266 research outputs found

    Renal artery morphology and anatomical variations among Sudanese subjects

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    The objectives of this study were to determine the level of origin of the renal artery on both sides of the body, to describe its course and branching pattern on both sides, and to detect the Supernumerary renal arteries (SRA) and their course. Both cadaveric and radiological descriptive studies were conducted from July 2015 to July 2016.The morphology and variations of the renal arteries were documented in 50 formalin fixed cadavers that were dissected in different faculties of medicine in Khartoum state. This was followed by assessment of 150 computerized tomography angiographies of the renal transplant donors who presented to three major transplant centers in Khartoum in the period between 2012 and 2015.The most common vertebral level of origin off the aorta was between the first and second lumbar segments. A supernumerary renal artery was detected in 25.5% and it was the most common anatomical variation. This was followed by early prehilar bifurcation in 6.5%. Supernumerary renal arteries were commonly hilar and lower polar, and they were more frequent in males. Bilateral supernumerary arteries were found in 4% of cases. The most common anatomical variation of the renal artery was supernumerary renal artery.Keywords: Renal artery, supernumerary, anatomical variation

    A Comparison Between Students’ Performance In Multiple Choice and Modified Essay Questions in the MBBS Pediatrics Examination at the College of Medicine, King Khalid University, KSA

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    Objectives: To investigate the relation between the students' scores in MCQs and MEQs of the summative assessment in pediatrics at the College of medicine KKU. Introduction: Student assessment is the most difficult task in medicine since it is ultimately related to human life and safety. Assessment can take different types of formats with advantages and disadvantages and there is no single prescribed method of choice. Research Methods: This is a quantitative, observational retrospective study enrolling 50 students who completed the final MBBS examination in pediatrics in 2015.The medical students’ scores in MCQs and MEQs in the final MBBS pediatrics examination were collected and SPSS used for analysis. Results: 52% of the students scored A and B, 46% scored C and 2% scored D and nobody scored F. The mean percentage scores in MCQs, MEQs and the combined are75.03%, 79.99% and 76.68% respectively. The standard deviation (SD) for MCQs, MEQs and combined are 0.0753, 0.0763 and 0.0559 respectively.There are no significant differences in means and SD. The correlation (CR) between MCQs and MEQs is -1.73%. The CR between MCQs and MEQs for those who scored A and B is 7.38% which could indicate a weak but significant +ve CR (p value 0.017), (table3). For those who scored C inverse CR (-74.38%) was observed between MCQs and MEQs. Discussion: The main finding of this study was the weakly negative CR between students' performance on MCQs and MEQs. Good performance in MCQs is not necessary correlated with good performance in LEQs. This is not in agreement with Oyebola et al. and Moqattash et al findings, who reported positive CR in the performance of their students. The discrepancy observed in performance between MCQs and MEQs could be explained by the subjectivity and the difficulty in avoiding bias in setting and marking essay questions.   Key Words: multiple choice questions, Modified long essay questions, correlation

    Modeling and Analysis of a Fractional Visceral Leishmaniosis with Caputo and Caputo–Fabrizio derivatives

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    Visceral leishmaniosis is one recent example of a global illness that demands our best efforts at understanding. Thus, mathematical modeling may be utilized to learn more about and make better epidemic forecasts. By taking into account the Caputo and Caputo-Fabrizio derivatives, a frictional model of visceral leishmaniosis was mathematically examined based on real data from Gedaref State, Sudan. The stability analysis for Caputo and Caputo-Fabrizio derivatives is analyzed. The suggested ordinary and fractional differential mathematical models are then simulated numerically. Using the Adams-Bashforth method, numerical simulations are conducted. The results demonstrate that the Caputo-Fabrizio derivative yields more precise solutions for fractional differential equations

    Performance of a local signalized intersection for handling traffic operation in Baghdad City

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    The inspection of the flexibility and performance of a local signalized intersection in managing traffic operation in Baghdad city is the main target of this study. Andalus intersection is one of the important local intersections in Bagdad city which recorded remarkable traffic congestion problem now a days and have been chosen in this study as a part of continuous studies due to its vital location. Smart Traffic Analysis (STA) software is used to give an aspect to the inefficient performance of the Andalus signalized intersection having three approached links and four exit legs while SYNCHRO software is used to simulate the data analysis and offer different alternative solutions to solve the congestion problem. From the obtained data analysis it has been found that the best suggested alteration for handling the current traffic volume of each studied intersection approach is the signalized intersection with optimum cycle time combined with the addition of two lanes, where the mean delay for the entire intersection can be reduced by approximately 26% by applying alteration No.1 while the mean delay for the entire intersection can be reduce approximately by 31% by applying alteration No.2. Furthermore, the queue length for the entire intersection can be reducing by approximately 6% and 17% for alteration No.1 and No.2 respectively

    Effect of Healthy Lifestyle Interventions in Schools of Jazan City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Quasi-experimental Study

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    Background Unhealthy dietary habits and lifestyle among adolescents is considered as a risk factor for nutrition-related diseases in adulthood. The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle intervention—including physical activity (PA) and eating habits (EH)—among female students in Jizan City, southwest Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Methods A representative sample of 565 school students aged 12–15 years was randomly selected from four schools in Jizan, KSA. The PA and EH were assessed using a validated self-administered questionnaire. A pre-post quasi-experimental study was implemented in three phases. Results Following the intervention, the school children in the intervention groups showed a significant improvement in their EH and PA. These improvements were documented in increased physical walking measured by the number of students walking daily, the number of days walked, and the time spent on vigorous activities (54.11 ± 54.89 to 63.24 ± 76.16). Fruits and vegetables had a similar consumption frequency in both the intervention and control groups. The snacks were frequently consumed among intervention group with a significant increase in the mean number from 1.64 ± 0.93 to 1.96 ± 1.13 (p = 0.000) and fast food were less frequently consumed among intervention group than the control group (p = 0.000). The prevalence of obesity in the intervention group was reduced from 16.3% to 12.9%, while it was significantly increased from 17.6% to 19.0% in the control group (p = 0.0148). Weight decreased by 0.37 kg in the intervention group, while it increased by 0.07 kg in the control group, but with no statistically significant increase. Conclusion: In conclusion, healthy lifestyle interventions can improve short- and long-term outcomes in school children. When examining the health benefits of healthy lifestyle, the importance of dietary and PA behaviors should be considered. Keywords:  lifestyle, dietary habits, physical activity, chronic diseases, Jazan-KSA &nbsp

    Histopathological features of peripheral T-cell lymphoma in Sprague Dawley rats induced with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea

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    This study described the histopathological features of peripheral T-cell lymphoma in male Sprague Dawley rats following intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) at a dose of 60 mg/kg body weight per injection, administered twice weekly for 2 consecutive weeks, and followed by a five-month’s observation period. Control rats were injected with normal saline, i.p. All the rats treated with MNU had enlargement of lymph nodes, with 30% had hepatosplenomegaly and 7% had enlarged kidneys at necropsy. Malignant lymphoma was observed in the lymph nodes, spleen, liver, lung, heart, and kidneys. The neoplastic cells were characterised as undifferentiated, and small to large size with bizarre pleomorphic nuclei. The severity was further described as mild, moderate and severe, based on the diffuseness of the lesions. Nonetheless, similar lesions were not observed in the thymus of the rats. Immunohistochemistry staining of the organs was positive for CD3 antibody, which is consistent with T-cell lymphoma

    Screening of some sorghum genotypes for resistance to sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis (= Contarinia) sorghicola Coqillet (diptera: Cecidomyiidae) under gedarif rainfed conditions

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    Preliminary experiments were conducted at Northern area, Gedarif State during seasons of 2002-03, 2006-07.Where as advanced trials during 2008/2009 to 2012/2013 at northern and Southern areas. The objective was to evaluate selected sorghum genotypes for sorghum midge resistance. A total of 3000 accessions were obtained from Gene Bank Resources. Resistant genotype, DJ 6514 (Resistant Check already released in 2007) was obtained from International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). Result showed that the midge damage rating was significantly different among genotypes. The midge damage rating scores ranged between, 1.3- 8.6; 1.1- 9.2; 1.4- 9.0; 1.1 – 9.4; and 1.2- 9.2 for all seasons (2008/09; 2009/10; 2010/11; 2011/12 and 2012/13). However, the lowest midge damage rating was recorded by DJ 6514 (Resistant check), followed by P₁ 570162 (Hag Abbakar); GBM 30 (Early Feterita); Wad Baco; and Safra (1.4; 1.5; 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7), respectively. Genotypes, P₁ 570162 (Hag Abbakar); GBM 30 (Early Feterita); Wad Baco; Safra and Harerai showed lowest % yield loss and performed similar to the resistant check (14.2; 14.5; 14.5; 17.0 and 17.3%), respectively. The combined analysis showed that a significant difference was observed between genotypes. The genotypes were significantly different in panicle types, compact and semi-compact headed genotypes showed lower % glumes coverage (1.3- 4.5%), while semi-compact headed genotypes ranged between 5.5 – 7.8%. Genotypes, Wad Baco; P₁ 570162 (Hag Abbakar); GBM 30 (Early Feterita); Safra; Wad Ahmed; Harerai and Wad Akar showed the shortest glumes coverage (1.3; 1.3; 1.5; 1.5; 1.6; 1.7 and 1.8 %). Compact headed genotypes recorded lowest midge density (6.5 adults/ 5 heads), while the semi-compact headed genotypes were recorded 15.7 adults/ 5 heads compared with others types of heads

    Detection of Bcl-2 gene in leukaemic rats using an EvaGreen real-time RT-PCT assay

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    Bcl-2 is an anti-apoptotic gene that is involved in the apoptosis process. Suppression of apoptosis by anti- apoptotic gene can contribute to the occurrence of diseases such as leukaemia. The objectives of this study were 2-folds: first, to compare the sensitivity of an EvaGreen quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) with a conventional RT-PCR for the amplification of the Bcl-2 gene; second, to determine the expression of the Bcl-2 gene in N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced leukaemiain rats using the EvaGreen qRT-PCR assay. A total of 32 male Sprague Dawley rats were assigned into two groups (n=16), namely, control and MNU groups. In particular, MNU was administered intraperitoneally (i.p) at a dose of 60 mg/kg body weight per injection at two times per week for 2 consecutive weeks. The rats were sacrificed after five months and blood samples were collected for RNA extraction and haemogram. The RNAs were converted into cDNA and amplified using both the EvaGreen qPCR and the conventional PCR assays. All the results were normalised with a housekeeper gene, i.e. glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GADPH). The products of amplification were run on gel electrophoresis and all the results were then compared. Based on the relative intensity of the bands, the EvaGreen qRT-PCR assay was highly sensitive compared to the conventional RT-PCR assay as the Bcl-2 gene could not be amplified using the conventional RT-PCR. Interestingly, the results in this study showed that the expression of Bcl-2 was higher in rats with marked lymphocytosis as compared to the leukaemic rats with normal to mildly increase in lymphocyte count. In conclusion, EvaGreen qRT-PCR assay is more sensitive compared to the conventional RT-PCR, and Bcl-2 gene is abundantly expressed in leukaemic rats with marked lymphocytosis compared to the leukaemic rats with normal to mildly increase in lymphocyte number