15 research outputs found

    Do Muscle Synergies Improve Optimization Prediction of Muscle Activations During Gait?

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    [Abstract]: Determination of muscle forces during motion can help to understand motor control, assess pathological movement, diagnose neuromuscular disorders, or estimate joint loads. Difficulty of in vivo measurement made computational analysis become a common alternative in which, as several muscles serve each degree of freedom, the muscle redundancy problem must be solved. Unlike static optimization (SO), synergy optimization (SynO) couples muscle activations across all time frames, thereby altering estimated muscle co-contraction. This study explores whether the use of a muscle synergy structure within an SO framework improves prediction of muscle activations during walking. A motion/force/electromyography (EMG) gait analysis was performed on five healthy subjects. A musculoskeletal model of the right leg actuated by 43 Hill-type muscles was scaled to each subject and used to calculate joint moments, muscle–tendon kinematics, and moment arms. Muscle activations were then estimated using SynO with two to six synergies and traditional SO, and these estimates were compared with EMG measurements. Synergy optimization neither improved SO prediction of experimental activation patterns nor provided SO exact matching of joint moments. Finally, synergy analysis was performed on SO estimated activations, being found that the reconstructed activations produced poor matching of experimental activations and joint moments. As conclusion, it can be said that, although SynO did not improve prediction of muscle activations during gait, its reduced dimensional control space could be beneficial for applications such as functional electrical stimulation or motion control and prediction.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; PGC2018-095145-B-I0


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    The aim of this study was to apply bone pin kinematic constraints to an OpenSim model to determine differences in knee joint kinematics and kinetics beween the constrained and unconstrained solutions. In vivo data from healthy, anterior cruciate ligament deficient and reoonstructed patients completing a forward jump lunge were combined with bone pin data from a past study to redefine ranges that the knee degrees of freedom were constrained to. Differences between the constrained and unconstrained solutions existed for all participants at various points of the jump lunge movement, especially at the time of impact. Soft tissue artifact was most apparent in transverse plane translations. In conclusion, musculoskeletal modelling based solely on surface marker positions is inherently affected by soft tissue artifact and thus, results from these analyses should be interpreted with caution

    A computational method for estimating trunk muscle activations during gait using lower extremity muscle synergies

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    One of the surgical treatments for pelvic sarcoma is the restoration of hip function with a custom pelvic prosthesis after cancerous tumor removal. The orthopedic oncologist and orthopedic implant company must make numerous often subjective decisions regarding the design of the pelvic surgery and custom pelvic prosthesis. Using personalized musculoskeletal computer models to predict post-surgery walking function and custom pelvic prosthesis loading is an emerging method for making surgical and custom prosthesis design decisions in a more objective manner. Such predictions would necessitate the estimation of forces generated by muscles spanning the lower trunk and all joints of the lower extremities. However, estimating trunk and leg muscle forces simultaneously during walking based on electromyography (EMG) data remains challenging due to the limited number of EMG channels typically used for measurement of leg muscle activity. This study developed a computational method for estimating unmeasured trunk muscle activations during walking using lower extremity muscle synergies. To facilitate the calibration of an EMG-driven model and the estimation of leg muscle activations, EMG data were collected from each leg. Using non-negative matrix factorization, muscle synergies were extracted from activations of leg muscles. On the basis of previous studies, it was hypothesized that the time-varying synergy activations were shared between the trunk and leg muscles. The synergy weights required to reconstruct the trunk muscle activations were determined through optimization. The accuracy of the synergy-based method was dependent on the number of synergies and optimization formulation. With seven synergies and an increased level of activation minimization, the estimated activations of the erector spinae were strongly correlated with their measured activity. This study created a custom full-body model by combining two existing musculoskeletal models. The model was further modified and heavily personalized to represent various aspects of the pelvic sarcoma patient, all of which contributed to the estimation of trunk muscle activations. This proposed method can facilitate the prediction of post-surgery walking function and pelvic prosthesis loading, as well as provide objective evaluations for surgical and prosthesis design decisions

    EMG-Driven Musculoskeletal Model Calibration With Wrapping Surface Personalization

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    Muscle forces and joint moments estimated by electromyography (EMG)-driven musculoskeletal models are sensitive to the wrapping surface geometry defining muscle-tendon lengths and moment arms. Despite this sensitivity, wrapping surface properties are typically not personalized to subject movement data. This study developed a novel method for personalizing OpenSim cylindrical wrapping surfaces during EMG-driven model calibration. To avoid the high computational cost of repeated OpenSim muscle analyses, the method uses two-level polynomial surrogate models. Outer-level models specify time-varying muscle-tendon lengths and moment arms as functions of joint angles, while inner-level models specify time-invariant outer-level polynomial coefficients as functions of wrapping surface parameters. To evaluate the method, we used walking data collected from two individuals post-stroke and performed four variations of EMG-driven lower extremity model calibration: 1) no calibration of scaled generic wrapping surfaces (NGA), 2) calibration of outer-level polynomial coefficients for all muscles (SGA), 3) calibration of outer-level polynomial coefficients only for muscles with wrapping surfaces (LSGA), and 4) calibration of cylindrical wrapping surface parameters for muscles with wrapping surfaces (PGA). On average compared to NGA, SGA reduced lower extremity joint moment matching errors by 31%, LSGA by 24%, and PGA by 12%, with the largest reductions occurring at the hip. Furthermore, PGA reduced peak hip joint contact force by 47% bodyweight, which was the most consistent with published in vivo measurements. The proposed method for EMG-driven model calibration with wrapping surface personalization produces physically realistic OpenSim models that reduce joint moment matching errors while improving prediction of hip joint contact force

    EMG-driven musculoskeletal model calibration with estimation of unmeasured muscle excitations via synergy extrapolation

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    Subject-specific electromyography (EMG)-driven musculoskeletal models that predict muscle forces have the potential to enhance our knowledge of internal biomechanics and neural control of normal and pathological movements. However, technical gaps in experimental EMG measurement, such as inaccessibility of deep muscles using surface electrodes or an insufficient number of EMG channels, can cause difficulties in collecting EMG data from muscles that contribute substantially to joint moments, thereby hindering the ability of EMG-driven models to predict muscle forces and joint moments reliably. This study presents a novel computational approach to address the problem of a small number of missing EMG signals during EMG-driven model calibration. The approach (henceforth called "synergy extrapolation" or SynX) linearly combines time-varying synergy excitations extracted from measured muscle excitations to estimate 1) unmeasured muscle excitations and 2) residual muscle excitations added to measured muscle excitations. Time-invariant synergy vector weights defining the contribution of each measured synergy excitation to all unmeasured and residual muscle excitations were calibrated simultaneously with EMG-driven model parameters through a multi-objective optimization. The cost function was formulated as a trade-off between minimizing joint moment tracking errors and minimizing unmeasured and residual muscle activation magnitudes. We developed and evaluated the approach by treating a measured fine wire EMG signal (iliopsoas) as though it were "unmeasured" for walking datasets collected from two individuals post-stroke-one high functioning and one low functioning. How well unmeasured muscle excitations and activations could be predicted with SynX was assessed quantitatively for different combinations of SynX methodological choices, including the number of synergies and categories of variability in unmeasured and residual synergy vector weights across trials. The two best methodological combinations were identified, one for analyzing experimental walking trials used for calibration and another for analyzing experimental walking trials not used for calibration or for predicting new walking motions computationally. Both methodological combinations consistently provided reliable and efficient estimates of unmeasured muscle excitations and activations, muscle forces, and joint moments across both subjects. This approach broadens the possibilities for EMG-driven calibration of muscle-tendon properties in personalized neuromusculoskeletal models and may eventually contribute to the design of personalized treatments for mobility impairments

    Optimizing Contextual Ergonomics Models in Human-Robot Interaction

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    Current ergonomic assessment procedures require observation and manual annotation of postures by an expert, after which ergonomic scores are inferred from these annotations. Our aim is to automate this procedure, and to enable robots to optimize their behavior with respect to such scores. A particular challenge is that ergonomic scoring requires accurate biomechanical simulations which are computationally too expensive to use in robot control loops or optimization. To address this, we learn Contextual Ergonomics Models, which are Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models which have been trained with full musculoskeletal simulations for specific tasks contexts. Contextual Ergonomics Models enable search in a low-dimensional latent space, whilst the cost function can be defined in terms of the full high-dimensional musculoskeletal model, which can be quickly reconstructed from the latent space. We demonstrate how optimizing Contextual Ergonomics Models leads to significantly reduced muscle activation in an experiment with eight subjects performing a drilling task