathological of liver and kidney, anticancer and antioxidant in human cell were studied of the synthesized compounds and gave a good results in all tested

    DeTraC: Transfer Learning of Class Decomposed Medical Images in Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Due to the high availability of large-scale annotated image datasets, paramount progress has been made in deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image classification tasks. CNNs enable learning highly representative and hierarchical local image features directly from data. However, the availability of annotated data, especially in the medical imaging domain, remains the biggest challenge in the field. Transfer learning can provide a promising and effective solution by transferring knowledge from generic image recognition tasks to the medical image classification. However, due to irregularities in the dataset distribution, transfer learning usually fails to provide a robust solution. Class decomposition facilitates easier to learn class boundaries of a dataset, and consequently can deal with any irregularities in the data distribution. Motivated by this challenging problem, the paper presents Decompose, Transfer, and Compose (DeTraC) approach, a novel CNN architecture based on class decomposition to improve the performance of medical image classification using transfer learning and class decomposition approach. DeTraC enables learning at the subclass level that can be more separable with a prospect to faster convergence.We validated our proposed approach with three different cohorts of chest X-ray images, histological images of human colorectal cancer, and digital mammograms. We compared DeTraC with the state-of-the-art CNN models to demonstrate its high performance in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity