1,719 research outputs found

    In vitro response from cotyledon and hypocotyls explants in tomato by inducing 6-benzylaminopurine

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    Differential response of tomato was evaluated by hypocotyls and cotyledon explants on 6- benzylaminopurine (BAP) containing MS media. Among the four levels (0, 1, 2 and 4 mg/l) of BAP employed in Murashige and Skoog (MS) media, 2.0 mg/l BAP was found superior in growth traits (number of shoots/explants and shoot length) and cultivars. No significant difference was noticed between cotyledon and hypocotyls explants on media having 2.0 mg/l BAP. In the same treatment, shoot length was significantly different between cotyledon and hypocotyls derived explants. No adventitious shoots was noted in the control and higher concentration of BAP containing media but theexplants turned into callus on media having 4.0 mg/l BAP

    BACTEC MGIT 960 TM system for screening of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex among cattle

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    Bovine tuberculosis remains a disease of economic and public health importance in developing countries. The largest number of new cases of tuberculosis usually occurs in South-East Asia region and Africa. This study was aimed to evaluate the recent technique (BACTEC MGIT 960 TM system) for screening of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex among cattle in Egypt. From the 1180 cattle examined in three different Governorates (El-Sharkia, El-Gharbia and El-Monefeia) by single intradermal tuberculin test, 29 animals (2.46%) were positive reactors. The post mortem examination of the positive reactors showed that 22 animals (75.9%) had visible lesions [respiratory form (31.0%), digestive form (13.8%), mixed form (20.7%) and generalized form (10.3%)], while seven (24.1%) did not show visible lesions. The results of isolation and identification using conventional culture method (Lowenstein- Jensen medium) were 22 mycobacterial isolates (75.9%), 20 (68.97%) Mycobacterium bovis and 2 (6.9%) unidentified slow growth. The BACTEC MGIT 960 TM system was used for recovery of Mycobacteria and compared with conventional culture method (Lowenstein-Jensen medium). The recovery rate of BACTEC MGIT 960 TM system was 82.8%, while that of Lowenstein-Jensen medium was 75.9%. The mean time for detection of Mycobacteria was 17.8 ± 0.9 days and 46.5 ± 0.4 days for BACTEC MGIT 960 TM system and Lowenstein-Jensen medium, respectively while the contamination rate with BACTEC MGIT 960 TM system was 6.9% and 10.3% in Lowenstein-Jensen medium.Key words: Bovine tuberculosis, tuberculin test, Lowenstein-Jensen medium, BACTEC system

    Multiplex polymerase chain reaction for detection and characterization of shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC)

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    Escherichia coli is ubiquitous in the cow's environment that is contaminated by feces, and it is also a frequent cause of bovine mastitis. Thus, the present study was targeted at the rapid detection and characterization of shiga toxigenic E. coli (STEC) in bovine fecal and milk samples. Twenty two strains of E. coli (39.29%) were isolated from 56 diarrheic calves, while only 5 strains (20.83%) were isolated from apparently normal contact calves. Moreover, 20 strains of E. coli (25%) were isolated from milk samples collected from 80 animals suffering from mastitis and subclinical mastitis. E. coli serovars yielded from bacteriological examination of milk samples were similar to that of fecal samples. Serogroup-specific multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay could detect all the bacteriologically positive samples as well as 4 strains (7.98%), O157:H7 and 3 strains (5.36%), O111 from diarrheic calves and 2 strains (8.33%), O111 from normal calves. Such samples were proved to be negative by bacteriological examination. Multiplex PCR for detection of genes encoding accessorySTEC virulence factors, such as shiga toxin type-2 (stx2) and intimin gene (eaeA) revealed the specificity of such gene to O157:H7 serovars and small number of other sero-groups

    Effect of Aerobic Exercise Versus Vestibular Stimulation on Lipid Profile in Premenstrual Syndrome

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    Objective:  To determine the effect of aerobic exercise versus vestibular stimulation on lipid profile in premenstrual syndrome. Subjects and Methods: Sixty patients with premenstrual syndrome had regular menstrual cycles were participated in this study. Their ages were ranged between 23-30 year. Their body mass index did not exceed 30 kg/ m2. They were not participating in physical therapy exercise program at the last 3 months. Patients with cardiovascular problems, pulmonary problems and endometriosis are excluded from the study. All patients were divided randomly into two equal groups (A&B). Group A: It consisted of thirty patients with premenstrual syndrome. They were treated by aerobic exercises in the form of treadmill training at moderate intensity of 60- 70% of the maximum heart rate, 3 times per week for 2 months. Group B: It consisted of thirty patients with premenstrual syndrome. They were treated by vestibular stimulation, 3 times per week for 2 months. Outcome measures: Total cholesterol level, HDL, LDL, triglycerides were assessed for all patients before and after treatment in both groups (A&B). Premenstrual syndrome scale was used to confirm the diagnosis of PMS before study and to evaluate the severity of PMS symptoms for all patients in both groups (A&B) before and after treatment. Results:  Results revealed that, between groups; pretreatment, there was no significant difference between both groups A and B in total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL and premenstrual syndrome scale. While post treatment, there was significant difference between both groups A and B in total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL and premenstrual syndrome scale (with favour of group A; more decrease in total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and premenstrual syndrome scale and more increase in HDL). Conclusion: Aerobic exercise was found to be effective more than vestibular stimulation on lipid profile in premenstrual syndrome, in relieving stress and symptoms of PMS

    Effect of Foot Refelexology on Preeclampsia

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    Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of foot reflexology on mean arterial blood pressure, Serum Cortisol level, proteinuria and quality of life in pregnant women suffering from mild preeclampsia. Subjects and Methods: Sixty mild preeclamptic pregnant women were selected randomly from Out Patient Clinic of Obstetrics Department in Minia University Hospital in Minia to participate in this study. Their ages were between 20-36 years old. Their body mass index less than 35 kg/m2. They were divided randomly into two equal groups (A & B); Group A (control group): It comprised thirty pregnant women with mild preeclampsia who were treated by antihypertensive drugs only while group B (study group): It comprised thirty pregnant women with mild preeclampsia who were treated by antihypertensive drugs and foot reflexology sessions (25 minutes, 2 sessions weekly for 8 weeks). Assessment: Mean arterial blood pressure (MABP), Serum Cortisol level and proteinuria were assessed before and after treatment for all patients in both groups (A&B), as well as quality of life was evaluated through World Health Organization quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL). Results: revealed that, between groups; pretreatment, there was insignificant difference between both groups A & B in MABP, serum cortisol level, proteinuria and WHOQOL questionnaire scores. While post treatment, there was significant difference between both groups A &B in MABP, serum cortisol level, proteinuria and WHOQOL questionnaire scores [in favor of group B (more decrease in MABP, serum cortisol level and proteinuria; and more increase in WHOQOL questionnaire scores)]. Conclusion: Foot reflexology is an effective modality in decreasing MABP, serum cortisol level and proteinuria, as well as enhancing the quality of life of mild preeclamptic pregnant women

    The phylogeography of Indoplanorbis exustus (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Asia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The freshwater snail <it>Indoplanorbis exustus </it>is found across India, Southeast Asia, central Asia (Afghanistan), Arabia and Africa. <it>Indoplanorbis </it>is of economic importance in that it is responsible for the transmission of several species of the genus <it>Schistosoma </it>which infect cattle and cause reduced livestock productivity. The snail is also of medical importance as a source of cercarial dermatitis among rural workers, particularly in India. In spite of its long history and wide geographical range, it is thought that <it>Indoplanorbis </it>includes only a single species. The aims of the present study were to date the radiation of <it>Indoplanorbis </it>across Asia so that the factors involved in its dispersal in the region could be tested, to reveal potential historical biogeographical events shaping the phylogeny of the snail, and to look for signs that <it>I. exustus </it>might be polyphyletic.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results indicated a radiation beginning in the late Miocene with a divergence of an ancestral bulinine lineage into Assam and peninsular India clades. A Southeast Asian clade diverged from the peninsular India clade late-Pliocene; this clade then radiated at a much more rapid pace to colonize all of the sampled range of <it>Indoplanorbis </it>in the mid-Pleistocene.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The phylogenetic depth of divergences between the Indian clades and Southeast Asian clades, together with habitat and parasitological differences suggest that <it>I. exustus </it>may comprise more than one species. The timescale estimated for the radiation suggests that the dispersal to Arabia and to Southeast Asia was facilitated by palaeogeographical events and climate change, and did not require human involvement. Further samples from Afghanistan, Africa and western India are required to refine the phylogeographical hypothesis and to include the African Recent dispersal.</p

    A Novel New Light Recipe Significantly Increases the Growth and Yield of Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Grown in a Plant Factory System

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    Light is a crucial element for plant growth and production. High-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps are considered not very electrically efficient as they generate high radiant heat, and as a consequence, there has been a lot of interest in replacing HPS lamps with new more efficient lighting sources in the form of light-emitting diodes (LEDs). LEDs have a linear photon output with the electrical input current, and this great feature allows the design of lighting arrays that match the plant’s needs. In the current study, light spectrum absorbance of pigments extracted from 14 plant species was analyzed. Two absorbance peaks were observed in the Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) region: one at 435 nm and the other at 665 nm. The light spectrum array was designed to produce the spectrum absorbed by basil pigments. This included the use of new wavelengths of 435 ± 5 nm to cover the blue region. Moreover, the ratio between blue and red was considered to match the absorbance of basil pigment. The use of a light spectrum that matches the plant absorbance significantly improved the investigated physiological parameters and increased the growth yield of basil. Moreover, this is the first to confirm the great positive impact of using 435 nm light spectrum in comparison with the commercially widely used 450 nm LED spectrum. This investigation has great scientific and commercial applications in the field of indoor faming and plant factory systems.</jats:p

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): Collision Avoidance Systems and Approaches

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    Moving towards autonomy, unmanned vehicles rely heavily on state-of-the-art collision avoidance systems (CAS). A lot of work is being done to make the CAS as safe and reliable as possible, necessitating a comparative study of the recent work in this important area. The paper provides a comprehensive review of collision avoidance strategies used for unmanned vehicles, with the main emphasis on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). It is an in-depth survey of different collision avoidance techniques that are categorically explained along with a comparative analysis of the considered approaches w.r.t. different scenarios and technical aspects. This also includes a discussion on the use of different types of sensors for collision avoidance in the context of UAVs
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