75 research outputs found

    Fast Exact Search in Hamming Space with Multi-Index Hashing

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    There is growing interest in representing image data and feature descriptors using compact binary codes for fast near neighbor search. Although binary codes are motivated by their use as direct indices (addresses) into a hash table, codes longer than 32 bits are not being used as such, as it was thought to be ineffective. We introduce a rigorous way to build multiple hash tables on binary code substrings that enables exact k-nearest neighbor search in Hamming space. The approach is storage efficient and straightforward to implement. Theoretical analysis shows that the algorithm exhibits sub-linear run-time behavior for uniformly distributed codes. Empirical results show dramatic speedups over a linear scan baseline for datasets of up to one billion codes of 64, 128, or 256 bits

    Motivational Components Involved in the Metamotivational Monitoring in Medical Students

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    Background: Theoretical implications of self-regulated learning emphasize that self-regulation of motivation (metamotivation) plays an important role in learning, effort, perseverance, and academic success in general. Metamotivation is how people monitor and control their motivational states to achieve their goals. Researchers believe that metamotivation includes two reciprocal processes: metamotivational monitoring, evaluating whether the person has selected the proper level (quantity) and type (quality) of motivation to perform his tasks; and metamotivational control, using the results of the monitoring phase and applying suitable strategies for adapting or changing the motivation. In metamotivational monitoring, students try to identify the declined motivational component in order to regulate its quantity and quality using motivational regulation strategies. In this field, two important questions arise: How can identify and measure the motivational components involved in metamotivational monitoring? and: Which motivational component is targeted by the medical students when they use every motivational regulation strategy? Methods: Applying a multi-stage study, motivational components involved in metamotivational monitoring were characterized and a questionnaire developed. Then, using Structural Equation Modeling, predictive relationships between motivational components and motivational regulation strategies were investigated. Results: The Motivational Components Questionnaire (MCQ) showed acceptable evidence of validity and reliability. In the Exploratory Factor Analysis, 6 factors were discovered that explained 74% of the total variance. In examining the predictive relationships, each of the four components of self-efficacy, intrinsic value, self-relevant value and promotion value were specifically predicted by two motivational regulation strategies. Conclusions: Evidence of validity and reliability of the MCQ indicates that this questionnaire can be used in medical education contexts. Health Profession Educators can improve the academic motivation of students by identifying one or more declined motivational component and teaching specific motivational regulation strategies. It is recommended to hold training courses on motivational regulation strategies for medical school faculty, study-skills advisors, and students

    Population genetic study on common kilka (Clupeonella cultriventris Nordmann, 1840) in the Southwest Caspian Sea (Gilan Province, Iran) using microsatellite markers

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    This study represents population genetic analysis of the common kilka Clupeonella cultriventris (Nordmann, 1840) in the southwest Caspian Sea (Gilan Province). A total of 60 specimens of adult common kilka were sampled from two seasons (spring and summer), 2010. Fifteen pairs of microsatellites previously developed for American shad (Alosa sapidissima), Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi), Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) and Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) were tested on genomic DNA of common kilka. Alleles frequencies, the fixation index RST, observed and expected heterozygosity were determined at disomic loci amplified from fin tissue samples. Five pairs of primers (Cpa6, Cpa8, Cpa104, Cpa125 and AcaC051) as polymorphic loci were used to analyze the genetic variation of the common kilka population. Analyses revealed that an average of alleles per locus was 14.4 (range 5 to 21 alleles per locus in regions). All sampled regions contained private alleles. The average observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.153 and 0.888, respectively. All loci significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). Based on AMOVA, RST values was found to be 0.113 (Nm=1.96, P<0.01). The genetic distance between populations was 0.344, which indicates that the genetic difference among the studied populations is pronounced. These results support the existence of different genetic populations along the Caspian Sea coast (Guilan Province).Key words: Population genetic, Southwest Caspian Sea, microsatellite, Clupeonella cultriventris

    Metamotivation in Medical Students: Explaining Motivation Regulation Strategies in Medical Students

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    BACKGROUND: Metamotivation is a process that students use to monitor their motivational states to reach their academic goals. To date, few studies have addressed the ways that medical students manage their motivational states. This study aim to identify the motivational strategies of medical students as they use the metamotivational process to monitor and control their motivational states. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This qualitative study uses directed content analysis of the narrative responses of 18 medical students to draft an in-depth and semistructured interview protocol which were conducted through WhatsApp due to social distance restrictions of COVID-19. Data were collected, encoded, and analyzed using deductive content analysis approach descripted by Elo and Kyngäs. RESULTS: Seven main themes were extracted as the motivational strategies of medical students including “regulation of value,” “regulation of situational interest,” “self-consequating,” “environmental structuring,” “efficacy management,” “regulation of relatedness,” and “regulation of situational awareness.” In this study by identifying new strategies, we provide a broader framework of metamotivational strategies in the field of the progression of learners in medical education. CONCLUSION: Medical students use a variety of strategies to regulate their academic motivation. To sustain and improve the motivation of medical students, identifying and strengthening metamotivational strategies is the first step


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    Since coal mining production systems are very complex, repairing equipment is expensive. If a system failure occurs, it will cause disturbances such as inoperable equipment, reduced operating time, increased production costs, and reduced equipment performance. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the availability of the coal mining industry more than ever. For this purpose, the Armored Face Conveyor (AFC) machine failure data was gathered over a period of 29 months from the Tabas Coal Mine. Descriptive statistics, trends, and serial correlation tests of the data were calculated. Then, the system’s mean and point availability were simulated. Based on the results, the mean availability (all events) and point availability (all events) at 360000 h are 96% and 95%, respectively. The mean time to first failure (MTTFF) of the AFC machine was about 23.61 h. The ReliaSoft Failure Criticality Index, ReliaSoft Downing Event Criticality Index, and ReliaSoft Downtime Criticality Index electrical equipping have the largest effect, whereas the main drive subsystem is the least important. Analysis showed that availability has a direct correlation to activity management and improvements in the quality, efficiency, and the product extraction.Sustavi proizvodnje ugljena u rudnicima vrlo su složeni, stoga je i popravak opreme skup. Kvar sustava uzrokovat će smetnje kao što je nedostupna oprema, smanjeno vrijeme rada, povećani troškovi proizvodnje i smanjene performanse opreme. Stoga je nužno da se dostupnost industrije ugljena razmatra više nego ikad. U tu svrhu 29 mjeseci prikupljani su podatci o kvaru stroja tipa oklopljenoga širokočelnoga transportera iz rudnika ugljena Tabas. Izračunane su opisna statistika, trendovi i test serijske korelacije podataka. Zatim su simulirane srednje vrijednosti i dostupnost bodova u sustavu. Na temelju rezultata prosječna dostupnost (svi događaji) i dostupnost točke (svi događaji) na 360 000 h iznose 96 % odnosno 95 %. Prosječno je vrijeme do prvoga kvara (MTTFF) transportnog stroja oko 23,61 h. U trima metričkim vrijednostima, ReliaSoft indeksu kritičnosti kvara, ReliaSoft indeksu kritičnosti pada sustava i ReliaSoft indeksu kritičnosti zastoja, električno opremanje ima najveći učinak, dok je glavni pogonski podsustav najmanje važan. Utvrđeno je da analiza dostupnosti kontrolira upravljanje operacijama i poboljšanja u kvaliteti, učinkovitosti i izvedbi linije

    Antimicrobial Effects of SeptiTurbo, Deconex (Solarsept) and 0.525% Sodium Hypochlorite Spray on Alginate Impression Materials

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    Objectives: Dental impressions are among the potentially infectious items in dentistry. Dental impressions are invariably contaminated with saliva or blood. Such fluids may contain viral or bacterial pathogens including Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Porphyromonas and Prevotella. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of three different types of disinfectants on alginate impression materials after one, three and five minutes.Methods: In this in vitro experimental study, 126 circular samples of alginate impression materials were contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and were then disinfected with 0.525% sodium hypochlorite, Deconex (Solarsept) and SeptiTurbo spray. Afterwards, the samples were wrapped in moist paper towels and kept in plastic bags for one, three and five minutes. Number of bacterial colonies was counted 24 hours after incubation. Negative and positive controls were included.Results: After five minutes, 0.525% sodium hypochlorite showed the highest disinfection activity against S. aurous as it eradicated over 99.98% of the bacteria. Although the disinfecting agents showed non-significant results in eradicating S. aureus, SeptiTurbo was more effective in elimination of S. aurous . The disinfection activity of different agents increased with time.Conclusion: This study revealed that alginate can be effectively disinfected with SeptiTurbo and sodium hypochlorite by the spraying technique. This study highlighted the efficacy of SeptiTurbo for eradication of S. aurous

    Parametric 3D Convolutional Autoencoder for the Prediction of Flow Fields in a Bed Configuration of Hot Particles

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    The use of deep learning methods for modeling fluid flow has drawn a lot of attention in the past few years. In situations where conventional numerical approaches can be computationally expensive, these techniques have shown promise in offering accurate, rapid, and practical solutions for modeling complex fluid flow problems. The success of deep learning is often due to its ability to extract hidden patterns and features from the data, enabling the creation of data-driven reduced models that can capture the underlying physics of the domain. We present a data-driven reduced model for predicting flow fields in a bed configuration of hot particles. The reduced model consists of a parametric 3D convolutional autoencoder. The first part resolves the spatial and temporal dependencies present in the input sequence, while the second part of the architecture is responsible for predicting the solution at the subsequent timestep based on the information gathered from the preceding part. We also propose the utilization of a post-processing non-trainable output layer following the decoding path to incorporate the physical knowledge, e.g., no-slip condition, into the prediction. The evaluation of the reduced model for a bed configuration with variable particle temperature showed accurate results at a fraction of the computational cost required by traditional numerical simulation methods

    The study of the correlation between medication adherence and quality of life of Rheumatoid Arthritis patients

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    Background and aims: Patient adherences with therapeutic regimens reduce the severity of desease negative complications and its non-adherence as a barrier to achieving the medical. The aim at this study was to determine the correlation between medication adherence and quality of life of Rheumatoid Arthritis patients in Shariati hospital in 2016. Methods: This study was descriptive-correlational that population consisted of all Arthritis patients in Shariati hospital in Tehran. 252 patients were recruited by convenience sampling. Three questionnaires were used to collect data including the demographic characteristics questionnaire, the medication adherence “CQR” and SF-36. The validity and reliability of SF-36 in similar studies and the validity and reliability of CQR by researcher was approved. Data were analyzed by SPSS. Results: The results showed the levels of medication adherence with an average of 65.86±5.85 and the quality of life of patients with an average of 51.96±9.73. Spearman correlation coefficient showed that no significant correlation between medication adherence and quality of life of patients (P=0.663, r=0.02). Medication adherence had a significant correlation between energy/fatigue subscales of quality of life (P=0.035, r=0.13). Conclusion: Due to the fact that medication adherence was not a predictor of quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Therefore, it cannot be poured programs for these patients to improve their quality of life due to medication adherence

    Strategic Planning for Agriculture Section using Swot, QSPM and Blue ocean- case Study: Eshraq Agro-industry company

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    Strategic management is defined as a set of management decisions and actions that determine a company's long-term performance and lead and control the organization so that it can quickly respond to some internal and external environmental changes. Obviously, the agricultural sector and natural resources are one of the most significant economic sectors of the country because of their vital role in providing the required food and nutritional safety. The present study aims to determine the appropriate strategies for Eshraq agro-industry Company. In this study, agricultural sector and animal husbandry strategies are determined simultaneously. The SWOT analytical framework has been used to determine the appropriate strategies. Eventually, after assessing the situations and strategic actions by the SPACE method using the QSPM strategic approach, the determined strategies have been sorted according to importance and priority which include small livestock, aviculture, aquaculture, establishing dairy plants and value-added production, developing the existing dairy cattle, increasing milk and meat production and changing land uses from farms to gardens respectively