513 research outputs found

    X-efficiency Analysis of Commercial Banks in Pakistan: A Preliminary Investigation

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    The emergence of a fast-paced dynamic environment in the business world in general, and in the financial services sector in particular, has highlighted the significance of competition and efficiency. The need for deregulation has become a touchstone of success in fostering both competition and efficiency especially in the economies, which are exposed to structural reforms. In addition to that, intense competition both among domestic and foreign banks, rapid speed of innovations and introduction of new financial instruments, changing consumer’s demands and desire for product augmentation have changed the way a bank conducts business and services its customers. Larger the degree of competition, it is perceived that the firms would become more efficient. However, when the structure of an industry is product of the government regulations, the degree of competition is impaired markedly implying that the efficiency suffers negatively. Banking industry acts as life-blood of modern trade and commerce acting as a bridge to provide a major source of financial intermediation. Thus, appraisal of its efficiency is vital in context of an efficient and competitive financial system. Study of x-efficiency is believed to be important in particular as Berger, et al. (1993) found that x-inefficiencies account for around 20 percent or more of banking costs. Similarly, recent drive among banks towards downsizing, rightsizing and rationalisation of banking costs also implicates for the assessment of x-efficiency analysis of banks. It becomes vital in Pakistani context as there appears to be no study in literature on efficiency or x-efficiency analysis of banks in Pakistan. “A great deal more work is needed on x-efficiency research in banking. Managerial efficiency, the concept of x-efficiency, appears to be a much more important strategic and policy consideration” [Molyneux, et al. (1960), p. 273]. Given

    An Evaluation of Karachi Export Processing Zone: A Preliminary Investigation

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    The literature on EPZs shows that these are a second-best solution compared with generalised countrywide reforms, but that, where countrywide reforms are difficult to implement, they can be a useful weapon in the development arsenal [World Bank (2001)]. EPZs have been instrumental not only in increasing exports but also attracting export-oriented foreign direct investment (FDI). China is a classic example to be mentioned here where the levels of FDI have gone up massively over the last ten years. Added up with exports increase are also the benefits of employment generation, development of backward and forward linkages and strengthening the industrial base. The phenomenon of export-processing zones (EPZs) is a part of broader context of structural changes in global economic development. During the last few decades, there has been a tremendous increase in exports of manufactured goods especially from developing countries. EPZs have emerged as an important channel of export generation, especially of manufactured goods, from most of the developing countries e.g. East Asia, Mexico, Morocco etc. Their significance cannot be undermined because of the location-specific advantages and infrastructure facilities possessed by them.

    The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan: An Econometric Analysis

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    Abstract This study contributes to an understanding of locational determinants of FDI in Pakistan. Although there exists a great deal of literature in this area, there is hardly any evidence of such a study in the case of Pakistan. Economy level analyses are carried out to explore the determinants of FDI through multivariate regression analysis. The results of the multivariate regression analyses reveal that market size, relative interest rates and exchange rates are the major determinants of FDI in Pakistan. The variables such as market growth and political instability were consistently insignificant in the analyses. However, mixed findings were revealed by the variables such as consumer goods imports and the political regime in Pakistan


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    Usaha memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam bidang pembelajaran di sekolah atau lembaga, dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi keguruan atau kependidikan merupakan tujuan dari kegiatan Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL). Kegiatan PPL dilaksanakan dari tanggal 15 Juli sampai dengan 15 September 2016 di Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan (PPPPTK) Seni dan Budaya Yogyakarta dimana terdapat 13 mahasiswa dari jurusan Kurikulum dan Teknologi Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Mahasiswa PPL berada dalam naungan seksi Program di PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya. Sesuai dengan rencana program yang direncakan Pada PPL pertama dibagi dalam empat kelompok kecil yang terdiri kelompok Publikasi Lembaga PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya, Pengembangan Web PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya berbasis konten, Pengelolaan Sumber Belajar dalam PPPTK Seni dan Budaya, Pengolahan Data dan Informasi serta Evaluasi PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya. Sebagai program kerja tambahan PPL berisi tentang berbagai kegiatan yang tidak disusun kedalam perencanaan program kerja PPL. Adapun program kerja individu yang dilaksanakan selama menjalankan PPL yang dilaksanakan terdiri atas Pelengkapan data diklat IN gelombang 5, Pembuatan Kop Surat Alamat Instansi peserta diklat IN gelombang 5, Check list kegiatan tahun 2015, Penjadwalan ulang sie program, Pendampingan Diklat IN GP Kabupaten Kediri, Pembuatan Kelas Manual Diklat GP Guru SD Tematik Kabupaten Pati dan Kota Surakarta, Pembuatan Kelas Online Diklat GP Guru SD Tematik Kabupaten Kebumen dan Kabupaten Kudus. Seluruh pelaksanaan program tersebut sangat memuaskan. Karena setiap program yang dilaksanakan selalu mendapat respon yang baik dari lembaga. Semua itu karena adanya kerjasama yang baik antara mahasiswa PPL dengan pegawai disetiap seksi dan PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya

    Studying the Behaviour of Model of Mirror Neuron System in Case of Autism

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    Several experiment done by the researchers conducted that autism is caused by the dysfunctional mirror neuron system and the dysfunctions of mirror neuron system is proportional to the symptom severity of autism. In the present work those experiments were studied as well as studying a model of mirror neuron system called MNS2 developed by a research group. This research examined the behavior of the model in case of autism and compared the result with those studies conducting dysfunctions of mirror neuron system in autism. To perform this, a neural network employing the model was developed which recognized the three types of grasping (faster, normal and slower). The network was implemented with back propagation through time learning algorithm. The whole grasping process was divided into 30 time steps and different hand and object states at each time step was used as the input of the network. Normally the network successfully recognized all of the three types of grasps. The network required more times as the number of inactive neurons increased. And in case of maximum inactive neurons of the mirror neuron system the network became unable to recognize the types of grasp. As the time to recognize the types of grasp is proportional to the number of inactive neurons, the experiment result supports the hypothesis that dysfunctions of MNS is proportional to the symptom severity of autism

    A Study Of Marco Factors On Electricity Load Demand In Johor Bahru Using Statistical Approach

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    As widely known, load demand forecasting plays a vital role in power system planning and management in meeting the load demand requirements particularly during the peak demand period. There are many macro factors currently being identified to have influence over the load demand pattern which includes the population, economy and meteorological factors. However, there are problems pertaining to these factors caused by limited availability of statistical analysis to analyse which factors give the most contributing effect load demand in Johor Bahru. For that reason, three impo1iant objectives were defined based on the through literature found by earlier related researches. Besides that, data for electricity consumption were provided by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). For all others significant macro factors, the data provided are the actual data specifically for Johor Bahru during the year of 2005 until 201 1 . Initially, an investigation was done to identify which macro factors that will have an effect on the load demand prediction by using Pearson Correlation coefficient. Since only a few mathematical analysis, traditional forecasting technique done previously focused on how to determine the relationship between these macro factors and electricity load, thus this research proposed to explore further the three mathematical models namely regression, time series and hybrid methods. Using these three mathematical models, this present research provides an electricity demand estimation and forecast, whilst comparing the results with official projections. Therefore, the next goal is to find the most influential macro factor which can help improves the accuracy of the medium-term load forecasting. The performance of these different methods were evaluated by using the forecasting accuracy criteria namely, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). As a result, this research found that maximum temperature, population growth and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) have influenced in determining the electricity demand consumption. In addition, the Multiple Stepwise Regression method was identified as the best forecasting method based on the smallest RMSE and MAPE obtained specifically for the city of Johor Bahru load demand prediction. In terms of contribution, it is expected that the mathematical models will help electricity demand planners to accurately plan load demand for future consumption in Johor Bahru area

    An Evaluation of Karachi Export Processing Zone: A Preliminary Investigation

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    The literature on EPZs shows that these are a second-best solution compared with generalised countrywide reforms, but that, where countrywide reforms are difficult to implement, they can be a useful weapon in the development arsenal [World Bank (2001)]. EPZs have been instrumental not only in increasing exports but also attracting export-oriented foreign direct investment (FDI). China is a classic example to be mentioned here where the levels of FDI have gone up massively over the last ten years. Added up with exports increase are also the benefits of employment generation, development of backward and forward linkages and strengthening the industrial base. The phenomenon of export-processing zones (EPZs) is a part of broader context of structural changes in global economic development. During the last few decades, there has been a tremendous increase in exports of manufactured goods especially from developing countries. EPZs have emerged as an important channel of export generation, especially of manufactured goods, from most of the developing countries e.g. East Asia, Mexico, Morocco etc. Their significance cannot be undermined because of the location-specific advantages and infrastructure facilities possessed by them

    X-efficiency Analysis of Commercial Banks in Pakistan: A Preliminary Investigation

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    The emergence of a fast-paced dynamic environment in the business world in general, and in the financial services sector in particular, has highlighted the significance of competition and efficiency. The need for deregulation has become a touchstone of success in fostering both competition and efficiency especially in the economies, which are exposed to structural reforms. In addition to that, intense competition both among domestic and foreign banks, rapid speed of innovations and introduction of new financial instruments, changing consumer’s demands and desire for product augmentation have changed the way a bank conducts business and services its customers. Larger the degree of competition, it is perceived that the firms would become more efficient. However, when the structure of an industry is product of the government regulations, the degree of competition is impaired markedly implying that the efficiency suffers negatively

    Perbandingan Camerawork Film Sutradara Barat dan Asia dalam Film Aksi (Studi Kasus Film The Raid dan Ip Man)

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    Film aksi bersutradara barat dan Asia memiliki keunikan tersendiri dalam menangani camerawork. Hal ini paling mudah dilihat di antara film The Raid (Sitradara Barat, Gareth Evans) dan Ip Man (Sutradara Asia, William Yip).  Oleh karena itu, dibuat perbandingan antara kedua jenis film di artikel ini yang berjudul "Perbandingan Camerawork Antara Film Aksi dengan Sutradara Barat dan Asia". Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaaan camerawork antar sutradara film barat dan Asia dalam film genre aksi. Metode yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah Deskriptif, Analisis, dan komparatif.Berdasrakan penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Gareth Evans (The Raid) lebih memanfaatkan camerawork sebagai alat untuk menciptakan emosi dan suasana yang diinginkan, sedangkan William Yip lebih mendorong klaritas pada setiap fight scene agar penonton dapat melihat dengan jelas setiap hal yang terjadi di frame, terutama dalam fight scen

    Experimental Evaluation ofSMART Surfactant (UTP-SmartSurf) Derived From Natural Oil for EOR Application

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    In this report we will show the progressofthe project, understanding and some important ideas that have been developed along the way for the past two months. Surfactants are very important in providing strategies for Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (CEOR). The idea behind this project is to modify the surfactant from inedible fatty acid of jatropha oil by epoxidation. Surfactant can reduce the interfacial tension (IFT) ofwater from 72 mN/m to 0.001 mN/m. To do so, the chemistry of surfactant is analyzed to understand way to modify the surfactant. Initial selection of surfactants is based upon desirable surmctant structure. The characterization of the surfactant will be study in few mannerswhichare IFT that comprised ofGC, HPLC, GC-MS and spinning drop method. This report will show the analysis of microemulsion testing and IFT measurement of Natural Surfactant. The degree of improvement by using Natural Surfactant is compared with few standard bench marks (oil-water IFT value, types ofcrude oil and commercial surfactants). It is been evaluated quantatively and qualitatively throughout the experiment. In this paper, IFT of Natural Surfactant is investigated in many ways and methods, and some interesting conclusions are obtained, which will make an important effect on research of SMART Surfactant (Natural Surfactant) theory. Besides, it also includes investigating the reason of ultra-low interfacial tensions and providing suggestions on designing formulations for practical application
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