14 research outputs found

    Jawatankuasa USMFIT Perpustakaan

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    Penubuhan Jawatankuasa USMFIT Perpustakaan merupakan hasil cetusan idea daripada mantan Ketua Pustakawan Allahyarham YM Engku Razifah Engku Chik bagi menyahut seruan Naib Canselor Universiti Sains Malaysia untuk menjadikan warga USM sihat, cergas dan mencapai berat badan unggul. Justeru itu, Jawatankuasa ini ditubuhkan pada 1 Mac 2018 untuk merancang serta melaksanakan aktiviti sepanjang tahun. Program yang dirangka oleh Jawatankuasa ini adalah bertujuan untuk memberi kesedaran tentang amalan pemakanan sihat serta penglibatan aktiviti fizikal di kalangan warga Perpustakaan bagi mengurangkan risiko penyakit tidak berjangkit seperti diabetis, tekanan darah tinggi dan obesiti

    OPAC evolution

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    Report on the Contribution of Universities and Research Institutions in Scientific Development of Islamic Countries: The Case of Malaysia

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    The commitment of the Federal Government of Malaysia to enhance the capability of the country's higher education sector is the highest priority. This is proven by World Bank that shows since the year 2016, Malaysia is the world's fifth-largest country to allocate public funding for higher education. In the year 2017, Malaysia has remarkably allocated RM12.28 billion budget for higher education and an increase of 13.15% to RM13.89 bilion for the year 2018. Moreover, in line with the shift 7 of Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education) (MEB (HE)) innovation ecosystems, the research sector narratives have shifted from ‘culturing research' to 'bring research that can directly benefit the community'. Since that, Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education has provided Research Priority Roadmap 2017 which focuses on: a. The Grand Challenge program, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), led by Malaysian Research Universities; b. Bringing translational research into focus, becoming more valuable and relevant for bottom billions; for example:- i. Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) - implement rice research that has succeeded in increasing crop yield and rice quality. ii. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)–implement research in membrane technology that is used to treat clean water during floods. iii. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)–implement research on Langkawi Geopark that helps to preserve and conserve flora and fauna. iv. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)–implement Zika Virus detection research as used in conjunction with Olympic games in Brazil in 2016. c. Promoting talent among researchers involved in the field of SDG as well as the 4th industry revolution; and d. Positioning the investigation for global excellence in line with the 8th MEB (HE) shift

    Perkhidmatan Pengurusan Data Penerbitan: E-Publication USM

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    Amalan pengurusan data yang sistematik dan menyeluruh amat penting dalam sesebuah organisasi. Amalan ini harus dilaksanakan oleh semua organisasi yang menyimpan dan mempunyai pelbagai jenis data. Secara umumnya, data penerbitan yang dihasilkan oleh penyelidik di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) diuruskan oleh perpustakaan atau Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan (RMC). Perpustakaan Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) secara khususnya telah diberi mandat oleh Naib Canselor untuk mengurus dan mengesahkan data penerbitan yang dihasilkan oleh penyelidik USM. Sehubungan dengan itu, Perpustakaan dengan kerjasama Pusat Ilmu Komunikasi dan Teknologi (PPKT) telah merancang, menyelaras dan membangunkan sistem pengesahan data penerbitan yang dikenali sebagai e-Publication. Kerjasama ini turut melibatkan Pusat Perancangan Institusi dan Strategik (IPSC), Bahagian Sumber Manusia dan Penerbit USM dalam proses pembangunan sistem. Objektif pembangunan sistem ini adalah untuk membangunkan sistem yang bersepadu dan komprehensif untuk mengurus dan menyimpan data penyelidik, data penyelidikan dan data penerbitan yang telah disahkan oleh Perpustakaan. Sistem ini juga dibangunkan untuk membantu memudahkan universiti secara amnya dan penyelidik secara khususnya dalam mengakses semula data yang dijana secara real-time, seterusnya dapat menjimatkan kos dan masa, serta ketepatan data dapat dipertingkatkan. Selain itu, sistem ini juga diharapkan menjadi sistem bersepadu yang akan membantu dalam proses kenaikan pangkat, laporan penilaian prestasi (LPP), pengauditan universiti, analisis data dan seterusnya membantu pihak atasan universiti dalam membuat keputusan

    Report on the Contribution of Universities and Research Institutions in Scientific Development of Islamic Countries: The Case of Malaysia

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    The commitment of the Federal Government of Malaysia to enhance the capability of the country's higher education sector is the highest priority. This is proven by World Bank that shows since the year 2016, Malaysia is the world's fifth-largest country to allocate public funding for higher education. In the year 2017, Malaysia has remarkably allocated RM12.28 billion budget for higher education and an increase of 13.15% to RM13.89 bilion for the year 2018. Moreover, in line with the shift 7 of Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education) (MEB (HE)) innovation ecosystems, the research sector narratives have shifted from ‘culturing research' to 'bring research that can directly benefit the community'. Since that, Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education has provided Research Priority Roadmap 2017 which focuses on: a. The Grand Challenge program, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), led by Malaysian Research Universities; b. Bringing translational research into focus, becoming more valuable and relevant for bottom billions; for example:- i. Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) - implement rice research that has succeeded in increasing crop yield and rice quality. ii. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)–implement research in membrane technology that is used to treat clean water during floods. iii. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)–implement research on Langkawi Geopark that helps to preserve and conserve flora and fauna. iv. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)–implement Zika Virus detection research as used in conjunction with Olympic games in Brazil in 2016. c. Promoting talent among researchers involved in the field of SDG as well as the 4th industry revolution; and d. Positioning the investigation for global excellence in line with the 8th MEB (HE) shift

    The Establishment Of Strategic Program In Research Support Service (SPIRESS) In USM Library

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    Along with the modernization, Malaysia Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) have implemented multiple kinds of transformation plans. Currently, there is a comprehensive transformation plan written in Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education) (MEB) (HE) as a guideline for Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs), Polytechnics and Community Colleges. Hence, the HLIs Libraries or known as Academic Libraries were intangibly pressured to perform new roles and services in order to fulfil the future demands in the rapid pace of Research and Development (R&D) landscape. This paper shares Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Library’s experience in developing the new service segments called Strategic Program in Research Support Service (SPiReSS). The introduction of SPiReSS was intended to facilitate students and academicians research activities. Five service segments were introduced namely as Mendeley, Easy-to-Write with Microsoft (MS) Word, Open Access Publication, Google Drive, and Google Scholar. This paper described comprehensively on how the USM Library implement the SPiReSS project especially in terms of developing the service model, enhance the Academic Librarians capabilities, analyzing the participants’ feedback, and explain the types of challenges the Academic Librarians encounter. The SPiReSS project has triggered the interest of HLIs community especially in USM. Due to the remarkable result, the SPiReSS project should create more service segments in order to substantially supporting the research activities in HLIs

    The Establishment Of Strategic Program In Research Support Service (SPIRESS) In USM Library

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    Along with the modernization, Malaysia Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) have implemented multiple kinds of transformation plans. Currently, there is a comprehensive transformation plan written in Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education) (MEB) (HE) as a guideline for Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs), Polytechnics and Community Colleges. Hence, the HLIs Libraries or known as Academic Libraries were intangibly pressured to perform new roles and services in order to fulfil the future demands in the rapid pace of Research and Development (R&D) landscape. This paper shares Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Library’s experience in developing the new service segments called Strategic Program in Research Support Service (SPiReSS). The introduction of SPiReSS was intended to facilitate students and academicians research activities. Five service segments were introduced namely as Mendeley, Easy-to-Write with Microsoft (MS) Word, Open Access Publication, Google Drive, and Google Scholar. This paper described comprehensively on how the USM Library implement the SPiReSS project especially in terms of developing the service model, enhance the Academic Librarians capabilities, analyzing the participants’ feedback, and explain the types of challenges the Academic Librarians encounter. The SPiReSS project has triggered the interest of HLIs community especially in USM. Due to the remarkable result, the SPiReSS project should create more service segments in order to substantially supporting the research activities in HLIs