926 research outputs found

    Peran Bank Syariah Indonesia Di Masa Pandemi Dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Masyarakat

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    The Covid-19 pandemic emerges new challenges for Islamic banking, namely how the bank can maintain people's welfare. The birth of Indonesian Sharia Banks is expected to be able to improve the people's economy during this pandemic. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of Indonesian Islamic Banks after the merger of Islamic Banks of state-owned enterprises. The study uses a qualitative method to understand social phenomena which focus on the analysis of written material based on the context. Data sources are obtained from published documents, textbooks, journals, manuscripts, articles, and trusted websites. It is hoped that the initiation will impact to increase in capital support for various financial sectors and the halal industry in the country. Keywords: Bank Syari'ah Indonesia, the era of the covid-19 pandemic, the economy of societ


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    Pada dasarnya, wasiat  wajibah  mempunyai  tujuan  untuk  mendistribusikan  keadilan,  yaitu memberikan  bagian  kepada  ahli  waris  yang  mempunyai  pertalian  darah  namun nash  tidak memberikan bagian yang semestinya, atau orang tua angkat dan anak angkat  yang mungkin sudah sangat berjasa kepada si pewaris tetapi tidak diberi bagian  dalam  ketentuan  hukum  waris  Islam,  maka  hal  ini  dapat  dicapai  jalan keluar  dengan  menerapkan  wasiat  wajibah  sehingga  mereka  dapat  menerima bagian dari harta si pewaris. Ini berearti bahwa pembagian harta melalui wasiat wajibah sangat erat kaitannya dengan distribusi kesejahteraan yang memiliki posisi penting dalam kajian analisa ekonomi Posner dengan melihat dari segi nilai (value), kegunaan (utility) dan  efisiensi (efficiency). Konsepsi yang dikembangkan oleh Posner kemudian dikenal dengan the economic conception of justice, artinya hukum diciptakan dan diaplikasikan untuk tujuan utama meningkatkan kepentingan umum seluas-luasnya (maximizing overall social utility).Kata kunci: Wasiat Wajibah, distribusi, economic conception of justic

    Airway management in a patient with bullous pemphigoid

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    Airway management in patients with pemphigoid lesions has anaesthetic implications. We report a case of a 23 years old female with bullous pemphigoid who presented with laryngeal stenosis and critical airway narrowing. The airway was initially managed with jet ventilation. Anaesthesia was maintained with propofol infusion and ventilation was performed by introducing a size 10 French gauge suction catheter through the stenotic laryngeal orifice. Thirty minutes into anaesthesia, she developed subcutaneous emphysema and decreased air entry on right side of the chest but remained hemodynamically stable. The airway was further managed by tracheostomy. This case report highlights complications that can occur during the anaesthetic management of such cases

    Length-weight relationship, growth pattern and condition factor of four indigenous cypriniform Schizothorax species from Vishav Stream of Kashmir Himalaya, India

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    The indigenous Schizothorax spp. in the valley of Kashmir are facing constant threats and decline in their overall population. The current aim was to analyse the comparative length-weight relationship (LWRs) and condition factor (K) of 350 specimens belonging to four Schizothorax spp. (S. plagiostomus, S. esocinus, S. labiatus and S. curvifrons) from the Vishav Stream of Kashmir Himalaya, India. The fish specimens were sampled for a period of one year from April 2018 to March 2019. The results revealed that the growth coefficient ‘b’ in all the four Schizothorax spp. was found very close to 3, indicating an isometric growth pattern. No significant difference in the ‘b’ values of four Schizothorax spp. was found when compared with the isometric value (t-test: p > 0.05). The mean value of the ‘K’ for S. plagiostomus, S. esocinus, S. curvifrons and for S. labiatus were 0.81 ± 0.07, 0.80 ± 0.08, 0.85 ± 0.08 and 0.88 ± 0.12 respectively. The mean condition factor did not vary across four species (ANOVA: p > 0.05). The present findings could serve as baseline information for the management, stock assessment and future studies of indigenous capture fishery resources of the Vishav Stream and other similar habitats

    The mosque between modernity and tradition : a study of recent designs of mosque architecture in the Muslim world

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1987.MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH.Bibliography: leaves 83-84.by Yasir M. Sakr.M.S

    The city of Balkh as one of the Turkish-Islamic cultural centres

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    İslam bilim ve kültür tarihinin önemli merkezlerinden biri olan Belh, Horasan bölgesinin önemli bir şehridir. Bölgenin doğu ve batı arasında bir geçiş noktası olması stratejik açıdan Belhe çok büyük bir önem kazandırmıştır. İslam öncesinde farklı din, kültür ve etnik kimliklerin havzası olan şehir, İslamlaşmadan sonra da bu özelliğini sürdürmüştür. Tarihi süreçte İslam ilim ve kültür tarihine önemli katkılarda bulunmuştur. Coğrafi konumu nedeniyle bir çok devlet ve hanedanlıklar tarafından işgal edilen şehir bu nedenle çok yönlü tahribata uğramıştır. Bu gün eski Belhten geriye sadece bazı kalıntılar kalmıştır. Şehrin yakınlarında inşa edilen Mezâr-ı Şerif onun bu tarihi birikimini ifade etmekten uzaktır.Balkh, one the important centres in the history of Islamic science and culture, is an importan city in the Khurasan region. It is also important strategically since the Khurasan region is transition point between the East and the West. Balkh was the basin for various religions, cultures and ethnic identities before the Islamic period and maintained this position during the Islamic era. Balkh contributed much to the history Islamic science and culture throughout the history. It was invaded by many states and dynasties and destroyed. Today there remained only some ruins from the Old Balkh and Mazar-ı Sharif which was buith near the city doesnt testfy the historical background of Balkh


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    Dalam kajian normatif, seorang non Muslim tidaklah mendapatkan warisan dari Muslim atau sebaliknya, begitu juga terdapat dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam yang juga melarang adanya waris beda agama, hal itu juga seirama dengan fatwa MUI yang juga mengharamkan adanya waris beda agama, hal ini berlandaskan pada hadits Nabi yang berbunyi tidaklah saling Mewari seorang muslim kepada ahli warisnya yang kafir, atau seorang ahli waris kafir mewarisi kepada ahli waris muslim. Selain itu para ulama juga menegaskan bahwa wasiat juga tidak didapatkan bagi ahli waris non Muslim yang dianalogikan pada waris beda agama tersebut. Namun di sisi lain muncullah putusan Mahkamah Agung yang sangat berbeda dan bahkan bertentangan dengan dasar hukum normatif dan hukum positif di Indonesia, yaitu Putusan No. 368K/AG/1995 dan Putusan No. 51K/SG/1999, serta Putusan No. 16K/AG/2010 tentang kebolehan seorang ahli waris non Muslim mendapatkan warisan dengan cara diberikannya wasiat wajibah kepadanya, dengan menggali ulang makna filosofis serta pertimbangan sosiologis. Illat putusan hukum tersebut tidak diqiyaskan kepada ahli waris beda agama yang tidak mendapatkan warisan, namun diqiyaskan kepada bentuk sedekah atau hibah dapat diberikan kepada siapa saja yang dikehendaki. Adapun rumusan masalah disertasi ini adalah; 1) Bagaimana wasiat wajibah kepada non muslim dalam perspektif Islam? 2) Bagaimana konstruksi hukum wasiat wajibah bagi non muslim dalam Peraturan Undang-Undang di Indonesia? 3) Bagaimana rekonstruksi ivWasiat Wajibah Bagi Non Muslim Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif ....Wasiat Wajibah Bagi Non Muslim Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif ....Wasiat Wajibah Bagi Non Muslim Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif ....Wasiat Wajibah Bagi Non Muslim Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif .... لكش في يعون ثبح وى ثحبلا اذى .ييجردتلا نوناقلا روظنم في ينملسلدا يرغل نوناق ةيمازللإا ةيرظنو ةيمدقتلا ةيرظنلا ، ةعيرشلا دصاقم ةيرظن :يىو ، تايرظن ثلاث عم ، ةبتكلدا ثبح .نيوناقلا ريوطتلا لجأ نم ينملسلدا يرغل ثايرلدا نوناق 368K/AG/1995 مقر ايلعلا ةمكلمحا وقف ددج تحنم ، رخآ تٌعبم .ينملسلدا ةثرولا ةثرو اضً يأ نوبرتعي ينملسلدا يرغ ةثرولا نأب فاتًعلاا ةثرولل ةيواسم لوصلأا نم ةصح تمدقو ينملسلدا يرغ ةثرولل ثيرولا عضو ايلعلا ةمكلمحا في ةيزكرلدا اتركاج ةمكمح في ميكلحا سللمجا ومكيح ام ىلع ةقبطلدا ةينوناقلا دعاوقلا .ينملسلدا Pdt.G / 1993 / / 333 :ليجستلا مقر يى اهتيوستو اهتقحلامو اياضقلا في رظنلا 2 و 1 ناتدالدا ، ةيقدنفلا تارامثتسلال ةكلملدا نم 131 ةدالدا لىإ ةراشلإاب .PA.JP ، 141 :4 ، نآرقلا باطخ كلذكو ، 1494 ماعل 3 مقر نوناقلا نم 44 ةدالدا عم ناتًقلااب لىاتجو يصولدا لبق نم ةيملاسلإا ةيصخشلا ديدتح متي ثيبح ، ملسمو يروخبلا .ةيرشبلا دراولدا 368K/AG/1995 مقر ةيضقلا في ايلعلا ةمكلمحا لجست امنيب تابثلإل ةلباقلا يرغ ةداهشلا ةيملاسلإا ةعيرشلا ةماقإ يىو ةصالخا يرغ ةثرولا قوقح حنم للاخ نم تارارقلا ذاتخا في منهأ نوبرتعخي ، لافطلأا نع ةفلتمخ ةنايدل نادلاولا ناك اذإ نوناقلا مكح مادختسا ، ة رصاعلدا ً ءانب ينملسلدا يرغ ةثرولا قوقح ءاطعإ للاخ نم ررا ق ذاتخاو .ةيمزا لإ ةيصو ىمست ةيصو نوكتًي ، ودير دشار دممحو يبرطلاو مزح نبا لثم ءاملعلا ضعب ءارآ لىإ ةراشلإا عم ةيمازلإ ةدارإ ىلع للاخ نم ينملسلدا ةثرولا نم ثايرلدا ىلع نولصحيس ينملسلدا يرغ ةثرولا نأب نولدايج نيذلا .ةيصولا .ةيملاسلإا ةعيرشلا عيمتج ، ثايرلدا قوقح ، ةيمازللإا اياصولا :ةيحاتفلدا تاملكل

    Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic effect of different extracts of acacia arabica lamk bark in normal and alloxan induced diabetic rats

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    Acacia arabica commonly known as babool are used in traditional Indian medicine for treatment of diabetes mellitus. The hypoglycemic effect of aqueous extract (hot and cold water) and hydroalcoholic extract of Acacia arabica was investigated. Oral administration of cold water extract of Acacia arabica bark to diabetic and normal rats at a dose of 400 mg/kg body weight resulted in significant reduction of blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides. Phytochemical investigations found that phenolic compounds are presents in Acacia arabica extracts. The cold water extract of Acacia arabica was found to reduce blood glucose level to its normal level with in seven days. Histological studies of the β-cells show its action on pancreas.Keywords: Diabetes, antidiabetics, Acacia arabica and babool


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    Inheritance law is one part of the civil law as a whole and is the smallest part of family law. Inheritance law in Indonesia is still very pluralistic covers three areas of law, namely the customary inheritance law, Islamic law and the civil law of inheritance (BW). The third system of inheritance law applies despite together but in reality do not always go hand in hand, and often lead to conflict. For people who are Muslims, Islamic inheritance law is based on Islamic Law Compilation (KHI) is not a legal provision that is imperative. Thus Islamic law for Muslims in Indonesia are voluntary (choice of law). How to shape legislation inheritance law in Indonesia, be a topic of studies in this paper