115 research outputs found

    Eye movement correlates of figure-ground segregation and border-ownership

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    Oculomotor system controls human eye movements while scanning a scene. One cue used by visual system to make sense of a scene is the border of objects. Our goal is to understand whether oculomotor system has any pre-set predictions while mapping out a scene. To test this hypothesis, we designed a set of 3D scenes by using an integrated 3D projection and eye-tracking system to compare human eye movement patterns during depth cue consistent occlusion (CCO) and inconsistent occlusion (CIO) of a moving target in a pursuit task. In CCO, the moving target gets occluded by an object in front of it or will remain visible if the object is behind. However, in CIO, the moving target gets occluded by an object behind it or will remain visible if the object is in front. It has been known that when a moving target becomes invisible midway on its path, eye pursuit switches to saccades. In this study, we found that least switches to saccades occur in CCO and when the pursuit target is visible. On the other hand, the maximum switches to saccades occur during CIO when the pursuit target is invisible. Saccadic interruption increases slightly in CIO where the target is visible, and even more so in CCO when the target is invisible. We conclude that during scanning a visual scene, human oculomotor system utilizes a set of predictions, perhaps based on accumulated previous experiences, such as "when a moving target goes behind an occluder it should disappear", and when the predictions are challenged, the oculomotor system switches pursuit to saccade. Finally, we present a set of metrics to quantify the interactions between visual-system-based scene segmentation and eye movement patterns, and the interactions between border-ownership and eye movement vectors to establish eye movement correlates of figure-ground segregation and border-ownership.Published versio

    Steam and Water Combined Analysis, Integration, and Efficiency Enhancement in Kraft Pulping Mills

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    Les principaux objectifs de cette thèse sont divisés en deux parties principales. Le premier objectif est de développer de nouvelles techniques d'intégration des procédés (IP) pour améliorer individuellement l'efficacité des systèmes d'eau et de vapeur, la performance des équipements, et le réseau d’échangeurs de chaleur (HEX) d’un procédé existant. Ces techniques sont validées en les appliquant au procédé Kraft. Le deuxième objectif est de développer une méthodologie d’amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique et de la consommation d’eau (SWAEI : Steam Water Analysis Enhancement Integration) d’un procédé en combinant les nouvelles techniques d'IP. Les études de cas sont établis pour trois usines Kraft opérant au Canada (usines A, B, et C) avec un large spectre de la répartition géographique, des produits et des matières premières. Des modèles de simulation de chacune des trois usines ont été développés sur la plate-forme CADSIM Plus et sont utilisés pour fournir des données pour l'analyse et intégrer les modifications proposées. Les usines de pâte et papier kraft constituent des importants utilisateurs d’eau et d'énergie thermique dans le secteur industriel canadien. Il y existe une forte interaction entre les systèmes de vapeur et d’eau. Pour diminuer les coûts de fabrication et accroître la rentabilité, il est nécessaire de réduire la consommation d'énergie et d'eau ainsi que les coûts de traitement des eaux usées. Avant de passer à l’étape de développement de nouvelles techniques d'IP et de la méthodologie SWAEI, une étape préalable est l'analyse comparative (benchmarking) pour donner un aperçu sur la consommation de vapeur et la performance du système d’eau. La mise au point d’une technique d’analyse comparative a permis de caractériser chaque étude de cas (i.e. les trois usines kraft) en termes de consommation d'eau et d'énergie. Dans cette technique, la consommation de vapeur et d'eau des usines sont étalonnées par rapport aux données de référence. Les trois cas sont comparés en termes d'eau et d'allocations de vapeur pour différents usages et aussi en termes des réseaux d’échangeur de chaleur de manière à souligner les similarités et les différences. Les potentiels d'économies d'eau et de vapeur sont résumés dans l'étape de synthèse. Les caractéristiques avantageuses d'une usine donnée sont utilisées pour v proposer des mesures de diminution de la consommation de vapeur et de l'eau pour une autre usine et vice versa. La première technique d’intégration développée est l'analyse simultanée des réseaux énergétiques et d'eau (SEWNA : Simultaneous Energy Water Network Analysis) qui se déroule en cinq étapes pour économiser la vapeur et l'eau en même temps. Une nouvelle approche pour identifier le volume de contrôle pour l'extraction des données est développée. Inévitablement, des effluents doivent être soutirés pour éviter l'accumulation de produits chimiques et de particules indésirables. Dans la ligne de traitement, le potentiel d'économie de vapeur est déterminé en tenant compte des contraintes existantes pour l'utilisation de l'eau et de filtrats. De nouvelles règles pour la réutilisation de filtrat sont présentées. La nouvelle d'analyse de l’utilisation de l'énergie et de l’eau peut être réalisée sous forme de tableau ou graphique pour identifier les mesures de réduction d'eau et de vapeur. La nouvelle représentation graphique des courbes de pincement de l'énergie et de l’eau est constituée des concentrations des contaminants et des courbes de température en fonction du débit pour tous les puits et les sources. L'eau économisée est systématiquement enlevée de la source d'origine du réseau de production d'eau chaude et tiède. Ceci élimine la consommation de vapeur pour la production d'eau chaude / eau tiède et fournit également l'eau plus chaude au réseau HEX existant. Enfin, une analyse économique est effectuée afin de calculer le coût de la tuyauterie pour les nouvelles connexions de réutilisation de l'eau. La méthode SEWNA a été appliquée sur les trois usines de pâte kraft et a permis d’estimer des économies importantes de vapeur et d’eau avec un retour sur investissement relativement court. Le total des économies d’eau et de vapeur de l'ordre de 24 à 54 % et 11 à 29 % respectivement, ont été obtenus par de simples modifications de tuyauterie. La seconde technique d’intégration des procédés développée est l'analyse de la performance des équipements (EPA : Equipment Performance Analysis). Elle permet la caractérisation, l’analyse et le diagnostic des équipements individuels ou des départements d’une usine du point de vue de la consommation de vapeur et d'eau. L'indicateur de performance clé (KPI : Key Performance Indicator) pour l'efficacité énergétique et / ou de la consommation d'eau de l'équipement ou d’un service est calculé et comparé à des données de référence. Les causes et les solutions probables sont établies pour les inefficacités. Cette technique a été appliquée à l'usine C. Sur la base des projets correctifs envisagés, la production de vapeur dans les chaudières peut être augmentée de vi 21% et également la consommation de vapeur et d'eau peuvent être réduites par 9% et 11 % respectivement. Les résultats obtenus de cette technique pourraient être une incitation pour évaluer en profondeur la performance des équipements sur site en entier. La troisième nouvelle technique d’intégration des procédés est la rétro-installation de la conception du réseau HEN (Retrofit - HEN) et se compose de quatre étapes successives. Les contraintes physiques et d’opération du procédé, notamment sur les températures des opérations unitaires les plus sensibles sont analysées. Une cible réaliste pour l'économie de vapeur est établie en fonction des contraintes et la classification des utilisateurs de vapeur. Les courants existants des échangeurs de chaleur sont évalués pour être utilisé plus efficacement dans le nouveau réseau. Pour utiliser plus efficacement la chaleur perdue, les courants sont classés comme hautement et faiblement corrosifs. Le HEN proposé est conçu en utilisant un nouvel algorithme en fonction de cinq heuristiques et règles pratiques. La technique a été appliquée sur le moulin C et une économie totale de vapeur de 38% a été obtenue. La méthodologie globale SWAEI (Steam Water Analysis Enhancement Integration) consiste en six étapes successives. Dans la première étape, le modèle de simulation du scénario de base est développé. Dans la deuxième étape, un pré-étalonnage (pre-benchmarking) est effectué en comparant la consommation de vapeur et d'eau avec des données de référence. Le coeur de la méthodologie est l'identification des projets d'amélioration de l'énergie et de l'eau en appliquant séquentiellement les techniques SEWNA, EPA et R- HEN. L'application séquentielle de ces techniques conduit à des résultats beaucoup plus grands d'économie de vapeur que si elles avaient été appliquées individuellement. Cette application séquentielle conduit à des projets complémentaires pour maximiser les économies de vapeur. L'excès de vapeur estimé peut être utilisé pour réduire ou éliminer la consommation de combustibles fossiles. Le reste de la vapeur en excès pourrait être vendue dans la communauté, produire de l'électricité en utilisant la cogénération ou une combinaison de cogénération et d'un système pompe à chaleur à absorption (tri-génération). Ces solutions de rechange pour l'utilisation de la vapeur en excès sont examinées du point de vue économique pour choisir la plus prometteuse pour la mise en oeuvre. Dans la cinquième étape, les projets identifiés sont priorisés et une stratégie de mise en oeuvre en deux phases est proposée. Dans la première phase, il est proposé de mettre en oeuvre les projets qui conduisent à la réduction des combustibles fossiles ou de leur élimination. Les autres projets vii proposés sont à mettre en oeuvre dans la deuxième phase afin d’économiser plus de vapeur pour la vente ou la production d'électricité. Enfin la sixième et dernière étape consiste en une postanalyse comparative menée afin de visualiser les zones d'amélioration. La méthodologie a été appliquée sur les trois usines et a donné 27, 33, et 66 % d'économies de vapeur et 38, 24, et 58 % pour les économies d'eau des usines A, B, et C respectivement. ---------- The principle objectives of this thesis are divided into two main parts. The first key objective is to develop new process integration (PI) techniques to individually improve the efficiency of water and steam systems, the performance of equipment, and the heat exchanger (HEX) network of the existing water-based process. These techniques are validated by applying them to the Kraft process. The second objective is to develop a steam and water analysis enhancement and integration (SWAEI) methodology to improve the energy and water efficiency of a water-based process by combining the new PI techniques. The case studies are three Canadian Kraft mills (mills A, B, and C) with a broad spectrum of geographic distribution, products, and raw materials. A simulation of the three mills has been developed in the Cadsim Plus platform and is used to provide data for analysis and incorporate proposed modifications. The Kraft pulp and paper (P&P) mill is one of the major water and thermal energy users in the Canadian industrial sectors. It is also one of the water-based processes where there is large interaction between water and steam systems. To decrease manufacturing costs and increase profitability, it is necessary to reduce energy, water, and wastewater treatment costs. Before going through the development of new PI techniques and SWAEI methodology, a prerequisite step is benchmarking to give actual insights about current steam and water performance. A benchmarking technique characterizes the case studies (three Kraft mills) in terms of water and energy consumption. In this technique, the steam and water consumption of the mills are benchmarked against reference data. The cases are compared in terms of water and steam allocations for different uses and also in terms of the heat exchanger and water networks so as to indicate the similarities and differences. The potential for steam and water savings are summarized in the synthesis step. The advantageous characteristics of one case are used to propose the steam and water saving measures for another case and vise versa. The first developed PI technique is simultaneous energy and water networks analysis (SEWNA) that involves five steps to save steam and water at the same time. A new approach to identify the control volume for data extraction is shown. Inevitable effluents from the source pool are subtracted to prevent accumulation of chemicals and unwanted particles. In the process line, the ix potential for steam saving is determined considering the existing process constraints for water utilization and filtrate reutilization. The new rules for filtrate reutilization are presented. The new water and energy analysis can be performed either in tabular or graphical form to identify the water measures with respect to steam reduction. The new graphical Water and Energy Pinch Curves consist of contaminant concentration and temperature curves versus flowrate for all sinks and sources. The saved water is reduced systematically from the origin source of the hot and warm water production network. This eliminates steam consumption for hot/warm water production and also provides hotter and warmer water using the existing HEX network. Finally, the economic analysis is conducted to calculate the piping cost for new water reutilization connections. SEWNA has been applied on the three Kraft mills and resulted in significant water and steam savings with a reasonably short payback period. The total water and steam savings in the range of 24-54% and 11-29%, respectively, have been achieved by simple piping. The second developed PI technique is equipment performance analysis (EPA). It characterizes, analyzes, and diagnoses individual equipment or departments from the standpoint of steam and water consumption. The key performance indicator (KPI) for energy and/or water efficiency of equipment or a department is calculated and benchmarked against reference data. Probable causes and solutions are determined for inefficiencies. This technique has been applied to mill C. Based on probable remedial projects for improvement, the steam generation at the boilers can be increased by 21% and also steam and water can be saved by 9% and 11%, respectively. The results of this technique could be an incentive for in-depth and on-site performance analysis. The third new PI technique is the retrofit HEX network design (R-HEN) for a water-based process that consists of four successive steps. The physical and process constraints including hard and soft temperature of sensitive unit operations are analyzed. A realistic targeting for steam saving is conducted based on the constraints and the classification of steam users. The existing process stream HEXs are assessed to be used effectively in the new network. To utilize efficiently the heat of waste streams, they are categorized as high and low corrosive. The retrofit HEN is designed using a new algorithm according to five heuristic and practical rules. The technique has been applied on mill C. The total steam saving of 38% has been accomplished. x The steam and water analysis enhancement and integration (SWAEI) methodology consists of six successive steps. In the first step, the simulation model of the base case is developed. In the second step, pre-benchmarking is carried out by comparing the steam and water consumption with reference data. The core of methodology is the identification of the energy and water improvement projects by sequentially applying SEWNA, EPA, and R-HEN. Sequential application of these techniques results in significantly more steam saving than if they would have been applied individually. This sequential application leads to complementary projects to maximize steam saving. The excess steam is used to reduce or eliminate fossil fuel consumption. The remainder of excess steam could be sold to the local district, generate electricity using cogeneration or a combination of cogeneration and an absorption heat pump (trigeneration) system. These alternatives for using the remainder of excess steam are examined from the economical perspective to choose the most promising one for implementation. In step five, the identified projects are prioritized and the implementation strategy is proposed in two phases. In phase one, it is proposed to implement the projects that lead to fossil fuel reduction or elimination. The other projects are proposed to be implemented in the second phase to save more steam for selling or generating electricity. Finally, the post-benchmarking is conducted to visualize areas of improvement. The methodology has been applied on three mills and yielded 27, 33, and 66% steam savings and 38, 24, and 58% water savings for mills A, B, and C, respectively

    Novel Layered Double Hydroxides-Hydroxyapatite/gelatin Bone Tissue Engineering Scaffolds: Fabrication, Characterization, and in Vivo Study

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    Developing Porous Biodegradable Scaffolds through Simple Methods is One of the Main Approaches of Bone Tissue Engineering (BTE). in This Work, a Novel BTE Composite Containing Layered Double Hydroxides (LDH), Hydroxyapatite (HA) and Gelatin (GEL) Was Fabricated using Co-Precipitation and Solvent-Casting Methods. Physiochemical Characterizations Showed that the Chemical Composition and Microstructure of the Scaffolds Were Similar to the Natural Spongy Bone. Interconnected Macropores Ranging over 100 to 600 Μm Were Observed for Both Scaffolds While the Porosity of 90 ± 0.12% and 92.11 ± 0.15%, as Well As, Young\u27s Modulus of 19.8 ± 0.41 and 12.5 ± 0.35 GPa Were Reported for LDH/GEL and LDH-HA/GEL Scaffolds, Respectively. the Scaffolds Were Degraded in Deionized Water after a Month. the SEM Images Revealed that between Two Scaffolds, the LDH-HA/GEL with Needle-Like Secondary HA Crystals Showed Better Bioactivity. According to the Alkaline Phosphatase Activity and Alizarin Red Staining Results, LDH-HA/GEL Scaffolds Demonstrated Better Bone-Specific Activities Comparing to LDH/Gel Scaffold as Well as Control Sample (P \u3c 0.05). the Rabbit Adipose Stem Cells (ASCs) Were Extracted and Cultured, Then Seeded on the LDH-HA/GEL Scaffolds after Confluence. Three Groups of Six Adult Rabbits Were Prepared: The Scaffold + ASCs Group, the Empty Scaffold Group and the Control Group. the Critical Defects Were Made on the Left Radius and the Scaffolds with or Without ASCs Were Implanted There While the Control Group Was Left Without Any Treatment. All Animals Were Sacrificed after 12 Weeks. Histomorphometric Results Showed that the Regeneration of Defects Was Accelerated by Scaffold Implantation But ASC-Seeding Significantly Improved the Quality of New Bone Formation (P \u3c 0.05). the Results Confirmed the Good Performance of LDH-HA/GEL Scaffold to Induce Bone Regeneration

    Impact of climatic parameters on the extent of mangrove forests of southern Iran

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    Mangrove forests play a valuable role in maintaining the coastal ecosystem. Global warming alongside human activities has caused reduced extent and health of these ecosystems in recent years. This study aimed to examine the variability of the extent of mangrove forests and the sea surface area in response to changes in climatic parameters in the south of Iran. To achieve this, the climatic data recorded at Bandar Abbas Synoptic Weather Station and Landsat series of satellite images were used. To detect the trends of meteorological parameters during 1987-2017, the modified Man-Kendall test and the Sen’s slope estimator were employed. We investigated the regression relationship between climatic parameters as well as the sea surface area and the mangrove forest extent. The results showed that mangrove forest extent was about 73.08 km2 in the first year of study (1987), which increased to 88.73 km2 (21%) in 2017. The minimum temperature (Z = 2.77, β = 0.0186), maximum temperature (Z = 2.066, β = 0.0362), and the extent of the mangrove forests (Z = 2.58, β = 0.0405) displayed significantly growing trends. In contrast, the mean temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, and the sea surface area had no significant trends during the study period. The minimum temperature presented the highest correlation coefficient with the mangrove forest extent (61%). It is expected, therefore, along with global warming and increasing minimum temperature, the extent of mangrove forests would have a growing trend in the south of Iran in the future. The results of this study can be used by natural resources and forest managers to determine the best place for afforestation in order to perform better protection of these forests

    Application of response surface methodology for thorium(IV) removal using Amberlite IR-120 and IRA-400: Ion exchange equilibrium and kinetics

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    In this work, thorium (IV) removal from aqueous solutions was investigated in batch systems of cationic and anionic resins of Amberlite IR-120 and IRA-400. In this way, the effects of pH, initial Th(IV) concentration and the amount of adsorbent were investigated. A Central Composite Design (CCD) under Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was employed to determine the optimized condition. The results showed that the maximum removal efficiency of Th(IV) onto IR-120 and IRA-400 either discretely or in combination, albeit with equal mass fraction, was determined as follows: 98.09% , 65.70% and 72.19% at pH=3.23, 6 and 4.07, initial Th(IV) concentration of 78.2, 30 and 55.4 mg.L-1 and 2.08, 2.5 and 2.2 g.L-1 of resin, respectively. The kinetic and equilibrium data were accurately described by the pseudo-second order and Langmuir models. The results showed that IR-120 is a suitable adsorbent for thorium removal from aqueous solutions

    Data onFe(II)biosorptiononto Sargassum hystrix algae obtainedfromthePersianGulfinBushehr Port, Iran

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    In thisarticle,weused Sargassum hystrix algae asbiosorbentfor removalofFe(II)fromaqueoussolutionsthatwascollectedalong the PersianGulfcoastline,Bushehr,Iran.Theconcentrationlevelof remaining Fe(II)inthesampleswasmeasuredbyusing flame atomic absorptionspectrometry(FAAS,VarianAA240,Australia). The isotherms,kineticsandmodelingdataofFe(II)biosorption onto Sargassum hystrix werealsopresented

    Biosorption of uranium from aqueous solutions by nonliving biomass of marinealgae Cystoseira indica

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    Biosorption of heavy metals can be an effective process for the removal and recovery of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions. In this paper uranium biosorption by protonated, Ca-pretreated and non-pretreated Cystoseira indica algae biomass was investigated in a batch system. The results of the kinetic studies showed that the sorption of uranium on protonated and non-pretreated biomass followed pseudo-second order kinetics. The effect of pH on the equilibrium uranium sorption capacity of Cystoseira indica exhibited that highest uptake occurred at pH 4 at a solution with 350 mg/l uranium concentration. At various initial uranium concentrations from 50 to 1000 mg/l, batch sorption equilibrium at 30\ubaC was reached within 3 hrs and the sorption isotherms were interpreted in terms of the Langmuir and Freundlich models. Equilibrium data fitted very well to Langmuir model for all studied forms of Cystoseira indica algae. The Freundlich isotherm cannot fit as well as the Langmuir model the equilibrium data of protonated and non-pretreated Cystoseira indica algae. The maximum uranium adsorption capacity on the Ca-pretreated, protonated and non-pretreated Cystoseira indica algae predicted by Langmuir isotherm at pH 4 and 30\ubaC was 454.5, 322.58 and 224.67 mg/g respectivel

    Effectiveness of dry needling for improving pain and disability in adults with tension-type, cervicogenic, or migraine headaches: Protocol for a systematic review

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    Background: Headache is the most common neurological symptoms worldwide, as over 90% of people have noted at least one headache during their lifetime. Tension-type headaches, cervicogenic headaches, and migraines are common types of headache which can have a significant impact on social, physical, and occupational functioning. Therapeutic management of headaches mainly includes physical therapy and pharmacological interventions. Dry needling is a relatively new therapeutic approach that uses a thin filiform needle without injectate to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying tissues for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement impairments. The main objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to evaluate the effectiveness of dry needling in comparison to other interventions on pain and disability in patients with tension-type headache, cervicogenic headache, and migraine. Methods/design: We will focus on clinical trials with concurrent control group(s) and comparative observational studies assessing the effect of dry needling in patients with tension-type headache, cervicogenic headache, and migraine. Electronic databases from relevant fields of research (PubMed/ Medline, Scopus, Embase®, PEDro, Web of Science, Ovid, AMED, CENTRAL, and Google Scholar) will be searched from inception to June 2019 using defined search terms. No restrictions for language of publication or geographic location will be applied. Moreover, grey literature, citation tracking, and reference lists scanning of the selected studies will be searched manually. Primary outcomes of this study are pain intensity and disability, and secondary outcomes are cervical spine ROM, frequency of headaches, health-related quality of life, and TrPs tenderness. Studies will be selected by three independent reviewers based on prespecified eligibility criteria. Three reviewers will independently extract data in each eligible study using a pre-piloted Microsoft Excel data extraction form. The assessment of risk of bias will be implemented using the Cochrane Back and Neck Review Group 13-item criteria and NOS. Direct meta-analysis will be performed using a fixed or random effects model to estimate effect size such as standardized mean difference (Morris's d ppc ) and 95% confidence intervals. Statistical heterogeneity will also be evaluated using the I 2 statistic and the χ2 test. All meta-analyses will be performed using Stata V.11 and V.14 softwares. The overall quality of the evidence for the primary outcomes will be assessed using GRADE. Discussion: All analyses in this study will be based on the previous published papers. Therefore, ethical approval and patient consent are not required. The findings of this study will provide important information on the value of dry needling for the management of tension-type headache, cervicogenic headache, and migraine

    Survey on white spot virus infection in wild shrimps and crabs in Bushehr province coastal waters

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    After severe mortality due to white spot disease incidence in cultured shrimps of Helleh grows out farms, disease spread to Delvar,Mond, Boeyrat and Bandar Rig sites in Bushehr province during 2005. Many crustaceans keep this virus in the body, act as a carrier, and can spread of the infection. In order to investigate status of contamination of wild shrimp and crab's population to white spot virus in Bushehr province waters (north of Persian Gulf), samples were collected and tested by Nested PCR for detection of WSV from estuaries and input and output channels water around the Helleh, Shif and Mond sites during 2007 and 2008. Total tested shrimps were 401 peaces, includes green tiger shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus) 220 pieces, white shrimp (Metapenaeus affinis) 181 pieces, also total tested crabs were 292 pieces includes Ocypode rotundata 68 pieces and Portunus pelagicus 224 pieces. All the samples showed negative results of WSV contamination. However, it can never be sure that the population is free from WSV unless we collect a random sample of 300 pieces from each species and test them individually for WSV. Therefore, we will be confident up to 95% that the wild sources in that area have no prevalence of 1% or upper WSV contamination
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