7 research outputs found

    Patient Satisfaction With Nursing Care In Hospital Kangar

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    In general, this study aims to identify the degree of patient satisfaction in Hospital Kangar based on service quality formulated. The specific objectives of this study is to identify the degree of patient satisfaction towards Nursing care, is to identify the degree of expectation towards the elements and dimensions measured, it is to identify the degree of perception after patient received the service, to identify patient satisfaction in view of the gap between the elements and the dimensions of perception and expectation and to identify areas of concern pertaining to patient satisfaction. Several service quality dimensions were generated from Parasuraman, Zeithalm and Berry (1988), to achieve the research objectives. The dimensions measured are tangible, reliable, responsiveness, assurance empathy and accessibility. Two sets of questionnaires were developed to measure Expectation and the Perception of patient. Reliability test was determined prior to real data collection. Cronbach Alpha was found to be 0.83 and 0.92 respectively. The research data was gathered from 100 patients admitted to the Medical wards at Hospital Kangar. Descriptive statistical analysis using frequencies, percentage and means were used. The findings of the study showed that the overall expectation means was 4.55 and the overall perception mean was 3.66. The perception elements that were related to nurses showed 96.7 % of patients responded that they were "satisfied" and " most satisfied". This percentage concluded that majority of the patient perceived that they have received a satisfactory service. The expectation dimension with highest mean is reliability with mean value of 4.69. This measure exceeds " Important" degree. In the perception dimension the highest mean is reliability with mean score of 3.89. This measure exceeds "Quite satisfied". In the satisfaction gap the, responsiveness dimension has the highest gap 1.01. The conclusion derived from this study is that the service level in Hospital Kangar can be consider as not of satisfactory level

    Retaining Customers through Relationship Marketing in an Islamic Financial Institution in Malaysia

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    Questions on ways to retain loyal customers and attract potential future customers in an Islamic financial institution led to a study on customer relationship marketing (CRM) strategies at the Pilgrims Fund Corporation or Tabung Haji (TH). This study aims to determine whether customer relationship marketing (CRM) influenced by the variables - customers’ satisfaction, employees’ commitment, customers’ trust and customers’ loyalty. Questionnaires and personal interviews with the respondents were used. 152 registered Tabung Haji depositors were selected as sample size. It was found that there is a significant relationship between customer relationship marketing- the four dependent variables. Findings from this study showed strong positive relationship between customer relationship marketing and customers’ satisfaction (81%), customers’ trust (77.8%), employees’ commitment (76.2%) and customers’ loyalty (69.5%). Findings from this study will help Tabung Haji to utilize appropriate customer relationship marketing strategies to retain the loyalty of existing customers. Simultaneously, Tabung Haji should make the most of its customer relationship marketing strategies (CRM) to attract future potential customers. It is hoped that Tabung Haji will be a progressive, dynamic and innovative financial institution through the utilization of appropriate strategies in customer relationship marketing (CRM)

    Eco-Labeling Perspectives amongst Malaysian Consumers

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    This study explores the Malaysian consumers trust of an eco-label and the influence it has in their choice for the corresponding environment friendly product. Taking into consideration the infancy stage of the Malaysia green marketing initiative, traditional approach to evaluating local consumer receptiveness to the eco-label might not be suitable. This paper approaches the introduction of eco-label with two perspectives in mind. Firstly, while earlier studies from the western scholars use eco-label as a part of the augmented product, this study introduces eco-label as a separate moderating variable. Secondly, the choice of employees working in ISO14001 certified organizations as the population explore a potentially conducive place to initiate a systematic effort in developing a green consumer community. The result is very encouraging. This study has shown that, with some exposure to environmental related experiences Malaysian consumer would indeed react positively to the eco-label. In fact, for situation that requires them to consider environmental aspects of a product that they wish to purchase, the eco-label will definitely be the crucial factor that will push them to make the right purchase choice

    Quality elements of rice processing; rice millers view on quality during rice production

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    Purpose - Rice is one of the important crops in the world. It is also one of the daily foods for more than half of total humanity in this world or two-third of the world population (Singha, 2013). In Malaysia, rice is the staple food which is consumed daily food for almost all of the Malaysian.The study shows that every Malaysian consumed two and half plates of rice per day (Rajamoorthy et al., 2015). There are a few types of rice produced in the Malaysian market based on the quality specifications set by BERNAS, the first one is Super Tempatan 15% (ST15) which contains 85% of head rice and 15% of broken rice. The second one is, Super Tempatan 10% which contains 90% of head rice and 10% of broken rice and lastly is Super Tempatan 5% which contain of 95% of head rice and another 5% of broken rice (Chung, Arshad, Noh, & Sidique, 2016).PadiBeras Nasional Berhad or BERNAS is given the right to import and distribute rice until 2021 (Rittgers & Wahab, 2017).One of its responsibilities is to ensure that the paddy industry in Malaysia does not face any problem related to consumption of rice. Thus, BERNAS must promote market stability and maintain a stabilized rice price so that it is affordable by the consumer.In addition, BERNAS is also responsible to ensure the supply of rice is sufficient and accessible for all citizens in Malaysia (Muhammad, 2013).Hence, as spelled out in The Review of Paddy and Rice Industry in Malaysia (2004), the main objective of BERNAS is to ensure food security for paddy and rice industry, raise the income and productivity of the paddy farmers and to make sure that the food supply to consumers is fair and the price is stable

    Entrepreneurial intention among Malaysian undergraduates.

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    Research in entrepreneurship field has magnetized the interest of many researchers as a tool of development for many countries. The study of the factors that leads people to become entrepreneurs has been a question of many researchers. This study explores the relationship between the Big-Five personality factors, contextual factors and entrepreneurial intention. As such, it fits squarely into the literature on the antecedents of entrepreneurship. Previous research has focused on the need for achievement as well as social psychological characteristics such as attitude and self-efficacy. This study looks at the extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness, neuroticism, perceived barriers, perceived support and close support which are determinants of entrepreneurial intention. The data was gathered from 123 undergraduate students at one of the university branch campuses in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia. Data collection was based on voluntary basis, informed consent, and anonymity. Regression analyses indicate that entrepreneurial intention is positively correlated with extraversion, openness, and close support. In the final section, we discuss these results and discover a future research agenda

    The Dimensions of Islamic Restaurant Image and Its Influence on Customer Satisfaction

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    To effectively compete in the highly competitive halal market sector, foodservice businesses must develop marketing strategies that could ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. One such marketing strategy is to focus on building distinctive and positive business image. Previous studies concerning corporate image and reputation of Islamic business organizations were concentrated mostly to the banking sector. This empirical study seeks to determine the relevance and the foundations of business image from the Islamic perspective, and explore its dimensionality, with specific focus on the restaurant or foodservice industry. The dimensions are derived from specific knowledge from the field of service or restaurant management and redefined or realign to the principles of Islamic teachings

    Gender as a moderator of the relationship between OCB and turnover intention

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    This paper examines the relationship between OCBs and turnover intention. The sample consisted of 557 non manager employees across 63 hotels in Malaysia. Managers’ ratings of employees’ OCBs were collected and matched with 557 employees’ self ratings of turnover intention and demographic. Factor analysis of OCB items revealed a new dimension of OCB, labeled as patience, together with four common dimensions - helping behavior, conscientiousness, sportsmanship and civic virtue. Consistent with cognitive consistency theory, the results show that helping behavior, conscientiousness, patience and civic virtue were significantly and negatively related to turnover intention. Moreover, the OCB dimensions explained a meaningful portion (25%) of the turnover intention measure. The results indicated that gender moderated the relationship between helping behavior and turnover intention and this relationship was stronger for females than males. These results point to the importance of considering behavioral factors in effort to predict and manage employee turnover