29 research outputs found

    Portable haptic device for lower limb amputee gait feedback: assessing static and dynamic perceptibility

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    Loss of joints and severed sensory pathway cause reduced mobility capabilities in lower limb amputees. Although prosthetic devices attempt to restore normal mobility functions, lack of awareness and control of limb placement increase the risk of falling and causing amputee to have high level of visual dependency. Haptic feedback can serve as a cue for gait events during ambulation thus providing sense of awareness of the limb position. This paper presents a wireless wearable skin stretch haptic device to be fitted around the thigh region. The movement profile of the device was characterized and a preliminary work with able-bodied participants and an above-knee amputee to assess the ability of users to perceive the delivered stimuli during static and dynamic mode is reported. Perceptibility was found to be increasing with stretch magnitude. It was observed that a higher magnitude of stretch was needed for the stimuli to be accurately perceived during walking in comparison to static standing, most likely due to the intense movement of the muscle and increased motor skills demand during walking activity

    Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Consumption of Carbonated Soft Drinks Among the Dental Students: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: To assess and evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding the consumption of carbonated drinks among dental students. Carbonated drinks are pervaded by carbon dioxide and have more adverse effects since they are acidic in nature. Nowadays, these are consumed more widely globally, causing many systemic diseases; diabetes and obesity are common. Material and Methods: This study includes 204 individuals belonging to the age group of 18-26 years. A self-structured objective type cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of dental students regarding carbonated drinks. The participants were instructed to mark the most appropriate correct answer from the given list of close-ended type questions. Results: Of 204 dental students, the study population includes 125 female and 79 male students. 98.5% of the students knew about carbonated drinks, while 1.5% were unaware. Conclusion:  Most participants preferred to have carbonated drinks even with their awareness about the ill effects of these drinks. Possible implications by the government authorities may probably increase awareness among the population

    Maxillofacial metastasis from breast cancer

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    Metastatic tumors to paranasal sinuses are exclusively rare. In this paper, we report acase of breast  carcinoma metastasizing to the right maxilla. The metastasis occurred 5 years after radical mastectomy and presented as a primary sinonasalmass. The diagnosis was confirmed with histopathologic  andimmunohistochemical examination however the patient died before starting any specific treatment  because of tumor bleeding.Key words: Breast cancer, maxillofacial, metastasi

    Association synchrone d’un cancer du sein bilatéral et d’une tumeur stromale gastrointestinale: à propos d’un rare cas

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    Les tumeurs stromales gastro-intestinales sont les tumeurs  mésenchymateuses les plus fréquentes, pourtant, leur association avec les tumeurs du sein sont rares, seulement quelques cas cliniques sont rapportés dans la littérature. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une jeune femme de 41 ans, suivie à l'institut national d'oncologie de Rabat, pour un carcinome canalaire du sein, bilatéral, chez qui le bilan d'extension a objectivé une tumeur stromale de type gastro-intestinale aux dépens de l'estomac. Nous décrivons à travers cette observation les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques, et les particularités de la prise en charge de cette association rare

    Métastase atypique du cuir chevelu et surrénalienne d’un carcinome urothelial de la vessie

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    Les métastases du cuir chevelu et surrénaliennes d'un carcinome urothélial de la vessie sont rares, peu de cas ont été rapportés dans la littérature, et la chimiothérapie est le traitement de choix. Nous rapportons le cas d'une femme de 60 ans qui présente un carcinome urothélial stade IV avec métastases surrénaliennes,  pulmonaire et osseuses (cotes et scapula). Deux lignes de chimiothérapies ont été instaurées et la patiente  bénéficia d'une radiothérapie palliative antalgique sur la scapula. Après la première ligne de chimiothérapie, une masse du cuir chevelu augmentant progressivement de volume apparue, une biopsie fut faite et le  diagnostic de métastase d'un carcinome urothélial de la vessie fut confirmé par l'histologieKey words: Métastase atypique, surrénalienne, carcinome urothelia

    Leiomyosarcome de la vessie chez une patiente de 64 ans

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    Le leiomyosarcome représente une tumeur rare de la vessie. Sa présentation clinique est non spécifique et dominée par l'hématurie. La résection endoscopique de la vessie avec un examen anathomopathologique permet de poser le diagnostic. La rareté de cette localisation ne permet pas d'établir une stratégie  thérapeutique standard, néanmoins la chirurgie reste le traitement le plus utilisé. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente âgée de 64 ans, ayant présenté une hématurie. L'examen anatomopathologique d'une résection endoscopique de la vessie a posé le diagnostic d'un leiomyosarcome.Key words: Sarcome de vessie, leiomyosarcome, tumeur de vessie

    De novo missense variants in FBXW11 cause diverse developmental phenotypes including brain, eye and digit anomalies

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    The identification of genetic variants implicated in human developmental disorders has been revolutionized by second-generation sequencing combined with international pooling of cases. Here, we describe seven individuals who have diverse yet overlapping developmental anomalies, and who all have de novo missense FBXW11 variants identified by whole exome or whole genome sequencing and not reported in the gnomAD database. Their phenotypes include striking neurodevelopmental, digital, jaw, and eye anomalies, and in one individual, features resembling Noonan syndrome, a condition caused by dysregulated RAS signaling. FBXW11 encodes an F-box protein, part of the Skp1-cullin-F-box (SCF) ubiquitin ligase complex, involved in ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation and thus fundamental to many protein regulatory processes. FBXW11 targets include b-catenin and GLI transcription factors, key mediators of Wnt and Hh signaling, respectively, critical to digital, neurological, and eye development. Structural analyses indicate affected residues cluster at the surface of the loops of the substrate-binding domain of FBXW11, and the variants are predicted to destabilize the protein and/or its interactions. In situ hybridization studies on human and zebrafish embryonic tissues demonstrate FBXW11 is expressed in the developing eye, brain, mandibular processes, and limb buds or pectoral fins. Knockdown of the zebrafish FBXW11 orthologs fbxw11a and fbxw11b resulted in embryos with smaller, misshapen, and underdeveloped eyes and abnormal jaw and pectoral fin development. Our findings support the role of FBXW11 in multiple developmental processes, including those involving the brain, eye, digits, and jaw