264 research outputs found

    Analisis Perencanaan Kolam Retensi dalam Menanggulangi Bencana Banjir di Desa Tegaldowo Kab.Pekalongan

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    Tegaldowo Village is area at North Pekalongan Regency central java. This area is always flooded during rainy season. The flood is up to 1 meter so it disturbs the aquaculture activities. The purpose of this study is to calculate the sufficiently of retention Ponds with the variation of pump. This study requires some data such as rainfall data, land use data, and countur maps. That data are used to calculate hydrological analysis and hydraulic analysis to get the capacity of retention ponds and drainage channels. The result is retention ponds with 29532 m3 with capacity pump 4,82 m3/second

    Risk Balance in Exchange Protocols

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    We study the behaviour of rational agents in exchange protocols which rely on trustees. We allow malicious parties to compromise the trustee by paying a cost and, thereby, present a game analysis that advocates exchange protocols which induce balanced risks on the participants. We also present a risk-balanced protocol for fair confidential secret comparison

    Pengaruh Sistem Pengetanahan Terhadap Arus Gangguan Tanah Pada Sistem Distribusi 20 Kv Di PLN Palur Dengan Menggunakan Etap 12.6

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    PT. PLN Rayon Palur is the electric company which is engaged in distribution of electrical energy and maintenance of the electrical grid to consumers. In the process of distribution of electrical energy, a fault is often recurred, one of them is a ground fault. Ground fault consisting of single phase to ground fault and two phase to ground fault. Ground fault current will changes the settings of ground fault relay ( GFR ). To overcome this, it is necessary to analyze ground fault. This research will analyze the influence of grounding system to ground fault currents, this research began by studying literature, data collection, modeling of 20 kV distribution network with ETAP, analysis of ground fault, make conclusions from the analysis performed. The results showed there is influence of the type of grounding, the values of grounding impedance, and the location of ground fault to the ground fault current. Type of ground solid gained ground fault current value is large, because without enter an impedance value. The smaller the impedance the large the ground fault current. The farther the location the smaller the ground fault current smaller and the closer the location the smaller the ground fault voltage. The time setting of GFR in the incoming 150 kV network is 0.2527 seconds and the time setting of GFR in outgoing network of 20 kV is 0.3229 seconds at Palur 19 feeder

    Sistem Informasi Penelusuran Minat Pekerjaan Dengan Tes The Rothwell Miller Interest Blank

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    The Rothwell Miller Interest Blank (RMIB) adalah alat ujian yang pada asalnya dibentuk oleh Miller kemudian disempurnakan oleh Rothwell. Tujuan tes ini untuk mengukur minat pekerjaan berdasarkan ide-ide strereotip terhadap seseuatu pekerjaan yang bersangkutan dan juga sikapnya terhadap jenis pekerjaan, bidang pekerjaan dalam masyarakat dan yang terpenting dari tujuan ini adalah untuk mengetahui bahwa konsep tersebut benar-benar seseorang mengenal suatu pekerjaan. Kekurangan dari tes RMIB yaitu saat pengerjaan tes masih memakai kertas dan psikolog masih menghitung satu per satu individu dengan manual atau kakulator. Hal tersebut bisa diatasi dengan dibuatnya Sistem Informasi Penelusuran Minat Pekerjaan dengan Tes The Rothwell Miller Interest Blank (RMIB). Sebuah sistem infomasi penelusuran minat pekerjaan dengan tes The Rothwell Miller Interest Blank (RMIB) untuk mempermudah seseorang dalam mengembangkan bakat dan minat agar seseorang mampu bekerja di bidang yang diminatinya dan sesuai dengan kemampuan dan juga membantu seorang psikolog untuk dapat mengetahui hasil tes lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan metode terdahulu yang masih menggunakan hitung manual. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini 82,50% responden menyatakan sistem mudah digunakan, 80% responden menyatakan sistem menampilkan hasil yang cukup jelas, 85% responden menyatakan kelengkapan menu pada sistem cukup lengkap. Hasil sistem informasi ini juga menghasilkan hasil yang sama dengan tes manual dan sangat membantu psikolog dalam perhitungan cepat dan efisiensi waktu dalam melakukan tes The Rothwell Miller Interest Blank (RMIB)

    Direct Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Particles Suspended in a Newtonian Fluid Exhibiting Finite Inertia Under SAOS

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    The corresponding author wishes to express his sincerest thanks to the Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) for supporting this work under Contract Number 92021291.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Omani camel calves in a traditional management system

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    Le dromadaire Omani est une race particulière de la région du Golfe persique. C'est un animal à usages multiples et, depuis récemment, très demandé pour ses qualités de coureur. La population cameline à Oman était de 98 500 têtes en 1994 avec un taux de croissance annuel de 3,7 p. 100. Cette enquête a été réalisée entre 1992 et 1997. La reproduction a lieu en hiver (de novembre à mars). Vingt femelles adultes sur 364 ont été mises à la reproduction chaque année. En moyenne, 12 chamelons sont nés chaque année (taux de mise bas de 60 p. 100). Le taux moyen de conception a été de 4,5 p. 100, indiquant un sérieux problème dans le système d'élevage traditionnel. La plupart des chamelons (71,6 p. 100) sont nés de chamelles du groupe d'âge 11-20 ans. Les plus jeunes animaux en âge de se reproduire étaient utilisés pour la selle ou la course. Le rapport des chamelons femelles/mâles était de 1,14. Pour 53 gestations répertoriées, la durée moyenne de gestation a été de 384 jours (12,6 mois). Le taux de mortalité annuel a été de 2,66 p. 100. Tous les cas ont été répertoriés au cours du premier mois post-partum. Les causes de mortalité du chamelon comprenaient la pneumonie, les diarrhées et la sous-nutrition. Le système traditionnel d'élevage n'était pas adapté à une préparation adéquate de la mère pour l'allaitement post-partum. Trois chamelles ont mis bas deux fois avec des intervalles entre les mises bas de 3,3, 2,87 et 2,6 ans. Sept mâles reproducteurs étaient gardés séparément des femelles. Au cours des cinq années d'observation, 273 saillies ont été effectuées, conduisant à 60 naissances. Deux des mâles ont sailli 59 fois chacun, et chacun d'eux a participé à 11 conceptions. La gestion de la reproduction n'a pas permis une évaluation de la fertilité mâle ou femelle. (Résumé d'auteur

    Nuovo DRM Paradiso: formal specification and verification of a DRM

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    We present a DRM-preserving content redistribution scheme, based on the NPGCT scheme, that provides fairness in unsupervised exchanges. The proposed scheme is formally specified, verified and shown to achieve its design goals. The NPGCT mechanism of detection and revocation of circumvented devices is also reexamined her

    Investigation of energy storage systems, its advantage and requirement in various locations in Australia

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    Storage minimizes the intermittent nature of renewable sources. Solar and wind are the two fostered source of renewable energy. However, the availability of useful solar radiation and wind speed varies with geographical locations, and also the duration of this energy sources varies with seasonal variation. With the available vast open land and geographical position, Australia has great potential for both solar and wind energies. However, both these sources require energy buffering to support load demand to ensure required power quality. Electricity demand is increasing gradually, and also Australia has target to achieve 20% electricity from renewable sources by 2020. For effective utilization of solar and wind energy potential location of these sources needs to be identified, and effective size of storage needs to be estimated for best utilization according to the load demand. Therefore this paper investigated wind speed and solar radiation data of 210 locations in Australia, identified the potential locations, and estimated required storage in various potential locations to support residential load demand. Advantages of storage were analyzed in terms of loading on distribution transformer and storage support during energy fluctuation from renewable energy. Further analysis showed that storage greatly reduces greenhouse gas emission and reduces overall cost of energy by maximizing the use of solar and wind energies

    Geodesic spanners for points on a polyhedral terrain

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    Let S be a set S of n points on a polyhedral terrain T in R3, and let " > 0 be a xed constant. We prove that S admits a (2 + ")-spanner with O(n log n) edges with respect to the geodesic distance. This is the rst spanner with constant spanning ratio and a near-linear number of edges for points on a terrain. On our way to this result, we prove that any set of n weighted points in Rd admits an additively weighted (2 + ")-spanner with O(n) edges; this improves the previously best known bound on the spanning ratio (which was 5 + "), and almost matches the lower bound

    Q-Minder Queue Management Hospital’s Patient with SMS System

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    Q-Minder is a device that provides queue management in hospital. This device uses SMS (Short Message Service) to remind a turn of a patient in a queue in hospital. The development of this device is based on the sequencial numbers that is input of phone numbers on the device. To input a phone number, we use digital Keypad. After the phone number stored to the device, the user will get the information of queue number. The phone number will be stored into EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) of Arduino Mega 2560. As the brain, Arduino Mega 2560 also decide the queue number of the phone number. In the process, the operator of the device is able to send a SMS reminder of a next person’s turn. To send an SMS to a phone number, we use GSM (Global System For Mobile) module that is attached to Arduino Mega 2560. Overall, we have three main processes in this device. First process is inputting phone number, second process is getting the queue number, and the third process is sending a reminder to phone number