181 research outputs found

    Respuesta química y eficacia agronómica de cultivos de girasol (Helianthus agnnuus L.) a fuentes de nitrógeno orgánico y fertilizantes convencionales nitrogenados en suelos áridos

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    Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an option for oilseed production, particularly in dry land areas due to good root system development. In this study, two field experiments were performed in the El-Khattara region (Sharkia Governorate, Egypt) during the 2005 season. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of organicnitrogen (ON) sources and their combinations as well as to compare the effect of ON and ammonium sulfate (AS) as a conventional fertilizer added individually or in combination on growth, yield components, oil percentage and the uptake of some macronutrients by sunflowers grown on sandy soil. The treatments of chicken manure (CM) and a mixture of farmyard manure (FYM) with CM were superior to the other treatments and gave the highest yield, dry matter yield, NPK uptake by plants at all growth stages along with seed yield at the mature stage. The effect of the different ON on crop yield and its components may follow the order; CM> palma residues (PR)> FYM. This was more emphasized when the materials were mixed with AS at a ratio of 3:1 and 1:1. The uptake of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) by plants was affected by the addition of different N sources and treatments. The highest nutrient content and uptake by straw were obtained when treated with CM followed by PR at all growth stages, while it was PR followed by CM for seeds. Oil recovery was shown to respond to the N supply and the changes in individual fatty acids were not statistically different. However, it seems that the application of organic fertilizers resulted in an increase in total unsaturated fatty acids compared to the control.El girasol (Helianthus annuus) es una opción para la producción de semillas oleaginosas, en particular en terrenos arenosos debido al buen desarrollo de sus raíces. En este trabajo, dos estudios de campo fueron realizados en la región de El-Ishattara (Sharkia Governorate, Egypt) durante la estación 2005. El efecto de diversas fuentes de nitrógeno orgánico (ON) y el de su combinación, así como el efecto de ON y sulfato amónico (AS) como fertilizante convencional añadido individualmente o en combinación ha sido estudiado en base a su crecimiento, rendimiento de los componentes, porcentaje de aceite y consumo de micronutrientes en girasoles crecidos en suelos arenosos. El tratamiento con estiércol de pollo (CM) y una mezcla de estiércol de corral (FYM) con CM fue superior a otros tratamientos y dio el más alto rendimiento, la mayor cantidad de materia seca, y el mayor consumo de NPK por la planta en todos los estadios de crecimiento, así como en el rendimiento de la semilla en el estado de madurez El efecto promotor de los diferentes ON en el rendimiento del cultivo y sus componentes puede seguir el orden siguiente: CM> residuos de palma (PR)> FYM. Este efecto fue mayor cuando los materiales fueron mezclados con AS en una proporción 3:1 y 1:1. El consumo de nitrógeno (N), fósforo (P) y potasio (K) por la plantas dependió de la adición de diferentes fuentes de nitrógeno y tratamientos. El consumo y contenido de nutrientes más alto del tallo fue obtenido cuando se trató con CM seguido por PR en todos los estadios de crecimiento, mientras que PR fue seguido por CM para semillas. Se ha encontrado que la recuperación del aceite responde a la adición de nitrógeno, pero los cambios en los ácidos grasos no fueron significativamente diferentes. Sin embargo la aplicación de fertilizantes orgánicos resultó en un incremento de los ácidos grasos insaturados

    Novel RF/Microwave Circuits And Systems for Lab on-Chip/on-Board Chemical Sensors

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    Recent research focuses on expanding the use of RF/Microwave circuits and systems to include multi-disciplinary applications. One example is the detection of the dielectric properties of chemicals and bio-chemicals at microwave frequencies, which is useful for pharmaceutical applications, food and drug safety, medical diagnosis and material characterization. Dielectric spectroscopy is also quite relevant to detect the frequency dispersive characteristics of materials over a wide frequency range for more accurate detection. In this dissertation, on-chip and on-board solutions for microwave chemical sensing are proposed. An example of an on-chip dielectric detection technique for chemical sensing is presented. An on-chip sensing capacitor, whose capacitance changes when exposed to material under test (MUT), is a part of an LC voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The VCO is embedded inside a frequency synthesizer to convert the change in the free runing frequency frequency of the VCO into a change of its input voltage. The system is implemented using 90 nm CMOS technology and the permittivities of MUTs are evaluated using a unique detection procedure in the 7-9 GHz frequency range with an accuracy of 3.7% in an area of 2.5 × 2.5 mm^2 with a power consumption of 16.5 mW. The system is also used for binary mixture detection with a fractional volume accuracy of 1-2%. An on-board miniaturized dielectric spectroscopy system for permittivity detec- tion is also presented. The sensor is based on the detection of the phase difference be- tween the input and output signals of cascaded broadband True-Time-Delay (TTD) cells. The sensing capacitor exposed to MUTs is a part of the TTD cell. The change of the permittivity results in a change of the phase of the microwave signal passing through the TTD cell. The system is fabricated on Rogers Duroid substrates with a total area of 8 × 7.2 cm2. The permittivities of MUTs are detected in the 1-8 GHz frequency range with a detection accuracy of 2%. Also, the sensor is used to extract the fractional volumes of mixtures with accuracy down to 1%. Additionally, multi-band and multi-standard communication systems motivate the trend to develop broadband front-ends covering all the standards for low cost and reduced chip area. Broadband amplifiers are key building blocks in wideband front-ends. A broadband resistive feedback low-noise amplifier (LNA) is presented using a composite cross-coupled CMOS pair for a higher gain and reduced noise figure. The LNA is implemented using 90 nm CMOS technology consuming 18 mW in an area of 0.06 mm2. The LNA shows a gain of 21 dB in the 2-2300 MHz frequency range, a minimum noise figure of 1.4 dB with an IIP3 of -1.5 dBm. Also, a four-stage distributed amplifier is presented providing bandwidth extension with 1-dB flat gain response up to 16 GHz. The flat extended bandwidth is provided using coupled inductors in the gate line with series peaking inductors in the cascode gain stages. The amplifier is fabricated using 180 nm CMOS technology in an area of 1.19 mm2 achieving a power gain of 10 dB, return losses better than 16 dB, noise figure of 3.6-4.9 dB and IIP3 of 0 dBm with 21 mW power consumption. All the implemented circuits and systems in this dissertation are validated, demonstrated and published in several IEEE Journals and Conferences

    Relative Rate Observer Self-Tuning of Fuzzy PID Virtual Inertia Control for An Islanded microgrid

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    Expanding the usage of renewable energy in islanded microgrids leads to a reduction in its total inertia. Low inertia microgrids have difficulties in voltage and frequency control. That affected saving its stability and preventing a blackout. To improve low inertia islanded microgrids\u27 dynamic response and save their stability, this paper presented relative rate observer self-tuning fuzzy PID (RROSTF-PID) based on virtual inertia control (VIC) for an islanded microgrid with a high renewable energy sources (RESs) contribution. RROSTF-PID based on VIC\u27s success in showing remarkable improvement in the microgrid\u27s dynamic response and enhancement of its stability. Moreover, it handles different contingency conditions successfully by giving the desired frequency support. Ant colony optimization (ACO) technique is used to find the optimal values of the RROSTF-PID based on VIC parameters. Furthermore, using MATLAB TM/Simulink, RROSTF-PID based on VIC response is compared to Optimal Fuzzy PID (OF-PID) based VIC, Fuzzy PID (F-PID) based VIC, PID-based VIC, conventional VIC responses, and the microgrid without VIC response under different operation conditions

    A protocol for primary isolation and culture of adipose-derived stem cells and their phenotypic profile

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    Background: Adipose tissue (AT) is a rich source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), however, there is no standardized protocol for stem cell isolation and culture. This leads to inconsistency of the results and limits the comparison of the data from different laboratories. Our aim was to provide an applied protocol for ASCS isolation and expansion, study the cell behavior and define their cellular surface markers. ASCs were cultured from both resected adipose tissue (RAT) obtained following abdominoplasty or breast reduction and lipoaspirates (LPA) following laser-free liposuction. Method: the protocol entailed coculturing of stromal vascular fraction (SVF) with RAT as raw pieces using DMEM medium with varying glucose concentration. The coculture protocol aimed to mimic the normal physiological conditions required for cell growth. ASCs were immunophenotyped to define their MSCs surface markers by flowcytometry. Results: ASCs were isolated from coculturing RAT with SVF with fibroblast-like adherent cells morphology. The ASCs yield isolated from LPA was significantly greater than from RAT on day 14 and 28 (p = 0.002, <0.001, respectively). Significant increase in ASCs proliferation rate was detected when ASCs were cultured under high glucose (4.5 g/L) compared to low glucose (1 g/ L) condition on day 7 and 14 (p = 0.04, 0.015, respectively). ASCs isolated from both protocols were positive for CD34, CD49d, CD73, CD90 and CD105 and negative for CD3, CD14, CD19, CD45 and HLA-DR. Conclusion: We concluded that the cells harvested by our protocol were ASCs. Hence, our method can be an efficient isolation tool to obtain primary ASCs under culture conditions mimicking normal physiological status. This will help in providing ASCs which can be similar to cells in human tissue for further study

    Buffalo Genome Projects: Current Situation and Future Perspective in Improving Breeding Programs

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    Buffaloes are farm animals that contribute to food security by providing high quality meat and milk. They can better tolerate the adverse effects of global climate change on their meat and milk production. Despite their advantages, buffaloes are heavily neglected animals with fewer studies compared to other farm animals, hence, the real potential of buffaloes has never been realized. The complete genome sequencing projects of buffaloes are essential to better understanding the buffalos biology and production since they allow scientists to identify important genes and understand how the gene networks interact to determine the critical features of buffaloes. The genome projects are also valuable for gaining better knowledge of growth, development, maintenance, and determining factors associated with increased meat and milk production. Furthermore, having access to a complete genome of high quality and comprehensive annotations provides a powerful tool in breeding programs. The current review surveyed the publicly available buffalo genome projects and studied the impact of incorporating genomic selection into the buffalo breeding program. Our survey of the publicly available buffalo genome projects showed the promise of genomic selection in developing water buffalo science and technology for food security on a global scale.Comment: two figure

    Enhancing the evaporative cooling performance of fan-pad system using alternative pad materials and water film over the greenhouse roof

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    Greenhouse technology is a viable option for sustainable crop production in the regions of adverse climatic conditions.  During hot seasons the heat input to a greenhouse causes the internal temperature to exceed its optimal value.  The present study was devoted to construct an evaporative cooling system to reduce heat stress inside a greenhouse.  Two identical small-scale greenhouses were designed, constructed, and installed on an open roof of a domestic house.  The two greenhouses were cooled using fan-pad system.  In addition, a thin water film was applied on the roof of one greenhouse to study the effect of roof water film and fan-pad (combined system) on the cooling performance.  The two cooling systems were compared under the same condition.  Three new evaporative cooling pads represented by Cryperus Alopecuroides Rottb (Samar), Cyerus Alternifolius (Purdy) and Cyperus Rotundus l (Nut-grass or Se'd) were adapted and evaluated.  Three pad face air velocities ranged between 0.45 and 1.01 m s-1 and two thicknesses of 10 and 15 cm were used in the investigation of the cooling performance criteria.  Results showed that the proposed cooling pads in the suggested evaporative cooling systems were able to maintain acceptable microclimatic conditions for greenhouse models.  Se'd pad material proved more efficiency in temperature reduction.  It was revealed that the temperature inside the greenhouse operated under the combination of roof water flow and fan-pad system was less than that for fan-pad greenhouse by about 1.1 to 5.44° C in the morning and afternoon respectively.  The air relative humidity was increased due to humid effect provided by cooling system which protects crops from excessive transpiration and crop damage.  The daily average cooling efficiencies of 88.4, 83.1 and 79.6% were obtained for Se'd, Purdy and Samar, respectively during testing days inside the combined system at 15 cm pad thickness and 0.45 m s-1 pad face air velocity.  The Se'd pad material showed the highest efficiency as compared to other pad materials and could be used as an alternative pad material.   Keywords: greenhouse, evaporative cooling, fan-pad system, pad material, roof water flo

    An Integrated ERP with Web Portal

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    Abstract Making the right decision at the right time requires that the data should be available at internet time not after the event when it is too late to do anything. So the need for a web portal has been increased in order to support decision making in the different organizational levels at internet time by providing features such as, customization, personalization, support for collaboration and notification that support managers in making the right decision at internet time. All this can be achieved by applying the (BI) tools on " One version" data store that contains data from legacy ERP system after applying the ETL tools over it. Also the Data marts will be used in order to shorten the response time of queries generated by the users

    Economic design of sleeve rotor induction motor using rotor ends

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    In this paper, the field analysis of the sleeve rotor induction motor (IM) is carried out taking the rotor ends into consideration. Here, the field system equations are derived using the cylindrical model with applying Maxwell's field equations. It is expected that, both starting and maximum torques will increase with taking the rotor ends than that without rotor ends. A simple model is used to establish the geometry of the rotor ends current density and to investigate the air gap flux density. The magnetic flux is assumed to remain radially constant through the very small air gap length between the sleeve and stator surfaces. Variation of the field in the radial direction is ignored and the skin effect in the axial direction is considered. The axial distributions of the air gap flux density, the sleeve current density components and the force density have been determined. The motor performance is carried out taking into account the effects of the rotor ends on the starting and normal operations. The sleeve rotor resistance and leakage reactance have been obtained in terms of the cylindrical geometry of the machine. These equivalent circuit parameters have been calculated and plotted as functions of the motor speed with and without the rotor ends

    Research, development and innovation in business enterprises: experience from Egypt

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    This paper addresses the linkages between research and development (R&D) and innovation on the one hand and the socioeconomic impact of research, development and innovation (RDI) on the other hand. More specifically, the paper suggests a two-stage methodology directed to analyse the performance of RDI in business enterprises and assess their development impact. A conceptual four-dimensional model and an integrated analytical framework were developed. This approach is complemented by the development of a statistical survey mainly designed to generate appropriate indicators for analysing the vital role of RDI in business enterprises. The survey results revealed several analytical points as well as specific imbalances of RDI system in business enterprises that need to be addressed by policymakers. Furthermore, the analytical results stress the need for Egyptian business enterprises to enhance and diversify their cooperation with other RDI-producing institutions to benefit from comparative advantages and improve the quality of RDI outputs

    Phenotypic and cytogenetic spectrum of 9p trisomy

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    Trisomy 9p is one of the most frequent autosomal anomalies compatible with long survival rate. The spectrum of clinical severity in trisomy 9 roughly correlates with the extent of trisomic chromosome material. Trisomy 9p is a clinically well delineated syndrome and of all stigmata craniofacial dysmorphism is most specific. In this study we report five cases with de novo trisomy 9p. The study aimed at the identification of the genotype/phenotype correlations in patients with different breakpoints. GTG banding, DAPI stain, whole chromosome paint, centromere, telomere and 9p21 specific locus probes demonstrated that partial trisomy 9p in case 1 was due to isochromosome 9p with translocation of the long arm of re-arranged chromosome 9 onto the short arm of chromosome 13, cases 2 and 3 had intrachromosomal duplication of the short arm of chromosome 9 [dup(9)(p21p24)], case 4 had "classical" 9p trisomy and case 5 had duplication of whole short arm and part of the long arm of chromosome 9 (partial 9 trisomy). Although cases 1 to 4 had trisomy involving 9p, cases 1 and 2 exhibited the classical clinical manifestations of 9p trisomy, while cases 3 and 4 had additional features overlapping with Coffin-Siris syndrome. The present study strengthens the association of Coffin-Siris syndrome and 9p, the significance of such observations may point to possible gene location of Coffin-Siris syndrome on 9p. Case 5 had additional manifestations more than those typical of trisomy 9p which could be due to duplication of 9q21 region. Wide gap between 1st and 2nd toes, observed in the studied cases, can be added to the phenotype of this trisomy. Three of our cases had brain malformations, case 3 had dilated ventricles with hypogenesis of corpus callosum, case 4 had agenesis of corpus callosum, and case 5 had Dandy-Walker malformation. We also suggest that dosage effects of genes located in 9pter-q22 contribute to the etiology of Dandy-Walker syndrome. We recommend MRI studies as a routine in all cases with trisomy 9p