29 research outputs found

    A comparative study about the impact of sensory stimulation performed by family members and nurses on vital signs of patients at ICU: A randomized clinical trial

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    Some studies have shown the effects of sensory stimulation on vital signs of patients at intensive care unit (ICU). However, little knowledge is available about family role compared to the role of nursing staff in this issue and current results are controversial. The aim of this study is to compare the impact of sensory stimulation performed by family members and nurses on vital signs of patients at ICU. In this study, 9669 patients were categorized into two intervention groups and one control group by stratified block randomization method. Dyang sensory stimulation was provided by family members and nursing staff. No intervention was performed for control group. Sensory stimulation was performed 2 hours a day for 6 consecutive days. The vital signs were assessed 5 minutes before and 30 minutes after intervention. Data analysis was performed by ANCOVA, ANOVA and repeated measures. The results showed that there was significant difference between the experimental groups in terms of vital signs before and after the intervention (p<0.001). Of this aspect, family group was the best, nursing group was the second and control group was the last group in classification. The effect of sensory stimulation on vital signs of comatose patients was greater when provided by family members

    Interaction of fish density and background color effects on growth performance, proximate body composition and skin color of common carp, Cyprinus carpio

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    This study was carried out to evaluate the combined effects of three stocking densities and two tank colors on growth, body composition and skin coloration of common carp (1.41±0.05 g). Fish with low (LD: 20 specimens/tank or 0.70 g/L), medium (MD: 40 specimens/tank or 1.41 g/L) and high (HD: 80 specimens/tank or 2.82 g/L) densities were reared in two tank colors (black and white) for 45 days. At the end of the experiment, density recorded 2.45 g/L and 7.00 g/L at low and high densities treatments, respectively. The final weight and specific growth rate of the fish at LD treatment were significantly higher than those of MD and HD treatments. The highest weight (4.90±0.44 g) and the lowest feed conversion ratio (1.21±0.13) were obtained for the LD fish treatment reared in the black tanks. Rearing density has a significant effect on the fish body total protein content, but the tank color had no effects on this factor. The fish body lipid content in the white tanks and high density was significantly higher than other treatments. Significant interactions between tank color and rearing density were observed for the fish body protein, fiber and dry matter. The fish skin color was considered by three factors: L*, a* and b*. The results showed that black color had a negative effect on the fish skin color indices. Brightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) values of the fish skin in the white tanks were higher than those of the black tanks. In the present study, tank color and rearing density significantly affected growth and feed performance of common carp, while no combined interaction was found between the two factors examined


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    Introduction: performance evaluation is as one of the principal tasks of managers to achieve organizational goals and promote the quality of services. It can have an impact on job satisfaction. This study aimed to determine the impact of performance evaluation by compilation method on nurses’ job satisfaction. Methods: forty eight nurses working in hospitals in Ramhormoz were enrolled with census. In the first phase, their job satisfaction was measured using JDI questionnaire. Then, before the intervention, samples were taught about the new way of compilation performance evaluating was made by researcher during a workshop session, then using the compilation evaluation form, their evaluation was for two months. At the end of the evaluation and feedback to subjects, again their job satisfaction were measured and job satisfaction scores after the intervention than before the intervention were compared and evaluated. Data were analyzed using the software SPSS-22. Results: The results of this study showed that the performance evaluation scores of subjects after intervention [researcher made compilation performance evaluation] compared to pre-intervention three dimensions work, colleagues and supervisors of JDI job satisfaction separately and as a whole increased and there are significant differences meaningful. The results showed that there are significant difference in the scores of size [P <0/001], supervisor [P <0/001], college [P = 0/002] and job satisfaction [P <0/001]. Conclusions: Using new evaluation methods for nurses according to the clinical situation not only will increase the job satisfaction but also will improve the quality of patient care. Its application for Nursing Management Changes in the traditional evaluation systems and using new nurses’ evaluation methods and involving all in the evaluation can increase the level of the quality of care services. The implementation of this new method promotes the sense of confidence and job satisfaction. Keywords: performance evaluation, nurse, job satisfaction

    تحلیل فقهی حقوقی تمکین زوجین در شرایط بیماری وسواس

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    Background and Aim: Obsession as one of the common diseases in society, in many cases, disrupts the family system, especially sexual relations. Considering the necessity of special compliance in the couples’ life, the importance of the marital relationship in the continuation of the marriage and the peace of the couple on the one hand, and the possibility of the influence of each couple’s obsession on the other hand, study the non-compliance order in such circumstances is necessary. With this aim, the present research was written to investigate the scope of the non-compliance order on obsessive couples. Materials and Methods: This research examines the non-compliance order on obsessive couples by descriptive analytical method and using library sources. Findings: In psychology, obsession has mild, moderate, severe and obsessive madness stages. When the obsession is in a severe state and obsessive madness, it is out of the patient's will and the behavior is done involuntarily. Based on this, because the obsessive person involuntarily refuses to compliance and "Nashez" and "Nashzeh" are among the titles of intention, it is not possible to impose the non-compliance order. Of course, if the patient refuses the treatment, it is an example of hurting the partner and the non-compliance order applies to him.زمینه و هدف: وسواس به عنوان یکی از بیماری‌های شایع در جامعه، در بسیاری از موارد، مختل‌کننده نظام خانواده به ویژه در حوزه روابط جنسی می‌شود. با توجه به لزوم تمکین خاص در زندگی مشترک زوجین، اهمیت رابطۀ زناشویی در تداوم زوجیت و تسالم زوجین از سویی و احتمال تأثیر وسواس در نشوز هریک از زوجین وسواسی نسبت به طرف مقابل، بررسی حکم نشوز در چنین شرایطی امری لازم و ضروری می‌نماید. با این هدف، پژوهش حاضر در جهت بررسی شمول حکم نشوز بر زوجین وسواسی نگاشته شده است. مواد و روش‌ها: این تحقیق با روش توصیفی تحلیلی و با استفاده از منابع کتابخانه‌ای، حکم نشوز را درخصوص زوجین وسواسی مورد بررسی قرار می‌دهد. یافته‌ها: از منظر روانشناسی وسواس دارای مراحل خفیف، متوسط، شدید و جنون وسواسی است. زمانی که وسواس در حالت شدید و جنون وسواسی باشد، وسواس، از اراده و اختیار بیمار خارج شده و رفتارهای او به شکل غیر ارادی انجام می‌گیرد. بر این اساس به دلیل اینکه فرد وسواسی به صورت غیرارادی از تمکین خودداری می‌‌کند و «ناشز» و «ناشزه» از عناوین قصدیه هستند، نمی‌توان حکم نشوز را بر او بار نمود. البته اگر بیمار از درمان خودداری نماید، مصداق آزار رساندن طرف مقابل بوده، نشوز در مورد او صدق می‌کند

    Efficacy of using Sanyar prebiotics in biofloc environment: Evaluation of production performance, water nitrogen compounds, hematological and metabolic responses of common carp, Cyprinus carpio

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    The study was performed to find out the potential effects of Sanyar prebiotic on production performance, water nitrogen compounds, blood and metabolic parameters of common carp, Cyprinus carpio reared in a biofloc system. 324 fingerlings (average weight 10.09 ± 0.45 g) were stocked in eighteen 35-L tanks (18 fish in each tank). After 10 days of adaptation to laboratory conditions, six experimental groups were tested for 60 days including: control group without additive with clean water (C), control group without additive with floc (FC), floc groups with 0.1 and 0.2 g (FP1 and FP2) prebiotic powder and floc groups with 1 and 2 mL (FL1 and FL2) liquid prebiotic per 100 g of basic diet. At the end of the experiment, FP1 group exhibited significant increase in final biomass weight, final density, and protein efficiency ratio and decrease in feed conversion ratio in comparison with the other groups. Total water ammonia nitrogen was reduced in the C group compared to the FC. Serum urea and creatinine levels increased significantly in the FC group compared to the other experimental groups. ALT, AST and ALP enzymes were significantly increased in groups C and FC compared to the groups fed with Saynar prebiotic. The highest number of red and white blood cells was obtained in FL1 and FC groups, respectively. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of FP1 (0.1 g Sanyar prebiotic per 100 g of basic diet) can be potentially used as health enhancer in common carp reared under biofloc system

    The survey of effect of Kombucha tea on activity of hepatic UDPGT enzyme in mice

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    Background and aims: Kombucha is an ancient food and healing source with Asian origin. Kombucha consists of a wide range of acids, including vitamin C, organic materials, enzymes, and B-group vitamins, which has provided it with immense value. This study was aimed to investigate the effects of Kombucha tea consumption on hepatic UDPGT enzyme in mice. Methods: In this experimental study, 21 small male albino mice and CD-1 genus were used. Albino mice species were purchased from serum Institute in Karaj Hisarak. Mice with a weight between 18 to 25 g were selected. Animals were kept in triplex group in polycarbonate cages. Animal rooms were equipped with air-conditioner. Ambient temperature was retained at about 22°C, and humidity 50%. A light cycle was set at 12 hours brightness and 12 hours darkness. The intensive diet was used that produced by animal Pars feeds for mice feeding. Finally, UDPGA enzyme was measured. Results: Consumption of kombucha tea for seven days of experiment caused a significant increase in enzyme activity in mice liver UDPGT compared to the negative control group, from the first day until the seventh day of experiment. Conclusion: Kombucha tea induced the UDPGT enzyme; thus, it accelerated the detoxification of the body and should be cautioned about simultaneous administration of this beverage with some drugs (such as steroids, acetaminophen, cardio– vascular medicine, etc.) that they metabolize through conjugation. Medical community in this case must be justified and their opinion must be considered when people are using this tea. Finally, kombucha tea consumption did not increase the liver weight. So, UDPGT induction was not the reason of liver weight increase

    Analyzing the Function of Business Intelligence in Academic Libraries

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    Purpose: The research was conducted to investigate the impact of business intelligence on the key activities of academic libraries. Method: This study is applied research with an exploratory nature done with the mixed method. The approach of the research is part-to-whole (induction), developed in two stages. First, the key activities were identified with the documentary research (library) method and validated by the fuzzy Delphi qualitative method in two stages. Then, the impact of business intelligence on the identified activities was investigated with the quantitative survey method. The data collection tool was a structured questionnaire, and the statistical population was selected by purposive sampling. Results: Forty-three key activities were identified in 11 functioning fields: 1) strategic management, 2) planning, 3) human resource management, 4) knowledge management, 5) physical space management, 6) evaluation, 7) extra-organizational communication, 8) group building, 9) partnership and cooperation, 10) management Information and organization, 11) reference and information services. Business intelligence in the field of "planning" has the greatest effect while its effect in the field of "physical space management" is the least. Finally, according to experts' opinions, the impact of business intelligence on the key activities of academic libraries was estimated as "high". The greatest impact was observed in the key activity of "change management" and the least in "agility in adapting to environmental changes". Conclusion: By aligning their key activities with technological developments, especially business intelligence, academic libraries can provide innovative and creative services to keep up with the changing society by using data and analytical methods, and effectively increase efficiency in libraries. It is suggested that increasing awareness at managerial levels about the importance of business intelligence in libraries be among the high-priority programs of senior managers of academic libraries

    Comparison of the Frequency and Complications of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion in Patients with Septic and Aseptic Meningitis

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    ObjectiveDue to the high prevalence of syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion (SIADH). This study was carried out to evaluate the prevalence and relevant parameters of SIADH in children with septic and aseptic memingitis hospitalized at Kashan Shahid Beheshti Hospital between 1996 and 2006.Materials &amp; MethodsThis descriptive study was conducted on 230 patients with meningitis hospitalized in the pediatric wards of Kashan Shahid Beheshti Hospital between 1996 and 2006. Relevant information (age, gender, type of meningitis, serum sodium and potassium, urine specific gravity (USG), blood sugar, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinin, hydration condition) was collected from patients' records. Data was analyzed using Mann-Whitney and K2 tests.ResultsOut of 230 patients with meningitis, 33 had incomplete records and only 197 patients were recruited for this study. Sixty eight cases (34.5%) suffered from SIADH. It was more frequent among 1-2 year old  children.According to this research, SIADH was diagnosed in 57% of the 121 patients with hyponatremia, 58.7% of the 167 patients with USG &gt; 1.004, 74% of the 93 patients with serum osmolity &lt; 280 mOs/L and 100% of the patients with BUN &lt; 10 mg%.ConclusionDue to the high prevalence of SIADH in septic and aseptic meningitis and its complication, it is recommended to restrict fluid therapy and monitor serum sodium, urine specific gravity and other diagnostic tests for SIADH.Keywords: Hyponatremia; Meningitis; SIADH, Septic, Asepti