10 research outputs found

    Tectonic evolution of the Rehamna metamorphic dome (Morocco) in the context of the Alleghanian-Variscan orogeny

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    Structural and 40Ar/39Ar geochronological investigations of the Rehamna Massif (Meseta, Moroccan Variscan belt) provide new constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Alleghanian-Variscan orogen during the Upper Paleozoic. Three main tectonic events have been recognized: (1) Southward thrusting of an Ordovician sequence over the Proterozoic basement, its Cambrian sedimentary cover, and the overlying Devono-Carboniferous basin. This event caused subhorizontal shearing and prograde Barrovian metamorphism of the buried rocks. (2) Continuous shortening resulting in the development of a synconvergent extrusion of metamorphosed units to form a dome elongated E-W. This was responsible for synconvergent detachment of the Ordovician upper crustal sequence. The timing of these two episodes is constrained to 310–295 Ma by cooling and metamorphic amphibole and mica ages (3) A NW-WNW convergence in a direction orthogonal to the previous one and characterized by the accretion of the Rehamna dome to the continental basement in the east. Based on 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages from a syntectonic granitoid and its host rocks and metamorphic 40Ar/39Ar ages from greenschist facies mylonite, the timing of this event falls between 295 and 280 Ma. The end of the Variscan orogeny in the Moroccan Meseta is constrained by the 40Ar/39Ar cooling age of a posttectonic pluton dated at ~275 Ma. The tectonic events highlighted in Morocco coincide with the late Variscan-Alleghanian tectonic evolution of southern Europe and North America and can be correlated with the global reorganization of plates that accompanied suturing of Pangaea at around 295 Ma.Peer reviewe

    Past and future drought in Northwestern Algeria: the Beni Bahdel Dam catchment

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    Abstract. In last decades, the impact of climate change started to appear in the semi-arid regions of the Mediterranean Basin. The severity and frequency of drought events in Northwestern Algeria have affected water resources availability and agriculture. This study aims to evaluate the temporal evolution of drought events characteristics, such as drought duration, frequency and severity, of the Beni Bahdel Dam catchment, Northwestern Algeria. Drought characteristics have been derived from the Standardized precipitation index (SPI) computed for the period from 1941 to 2100 using precipitation data from observations and simulations of the regional climate model RCA4 (Rossby Centre Atmosphere model, version 4). The RCA4 model was forced by the global circulation model MPI-ESM-LR under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) scenarios. The ability of the model simulations was firstly assessed to reproduce the drought characteristics from observed data (1951–2005). Then, future changes in drought characteristics over the twenty-first century were investigated under the two scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). Results show an amplification of drought frequencies and durations in the future under the RCP8.5 scenario

    Contrasting Paleoproterozoic granitoids in the Kerdous, Tagragra d’Akka, Agadir-Melloul and Iguerda inliers (western Anti-Atlas, Morocco)

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    International audienceThe northern margin of the West African Craton is characterized by Paleoproterozoic siliciclastic sediments intruded by ca. 2.1-2.0 Ga Eburnean granitoids. New geochronological data highlight the occurrence of a Rhyacian (2.10 Ga) tonalitic to trondhjemitic magmatic suite, following a coeval Orosirian (2.040-2.035 Ga) magmatic suite composed of calc-alkaline diorites, mesocratic granites and leucogranites.Whole-rock major and trace element compositions indicate that: (i) the Rhyacian tonalites and trondhjemites suggest a subduction environment, an island-arc arc or an active continental margin; (ii) the Orosirian plutonic rocks show a geochemical heterogeneity; (iii) the chemical features of diorites correspond to calc-alkaline M-type suites; (iv) granodiorites and granites are typical calc-alkaline I-type granitoids, and (iv) leucogranites, with peraluminous composition, reflect a crustal melting.While the Rhyacian magmatic event indicates a subduction environment, the Orosirian magmatic event is more complex, and the geochemical signatures imply involvement of mantellic magmas and crustal melting. The contemporaneity of these Orosirian magmatic suites and their siliciclastic sedimentary host-rocks suggest a back-arc geodynamic context, similar to what was described in the Reguibat Rise, Mauritania

    Geochronological constraints on the polycyclic magmatism in the Bou Azzer-El Graara inlier (Central Anti-Atlas Morocco)

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    International audienceNew U-Pb SHRIMP zircon ages from the Bou Azzer-El Graara onlier constrains the Neoproterozoic evolution of the Anti-Atlas during Pan-African orogenesis. Within the Central Anti-Atlas, the Bou Azzer-El Graara inlier exposes a dismembered ophiolite, long considered to mark a late Neoproterozoic suture between the West African Craton in the south, and Neoproterozoic arcs to the north. From north to south, this inlier includes four main geological units: a volcanic-arc, an ophiolite, a metamorphic complex and a continental platform. Several plutons intrude the volcanic-arc, the ophiolite, the metamorphic complex, and post-orogenic volcanic and sedimentary deposits unconformably cover these terranes. The age of the volcanic-arc is reported here for the first time. Analyses of zircon of two rhyolites provide ages of 761 ± 7 Ma and 767 ± 7 Ma. Zircons from two gneisses provide dates of 755 ± 9 Ma and 745 ± 5 Ma. Both dates are considered best estimates of the crystallization ages of their igneous protoliths. Analyses of zircon from two granitic bodies, which crosscut gneisses, provide younger dates of 702 ± 5 Ma and 695 ± 7 Ma. The age of an aplitic body of the ophiolite is reported here for the first time, as 658 ± 8 Ma (SHRIMP U-Pb on zircons). Theses ages suggest the existence of three distinct orogenic events during Cryogenian times: (i) 770-760 Ma Tasriwine-Tichibanine orogeny with rollback of the subducting oceanic plate, leading to the formation of back-arc basins; (ii) 755-695 Ma Iriri-n'Bougmmane orogeny; and (iii) the 660-640 Ma Bou Azzer orogeny involving the formation and the emplacement of the Bou Azer ophiolite. During Ediacaran times, the Bou Azzer-El Graara inlier is characterized with the development of a continental volcanic arc between 630 and 580 Ma (Bou Lbarod Group, 625 ± 8 Ma; Bleïda granodiorite, 586 ± 15 Ma), and strike-slip pull-apart basins (Tiddiline Group, 606 ± 4 Ma and 606 ± 5 Ma). These volcanic and sedimentary Lower Ediacaran sequences are deformed before the felsic pyroclastic deposits of the Ouarzazate Group (567 ± 5 Ma and 566 ± 4 Ma). Finally, the Ouarzazate Group is overlain by early Cambrian volcanic deposits of the Jbel Boho Formation (541 ± 6 Ma)