11 research outputs found

    The effect of audit committee characteristics and auditor changes on financial restatement in Iran

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo comprender y familiarizarse más con el impacto y las funciones del comité de auditoría y sus características, incluida la experiencia y la independencia de los miembros, las experiencias relacionadas y el cambio de auditor sobre la calidad de la información financiera en las empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Teherán (TSE). Los datos requeridos se recopilan de 105 empresas que cotizan en el TSE durante 2012-2016 y se utiliza el modelo de regresión logística para la prueba de hipótesis. Los hallazgos del estudio indican un impacto positivo y significativo de las características del comité de auditoría, excepto la independencia de la auditoría que representa una asociación negativa, y los cambios de auditor en la reexpresión financiera. La innovación del presente estudio en relación con otros estudios realizados radica en la evaluación simultánea de las características del comité de auditoría y el cambio de auditor sobre la calidad de la información financiera. Dichos resultados podrían ser apropiados para que los profesionales de acciones y valores cumplan con el organigrama del comité de auditoría, requieran el uso de principios de gobierno corporativo y proporcionen voluntariamente un informe de gobierno corporativo.The present study aims to realize and become more familiar with the impact and the functions of audit committee and its characteristics, including the expertise and independence of members, related experiences, and change of auditor on the quality of financial reporting in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE). The required data are gathered from 105 listed companies on the TSE during 2012-2016 and logistic regression model is used for the hypothesis testing. The findings of the study indicate a positive and significant impact of audit committee characteristics, except audit independency which represents a negative association, and changes of auditor on financial restatement. The innovation of the present study relative to other conducted studies lies in the simultaneous evaluation of audit committee characteristics and change of auditor on the quality of financial reporting. Such results could be appropriate for Stocks and Securities practitioners to comply with the chart of the audit committee, to necessitate the use of corporate governance principles, and to voluntarily provide a corporate governance reportUniversidad Pablo de Olavid


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    ABSTRACT: The mutualistic association between roots and mycorrhizal fungi can improve a plant's nutritional state since it facilitates the absorption of the main elements in the soil (N, P, K), increases the volume of soil explored by the root system, improves the plant's resistance to some diseases, and increases its production of dry matter. The mobility of this element is very slow in the soil physiological and biochemical plant activities like and cannot respond to its rapid uptake by plants. This study is a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replicates and all experiments were performed with different levels. In this experiment, a variety of wheat called clear that improved cultivars were used. According to the analysis of variance table mycorrhiza effect on grain yield, harvest index, Plant dry weight, Weight of 1000 grains was significant

    Effects of combined Red and Blue light spectra as supplemental light on yield and fruit quality of sweet pepper

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    Purpose: The use of supplementary light in regions with low natural sunlight is necessary to fulfill the increasing consumer requests for fresh vegetables. This study aimed to investigate the effect of different combinations of red and blue LEDs on yield and quality of greenhouse-grown sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) fruits during the growth period. Research method: The experiments were conducted in Rasht, Iran as split plots in the form of a completely randomized design in three repetitions (four plants per plot) on two cultivars of sweet pepper (Padra and Shadlin). With the appearance of the first flower buds, plants were exposed to different light treatments including: three combinations of red (R) and blue (B) LEDs (T1:R8B1, T2:R7B2, and T3:R6B3), with a same intensity of 200 μmolm-2s-1 as supplement light to the natural light, together with natural light as control treatment (CT). Sweet pepper fruits were harvested weekly over 27 weeks and fruit yield and quality were assessed. Findings: Supplemental light using LEDs significantly increased yield and fruit quality parameters (except titratable acidity and maturity index) compared to the control. Marketable yield was differed among the light treatments and plants exposed to T3 showed the highest marketable yield (14.58 kg/m2). The effect of supplemental light on total yield was more detectable when the average daily light integral was the lowest (for example, the difference between T3 and the control treatment in January was 1.27 kg/m2, while this difference was 0.68 kg/m2 in June). No significant difference was observed between cultivars and T3 was the best treatment in most parameters. Research limitations: No limitations were found. Originality/Value: In the northern regions of Iran, even in the months that do not seem to have light limitations, the use of supplementary light is recommended to increase the yield of sweet peppers in the greenhouse

    The Impact of Corruption and Political Risk on the Energy Intensity of Mena Selected Countries

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    Corruption and political risk are important factors affecting the economies that can affect various aspects of people's lives. On the other hand, one of the important economic indicators that shows the intensity of energy consumption, and in other words, the amount of energy consumption in each country, is the energy intensity. Energy intensity is a crucial indicator by which we can understand the trend of changing energy efficiency in different years. Given the importance of this issue, the present study examines the effect of corruption and political risk along with other factors on the energy intensity of selected countries in the Mena region, including Iran, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE using by a panel data model for 2003 to 2019. The results show that corruption, political risk, and factors such as good governance, foreign investment, and human development are important. Therefore, improving education and awareness by reducing corruption and political risk can lead to better implementation of energy efficiency programs

    The relationship between corporate governance characteristics and agency costs

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    The present study aims to evaluate the contributing factors to agency costs in Iran. In this regard, 112 companies were studied over 2010 - 2016. Since the model is dynamic and the dependent variable suffers from a lag, the generalized method of moments is employed to free the independent variables and the disruptive component. The findings indicate a significant lag in the dependent variable of all three models. An audit committee’s presence significantly affects the decline of agency costs in all three models. Moreover, results suggest that family companies and the state shareholders of all three models have no significant impact on the agency costs. The existence of financial leverage matching with all three models causes the decline of agency costs. In terms of assets, Larger companies based on the three models have more agency costs as well


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    ABSTRACT: Legumes plant plays an essential role in sustainability of agricultural systems. Soybean (Glycine max) is one of the most important sources of oil and protein and is commonly used in both human and animal diets. One of the fertilizers that are used a lot in various crop plants is phosphorous, which is applied as phosphorous fertilizers to the soil. The experiment was conducted at the miandoroud sari (in Iran). The field experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with factorial design with three replications. Factor A included bacterium azospirillum (A1: insemination; A2: No insemination), factor B included Phosphate fertil 2 (B1: insemination, B2: No insemination) and factor c included phosphorus fertilizer (C1: No insemination, C2: 50kg). Analysis of variance shows that Azospirillium brasilense has a significant effect on biological yield, grain yield at 1% level

    The Effect of Different Concentrations of Growth Regulators and the Type of Explants on Embryogenesis and Rooting of German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L)

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    Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) is one of the nine important medicinal plants found in the world. In this study, the effect of different concentrations of plant growth regulators and explants has been investigated on embryogenesis and rooting of German chamomile (Matricaria spp.). MS culture medium (Murashige Skoog., 1986) was the basal medium in this experiment. Factorial experiments were conducted in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. In testing the effect of 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and Kinetin on the embryogenesis, factors included: (NAA) at four levels (0, 0.5, 1, 2 mg/l), Kinetin at four levels (0, 0.5, 1, 2 mg/l) and explants in three levels: Stem, Axillary buds and leaves. In investigating the effect of NAA and Kinetin on rooting, factors included NAA at four levels: (0, 0.5, 1, 2 mg/l), Kinetin at four levels: (0, 0.5, 1, 2 mg/l). Results showed that leaf explants in culture medium containing a treatment Al: (NAA: 1 +Kin: 1mg/l) and stem explants in culture medium containing a treatment A2: (NAA: 1 +Kin: 0.5 mg/l) and the Axillary bud explants in culture medium containing hormonal composition of A3: (NAA: 0.5 +Kin: 1mg/l) produced the highest embryogenic calli. In terms of rooting, the culture medium containing the treatment A4: (NAA: 1 +Kin: 0 mg/l) created the highest rooting

    The impact of the characteristics and behaviors of the board of directors on agency costs in Iran

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    The present study aims to identify the contributing factors to agency costs in Iran applying panel data technique for financial data of 112 listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange from 2011 through 2017. Three models of measurement namely (1) inverse asset turnover ratio; (2) operational cost to sales ratio; and (3) the index obtained from the factor analysis of inverse variables of asset ratio and operational cost to sales ratio are used. The obtained results indicate that the greater number of board directors’ meeting may improve the level of agency costs (based on two cost models), and it also may increase the level of agency costs (based on one model). Second, the results of the paper show that the higher educational level of boards’ members may also decrease the agency cost. Moreover, we evidence that the presence of women in the board of directors, and the ownership of firms’ share by the members of the board of directors may increase the level of agency cost for firms. Since only one (out of three) model suggests these associations, our findings are less severe in these regards. Further analyses document that appointing one of the board director’s members as chief executive officer (CEO duality) plies no effective role in mitigating the agency cost. The similar findings, based on our three cost models, suggest a robust conclusion in this context.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los factores que contribuyen a los costos de agencia en Irán aplicando la técnica de datos de panel para datos financieros de 112 empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Teherán desde 2011 hasta 2017. Tres modelos de medición, a saber (1) índice de rotación de activos inversa; (2) relación entre el costo operativo y las ventas; y (3) se utiliza el índice obtenido del análisis factorial de variables inversas de razón de activos y razón de costo operacional a ventas. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el mayor número de juntas de directores puede mejorar el nivel de costos de agencia (basado en dos modelos de costos), y también puede aumentar el nivel de costos de agencia (basado en un modelo). En segundo lugar, los resultados del documento muestran que el mayor nivel educativo de los miembros de las juntas también puede reducir el costo de la agencia. Además, evidenciamos que la presencia de mujeres en la junta directiva y la propiedad de la participación de las empresas por parte de los miembros de la junta directiva pueden aumentar el nivel de costo de agencia para las empresas. Dado que solo uno (de cada tres) modelo sugiere estas asociaciones, nuestros hallazgos son menos severos en estos aspectos. Los análisis adicionales documentan que nombrar a uno de los miembros del director de la junta como director ejecutivo (dualidad del CEO) no desempeña un papel efectivo en la mitigación del costo de la agencia. Los hallazgos similares, basados en nuestros tres modelos de costos, sugieren una conclusión sólida en este contexto


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    ABSTRACT: Wheat is a major cereal crop in many parts of the world and it is commonly known as king of cereals. Properly applied nitrogen fertilizer has a positive effect on crop yield. At a high level of such fertilization it is advantageous to apply it twice or three times to plants at different stages of development. There is an opinion that mycorrhizal fungi occur in chickpea plants and improve the growth and yield of these plants, especially in phosphorus deficient soil. In this study, research crops planted in 2011, and Khash mountain stage carried the gem industry. This study is a factorial experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replicates and all experiments were performed with different levels. To measure this attribute required for analysis (about 250 g) of seeds harvested per plot were randomly selected, were inside the envelope was sent to the labtally after installation. Analysis of variance shows a significant effect on mycorrhiza in 5% of the dry weight, Protein percent, Harvest index, Grain yield of the plant is wheat


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    ABSTRACT: Soybean has the highest amount of proteins among the legumes. The application of fertilizers is one of the primary methods for improving the availability of soil nutrients to plants. Fertilizing can change rates of plant growth, maturity time, size of plant parts, and phytochemical content of plants. Phosphorus deficiency can limit nodulation by legumes and P fertilizer application can overcome the deficiency. The experiment was conducted at the miandoroud sari (in Iran). Factor A included bacterium azospirillum (A1: insemination; A2: No insemination), factor B included Phosphate fertil 2 (B1: insemination, B2: No insemination) and factor c included phosphorus fertilizer (C1: No insemination, C2: 50kg). Analysis of variance shows that Azospirillium brasilense has a significant effect on Plant height and seed weight per plant at 1% level