228 research outputs found


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    The relation between of fuzzy subsets and classical mathematics is fundamental to extend of new approchs in applied mathematics. This paper, applies the concept of fuzzy metric on construction of fuzzy Hausdorff space and fuzzy manifold space. Based on these concepts, we present a concept of fuzzy metric Hausdorff spaces and fuzzy metric manifold spaces. This study, extends the concept of fuzzy metric space to union and product of fuzzy metric spaces and in this regard investigates the some product of fuzzy metric fuzzy manifold spaces. Valued-level subsets play the main role in the connection of the notation of manifolds and fuzzy metrics

    Scabies contamination status in Iran: A review

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    Background and aims: Scabies is a common worldwide parasitic contagious disease caused by Sarcoptes scabiei of the order of Astigmata of the family of Sarcoptidae. Therefore, this review is to determine the exact status of scabies in Iran in order to manage it better. Methods: On the whole, out of the 120 articles and books, 56 ones were covered based on items such as study purpose, date of publication, journal’s credibility, indication of the subject in them, transmittance, way of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Results: Due to the non-uniform geographical distribution of scabies in Iran, diagnosis and treatment of the disease is different. Studies show that scabies is on increase in Iran. Thus, scabies is a burden to the economy and the health care system. Prevalence of this disease has been rather high in Iran during war, prisons, and geographical humid areas which are variable in different provinces due to various climates. Conclusion: By regular monitoring and controlling the way the disease spreads, health of the population at risk can be maintained in order to bring health to the society that is among the main aims of every organizations and health providing institutions. This review focuses on scabies in Iran and other countries the entire world over to find ways for preventing and giving health care to control the diseas

    Routing of Electric Vehicles in a Stochastic Network with Non-recurrent Incidents

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    An approach for mapping an electric vehicle (EV) driver’s travel time constraints and risk-taking behavior to real-time routing in a probabilistic, time-dependent (or stochastic) network is proposed in this paper. The proposed approach is based on a heuristic algorithm that finds the shortest path according to the driver’s preferences. Accounting for en-route delays and alternate routes, the EV routing problem in stochastic networks is shown to exhibit other than the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) property; i.e., the traveling time for those who depart earlier may not reach sooner of those who depart later or wait en-route in the charging stations. The proposed approach provides EV drivers the option to manage their trip and reach the destination on time, while by taking advantage of the non-FIFO characteristics of the traffic network, charge their cars en-route. The proposed routing algorithm is tested on a given stochastic transportation network. The best routes based on the driver’s preferences are identified while accounting for the best-planned delays at the charging stations or en-route

    Measuring the Interference Effect of Bots in Disseminating Opposing Viewpoints Related to COVID-19 on Twitter Using Epidemiological Modeling

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    The activity of bots can influence the opinions and behavior of people, especially within the political landscape where hot-button issues are debated. To evaluate the bot presence among the propagation trends of opposing politically-charged viewpoints on Twitter, we collected a comprehensive set of hashtags related to COVID-19. We then applied both the SIR (Susceptible, Infected, Recovered) and the SEIZ (Susceptible, Exposed, Infected, Skeptics) epidemiological models to three different dataset states including, total tweets in a dataset, tweets by bots, and tweets by humans. Our results show the ability of both models to model the diffusion of opposing viewpoints on Twitter, with the SEIZ model outperforming the SIR. Additionally, although our results show that both models can model the diffusion of information spread by bots with some difficulty, the SEIZ model outperforms. Our analysis also reveals that the magnitude of the bot-induced diffusion of this type of information varies by subject

    Drag coefficient of a rising bubble in a shear-thinning fluid using the power-law scheme coupled with a Cahn-Hilliard equation with a variable mobility: A lattice Boltzmann study and comparison with experiment

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    This study aims to investigate the behavior of multicomponent fluid flows consisting of Newtonian and non-Newtonian components, especially terminal velocity of a rising bubble in a power-law fluid. A recent lattice Boltzmann (LB) model is extended using power-law scheme to be able to simulate both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid flows at high density and viscosity ratios. Also, a variable mobility is introduced in this study to minimize the unphysical error around small bubbles in the domain. A three-component fluid flow system is examined using a constant and variable mobility. It is shown that each component has more stability using variable mobility while constant mobility causes interface dissipation, leading to mass loss gradually. In addition, two test cases including power-law fluid flows driven between two parallel plates are conducted to show the accuracy and capability of the model. To find a grid-independent computational domain, a grid independency test is carried out to show that a 200*400 domain size is suitable for our computations. Then, terminal velocity of a rising bubble is compared to an existing correlation in the literature, indicating that the results are in good agreement with existing study so that average relative error in six different cases is 5.66 %. Also, the simulated examples show good conformity to experimental results over a range of the Reynolds and Eotvos numbers

    Black Holes in the Space of Literature: Gravitational Spacetime Singularities Applied to Maurice Blanchot’s Fictionality Face-to-Face with the Mystery of the Other

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    This article investigates and substantiates how Maurice Blanchot’s novels and récits collapse under their own gravity or in Blanchot’s words under “the gravity of one single word,” to form spacetime singularities/Neuters in the space of literature, where conception of the classical Einsteinian nonquantum spacetime continuum breaks down and where Hawking-Penrose theorems of spacetime singularities supersede; even though this supersedure entails General Theory of Relativity as its substratum. While spatiotemporal issues in Blanchot’s fictionality have to do with classical spacetime continuum and curvature, with establishing their legitimation through responsible and ethical relation with other persons as the only certain foothold to get at the authentic essence of time under the tutorship of Emmanuel Levinas, they are on the other hand subsisting on quantum theories engaged with the mystery of the Other whose wishful authenticity seems infinite, uncertain, and ungraspable ad infinitum. This is where this twofold Otherness having been dragging and spaghettificating itself from the beginning of time towards its end; that is, from the Big Bang to the Big Crunch, does emerge “to find the temporal transcendence of the present toward the mystery of the future” as Levinas asserts, so as to actualize our “horizontal escape” towards an infinite ecstasy face-to-face with “the Other that is time.

    Relationship between edge Szeged and edge Wiener indices of graphs

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    Let G be a connected graph and ξ(G) = Sze(G) - We(G), where We(G) denotes the edge Wiener index and Sze(G) denotes the edge Szeged index of G. In an earlier paper, it is proved that if T is a tree then Sze(T) = We(T). In this paper, we continue our work to prove that for every connected graph G, Sze(G) ≥ We(G) with equality if and only if G is a tree. We also classify all graphs with ξ(G) ≤ 5. Finally, for each non-negative integer n ≠ 1 there exists a graph G such that ξ(G) = n