402 research outputs found

    Analisis Strategi Pola Penyerangan dan Pola Pertahanan Timnas Pada Ajang Piala AFF U-22 Kamboja 2019

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    Abstrak Sepakbola merupakan salah satu cabang olahraga bola besar yang cukup populer di dunia, olahraga ini dimainkan secara beregu dan digemari oleh semua kalangan baik anak-anak, dewasa, pria maupun wanita. Sepakbola saat ini telah mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan banyaknya sekolah sepakbola atau tim sepakbola yang ada saat ini. Sepakbola sudah dipertandingkan di tingkat daerah, nasional maupun internasional. Dalam pertandingan sepakbola terdapat taktik dan strategi yang digunakan suatu tim yang berfungsi untuk mencapai tujuan suatu permainan. Untuk mencapai suatu taktik dan strategi yang tepat para pemain harus memahami pola penyerangan dan pola pertahanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola penyerangan dan pola pertahanan pemain Timnas Indonesia pada ajang Piala AFF U-22 Kamboja 2019. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu sumber ilmiah bagi masyarakat dalam bidang sepakbola dan untuk memudahkan para pelatih dalam menganalisa pemain sepakbola terhadap pola penyerangan dan pola pertahanan. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif yang memaparkan gambaran aktivitas keterampilan pola penyerangan dan pola pertahanan yang dilakukan oleh pemain Timnas Indonesia pada ajang Piala AFF U-22 Kamboja 2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rata-rata Timnas Indonesia melakukan pola penyerangan dari sisi kanan lapangan sebanyak 59 kali  dengan presentase 37.58% dan rata-rata 29,5, bagian tengah lapangan sebanyak 57 kali dengan presentase 36.31% dan rata-rata 28.5, sisi kiri lapangan sebanyak 41 kali dengan presentase 26.11% dan rata-rata 20.5. Sedangkan rata-rata pola pertahanan dari sisi kanan lapangan sebanyak 17 kali dengan presentase 29.31% dan rata-rata 8.5, bagian tengah lapangan sebanyak 34 dengan presentase 58.62% dan rata-rata 17, dari sisi kiri lapangan sebanyak 7 kali dengan presentase 12.07% dan rata-rata 3.5.   Kata Kunci : Analisa, Sepakbola, Timnas Indonesia, Pola penyerangan, Pola pertahana


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    Inter-state maritime territorial disputes have always long been amongst contentious issues among the littoral states in the ASEAN region. Failure to judicially manage such disputes may lead to uncertainty-creating the possibilities of escalating into open inter-state war. Without border settlement, claimant states have to spend substantially for military and security resources to protect their interests in the contested maritime areas, rather than developing the economic resources of the areas. Any armed conflict not only costs human life but also adversely affects maritime enforcement cooperation and diplomatic relations of the claimant states, and the overall economic growth in the region. Thus, Malaysia taking into account on the adverse impact of unresolved maritime disputes, has successfully and peacefully resolved several of its maritime territorial disputes with its neighboring States, albeit some of the ongoing unresolved territorial disputes (e.g. Pedra Branca island and Spratly islands). These resolutions are achieved either through diplomatic channel or by mutual agreement with other claimant State to refer the dispute to the International Court of Justice for adjudication. Therefore, the paper’s general purpose is to review Malaysia’s conflict resolution through its peaceful approach in resolving the country’s various inter-state maritime territorial disputes. Specifically, the paper will analyze the diplomatic, legal and other peaceful approaches utilized by the Malaysian government to resolve these disputes, particularly involving its neighboring states, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand. Keywords: maritime territorial dispute, Malaysia’s conflict resolution, conflict management, joint development, diplomatic negotiation and adjudication

    Empricising Regional Hegemony in the Periphery: A Case Study of Nigeria

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    The articles examines Nigeria’s place in international political system in relation to the concept of hegemony. It seeks to assess the scholarly claim of Nigeria as a regional hegemon in Africa. The unclear classification of some countries in the global political system and the function such states could play in promoting peace and stability has not received expected attention of international relation scholars. This does not come as a surprise as the discipline itself is rooted in American and European diplomatic practice. As such, it is necessary to provide tentative, if not permanent, designation for state like Nigeria in the contemporary global system. It is conventional in the history of international relations to ascribe all changes in the global politics to the influence of superpowers or great powers. The role of other actors is not properly examined and this has resulted in what can be termed as “identity crisis”. In order to provide designation for the role Nigeria plays in global politics, it is important to engage in some sort of analysis. In this wise, the article examines the extent to which Nigeria can be designated as regional hegemon in Africa. In conducting this research, process tracing, discourse analysis and latent content analysis are utilized in analyzing documents, interview transcripts, and existing published works. Keywords: Nigeria, Hegemony, Africa, Benevolent, Prox

    Turbulence effect of urban-canopy flow on indoor velocity fields under sheltered and cross-ventilation conditions

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    Understanding the characteristics of natural, wind-induced ventilation of buildings is essential for accurate predictions of ventilation flow rates; however, indoor ventilation is significantly influenced by surrounding buildings. Therefore, a series of wind-tunnel experiments were performed to clarify the relationship between outdoor and indoor air flows around and within a target cube model with several openings. Two surrounding building arrangements, namely square (SQ) and staggered (ST), were placed under the condition of a building coverage ratio of 25%. The results indicated that the wind speed near the windward openings on the streamwise faces showed 0.3 to the reference wind speed, whereas those on the lateral faces were less than 0.1; these numbers indicate that the opening positions significantly affect the mean indoor wind speed. Furthermore, the temporal fluctuations of velocities near the opening demonstrated that the introduction of the flow is significantly affected by turbulent flow due to the surrounding buildings. In addition, correlation between the outdoor and indoor air flows was observed. The highest correlations were obtained for both opening conditions with a certain temporal delay. This result indicates that indoor air flows become turbulent because of the turbulent flows generated by the surrounding outdoor buildings; however, slight temporal delays could occur between indoor and outdoor air flows. Although the present study focuses on the fundamental turbulent characteristics of indoor and outdoor air flows, such findings are essential for accurately predicting the ventilation flow rate due to turbulent air flows for sheltered buildings

    Dinamika tanah perdikan Desa Drajat Kecamatan Paciran Kabupaten Lamongan Tahun 1475-1995

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    Drajat village is a village that was originally status as a fief land, which is an area that is not taxed by the traditional village government which is a legacy of Raden Qosim or better known to the public as Sunan Drajat. This land was given by the Sultan of Demak, namely Raden Patah to Sunan Drajad as a fief land to broadcast Islam in eastern Java. In its dynamics, the fief land had undergone several status changes in the old order era with the agrarian reform program which was later ratified in the 1960 agrarian reform law. This study uses a historical methodology and focuses on the dynamics of the fief land in the village of Drajat, Paciran sub-district, Lamongan district. This paper contains the change in status and ownership of land perdikan drajat in the sultanate, colonial and contemporary eras.Desa Drajat adalah sebuah desa yang semula berstatus sebagai tanah perdikan yaitu kawasan yang tidak di pungut pajak oleh pemerintahan kerajaan tradisional desa yang merupakan peninggalan Raden Qosim atau yang lebih dikenal masyarakat sebagai Sunan Drajat. Tanah ini diberikan oleh Sultan Demak yaitu Raden Patah kepada Sunan Drajad sebagai tanah perdikan untuk menyiarkan agama Islam di Jawa bagian timur. Dalam dinamikanya tanah perdikan sempat mengalami beberapa kali pergantian status di era orde lama dengan program pembaruan agraria yang kemudian disahkan dalam undang-undang pembaruan agraria tahun 1960. penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi sejarah serta berfokus mengenai dinamika tanah perdikan desa drajat kecamatan paciran kabupaten lamongan. Tulisan ini berisi pergantian status dan kepemilikan tanah perdikan drajat pada era kesultanan, kolonial serta kontemporer

    Mechanism towards free, fair and credible election in Africa : challenges to electorates and other actors of the electoral process

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    Election as a selection process for those that will represent the interest of the masses, need to be free, fair and credible. For an election to be credible, free and fair in which its result would be accepted by all, actors/stakeholders of the electoral process need to vigorously discharge their respective duties and obligation in the exercise. Evidence from the previous researches proved that Africa is having issues to conduct credible election. This study discovers that for Africa to have a credible election, players involved in the electoral process (such as the electoral bodies, the civil society, the judiciary, political parties, the mass media, and even the masses who are the electorates) are to be adequately cultured, orientated and given awareness on the beauty in discharging their role towards selection process of their leaders. Despitethe fact that, the voting behaviour of masses during an election tell more about the success of the system, but the actors or stakeholders involved in the electoral process can influence the level of voters’ turnout in an election, by given the electorates regular orientation and awareness on the electoral system in the society. The study makes use of Morality-Implicit Theory to explain how the electoral process can be free and fair, if the actors involved in the process imbibed moral value and transparency in discharging their duties to the system without fear or favour. This study therefore is a qualitative in nature that employs the use of secondary source of data to explain the mechanism towards free, fair and credible election in Africa

    Chasing the same fish: Collaborative management initiative for shared fish stocks among the ASEAN countries

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    Overexploitation and severe depletion of marine fisheries resources in Southeast Asia continue to be a source of great concern to many regional fisheries managers.The fact that ASEAN countries bordering these waters are highly depended upon marine fisheries as the main source of revenue, employment, and food security, it is crucial for them to address these fisheries problems.This is especially the case with respect to the management and conservation of commercially important shared pelagic fish stacks, particularly in the South China Sea and Celebes Sea As the spatial migratory range of these stock transcends across many politically draw maritime zones of littoral States, it is highly impossible for one State, acting independently, would be able to manage these fisheries effectively within its own national jurisdiction Perhaps the best approach in dealing with this problem is through collective management and conservation of fish stocks.Hence, this paper examines interstate cooperative arrangement for the management of shared fishery stocks among ASEAN countries.It begins by providing brief definition, biological and migratory profile of transboundary shared stocks. The second part covers existing international legal and policy framework that embraces the principle of interstate cooperation for managing such stocks.Finally, the paper provides recommendations of how ASEAN member States can address the issues and challenges of managing shared fish stocks in a more holistic and coordinated manner within the framework of interstate cooperation


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    The Nigeria’s role in the maintenance of peace and stability in the African continent is great due to its Afrocentric policy. Nigeria has taken part in a numerous peacekeeping and peace-making processes in the continent. In fact, the country’s good largesse has cut across the African continent and beyond where the Nigerian peacekeepers had made the country proud in their efforts abroad when returning peace and stability back to the conflicts zones. However, while Nigeria has been making series of sacrifices both length, breath, left, right and centre, committing huge resources (both human and material resources) towards its peace maintenance in the continents particularly the African region, its home / domestic has been faced with series of havocs. These domestic problems ranging from poverty, insecurity, unemployment, malnutrition, ethno-religious crises and many other more had drawn the attention of scholars on the needs for Nigeria to be more rational in its big brother roles in Africa. Apart from that, the Nigeria’s big brother role in Africa has not been appreciated by the beneficiaries. Nigeria has often been paid back with ingratitude by African countries to which it had been a benefactor. These formed parts of the gap to be filled in this study. This study therefore employs historical and descriptive methodologies through the use of secondary data to assess the burden shouldered by Nigeria in its course for peace and stability in Africa through the peacekeeping role with little or no appreciation from the receivers.   Article visualizations

    Assessing the legal frameworks for the protection of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the North-Eastern Nigeria

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    Force displacement is a daunting challenge facing the international community as a result of armed conflicts, insurgency and communal tension. In the same vein, Nigeria has been experiencing the problem of internal displacement as a result of the Boko Haram insurgency. More than two million Nigerians have been internally displaced as a result of Boko Haram insurgency that has been bedeviling the country since 2009. Internally displaced persons differ from refugees, though they have similar characteristics. The sources of displacement of refugees and IDPs may be the same and requires equal treatment. However, IDPs have been excluded under the protection of international refugee law. This is because IDPs do not cross international borders and therefore they should be under the protection of their national governments. Sometimes the national authorities are behind the reasons for their displacement or unable to protect them. This is one of the reasons IDPs have been experiencing neglect and inadequate protection. Accordingly, Nigerian IDPs have not been adequately protected, as there is no national or international legal frameworks that are directly addressed the plight of Nigerian IDPs. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to critically assess the efficacy of the domestic and international legal frameworks on internal displacement in Nigeria. The study has adopted the use of secondary data extracted from the journals, articles, books, magazines, newspapers and reports. It employs descriptive method of data analysis. The finding is that Nigerian policy on IDPs is not effective as it has not been domesticated or implemented