10 research outputs found

    The Regulation of Syariah Principles in the Syariah Banking in Indonesia

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    This paper results from a research conducted to analyze critically the syariah principles within the syariah banking law in Indonesia, namely Law No. 21/2008 on Syariah Banking. This research is focused on analyzing the law, which prescribes a collateral for mudharabah financing and the inconsistencies of norms within laws on syariah banking in Indonesia.The results show that in the syariah banking operation, mudharabah financing cannot be implemented purely as its definition based on syariah principles. This is because mudharabah financing contains high risks. To moderate the risks, adequate collateral is absolutely required as a warranty for settling the repayment of the financing when the mudharib is unable to settle his/her debt. On the other hand, collateral in the mudharabah financing is definitely required for maslahah of public, namely it is intended to secure the depositors. Contradiction in the norms were found because substantively there is different formulations (in prescribing the collateral) between the fatwa of National Syariah Council (DSN) No. 7/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 on Mudharabah Financing (Qiradh) and the Article 23 (2) of Law No. 21/2008 on Syariah Banking. As a consequence, the interpretation of the Article 19 (point c) is not in line with Article 23 (2). This could result in law uncertainty. Keywords: Syariah principles, mudharabah, syariah banking

    The Regulation of Syariah Principles in the Syariah Banking in Indonesia

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    This paper results from a research conducted to analyze critically the syariah principles within the syariah banking law in Indonesia, namely Law No. 21/2008 on Syariah Banking. This research is focused on analyzing the law, which prescribes a collateral for mudharabah financing and the inconsistencies of norms within laws on syariah banking in Indonesia.The results show that in the syariah banking operation, mudharabah financing cannot be implemented purely as its definition based on syariah principles. This is because mudharabah financing contains high risks. To moderate the risks, adequate collateral is absolutely required as a warranty for settling the repayment of the financing when the mudharib is unable to settle his/her debt. On the other hand, collateral in the mudharabah financing is definitely required for maslahah of public, namely it is intended to secure the depositors. Contradiction in the norms were found because substantively there is different formulations (in prescribing the collateral) between the fatwa of National Syariah Council (DSN) No. 7/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 on Mudharabah Financing (Qiradh) and the Article 23 (2) of Law No. 21/2008 on Syariah Banking. As a consequence, the interpretation of the Article 19 (point c) is not in line with Article 23 (2). This could result in law uncertainty. Keywords: Syariah principles, mudharabah, syariah banking

    Kepatuhan bank syariah di Indonesia dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya terhadap ketentuan syariah compliance

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    The focus of this research is on the compliance of Islamic banks in Indonesia in carrying out their business activities to the provisions of sharia compliance. The main objective of this research is to analyze the compliance of Islamic banks in Indonesia in carrying out their business activities against the provisions of sharia compliance as stipulated in the law on Islamic banking. The normative juridical approach and the empirical juridical approach were used in this study. The result of the research shows that in formal juridical terms it has been regulated in the law concerning Islamic Banking that in its operations, Islamic banks must continue to carry out Islamic principles as a whole (kaffah) and consistently (Istiqamah). The principle of prudence Sharia banks must deviate from the sharia principles that should be adhered to. As in the Mudharabah and Musyarakah Agreements, according to sharia principles, Islamic banks are not allowed to require collateral, because with the guarantee conditions the Mudharabah and Musyarakah agreements become null and void by law. If there is no guarantee, then the protection for the bank is very weak because there will be a lot of bad financing that will eventually harm the people who deposit funds in Islamic banks. Guarantee in the Mudharabah and Musyarakah agreements to prevent non-performing financing and in order to protect the people who deposit funds. How to cite item: Ghufron Az, M. (2020). Kepatuhan bank syariah di Indonesia dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya terhadap ketentuan syariah compliance. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 11(2), 187-193. doi:https://doi.org/10.26905/idjch.v11i2.439

    Tinjauan yuridis terhadap sistem alih daya (outsourcing) pada pekerja di Indonesia

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    The practice of outsourcing at this time is increasingly being carried out by both entrepreneurs and outsourcing service providers themselves. Along with the development of industrial labor relations with an outsourcing system, it creates many negative things for the development of workers / laborers. Many workers' rights are neglected by companies that use outsourcing services. The issues raised are how the regulation regarding the outsourcing system for workers in Indonesia and how legal protection for outsourcing workers in Indonesia. The results of this research are that the regulations regarding the outsourcing system in Indonesia are contained in Article 64 to Article 66 of the Manpower Act, where in 2020 after the issuance of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation there are changes regulated in Article 81 numbers 18 to 20. Legal protection for outsourced workers / laborers in the work copyright law is regulated in Article 81 point 20, however until now the implementing regulations of this article have not been issued by the Government. How to cite item: Suyoko., Ghufron AZ, M. (2020).Tinjauan yuridis terhadap sistem alih daya (outsourcing) pada pekerja di Indonesia. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 12(1). 99-109.doi:10.26905/idjch.v12i1.5780

    Tinjauan yuridis terhadap pengaturan terkait pekerja harian lepas

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    Workers / laborers are often extorted by employers with relatively small wages. An employment relationship is basically a relationship between a worker / laborer and an entrepreneur after a work agreement is made. The formulation of the problems discussed in this paper is how to regulate freelance daily workers in Indonesia and how to resolve disputes related to work agreements for casual daily workers in Indonesia. The result of the research on the formulation of the problem is that the regulation regarding freelance workers / laborers is regulated in statutory regulations, in law number 13 of 2003 concerning manpower in Article 56 to Article 59, but there are several articles amended by -Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning work copyright. Settlement of disputes between employers and workers / casual daily laborers can be resolved first by deliberation to reach a consensus in accordance with what has been stipulated in Article 136 paragraph (1) of Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower, but if deliberation efforts to reach consensus cannot be reached then the management and workers / laborers or trade / labor unions resolve industrial relations disputes. How to cite item: Suryaningrat, R., Ghufron Az, M., Supriyadi, S. (2021). Tinjauan yuridis terhadap pengaturan terkait pekerja harian lepas. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 12(2), 213-222. doi:https://doi.org/10.26905/idjch.v12i2.581

    Asas kebebasan berkontrak dan perlindungan konsumen dalam kontrak baku pada internet banking

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    For customers, internet banking service facilities provide the advantage of being able to make online payments. Internet banking also provides accommodation for banking activities through computer networks anytime and anywhere quickly, easily, and safely because it is supported by a strong security system, especially for those who are always busy managing their finances. As for the formulation of the problem in this paper, how is the use of the principle of freedom of contract in standard contracts on internet banking seen from the point of view of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection and what is the legal protection for internet banking users for the contents of the standard contract? The result of this research is that the standard agreement on internet banking in its contents must be in accordance with the legal bases and articles that have been regulated in Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, where the agreement is not allowed if it harms the party implementing the agreement standard which in this case is a customer or debtor and the Bank is responsible for carrying out all obligations contained in the Banking Act, also in the Consumer Protection Act. The bank is also responsible for losses suffered by customers, whether they arise due to system errors or due to errors made by bank officers. A bank can only be released from its responsibilities after fulfilling its performance and paying compensation to the customer, or if the loss is due to the customer's fault or due to a compelling situation. How to cite item: Janitra, S., Ghufron Az, M., Wisnuwardhani, D. (2021). Asas kebebasan berkontrak dan perlindungan konsumen dalam kontrak baku pada internet banking. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 12(3), 334-343. doi:https://doi.org/10.26905/idjch.v12i3.7361

    Food security and regulation of food security in Samarinda City, Indonesia

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    Food distribution requires regulation and professional implementation, this is motivated by the decreasing area of agricultural land from year to year, the population is increasing. So it requires the availability of food in large quantities, and the distribution of food evenly. The problem is that the distribution of food in Samarinda City is not optimal. This is due; first; regulations to support the implementation of food affairs in the regions are still lacking, secondly; the availability of food between time and between regions is not evenly distributed, third; the existence of uncertain climatic conditions and frequent occurrence of unexpected disasters (floods, landslides, droughts, earthquakes) which have the potential to cause food insecurity and as a result, food stocks are not evenly distributed in all regions. There are areas that experience a deficit and some are experiencing excess production. Therefore, the problem of food security must be resolved not only with one discipline, but must be solved with multiple disciplines

    Tinjauan hukum mengenai transaksi dengan mata uang asing di Indonesia

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    Berbagai transaksi bisnis di Indonesia ini banyak yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan mata uang asing. Hal ini bisa kita lihat dalam transaksi-transaksi dibidang perhotelan, tour and travel, restoran, persewaan apartemen dan bahkan dibidang pendidikan. Yang lebih mengejutkan lagi adalah cerita pengalaman yang dituturkan oleh Rusdi Amrullah pada halamana 90, majalah Infobank edisi khusus No. 217/1997, yaitu mengenai transaksi dipasar Nagoya Pulau Batam. Di pasar ini yang digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran adalah dolar Singapura, bukan rupiah. Kalaupun ada yang memakai rupiah, tetap dikurskan terlebih dahulu ke dolar Singapura. Kenyataan di atas dirasakan memang agak sedikit memprihatinkan. Dikatakan demikian karena Negara Indonesia adalah Negara yang berdaulat dan memiliki satuan hitung uangnya sendiri yang disebut rupiah, namun dalam praktek transaksi bisnis yang justru tidak menngunakan rupiah melainkan menggunakan mata uang asing. Kecenderungan untuk menggunakan standard mata uang asing dalam transaksi bisnis di Indonesia dirasakan makin meningkat. Hal ini bukanlah tidak beralasan, tetapi ada beberapa alasan yang mendorong untuk menggunakan standard mata uang asing dalam transaksi bisnis. Alasan utama yang mendorong adalah adanya keinginan untuk mendapatkan tingkat keamanan bisnisnya dari fluktuasi nilai rupiah dari nilai dolar khususnya dolar Amerika sehingga terhindar dari kerugian. Lebih-lebih keadaan nilai rupiah yang terus merosot sampai tingkat yang sangat rendah sampai saat ini. Hal ini bisa dimaklumi karena selama ini yang menjadi standard nilai kurs rupiah adlah dolar Amerika. Seandainya mereka memakai standard rupiah, berapa kerugian yang akan dideritanya sebagai akibat merosotnya nilai rupiah terhadap dolar. Di sisi lainnya kegiatan transaksi bisnis dengan menggunakan standard mata uang asing, saat ini dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang wajar dan sah-sah saja. Dikatakan demikian, memang selama ini kegiatan transaksi yang demikian belum pernah ada tindakan apa-apa dari otoritas yang berkepentingan, dalam hal ini adalah Bank Indonesia. Kalau diamati lebih jauh, transaksi bisnis yang demikian adalah sangat merugikan, terutama para konsumen yang sebagian besar adalah masyarakat kita sendiri. Sebab dalam praktek bisnis yang demikian, kalu dihitung-hitung jumlah rupiah yang akan dikeluarkan oleh konsumen akan lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan rupiah yang akan menjadi standard harga. Dikatakan demikian, karena dalam nilai kurs atau nilai tukar mata uang asing dengan rupiah terdapat selisih nilai, yaitu pada nilai jual dan nilai beli. Lebih-lebih pada kondisi nilai rupiah seperti sekarang ini, maka konsumen akan mengeluarkan lebih banyak rupiah. Mengingat transaksi yang menggunakan mata uang asing semacam itu cenderung cenderung merugikan konsumen, maka perlu dipertanyakan, apakah dibenarkan ataukah merupakan pelanggaran hukum

    Perlindungan nasabah dalam bank dengan prinsip syariah: studi tentang Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI)

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    Bank yang beroperasi berdasarkan syariat Islam di Indonesia sangat diperlukan. Hal ini dalam rangka untuk memberikan pelayanan sebagian masyarakat Islam Indonesia yang masih enggan berhubungan dengan dunia perbankan, karena mereka beranggapan babwa sistem hunga yang, dianut oleb bank konvensional mengandung riba yang harus dihindari oleh setiap Muslim. Penelitian ini berusaha memberikan gambaran mengapa bank yang beroperasi berdasarkan syariah Islam di Indonesia sangat diperlukan, serta bagaimana Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) sebagai bank yang, berdasarkan prinsip syariah dan memiliki karakteristik berbeda dengan bank konvensional, dalam operasionalnya memberikan perlindungan kepada nasabah penyimpan dana