27 research outputs found

    Gelagat kepatuhan pembayaran zakat pendapatan : Kajian kes UUM

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    Berdasarkan kepada asas zakat dikenakan ke atas harta yang berkembang, maka berlaku perluasan kewajipan ruang berzakat kepada harta-harta berkembang yang lain selain daripada lima jenis harta yang diamalkan oleh Rasulullah saw. Rentetan dari itu kebanyakan negeri telah mewartakan zakat pendapatan sebagai zakat yang wajib dikeluarkan oleh individu Islam. Lebih menarik lagi, bukan sahaja jumlah kutipan bagi negeri malahan jumlah kutipan zakat pendapatan di daerah-daerah kecil juga mencatatkan peningkatan. Sebagai contoh, kutipan zakat pendapatan di daerah Kubang Pasu telah meningkat dari RM35,450.41 pada tahun 1990 kepada RM1,760,925.40 pada tahun 2003 iaitu berlaku peningkatan sebanyak 48.67 kali ganda berbanding tahun 1990. Daripada jumlah tersebut, sebanyak RM918,478 merupakan kutipan zakat pendapatan daripada kakitangan UUM melalui skim potongan gaji. Namun sehingga April 2004 peratus kakitangan UUM yang membayar zakat pendapatan melalui skim potongan gaji hanyalah sekitar 28.57 peratus sahaja. Adakah selebihnya tidak mengeluarkan zakat pendapatan? Atau mungkinkah mereka menyalurkan zakat tersebut terus kepada asnaf tertentu? Bertitik tolak dari persoalan ini, maka adalah suatu yang menarik untuk mengkaji gelagat individu (kakitangan UUM) mengeluarkan zakat pendapatan. Dengan menggunakan teknik penganggaran maximum likelihood dalam pengujian hipotesis berarah, beberapa pembolehubah bebas telah dikenalpasti sebagai faktor yang signifkan mempengaruhi gelagat individu mengeluarkan zakat

    Fatty-Acid Profiles, Triacylglycerol Compositions, and Crystalline Structures of Bambangan-Seed Fat Extracted Using Different Solvents

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    Currently, research on the bambangan-fruit seed has become interesting because of its potential application as a cocoa butter alternative. This work aimed to determine the changes in the quality of the extracted bambangan-seed fat (BSF) obtained using hexane, petroleum ether, and ethanol. The extraction solvents affected the total fat content (TFC), physicochemical properties, fatty-acid profile, triacylglycerol composition, and crystalline structure of the extracted BSF. The results showed that BSF has a high content of 1,3-distreoyl-2-oleoyl-glycerol (SOS). The solvent-type significantly (p < 0.05) impacts the stearic and oleic acids of the extracts, resulting in apparent changes in the high-melting symmetrical triacylglycerols, such as SOS. Petroleum-ether-extracted BSF has a high stearic acid of 33.40%, followed by that of hexane- and ethanol-extracted BSF at 29.29% and 27.84%, respectively. Moreover, the spherulitic microstructure with needle-like crystals of the extracts also ranges from 30 to 70 µm in diameter. Hexane-extracted BSF illustrated a less-dense, spherulitic, crystalline microstructure with a less-granular centre than those extracted using the other solvents. The results suggested that the quality of the extracted BSF obtained from the nonpolar solvents of hexane and petroleum ether are better than that extracted using ethanol

    Akses terbuka sebagai medium pemartabatan bahasa Melayu

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    Akses terbuka merupakan sebuah pangkalan data teks penuh yang boleh diakses secara percuma tanpa ada sekatan dari segi pembayaran dan boleh diakses oleh sesiapapun di seluruh dunia. Akses terbuka ini mengandungi segala jenis bahan daripada yang bersifat umum sehinggalah artikel jurnal ilmiah, saintifik dan berkualiti. Penerbitan artikel ilmiah terus berkembang dari semasa ke semasa dan pada 2010, lebih daripada 40 juta artikel telah diindeks oleh Scopus manakala 2016 pula, jumlah penerbitan ilmiah yang diindeks oleh Scopus bagi Malaysia ialah sebanyak 24,168 artikel iaitu jumlah terbanyak di Asia Tenggara. Namun, persoalannya berapa banyakkah daripada jumlah tersebut yang dapat diakses secara terbuka dan menggunakan kata kunci bahasa Melayu dalam penulisan tersebut? Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan dalam akses terbuka berdasarkan dua kata kunci iaitu “Bahasa Melayu” dan “Bahasa Melayu”+“Malaysia”. Seterusnya menjelaskan hubungan antara akses terbuka dengan pemartabatan bahasa Melayu. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa, terdapat sebanyak 12,960,000 jumlah hasil pencarian bagi kedua-dua kata kunci yang telah dipilih. Kata kunci bagi “Bahasa Melayu”+“Malaysia” telah menunjukkan kandungan bahan ilmiah yang lebih banyak berbanding kata kunci “Bahasa Melayu” sahaja. Selain itu, hubungan antara akses terbuka dengan pemartabatan bahasa Melayu ialah sebagai wadah penyebaran ilmu bahasa Melayu di serata dunia, perkongsian sumber ilmu bahasa Melayu antara institusi akademik dan perpustakaan, simpanan bahan bahasa Melayu dalam pangkalan data sepanjang zaman dan pengukur kepada kewibawaan penyelidik dan kualiti bahan terbitan Bahasa Melayu. Oleh sebab itu, teknologi akses terbuka harus dimanfaatkan sebaiknya sebagai medium pemartabatan bahasa Melayu

    The Perception of Islamic Studies Learners Towards a New Approach in Knowledge Transfer for Islamic Studies Programmes at OUM

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    Knowledge transfer is the sharing or dissemination of knowledge and the provision of input for problem solving. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed lives in various ways, including the way of learning and transferring knowledge. The process of knowledge transfer has also changed due to technologyassisted learning and the needs of the process. According to Islamic scholars, the authenticity of knowledge is confirmed through a specific medium, i.e., face-to-face meeting or discussion with a teacher (talaqqi). Thus, some may not be open to a new approach in knowledge transfer in the field of Islamic studies, which is online learning. This study is aimed at identifying the perception of Islamic Studies students at OUM towards the medium of knowledge transfer in Islamic Studies programmes. The quantitative method of questionnaires was used to obtain data. The findings of the data, which was analysed using descriptive statistics on SPSS, revealed that the perception of a sample of Islamic Studies students at OUM towards the concept of online learning was aligned with the proposed transfer of knowledge based on the Islamic view. They presented a high level of understanding, acceptance, and recognition of the benefits and usefulness of the medium of knowledge transfer in Islamic Studies

    Ant colony optimization for vehicle traffic systems: applications and challenges

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    Ant-based algorithms simulate the cooperative behaviour of real ants in finding food resources. A significant number of studies have focused on the self-organised behaviour of ants in the natural environment to develop effective systems for dynamic problems. Ant-based systems have special properties such as scalability, adaptability, and dynamicity, which are the main requirements for solving vehicle traffic congestion problem. Thus, ant-based algorithms are now being adopted by vehicle traffic systems VTSs to guide vehicles to less congested paths. However, literature shows that comprehensive reviews are lacking in this field. The main contribution of this paper is the review and classification of the most relevant systems based on novel taxonomy. A survey that includes statistical analyses on ant-based VTS was conducted to identify the limitations and evaluation process of VTS. This paper concludes by proposing a general framework in applying ant colony optimisation to VTS

    Pengetahuan dan amalan perlindungan pengguna Facebook wanita terhadap penipuan cinta di Malaysia

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    Penipuan cinta dalam talian atau love scam merupakan satu bentuk jenayah komersial iaitu penjenayah menjalinkan hubungan cinta palsu dengan wanita demi menipu dan mengaut keuntungan daripada mangsa dalam bentuk wang atau seksual. Pelbagai medium siber digunapakai oleh penjenayah untuk mendekati mangsa sasaran; dan media sosial seperti Facebook merupakan salah satu platform yang sering digunapakai. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji pengetahuan dan amalan perlindungan terhadap penipuan cinta dalam kalangan pengguna Facebook wanita di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif iaitu kaedah tinjauan dengan menggunakan soal selidik. Seramai 609 pengguna Facebook wanita di Malaysia telah direkrut dalam kajian ini dengan menggunakan teknik persampelan bertujuan. Analisis setiap item untuk domain pengetahuan dan amalan perlindungan menunjukkan wujudnya kepelbagaian respon daripada kalangan responden. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kebanyakan wanita mempunyai tahap pengetahuan dan amalan perlindungan yang tinggi terhadap jenayah penipuan cinta. Analisis korelasi Pearson juga menunjukkan hubungan yang positif dan signifikan (r = 0.30, p < 0.05) antara pengetahuan dan amalan perlindungan terhadap penipuan cinta. Ujian perbandingan skor min tahap pengetahuan dan amalan perlindungan terhadap penipuan cinta mendapati bahawa tidak ada perbezaan signifikan berdasarkan wanita yang pernah dan tidak pernah menjadi mangsa penipuan cinta sebelum ini tetapi didapati berbeza berdasarkan sejarah rakan, kenalan atau ahli keluarga yang pernah menjadi mangsa dengan tidak pernah menjadi mangsa dalam penipuan cinta sebelum ini. Dapatan kajian ini mampu menjadi satu aras tanda bagi mengukur dan memantau tahap pengetahuan dan amalan perlindungan terhadap penipuan cinta dalam kalangan pengguna media sosial wanita di Malaysia

    Development of Portable Air Quality Index (AQI) and Emergency Vehicles Preemption Prototype Based on Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT)

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    The technological advancements of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the recent past have facilitated immense progress towards mitigation of environmental pollution through smart transportation systems and solutions. In particular, communication to the commuters about the traffic ahead or occurrences of congestion has been envisioned to play a major role in outsmarting traffic through mobile applications giving rise to the emergence of the Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT). However, the existing mobile applications that serve as traffic reporting solutions still face major issues such as fixed route suggestions, longer delays during busy hours or emergencies, inefficient prompting of road accidents and heavy traffic en route to a particular destination. This research aims at providing solutions for notifying the commuters with updates on the traffic based upon the Air Quality Index (AQI) of the routes towards the destination and also about the approach of emergency vehicles. The cross-platform mobile application in this way enables the user to opt for a route with good air quality so that the more congested routes are avoided thereby mitigating the air pollution induced by road traffic. The experimental testing and validation of the proposed methodology are applied for areas belonging to Greater Kuala Lumpur. The various timings divided according to peak and non-peak hours are experimentally tested for analyzing the parameters of traffic usage and pattern through the mobile application. The outcome of the experiments has showed that when traffic flow is modelled and governed through vehicular emissions and concentrations of air pollutants, nearly 75% of the congested traffic is reduced thereby, giving rise to pollution-free environment as well as mitigation of urban heat island (UHI) effect that is formed through vehicular heat generation and difference in temperatures. On the other hand, the approach of emergency vehicles also prompts the commuters to avoid panic. CCS Concepts • HardwareâžťEmerging tools and methodologies. Keywords Air quality index; Air pollution; Road transportation; Internet of Things and traffic congestion. 1. INTRODUCTION In the past few decades, the population of vehicles has been on higher demand. This huge demand for vehicles results in heavy traffic congestion, accidents, pollution and costs millions of dollars for annual fuel consumption. Such drawbacks have led researchers to look for effective solutions to mitigate vehicular traffic congestion. The vehicular network environment is dynamic in nature due to the frequently changing topologies and network configurations. Though there are numerous existing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) techniques comprising of Internet of Things (IoT) and Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs), which enables the users to keep well-informed and well-updated about smarter ways to deal and handle utilization of transport networks, seldom do they provide guarantee for considering nonrecurring congestion as well as means for mitigation of traffic congestion induced air pollution and fuel consumption. Moreover, the long waiting hours of vehicles at signals and traffic jams leads to higher air pollution levels and heat generated from vehicular exhausts cause Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. The developing countries like Malaysia, still face potential drawbacks such as increased air pollution levels, due to higher vehicle usage rate resulting in adverse health hazards such as respiratory diseases and asthma. In this research, the Air Quality Index (AQI) values obtained using the deployment of real-time AQI measuring Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]

    Polyherbal formulation conjugated to gold nanoparticles induced ferroptosis in drug-resistant breast cancer stem cells through ferritin degradation

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    Aim: Due to their minimal side effects, the anti-cancer properties of the polyherbal formulation are being investigated. However, due to their low absorption potential, the administration of polyherbal formulations is restricted. Loading the polyherbal formulation into gold nanoparticles enhances the bioavailability of the polyherbal formulation (PHF) accompanied by reducing the concentration of doxorubicin (dox). Ferroptosis is one of the novel pathways that specifically target cancer stem cells due to high ferritin levels. Hence, in the present study, we conjugated polyherbal formulation with gold nanoparticles and studied its effect on inducing ferroptosis in drug-resistant breast cancer cell lines.Materials and methods: PHF and dox conjugated to gold nanoparticles were characterized using FTIR, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, DLS, particle size analyzer, and XRD. The drug entrapment and efficiency studies were performed to assess the biodegradable potential of the synthesized gold nanoparticles. Paclitaxel-resistant breast cancer stem cells were generated, and an MTT assay was performed to evaluate the cytotoxicity potential of AuNP-PHF and AuNP-dox. Scratch assay and clonogenic assay were performed to assess the migration and proliferation of the cells after treatment with chosen drug combinations. The ability of PHF and dox conjugated to gold nanoparticles to induce ferritinophagy was evaluated by RT-PCR. Finally, image analysis was performed to check apoptosis and cellular ROS using inverted fluorescent microscope. The ability to induce cell cycle arrest was assessed by cell cycle analysis using flow cytometer.Results and conclusion: PHF and dox conjugated to gold nanoparticles showed high stability and showed to induce ferritin degradation in drug resistant breast cancer stem cells through ferritin degradation. AuNP-PHF in combination with low dose of AuNP-Dox nanoconjugate could be used as an effective cancer therapeutic agent, by targeting the autophagy necroptosis axis

    Accommodating stormwater storage structure in the veranda of shop building

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    This paper describes the investigation to place water storage structure under the veranda of a shop building. A veranda is a commercial building feature in Southeast Asia with a narrow walkway about 3 m wide. Given the small space’s limited capability to hold rainwater from the building roof, a draining tank is, therefore, a more viable choice. Rainwaters flow in and out the tank simultaneously with an outlet control that enables water storage within. A modular-based stormwater storage system that could be assembled under the veranda was selected. Storm Water Management Model version 5.0 was used to model the system. The modular-based system's availability of field test data allowed calibration and verification exercises using the mentioned software and yielded R Square values between 0.97-0.99. As such, the parameters of the system as a storage unit were applied in the modelling of the same system in the veranda. Two cases were presented. The water storage structure was modelled in a single shop lot and a partial commercial area with six units of shop lots and surrounding streets. Modelling the single shop lot with 60% of its roof directing waters to the water storage structure was predicted to reduce 25-30% of its peak values comparing the post-development hydrographs with and without the intervention. The partial commercial area modelling yielded only 0.4-10% prediction in its reduction, suggesting additional intervention was required

    Annealing Treatment on Homogenous n-TiO2/ZnO Bilayer Thin Film Deposition as Window Layer for p-Cu2O-Based Heterostructure Thin Film

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    Metal oxide semiconductor material has great potential to act as window layer in p–n heterojunction solar cell thin film owing to low production cost and significant properties in photo-voltaic mechanism. In this work, n-TiO2/ZnO bilayer thin film was effectively constructed by means of sol-gel spin coating technique in an effort to diminish the electron-hole recombination rate from single-layered thin film. Annealing time is one of the important parameters in the fabrication process and was varied to study the impact of annealing treatment towards the thin film characteristics as window layer. It was found that the optimum parameter for the n-TiO2/ZnO bilayer was 500 °C with an annealing time of 2 h. High crystallinity of the n-(101)-TiO2/(002)-ZnO bilayer thin film was obtained, which consists of anatase and a hexagonal wurtzite structure, respectively. Orientation of (002)-ZnO is essential for deposition with the (111) Cu2O-absorbing layer due to a low different lattice mismatch between these two interfaces. The homogenous morphology of n-TiO2/ZnO bilayer was observed with a compact and dense layer. The improvement of transmittance has also been achieved in a range of 60%–80%, which indicated that the incident light can penetrate throughout the thin film directly. In addition, a p-Cu2O absorbing layer was successfully fabricated on top of n-TiO2/ZnO bilayer thin film to form a p-n junction in order to visualize significant electrical rectification properties. The existence of p-Cu2O was confirmed by a (111)-peak orientation and triangular shape in structural and morphological properties, respectively