4 research outputs found

    El modelo de precaución de la identidad ética de la organización a través de la autorregulación del sector público de Malasia: análisis conceptual

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    The objectives of this study are to explore the five elements of public sector ethical self-identity precautionary and to propose the Organizational Ethical Self-Identity Precautionary Model in enhancing ethical accountability of the Malaysian Public Sector. This study employed qualitative research by analyzing data from interviews with key informers of the public sector using conceptual content analysis. The study revealed five elements of Organizational Ethical Self-Identity Precautionary Model which are ethical leadership (8 attributes), ethical employees (9 attributes), spirituality encouragement (6 attributes), spirituality acceptance (6 attributes) and code of ethical conduct (5 attributes). These identified elements and their attributes should become the ethical identity and ethical direction of the Malaysian Public Sector. This would enhance the ethical accountability of Malaysia Public Sector which further improved the trust among Malaysian and the international community towards the governance of the public sector.Los objetivos de este estudio son explorar los cinco elementos de la autoidentidad ética pública preventiva y proponer el Modelo de precaución de autoidentidad ética organizacional para mejorar la responsabilidad ética del Sector Público de Malasia. Este estudio empleó investigación cualitativa mediante el análisis de datos de entrevistas con informantes clave del sector público mediante el análisis de contenido conceptual. (8 atributos), empleados éticos (9 atributos), estímulo a la espiritualidad (6 atributos), aceptación de la espiritualidad (6 atributos) y código de conducta ética (5 atributos). Estos elementos identificados y sus atributos deben convertirse en la identidad ética y la dirección ética del Sector Público de Malasia. Esto mejoraría la responsabilidad ética del Sector Público de Malasia, lo que mejoraría aún más la confianza entre la comunidad malaya e internacional hacia la gobernanza del sector público

    Academic and non-academic responsibilities and length of services: descriptive and correlation analyses / Noor Emilina Mohd Nasir... [et al.]

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    The issue of overwork due to numerous responsibilities among academicians is getting a serious attention in educational literature. Academicians have to fulfil many responsibilities simultaneously, including teaching, conducting research, writing, publication, holding administrative posts, involvement in committees and community services, and other professional works which may improve the image of their university. Thus, the objectives of this study are to examine the academicians’ perceptions on their academic and non-academic responsibilities and investigate the relationship between the respondents’ length of service with academic workloads and administrative posts. This study has used self-administered questionnaires, which have been distributed to 391 lecturers from various faculties on the Campus of UiTM Cawangan Terengganu. Results obtained from 119 academicians have indicated that a majority of the respondents have chosento bein the teaching-and-learning track for their performance-evaluation purpose. This is consistent with the findings that they have spent most of their working hours to fulfil their academic workloads. In addition, the non-academic responsibilities have required them to work beyond office hours in performing their duties. Overall, the findings of this study have shown that most academicians have spent more time on the academic responsibilities. On the other hand, the correlation has revealed that the longer the length of service of the respondents, the more academic workloads will be given and the higher their chances to be appointed as administrators. This has implied that the academicians will be responsible for higher positions and a wide range of tasks as they become more experienced and at a senior level


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      Companies with excellent Intellectual Capital can be more competitive in the current business era if the companies are well managed. It is also applicable for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Islamic work ethics integration toward Intellectual Capital is expected to optimize the company performance further. This study aimed to explore and discuss the effect of Islamic work ethics integration in Intellectual Capital, consisting of human capital, structural capital, organizational capital, spiritual capital, and technological capital, toward SME performance improvement. The populations of this study were SMEs in Central Java. This study used purposive sampling as the sampling technique. Based on the data processing results, it obtained 300 sample data. The results showed that human capital does not affect SMEs' performance. Thus the hypotheses were rejected. The existing SMEs do not explore Intellectual Capital as a competitive advantage. As a result, the integration of Islamic work ethics in human capital does not improve performance. On the other hand, structural capital, organizational capital, spiritual capital, and technological capital impact SMEs' performance, so four hypotheses were accepted.  Companies with excellent Intellectual Capital can be more competitive in the current business era if the companies are well managed. It is also applicable for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Islamic work ethics integration toward Intellectual Capital is expected to optimize the company performance further. This study aimed to explore and discuss the effect of Islamic work ethics integration in Intellectual Capital, consisting of human capital, structural capital, organizational capital, spiritual capital, and technological capital, toward SME performance improvement. The populations of this study were SMEs in Central Java. This study used purposive sampling as the sampling technique. Based on the data processing results, it obtained 300 sample data. The results showed that human capital does not affect SMEs' performance. Thus the hypotheses were rejected. The existing SMEs do not explore Intellectual Capital as a competitive advantage. As a result, the integration of Islamic work ethics in human capital does not improve performance. On the other hand, structural capital, organizational capital, spiritual capital, and technological capital impact SMEs' performance, so four hypotheses were accepted

    The Organizational Ethical Self-identity Precautionary Model Through Self-regulating of Malaysian Public Sector: Conceptual Analysis

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    The objectives of this study are to explore the five elements of public sector ethical self-identity precautionary and to propose the Organizational Ethical Self-Identity Precautionary Model in enhancing ethical accountability of the Malaysian Public Sector. This study employed qualitative research by analyzing data from interviews with key informers of the public sector using conceptual content analysis. The study revealed five elements of Organizational Ethical Self-Identity Precautionary Model which are ethical leadership (8 attributes), ethical employees (9 attributes), spirituality encouragement (6 attributes), spirituality acceptance (6 attributes) and code of ethical conduct (5 attributes). These identified elements and their attributes should become the ethical identity and ethical direction of the Malaysian Public Sector. This would enhance the ethical accountability of Malaysia Public Sector which further improved the trust among Malaysian and the International community towards the governance of the public sector