8 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of IELTS Academic Writing Test in Paper Mode vs. Computer Mode among EFL IELTS candidates

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    The current study was an attempt to investigate whether learners performed differently in both paper and computer modes in IELTS writing tests in terms of Task response/achievement, coherence/cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy. In addition, it explored whether the candidates’ computer familiarity were different in paper and computer mode groups. To this end, a total number of 108 candidates were selected out of 144 candidates based on the results of the OPT in Tehran University, Iran. To gather the data a retired IELTS academic writing sample and a computer familiarity questionnaire were administered. The participants were divided into two equal groups. In the PM group, students were given the test to write in the conventional paper mode. In the other CM group, the students were given the same test; yet, they were asked to type the test in the computer provided for them in their class. Also, all the participants took the computer familiarity questionnaire. The gathered data were analyzed through the Independent samples t-test. The findings revealed significant differences between paper-based and computer-based modes in both writing tasks. Moreover, the analysis of the questionnaire showed the impact of the candidates’ computer familiarity on their writing performance.El estudio actual es un intento para investigar si los estudiantes se desempeñaron de manera diferente en la prueba de escritura del Sistema Internacional de Evaluación del Idioma Inglés (IELTS) tanto por escrito como en computadora en términos de respuesta/ logro de tareas, coherencia/cohesión, recurso léxico, rango gramatical y precisión. Además, explora si la familiaridad con la computadora de los candidatos era diferente en los grupos por escrito y en computadora. Para este propósito, se seleccionó un total de 108 candidatos de un total de 144 basándose en los resultados de la Prueba de Colocación de Oxford (OPT) en la Universidad de Teherán, Irán. Para recopilar los datos, se administró una muestra de redacción académica ya retirada del IELTS y un cuestionario de familiaridad con la computadora. Los participantes se dividieron en dos grupos iguales. En el grupo de Modo Escrito (PM), a los estudiantes se les dio la prueba para escribir en el modo de papel convencional. En el otro grupo Modo Computadora (CM), los estudiantes recibieron la misma prueba; sin embargo, se les pidió que escribieran la prueba en la computadora que se les proporcionó en su clase. Además, todos los participantes tomaron el cuestionario de familiaridad con la computadora. Los datos recopilados se analizaron mediante la prueba t de muestras independientes. Los hallazgos revelaron diferencias significativas entre el modo escrito y el modo en computadora en ambas tareas de escritura. Además, el análisis del cuestionario mostró el impacto de la familiaridad con la computadora de los candidatos en su desempeño en la escritura

    Prevalence of Antibodies to H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus in Backyard Chickens around Maharlou Lake in Iran

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    Backyard chickens play an important role in the epidemiology of H9N2 avian influenza virus infection. Close contact of backyard chickens with migratory birds, especially with aquatic birds, as well as neighboring poultry farms, may pose the risk of transmitting avian influenza virus, but little is known about the disease status of backyard poultry. A H9N2 avian influenza virus seroprevalence survey was carried out in 500 backyard chickens from villages around Maharlou lake in Iran, using the hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test. The studied backyard chickens had not been previously vaccinated and showed no clinical signs of disease. The overall HI titer and seroprevalence against H9N2 were 7.73 and 81.6%, respectively

    Minocycline Enhance the Restorative Ability of Olfactory Ensheathing Cells by the Upregulation of BDNF and GDNF Expression After Spinal Cord Injury

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    Introduction: Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is a global public health issue that results in extensive neuronal degeneration, axonal and myelin loss, and severe functional deficits. Neurotrophic factors are a potential treatment for reducing secondary damage, promoting axon growth; they are responsible for inducing myelination after injury. Olfactory Ensheathing Cells (OECs) and minocycline have promoted locomotor function after SCI. The present study investigated the neuroprotective effects of combined treatment with minocycline and OECs on spinal cord injury related to Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Glial Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) expressions after SCI. Methods: Adult female rats were used to experimental SCI by weight compression method. Rats received an intraperitoneal minocycline injection (90 mg/kg) immediately after SCI and 24 h after injury. OECs were transplanted one week after the injury. The hindlimb function was assessed using Basso Beattie Bresnahan (BBB) locomotor rating scale and Electromyography (EMG). After 5 weeks, the spinal cord segment centered at the injury site was removed for histopathological analysis. Immunohistological and western blot assays were performed to observe the expression of NeuN, BDNF, GDNF, and Myelin Basic Protein (MBP). Results: SCI induced the loss of locomotor function with decreased BDNF and GDNF expressions in the injury site. Minocycline+OECs increased the score of the BBB locomotor scale and increased spared tissue in the injury site. Immunohistochemical results suggested that NeuN expression significantly increased in the minocycline+OECs group than other groups. Moreover, electromyography amplitude in treated rats was increased compared to the control group. BDNF, GDNF, and MBP expressions and the number of ventral motor neurons increased further by minocycline+OECs in SCI rats.  Conclusion: The present study provides evidence that minocycline may facilitate recovery of locomotor function by OECs by increasing BDNF and GDNF expressions following SCI

    The point mutations of m itochondrial tRNA threonine and proline in idiopathic repeated pregnancy loss

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    Background: Mitochondrial transfer RNAs (tRNA) genes are essential components of protein biosynthesis. These genes are hotspots for mutations. These mutations are associated with a wide spectrum of human disease. Many genetic factors are known in assessment of repeated pregnancy loss (RPL). Objective: The aim of this study was analysis of tRNA Thr and tRNA Pro in women with RPL. Materials and Methods: The nucleotide variations of threonine and proline were investigated in 96 women with idiopathic repeated pregnancy loss. The related mitochondrial area was amplified using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR products were demonstrated by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis, and all the positive samples were purified and verified by an automated DNA sequencing method. Results: The sequence analysis revealed 4 mutations in tRNA Thr. These mutations were A15907G in 2 cases (2.08%), A15924G in 3 cases (3.12%), G15928A in 10 cases (10.42%) as the most common mutations and G15930A in 3 cases (3.12%) as a novel mutation. Also, the result of tRNApro sequencing showed the T15972C mutation in 1 woman (1.04%) as a novel mutation. Conclusion: These tRNAs mutations can alter their steady state level and affect the structure of tRNAs. It results in protein synthesis defects and, in turn, mitochondrial dysfunction. The mutations of these genes may help in the assessment of RPL. Further study of an expanded series of these tRNA mutants is recommended to describe their etiologic role in idiopathic RPL

    The Beneficial or Harmful Effects of Computer Game Stress on Cognitive Functions of Players

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    Introduction: Video games are common cultural issues with great influence in all societies. One of the important cognitive effects of video games is on creating stress on video players. The present research objective was to study different types of stress in players based on video game styles. Methods: A total of 80 players, aged 18 to 30 years, played four types of video games;.Runner game, Excitement game, Fear game, and Puzzle game. In the beginning, the players filled in the form of personal information as well as some general and specialized information on the games. Before starting each game, the saliva samples of the players were collected to measure their level of cortisol and α-amylase. At the end of each game, the same samples were collected again. The concentrations of cortisol and α-amylase were measured using a specialized kit and an ELISA device. In addition, the variations of brain waves were recorded by an Emotiv system. Finally, the data were analyzed in SPSS and Matlab system (after and before playing video game). Results: The research findings revealed that the salivary α-amylase concentration increased significantly after playing the Fear game, Runner game, and Excitement game and decreased significantly after playing the Puzzle game. Moreover, the concentration of salivary cortisol increased significantly after playing the Runner game, Excitement game, and Fear game and decreased significantly after playing the Puzzle game. The brain wave analysis also revealed that the level of stress experienced by playing Fear game was higher than the Excitement game. Conclusion: According to the research findings, video games can affect the stress system as well as the cognitive system of humans depending on the game style. In addition, the type and level of stress triggered in the players depend on the game style

    The Effects of Fifa 2015 Computer Games on Changes in Cognitive, Hormonal and Brain Waves Functions of Young Men Volunteers

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    Introduction: Computer games have attracted remarkable attentions in general publics with different cultures and their effects are subject of research by cognitive neuroscientists. In the present study, possible effects of the game Fifa 2015 on cognitive performance, hormonal levels, and electroencephalographic (EEG) signals were evaluated in young male volunteers. Methods: Thirty two subjects aged 20 years on average participated mutually in playing computer game Fifa 2015. Identification information and general knowledge about the game were collected. Saliva samples from the contestants were obtained before and after the competition. Perceptive and cognitive performance including the general cognitive health, response delay, attention maintenance, and mental fatigue were measured using PASAT test. EEG were recorded during the play using EEG device and analyzed later using QEEG. Simultaneously, the players’ behavior were recorded using a video camera. Saliva cortisol levels were assessed by ELISA kit. Data were analyzed by SPSS program. Results: The impact of playing computer games on cortisol concentration of saliva before and after the game showed that the amount of saliva plasma after playing the game has dropped significantly. Also the impact of playing computer games on mental health, before and after the game indicated that the number of correct answers has not changed significantly. This indicates that sustained attention has increased in participants after the game in comparison with before that. Also it is shown that mental fatigue measured by PASAT test, did not changed significantly after the game in comparison to before that. The impact of game on changes in brain waves showed that the subjects in high activity state during playing the game had higher power of the EEG signals in most of the channels in lower frequency bands in compared to normal state. Discussion: The present study showed that computer games can positively affect the stress system and the perceptual-cognitive system. Even though this impact was not significant in most cases, the changes in cognitive and hormonal test and also in brain waves were visible. Hence, due to the importance of this matter, it is necessary to create control systems in selecting the types of games for playing