3 research outputs found

    Pengaruh demografi terhadap kesediaan penduduk bagi pelaksanaan projek "unity alarm" di kawasan perumahan jajahan Kota Bharu Kelantan

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    The speed of urbanization in the country has indirectly contributed towards the increasing number of crime rates. Due to this, there are issues raised by the residents about the level of readiness for installing new equipment or innovations, namely the unity alarm; preventing crime in their homes. In this study, the question of the level of preparedness among the residents is measured through three constructs namely knowledge, feelings and actions of residents to determine their level of preparedness in the use of unity alarms to prevent criminal behavior. This study was conducted in the district of Kota Bahru, Kelantan with the selection of three types of housing locations namely the luxury, the medium cost and the low cost housing. This study applied the quantitative method by distributing simple random questionnaires to 384 households (respondents) with a distribution of 128 respondents for each household Descriptive and one-way ANOVA analyses were carried out on the collected data to answer the three research objectives. The overall study found that residents of the three types of housing namely luxury, medium cost and low cost were less satisfied with the existing crime prevention methods, while the level of preparedness using residential alarms showed that residents of luxury and medium cost housing were more likely to use unity alarm than residents in the low cost housing areas. The results of the study on the level of readiness based on the knowledge, feelings and actions of the use of unity alarm found that the mean value was 2.76 for the three types of housing (luxury, medium cost and low cost housing). Furthermore, the results identified population demographic differences in the level of readiness through the construction of age, race, household income and the number of households showed there was zero difference in population readiness to use unity alarms in their homes. However, there were two demographic constructs that showed differences in the categories of residential areas (luxury, medium and low cost housing) and respondents educational level that determined differences in residents’ readiness to use unity alarms in their homes. Therefore, it is hoped that this study will help residents better prepare for the implementation of the unity alarm project for crime prevention efforts and realize the goals of the National Unity Policy run by the Department of National Unity and National Integration (JPNIN)

    Penggunaan alat penggera keselamatan (Unity Alarm) sebagai langkah pencegahan jenayah dalam komuniti di Jajahan Kota Bharu Kelantan

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    Kerancakan proses pembandaran yang berlaku di negara ini telah menjadi faktor penyumbang ke arah peningkatan kadar perlakuan jenayah dalam komuniti. Namun, bagaimanakah reaksi atau persediaan penduduk untuk menangani isu berkenaan iaitu sama ada bersedia terhadap pemasangan penggera keselamatan atau inovasi baharu (Unity Alarm) dalam mencegah jenayah di kawasan kediaman mereka. Dalam kajian ini persoalan terhadap tahap persediaan dalam kalangan penduduk diukur melalui tiga konstruk iaitu pengetahuan, perasaan dan tindakan bagi menentukan tahap persediaan mereka dalam penggunaan penggera keselamatan (unity alarm) untuk mencegah perlakuan jenayah. Kawasan kajian adalah merangkumi Jajahan Kota Bharu, Kelantan dengan pemilihan tiga jenis lokasi perumahan iaitu mewah, sederhana dan rendah. Metod kajian adalah secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan soal selidik secara rawak mudah terhadap 384 ketua isi rumah (responden) dengan pembahagian sebanyak 128 responden bagi setiap jenis rumah. Analisis hasil kajian bagi menjawab persoalan kajian adalah menggunakan deskriptif dan ANOVA Sehala. Hasil kajian secara keseluruhannya mendapati tahap persediaan menggunakan penggera keselamatan (unity alarm) di kediaman pula menunjukkan bahawa penduduk taman perumahan mewah dan sederhana lebih bersedia menggunakan alat penggera keselamatan berbanding penduduk perumahan kategori rendah. Seterusnya, bagi hasil kajian mengenalpasti perbezaan demografi penduduk terhadap tahap kesediaan melalui konstruk kategori umur, bangsa, pendapatan isirumah dan, bilangan isirumah menunjukkan tiada perbezaan namun, terdapat dua konstruk demografi penduduk yang menunjukkan perbezaan iaitu kategori kawasan tempat tinggal (perumahan mewah, sederhana dan rendah) dan taraf pendidikan responden yang menentukan perbezaan terhadap kesediaan penduduk menggunakan unity alarm di kediaman mereka. Justeru, diharapkan dengan adanya kajian seperti ini dapat membantu penduduk ke arah persediaan yang lebih baik dalam melaksanakan projek unity alarm bagi usaha pencegahan jenayah dan merealisasikan matlamat Dasar Perpaduan Negara yang digerakkan oleh Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional (JPNIN)

    The knowledge, attitude and practices of COVID-19: a survey among medical students in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia Public Medical Schools

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    COVID-19 has affected university medical students, resulting in the new norm of learning and practice. Understanding these students’ knowledge, attitude and their practice would be essential as they would serve as the future doctor in Malaysia. The study attempted to evaluate medical students’ knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) in the east coast states of Peninsular Malaysia. An online and multi centre cross-sectional study was undertaken among all the three public medical schools in the east coast region of Peninsular Malaysia, between 8th July to 21st July 2020. The questionnaire consisted of sociodemographic data and the three domains which included COVID-19 KAP. Students were invited to participate via social media platform such as WhatsApp and students’ email. A total of 1,008 medical students voluntarily participated in the study with female to male ratio of 2.6:1. A total of 356 (35.3%) of the medical students had satisfactory knowledge score, with 75% of them were female. The majority of the students had positive attitude towards COVID-19 and practiced meticulous social distancing during the pandemic. We noted that seniority influenced knowledge score, and this was evident as 264 (26.2%) of the students were in their clinical year. Overall, the knowledge scores regarding COVID-19 among the medical students in East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia was reasonable and there were opportunities to augment these standards. Meticulous plans are needed to enhance knowledge and preparedness of the current crops of medical students to be competent future frontliner for Malaysia